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Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Hidden Truth in the Last Days

Every man has an original mind that relates to God, but after Adam and Eve's mistake we have also a war-like fallen mind.

The original mind is not to blame for man's desire to go toward the wrong direction.  When this ungodly desired is finally fulfill, we naturally will feel pangs of agony to our conscience.  This is due to the fallen mind and body in constant conflict with our original godly mind.

Even bad parents and teachers wish for their children to grow up well and stray away from evil.  This is because no matter how evil one becomes, we all can relate to our original mind which is connected and governed by our internal God we know as the conscience.  The more one does evil, the conscience can become more blurred and on the other hand, the more we stimulate the original mind we strengthen it and are led toward good.

Because our original mind relates to God, it naturally abhors evil and strives for us to do good.  We have a war going between our good and evil minds.  One wants to do good and the other is driven to do evil - this is the contradictory nature of man.  This causes you and me to enter a state of destruction which we call the Fall of Man. 

God created religion in order to stimulate our original mind and steer us back toward goodness.

What is the purpose of a cup?  Its sole purpose is to hold liquids.  If the cup has a hole in the side or at the bottom it becomes useless not able to fulfill its purpose and instead has two contradictory purposes.

We can compare man to this type of cup.  When man comes to have two purposes that opposes one another, one to do good and the other evil, man becomes conflicted and has no value.  Because of this fact, the world's history is full of misery following the war path of struggle between good and evil.

God created man with value greater than the creation.  He created man with the purpose of solely to doing good.

Man is created to have a purpose of the right direction. He could not have been created with two opposing purposes. When he has two opposing purposes, he ends up not fulfilling either of them. He then he becomes a man of failure, and lives in tragedy. God would have never created humans with this self contradiction.  The evidence is in God Himself who is of one mind, how could He create such an existence for man?

Through the fall, man fell into a state of contradiction and ignorance not knowing from where the source of this contradiction and just believe that it was part of God's creation!   We are ignorant of this basic fundamental internal knowledge and external knowledge of mind and body.

God developed religion for man to understand the internal truth, and He developed science to explore the external truth.  People have come to believe that religion and science have two separate agendas, this is far from truth.

"When religion and science are united like the mind and body of one man, then true happiness for all mankind can come about."

Fallen man has tried to solve his problem fundamentally in two ways: by religion and by science

Man is arduously seeking and studying the world of effect and phenomena in order to solve all of life's problems.  Science taken a position in some people's life as the almighty god through their concern for the things of material. 

But people find that material alone does not complete one's life.  People who are in pursuit only of the material world find they are neglecting their spiritual desires, leaving their souls hungry.  Therefore, science should unite with religion in order to learn about the nature of man and the world of cause and the many causes of phenomena in nature can be answered.

Throughout history, man has tried to solve the world's problem by studying nature and its causes.  Throughout the ages, many different philosophies, ideologies and religions evolved, yet, no one has been given the true view of life and the universe.  Therefore, these various religions and philosophies only increased the confusion, rather than being the solution to man's questions, and became a burden to man.

When one does not know their reason for  existence, they do not know where to go or the true way of how to live.

So, religion must give the true view of life, the true view of God which can be accepted by all men from all over the world.

Also, it must relate God and man closely, and must show the true value of life which will lead man to come to religion and to God. Thus, the teachings must be related to man's daily life in the 21st century and the betterment of human society, and bring man to fulfill God's three great blessings.

Human History

Human history has been a history of reversing all of the wrongs in the past and a quest man's return to God's bosom.  Just take a look at literature and entertainment and the content concerns man's yearning to better through following the good way.

When will man be restored to perfection within the direct love of God without the need of a mediator or religion to do so?  When man becomes perfect centering their life on God's love, then the ideal world of creation will be restored. 

When man fell and acquired a fallen humanistic nature, his pure character became low and degraded. We witness this in our own lives when a person withdraws from society and becomes dependent on drugs or alcohol and their character becomes a lower quality than before.  When man lost their quality in front of God, they went the opposite way going forward toward the satanic way, creating a world of evil.

God did not create this satanic world, you and I did.  The evil world has been able to multiply and increase to infect the whole world.

"By the providence of salvation, man comes from a state of selfishness into a state of desiring to serve and love others, and from a state of ignorance into a state of knowledge. With the improvement in his nature and this knowledge, he will cut off his evil mind, thus freeing himself to follow his original mind. Then, by uniting the world of essence and the world of phenomena, the ideal world of God's purpose of creation will be established."

From the above we can see that all of human's tragic history has been God's tragic story of restoration of His ideal to bring you and I back to His bosom completely without the war of two minds.

Necessity for a New Expression of Truth

Religion exists so man can overcome his internal ignorance, and science exists so man can overcome his external ignorance. In order to achieve the purpose of goodness,we need a truth which can unite religion and science in a harmonious relationship.

Truth is unique, eternal, unchanging and absolute. The Bible is a guidebook to the truth or knowledge of God. Man's spirit and intellect develop as time passes; therefore,the guidebook to truth must also develop in its expression and teaching methods.

Old Testament New Testament ---.>-New Revelations

The purpose of religion is to lead man to follow his original mind, which is seeking God, and thus to attain the purpose of goodness.

All highly advanced religions have this goal of goodness.

Because of differences in the missions of each religions, the time of their development, and the different backgrounds of the people, many diverse religions have evolved.

Yet, conventional religions have almost lost their ability to guide man on how to live a religious life in this wild secular world and teach the goodness of God.Therefore, if God does exist, He must give a new expression of truth to make these religions fulfill their original intention in this new era of completion of the restoration period.

Biblical Foundation

John 16:25 "I have said to you in figures; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father. "

John 16:12 "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them  now. When the spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. "

The mission of this new truth is:

1. To unite internal truth, which is the goal of religion, with external truth, which is the goal of science. When this is accomplished, we can resolve the contradictory nature that arose within man.

2. To let man know the existence of God, and let man feel God's heart.  Conventional religion teaches about God as an absolute bring and at best a father, but they do not teach about God's heart.  Or teach about God's heart of suffering for His children for whom He as a Parent has longed for thousands of years.

3. To elevate internal truth to a higher dimension, so that it can absorb the atheistic ideologies.  It will be able to unite all the major religious beliefs, by providing a common base and relationship to God.

4. To ultimately unite all mankind as brothers and sisters, centering on God, and to establish a one world family.

5. To fully explain all of the fundamental questions of the Bible that religion has not been able to understand completely without the advent of the Second Coming.

This new truth will explain the hidden origin of the fall of man written in the bible, the goal of the providence of salvation,  the true meaning of the Last Days and of the resurrection, and why the restoration of man is taking so long.

The first few Chapters and introduction of the Divine Principle are here.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: True Love Does Not Fall

This text was rerewritten from the teachings of the Divine Principle Study Guide based on the teachings of Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Cooperation of True Husband and Wife

Today, many teens are reluctant to include marriage for their future plans as they witness the current trend of starter marriages and untrustworthy mates.  Is it possible that there can be a marriage of two people in love that lasts the ages?

Once people realize that they should still believe in marriage and not what it has become, they can overcome many misconcepts about the union of man and woman through marriage.

The previous posts speak about how the world's problems began with men and women problems and that the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, spread their marital disobedience to Cain and Abel and perpetuated this problem throughout the world.

There is a way to go back to the original idea that God planned for marriage.  For World Peace to began, it begins in the family starting with one man and one woman with True Love.

True Husband and True Wife

A wife shouldn't feel that she completely fulfills her responsibility as a wife by just preparing meals for the husband.  The most important aspect: sharing intimate conversation at the dinner table.   When a husband returns from a stressful work day of fighting the world, when he hears the comforting whisper of his wife that matches their first meeting, his fatigue will quickly fade away and conjugal love becomes deeper.

This type of love resembles God's love.  Instead, we see marriages where both spouses are only trying to fulfill their own needs and are not giving unto one another.  Instead, they pridefully establish a relationship of mistrust. God created man to live for his wife and for woman to live for her husband.  A couple who establishes this foundation can lead the world in the future toward Heaven on Earth.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon, author of the Divine Principle upon which this blog is based, was married for 50 years before his ascension.  He advises his congregation on the topic of his wife whom he calls Mother, Rev. Hak Ja Han Moon relations:

"When Father, verging on seventy years old, wants to go out to the ocean, Mother prepares all his
equipment with her whole heart. She even prepares the supplies needed in case he stays out overnight and prays for the accomplishment of Father's will. What a beautiful helper and supporter she is!

Father many times feels sorry for Mother in her mission. As a woman in her prime of life, she must desire to do many things. When Mother sleeps in fatigue, I offer a big bow to her in tears. Such heart is necessary. The room which is filled with flowers in full bloom and fragrance is a happy room. God dwells in such fragrance of flowers.

When her husband goes to bed right after work, snoring loudly without eating dinner and without saying anything, a wife should be able to hear, above the noise of his snoring, the sound of tears from her tingling heart. Father's wish is to see that kind of family. If I cannot see such a family, my suffering will be in vain. All of you should know this."

For what reason did God create people to live together?  for the purpose to feel love in living.  Everything in creation has the same purpose whether man or woman.  They should not do any activity based on different purposes.  Man and woman are to become one.  Even though the male's body is different than his wife's, their minds should be the same.

Christian theology advises that spouses find partners that are "equally yoked".  Therefore, an atheist marrying a devout christian may be harder for the two to come to agreements on even the most basic details, even though they are in love.

True Family

A family has so many demands placed upon them with different afterschool functions, work-related issues and differences of schedules.  There is a way that even though the family is all about town, that they can still work as a single unit.

Even if the husband works in mission and the wife stays at home, she shouldn't say, "I'm so tired, I'm going back to bed.  See ya.".  In her heart, she should make the same effort he is making in his area. 

"Children also should wait until their father comes back from the mission area and they have to pray for their parents' well-being. Something absolutely inseparable should exist between them. That is the fortune of heaven and earth, the fundamental form centering upon universal love. If it breaks, there will be nothing but despair. "

Women should clearly know that the man is the subject and woman is the object.  When they become one, based on this foundation of love, they become an object to a larger Subject.  They become an object in a love relationship with God. 

Love only comes when there is a subject-object relationship.  No one can love on their own without an object-not even God.  This was God's reason for creating human beings and the universe, for an object of love.

Concerning attraction, man is the plus, yet many woman say they are plus as well.  If both sides are a plus in a relationship, and both are just trying to receive love instead of giving, is this a stable relationship between man and woman? 

When man wants to give to his woman and the woman wants to give just as much to the man who is in the perfect plus and minus relationship, their interaction circulates smoothly in reciprocation. 

American women today cause a sickness due to their selfish desire to just receive love from their husbands, but not giving it back.  Now, the master of the American family is the woman. Men are overpowered by the women in their family.

Does this seem like the natural order God intended?

The man dresses the woman and when he comes home from work after the wife spent time at home, she immediately commands him to love her and do things around the house.  This is a total inversion.  What if, when the husband comes home, the wife greets him joyfully and with a welcoming heart that invites him to eat right away? 

Yes, happiness will dwell in that family.

You may have heard that the wife is the backbone of the family.  Also, that the woman makes the man.  I read an excerpt about The president's wife Michelle.  It said they ate at a restaurant and turns out that the owner used to date her.  Barrack said that she could have married a restaurant owner and the punchline is that Michelle tells Obama, "No, I would have married the president who used to own a restaurant."

Simply put, Michelle helped Barrack Obama make it to the White House with her belief in him.

The wife should make her husband successful; that is to say that she should be his greatest supporter. He should be the perfect man in substance, heart and living. The place where God's love blossoms is the family. 

In order for a man to be successful, his wife should be excellent.

We are living in a time where women are open to God's great fortune. The history and lives of women in the past have been a sorrowful path.  It is time for the miserable women to be happy.  In the Divine Principle, which this blog is based upon, women can see God's original plan and become happy to forge forward toward a brighter future. 

In response to heavenly law, women should go the way of women.  There is a way of liberation when a woman is absolutely obedient to her husband, who is centered on God's command.  The way for liberation will always remain for those with absolute obedience tot he principled morality even in this fallen world. 

An extremely beautiful and capable woman should follow this principled law as well instead of just leading a life of comfort on her own.  As long as their husband is centered on God, they should follow him and support him no matter how much suffering is involved. 

No matter how much you are persecuted, if you can bear a child who can love God and the universe and can control the world, you should be able to endure until the end of the world. Even though you've got the ugliest man in the world, if God dwells in your family and you and your husband are devoted totally to Him, a saint will appear through your blood lineage.

When you offer three generations of your family in devotion to God, a saint will surely appear in your family. You should think that your husband represents all the men of the world. When you give birth to a child in accordance with this principle, he or she will be a great figure.

We see the trend of men hating, men bashing and tearing down the ego.  What would happen if the women on the whole started to treat their husbands as a saint and a representative of God's son?  The woman will sacrifice her life for the sake of her husband's and family's victory.  On this foundation of heart, a great figure will be born into that lineage who can restore the nation and the world.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: New Hidden Truth in the Last Days

Textbook: Blessing and Ideal Family, The True Husband and Wife and the Ideal Family

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Men, Women Misuse Love Root of Evil

When we look at the situation in the world and all of the problems, we realize that they all stem from men and women problems!  When men and women can mutually come together, all problems can be solved easily.

How is it that this could be the answer to all problems?

If we look backwards from a nation, a nation is made up of a society.  Well, you can't have a society without families.  Families begin with a man and woman coming together to produce children. 

The lack of unity within one family creates problems which are spread into society and throughout the world.  Man and woman cannot live emotionally well without each other.

For one to live well they need to gain knowledge to learn how to live and they need emotion which triggers happiness.

Which quality is more important - emotion or intellect?  After God finished each day of creation, He would finish by saying it was good.  This is because His emotions were stimulated and He experienced joy in seeing the completion of His ideal.  Any artist who has a plan for what they will create experiences joy to finally behold the final product and share it with the world.

"All the problems of the World will end when men and women come to together in harmony. Problems cannot be resolved on the world level or through social programs. It is the family problem that needs to be resolved. If that is accomplished all "world problems" and "social problems" will be resolved." SMM

We see that revolutions arise to improve a society's situation, but in the case of the realm of Heart, there cannot be a revolution.  True love is unchanging. 

What makes a family happy?  When every member is united in heart.  The family's emotional state is important for a happy society.

Mind And Body Problems

You cannot establish World Peace by force. World Peace starts in the family. In your own family you can see many problems. Beginning with the Grand Parents, the Parents and all relatives we can recognize that all have individual problems. All these problems relate back to the lack of mind and body unity centered on God.

What will bring about World Peace?  Can war solve all the world's problems?  Dictators of Communist countries believe forcing their citizens to obey their laws brings unity of a nation.  

World Peace will never be established by force. 

Where is the beginning point of World Peace: in your own family, where you see many problems.  The individual problems of a family stem from the grandparents and can be recognized through observing the parents and all relatives.

Which problem is found in every family member?  Everything relates to the mind and body problem. The problem of the struggle between the Godly mind and the satanic body.  This is true for the husband's side and the wife's side of the family totaling 16 people with this inherited problem of the fall. 

Even if one individual person was to eradicate sin, such as Jesus, it cannot bring World Peace.

World of Peace

Why did God not create a world full of love without sin?  One must first understand the deeper context of the Fall of Man in order to see why God cannot not stop sin. 

All problems in the world begin with you, I and me!  I must resolve my individual problem first before I begin a family.

People who say, "I'll do whatever I want as long as it does not hurt anybody, it's okay".  This is not freedom.  There is no freedom unless the Mind and the Body are united.  If a person thinks they are free by being loose, just freely having sex with several partners a week, living only for themselves, or obeying every pleasure the bodies wish, freedom laughs at such a person.  This person thinks rules belong to the others.

 "A building can only be built on plain level ground. When your mind is always fighting your body, you are up and down and go through peaks and valleys. This takes much of your energy and you can not build a proper life for yourself. Because you are constantly fighting a war there is no motivation to do anything else."

After women shouted for equal rights and freedoms, they always say that they are higher than men.  Women who continue this way cannot progress.

Abide By Natural Law

If women are on top of men, it is against the Principle.  Women have switched positions and dominate the husband and the family.  Society must correct this trend, it cannot be ignored.  We must abide by the natural law before we can prosper.

What would the world be like if it was made up of only men and no women?  Many men would not want to walk the street at night out of fear.  What if it was made of only women?  The gossiping and rumors would be out of control! A world without either men and women would be a world of chaos.

Love Order

The world comes into order because, everyone goes home at night because of love of a man or woman.  If there are a million men in love with a million women, there is no problem no matter how many men and and women in love are out on the street.

The reason for marriage is to set up a prototype for God.  God needs a perfect individual then a perfect family in which He can directly relate.  There can only be one such family, if there are two prototypes for a family, this means one of them is false.

"God must have a man and woman prototype. Man represents Heaven and woman represents Earth. Earth and Heaven can come together into unity when man and woman who both have united mind and body come together. That will create True Peace."

 The same is true for man.  First, every individual should obtain mind and body unity.  It is not good for a woman to go to her husband to find unity of mind and body.

Which Woman Here Is Perfect?

Who has ever met a perfect woman.  Everyone has met a woman who believed she was perfect, correct?  Even though no woman has become perfect based on God's ideal, people claim 'my' children, 'my' husband without being the standard of a True Mother or wife.

Satan came and destroyed the standard of families and made the whole world hell.  Now, we are living in the time where everything will be restored.  It is God's time.

The whole established world is our enemy. Immorality, homosexuality and incest is destroying America. Love and Emotion have become degraded because of free sex. Emotions have been completely wiped out. That is why there is wide spread alcohol and drug abuse. If you use drugs, you are like a car that is being crushed. People do not even know that satan is behind all of their activity and believe they are practicing freedom..

AIDS can be good if it discourages free sex.  There is wide spread individualism in this nation. Individualism means that I do not need my grand parents, parents, clan, nation and world. After a while suicide will be the only way out.

The Second Coming restores the first parents mistake by becoming True Parents.  True Paremts reveals satan's work throughout history.  Those who oppose satan in these last days must be on God's side.  Satan works through communism and must follow the Messiah.  The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins when the  Messiah sets this standard for man.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Cooperation of True Husband and Wife

This text was rewritten and derived from the textbook: New Families and the Completed Testament based upon the Divine Principle authored by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Why God Made Men/Women Opposites

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus.  He is heavy into sports, is a doer and doesn't like to talk about feelings and women are - well majority are just the opposite.  Yet, God built these two entities to forever live together within love.

Can you see the ideal love that God wished for in the beginning with your eyes?  Do you look at a well-built man and think that he has the ideal love God has been wanting?  We naturally say no, but don't we women naturally see a handsome and attractive man and think that he possesses a greater love to give to someone else just based upon his looks? 

What about an attractive woman, does she possess more love than an unattractive woman?  God is fair and does not give all qualities to one person.  An attractive person has a flat love while others have a round type of love.  Chances are an attractive woman has considerably less love to give than a woman who is not beautiful.  A less attractive woman more likely has more pure and true love to give than a beautiful woman.

If opposites attract, how ideal is it when two people with similar qualities marry?  The best match in marriage is between two people with different qualities.  This couple will encompass the qualities of different varieties of people and when they unite in oneness, they will be able to relate to more people. 

For instance, if two musicians marry, this is a flat relationship compared to a musician and a scientist marrying who can relate to more fields of people by learning and gaining qualities from one another.  We all desire to see and be a part of an ideal couple.  What about a tall attractive man and a short round plain woman, how can such people have to harmonize centered on one quality.  Would this be wealth and fame?  The only element that can unify two opposites is True Love.

There are much more important qualities of a woman to which a man can pay attention than her eyes, nose, hip or hair.  What kind of of mate does everyone prefer?  Everyone wants the most attractive and successful.  God is ideal and He rather see a beautiful woman marry an ugly man. 

"Actually, if a woman marries a very handsome man, she will probably have to endure a lot of worries! She might wonder, "Will some other woman be chasing after him?" and she will not be able to relax!"

Women in the secular world pursue the most handsome men and will do anything to get their love. When a woman marries a handsome man, she will constantly worry when he is late coming home that he might not be faithful.

A handsome who marries a beautiful woman can have the same worries, especially if she spends much time preparing her make-up, clothes and hair.  He might wonder, "Who is she trying to impress?". And he will worry more when she goes out without him looking fancy.  Men and women are more attracted to a person who takes care of their looks especially men who are more physically oriented, therefore, the world is full of dangers for the beautiful woman and man.

The man with a beautiful wife may start out with a lot of affection for her, but his worries will increase the longer they are married.  However, the spouse who marries an average looking person are free from such worries.  If their homely-looking spouse leaves for two or three days, they will not worry so much and think there is a reason for their absence.

On the other hand, the man with an average-looking wife may only have to worry in the beginning about how he will learn to love her. But then, as they continue their life together that worry diminishes to nothing.

An attractive woman will worry her husband over the little things.  Every move she makes will be a source for his suspicion and he will wrestle with these thoughts endlessly.  Even if she buys a new pack of pens, he will wonder what her ulterior motive was for buying that many pens. 

The smallest difference in any action such as beginning to polish her toenails or spending an extra five minutes in front of mirror before leaving for work.  A nagging fear will build inside of him, "She never used to spend so much time in the mirror.  What made her change?"

Here is the lesson:

"We must be able to distinguish true value within a person regardless of what that person looks like...  Certainly, we are striving for ideal families but what is the definition of that ideal? Is the marriage of a white man with a white woman necessarily the most ideal way? Actually, the most ideal way would be for a beautiful white American to go to Africa and find his or her spouse there. Such a bringing together of contrasts would be closest to the ideal." SMM

We stand on earth looking up to the highest ideals of Heaven which is the ideal husband and wife.  A woman shouldn't look down on a man and a man shouldn't look down on a woman because a woman is an absolute necessity for a man to reach perfection.  What do we see as the world trend as men and women go opposite of this natural law and challenging it. Men try to legally marry other men, isn't this true?

Why did God make it where men need women?

It is the way men and women grow and the way we were created;it is beyond your choice.  Women were created with certain indentations, while men have certain protrusions. 

What is marriage?  It is where these two differing shapes and characters of man and woman come together within unity under God's direction.  We see this in nature without exception and this is the way God created the world no matter how much man tries to change this direction.

As said before, God is fair in the attributions He gives His creation.  The man protrudes in one place and the woman protrudes in another.  The man's shoulder are broader up high while the woman's hips are broader beneath.  This balance in nature is attractive.  This harmony which God originated is displayed throughout the entire universe.

The waves on the ocean do not follow a straight line but rather a curved one. However, the wind blows in a straight, simple direction. People enjoy seeing the leaves on a tree swaying in the wind; when a tree is stark still, it is not as stimulating to look at.

Air density varies in different places. When a sparse area of air hits a dense area, it is pushed up or down. It is natural that there be a certain amount of wind on the earth; when the air is perfectly still, it doesn't feel natural or comfortable.

When we ask whether you prefer to live in a high, lofty place or a deep low place the women would answer "deep" and the men would answer "high". 

Simply, how are men and women different?  One side is "protruded" and the other is "indented".  Who is the one who is truly determined that man is the subject and the woman is object in relation to one another?  God is the one who decided that man is the subject.

Why did God position woman as the object?  She is in the position to receive like a "receptacle".  If a woman is not in that position, babies cannot grow inside of her.  The rain falls and the earth receives it- the sky in the high position does not receive the rain, it gives it. 

This is why woman represents earth and man the sky and heaven.  The most natural position for a loving man and woman is for the man to be above the woman and the woman naturally receives from the man.   

Since we are all part of the created universe, we need to begin to understand the laws of the universe and begin to follow and align to it.  The man naturally gives to the woman, however, the woman should always think about the man's welfare in order to harmonize with the universe.  Without a man, the woman cannot achieve that harmony.

What makes a mountain more famous to climb than an average mountain? 

First, famous mountains tend to be very high, then it would be well that it has a variety of slopes making it a challenge for even the most seasoned climbers to tackle.  Which man do women prefer most? 

A man who is fun and versatile, or a simple man who is predictable?  Women are naturally attracted to variety.  Men naturally prefer a woman of simplicity.  It is important that a woman be simplistic, yet has various qualities.  This simplicity in a woman is her best virtue.  A woman should be deep, but be uncomplicated.

"Why is the Unification Church a good and high religion? If you compared it with our description of a famous mountain, you could say the same-it has lots of variety. To go through the way of faith of the Unification Church is a difficult thing. You may sit here listening to me for several hours but once you stand up, you have to run back to your mission. There is no in-between."

When you come in contact with a Moonie, or Unification Church member founded by Rev. Moon, you will see that similar characteristics whether you meet a member in Bangkok or America. 

This Eastern concept may be looked down upon by many in America who fight for their individuality and leaders would say, "I have my own style so I don't need anyone else's."  Americans may look down upon the Oriental way of life as inferior to the American one.  Yet, the Western way of individuality can not be embraced by the whole world, only the Eastern way must be incorporated together with it.  Then the whole world will be covered.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Men/Women Misuse Love Root of All Evil

This text was rewritten based on the Speech: Ideal Family and Ideal World given by Dr. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church.

Depression is a Spiritual Battle

You know these commericals that speak about how it "hurts"?  This is so true!  It is so painful!  The feeling of pins, needles, uneasiness, as if you want to tear off your skin and scratch underneath it.  There is nothing that can ease the pain.  Pills, medications, drugs, exciting outwardly activities only take your mind away from the pain, but it is still there.

I can only speak this way because I have been battling depression since I was 14 years old?  It was only in the last 7 years that I was able to understand the true cause of it and why no one has been able to remedy the situation and only have been able to MASK it.  Also, why no matter how happy a person's situation and finances are, there is nothing that can take away this horibble pain in your body when you are at home and quiet.

This is why the phenom of celebrities who do have it all, kill themselves, take excessive drugs, do horrible destructive activities to themselves.  Nothing can take the pain away, and if it takes this behavior to keep their mind from it even temporarily, then it seems better than suffering a pain no one can take away.

The only way I can describe my personal pain is two different types.  At one time it felt like pine cones were all through my body trying to get out of my body but were stuck.  The other kind is the feeling of heavy metal where I can not breath and encases my whole body.  I feel heavy and it is hard to get through the day.  It is worse when my outward situation is gloomy.  Such as bad relationship, gloomy day, rainy or cold, being scolded by teachers, boss or someone I respect.

The commerical speaks about how when the sun comes up it hurts.  Sometimes, you want to get into a cocoon and zip up and stay safe in it like a mother's womb.  Non-movement sometimes makes the pain less.

Spritiual Battle

I would like to first begin by saying that I was diagnosed with clinical depression in the military, but didn't want it on my record, so I never took prescriptions or pills mainly because of this:

I know that masking it was going to make it worse in the long run and I wanted to fight it without any drugs.  Even prescription.  Even advil.  I took an oath that I would not mask it in any way, I wanted to be clear and find out.  10 years later and I have nearly free from the pain.  I wouldn't advise it to anyone who does not have the tools to understand the real cause of it.

The real cause of clinical depression?  Troubled spirits.  No one will believe it.  But the pain that is felt through a person who is very sensitive spiritually and can feel their own spirit body within their own fleshly body.  This person feels "pain" that no doctor can diagnose because no doctor has an x-ray that shows the spiritual body.  Unfortunately, technology is more limited than our SUPER human selves think. 

If so, we would be able to see that all of our bodies are being inflicted.  Some have more degrees of pain placed upon their spiritual bodies than others. 

In our teen years we are open to everything, and that is when I started to feel the real internal pain to my spiritual body beginning at 14.  Those wild emotions had somehow attuned to my own body and spiritual awareness.  I could not understand it at the time.

Those who are gifted to never have clinical depression will never know why a perfectly outward appearance and lifestyle of a person doesn't mean squat when they are tortured internally.  Partying, being around a lot of people who do not give you any problems or adore you keeps the mind off of the pain, but only shortly.


God created Adam and Eve so that, had they not fallen, they could have created everything by themselves. We are now removing evil spirits through the holy song sessions. By the way, God said that if Adam and Eve had not fallen, we would not have needed hospitals. We would be able to see and feel holistically. "Where is it that hurts? Where is it congested? Where are the abnormalities?" We could heal anything, using this hand.

When I look at the sicknesses of people in this world today, there are few among them that are brought about because they could not take care of their health. After I see our members' sicknesses, I routinely check how their family lines are spiritually.

More than 90% of them are caused by the spirits that are inside of our bodies. You may not know it well, but you have to know the fact that more than 90% of all sicknesses begin spiritually and are manifest physically.

Of course, when I counsel members who complain about their physical pain, not all of the cases are spiritual. There is a certain percentage of physical causes. I am not saying that everything comes from spiritual causes. If the cause turns out to be physical, I advise them to go to a hospital and receive treatment.

However, when you have a headache, a cold or a pain in your arms and legs, most of those cases are caused by the spirits in your bodies. Therefore, there are many symptoms that hospitals cannot treat. You have to cut off all these spiritual problems and divide yourself from them.

If taking medicines does not work, nor does taking a rest when you feel tired, you will make no mistake by concluding, "This is definitely spiritual." In that case, you simply come to Chung Pyung and remove them by participating in the holy song sessions.

The Chung Pyung providence is truly good. It is putting forth a lot of miracles. It is something that would not be possible anywhere if it were not for True Parents' works for the providence.

The Way To Take Care of Beautiful Physical and Spirit Bodies
Dae Mo Nim
October 26, 2007

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Role of Husband and Wife

What is the true position of a husband and wife?  Is it like Leave it To Beaver where the husband works and the wife stays home with the children?  Of course, women have moved far from the traditional roles that kept marriages stable and demand equality in their marriages.

"As love matures, sons and daughters are born as the fruit of love."

"For woman, her sexual organ is the holy place of love and only the husband has the key to the door of her love.

If the husband has two keys to open the holy place of love, he is Satan. The woman's holy place is to be opened only by her husband's key. If it can be opened by any other key, the woman is Satan.

When the husband opens the wife's holy place with his key of love, the most precious and valuable children are to be born. The children are the crystals of love. Through giving birth to a child, human beings can experience God's heart of having created Adam and Eve." Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

 If a woman complains about the way her husband smells or if the husband doesn't like his wife's facial expression or gestures, it is easy to see that perfect love has not been established between the couple.  Such couples relate centering upon their own advantage.

The Destiny Of A Couple

What is the deepest definition of marriage?

It is when a couple sets their sights upon a common destiny, to pursue the dual destiny and overcoming one's individual destiny.  Once a man and a woman are bound to this common destiny through marriage, they cannot freely change it by their will.

"A man is bound to a man's destiny because he is born as a man; a woman is bound to a woman's destiny because she is born as a woman. No one can deviate from this; there is nothing that we can do about this destiny. Therefore, it is wise for us to follow the given orbit of destiny."

Once you are married, you cannot do whatever you like. You are to follow the destiny of your family at the risk of your life.


"When we extend the trajectory of the heartistic road that a man and a woman are to go, it converges in oneness, focused upon God's principled road. That is the ideal point of the settlement of family love, generated by the oneness of man and woman."

Before marriage, a man and woman should individually find the central point where they can settle themselves down in God's heart; then as a couple, they find the settling point of family love by extending their individual focus toward the family as a whole.

A husband and wife are a pair beginning with the very moment of love, they are one, not two anymore.  They can no longer behave individually, but should take responsibility collectively for everything.

"Everybody's fortune is as different as everybody's face is different."

Everyone's destiny is different.  If a husband's fortune is bad, the wife's good fortune can change his destiny toward good.  The wife's bad fortune also can be made better by the good fortune of her husband.  Therefore, the destiny of a couple is like leveling the land, raising up the valleys ad bringing down the mountains.

Upon this fertile ground centred on the couple's common ideals and a variety of plans for the land, they can plant trees or plow field.  Thinking in this manner, the couple should not unite centering upon the other's external looks.  When a couple marries, there is more at stake and can be fearful.

There is a principle that takes place even though we are not completely aware.  If a marriage of a couple is not matched well or accomplished, either the man dies or the woman dies, or both of them die at the same time.  You have seen this phenomena many times.

Just because your generation is enjoying prosperity, it does not guarantee that the future generation will enjoy the same.  We see that as America was being raised, generations suffered in poverty and after World War II, the fruits of thousands of patriots sacrifice for this land made America one of the greatest countries in the world.  But, America became complacent and after the 1960s with the 'free love' era, the generations have further lost their footing on what made America great.

"A minimum of three to seven generations should be settled centered upon God. Your spouse may seem unfit for you to your human eyes, but you will realize the truth after making effort to live together for more than three years. Father is teaching about history from the aspect of tradition, so you couples should endeavor to become one."

You are in the same position as Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

When you are centered on God and you invest your tears in saving others' lives, multiplication will surely take place.  You should research whether this is true or not; if it is not true, than Father Sun Myung Moon must be a lie. 

You should absolutely unite upon God's will at the risk of your life and for the sake of the glory of God's will and for the sake of your descendants.  First establish a foundation where you can have give and take with God.  Procreation begins when you completely engage in this give and take action.  This is the Principle of Creation.  Every household should practice this principled life.  The fact that this standard is not practice by all, we have become stagnate in our way of life.

Unless you accomplish relational love first, you cannot reach the absolute love of the subject. This destiny was given human beings in the original creation, so when you cannot accomplish the purpose of love, you are bound to bring about a rupture.

In order that you reach the absolute love of the subject, you must first relational love first.  A husband should keep his promises.  The husband's mind and body should be unchanging.  Otherwise, when he passes on to spirit world,  he will be judged, not by God, but his wife.

"The perfect person is the one who accomplishes oneness of mind and body, oneness with God, and oneness with their spouse. There is only one love.  There is only one heartistic standard for a couple to establish."

Once a man and a woman are bound in love, they are to live one hundred years on earth and eternally in the spirit world.

The mind and body of a couple should be one.  Love is eternal; It is one not two.  When two physical bodies become one centering their lives on God's ideal and establish the four-position foundation of love (parent-child, husband-wife, brother-sister, God-man) this is the beginning of the ideal world.  Satanic false love cannot invade there, only true love will dwell there.

Those who complain about their spouses after God has walked a painful and sorrowful path to bring about such a spouse, they do not know how God is headed toward establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth through the love of your spouse.

 God understands the differences in standards that you and your spouse have.

When a spouse is not satisfied with you, if you keep a grateful heart to God for giving you such a blessing, He will bless you abundantly in the near future.  A grateful heart is the absolute condition for receiving God's blessing.  We must all be the ones with this kind of heart.

The first three years is a hard time for spouses as they engraft to one another.  Differences in family backgrounds, habits, and etiquette do not fit one another, but both spouses should make a determined effort to fit together.

It is the husband's responsibility to increase his wife's willingness to be supportive and obedient to him.  Through the husband's relations with his wife, he will teach her substantially how the Principle works centered on God.  This is why Father Moon teaches that the first three years of married life discipline the couple to learn how to be united with God's will and ideal.

"Give birth to a child after being a parent without any trace of shame, according to God's will and the Principle. Such a family life is the principled form."

Reverend Sun Myung Moon, tells his congregation how a woman's standard of love should surpass her husband's mistake:

"It is not easy to play the role of a parent; neither is it easy to play the role of a husband or a wife. You have to inherit the tradition set by the Completed Testament age of the Principle.

Everything that a woman possess God made to belong to others, so it is the woman's responsibility to keep others' belongings well. When we think in this context of a woman's breasts, hips and her sexual organs, we see that none of these were made for woman's sake.

A woman is in the position of a guest, an errand girl and a servant. She enters the other's house as a servant, goes through the course of an errand girl for her husband and parents-in-law, and finally becomes a queen -- the most precious guest.

Originally, a woman's voice should sound softer than the voice of an average man. Her voice should be like the whispers of love.

In an Oriental family, the husband even hits his wife to correct her bad habits. An American woman divorces right away if she gets even one fist from her husband, doesn't she? What kind of love is that, which can be abandoned because of one blow?

If she is slapped by her husband, a woman with true love weeps, holding her husband's hands. What can you do with love so shallow that it runs away because of one slap? True love makes you risk your life. A woman of true love doesn't abandon her husband even though he does this. I want to make you such a woman. But you know it is really not good for a husband to hit his wife.

What kind of woman do you want to be ? Do you want to be the kind of woman who divorces after being slapped by her husband? Don't you all want to be the women of true love, who can love sacrificing their lives in spite of your husband's misbehavior? Raise your hand if you want to be such a woman. All of the American men want to get married to you if you are such a woman.

What kind of bond do we have? We have the bond which will avenge God's lost love.

In order to make a bond of life, a man and a woman should march forward toward world peace. Peace cannot be achieved by only a man or only a woman. It is to be accomplished by the unified power of a man and woman. The way to achieve unity and peace is to rush right into the center. The driving force to rush into the center is the power of love. When your object appears, your mind automatically is to be stimulated to love.

When you are in suffocating agony, nobody can help you get out of that state. Even God cannot do anything for you. But how precious it is to have a horizontal partner who can understand your heart! The partner's shortcomings can be the condition for you to be grateful to God and to mitigate God's burden. When your partner comes up short in every helm of life, it can be a good condition for you to show yourself in front of God.

Individual destruction is acceptable but the family shouldn't be destroyed. The wife is the most needed person in the world for her husband and the husband is the most needed person in the world for his wife. You should be each other's walking stick, advising each other.

Whether your partner is good or bad, he or she is your partner. When a husband faces the fate of death, so does his wife. The wife who curses her husband when he is on the verge of death will surely perish. The same applies to the husband.

The subject or object who lives for the sake of his or her partner never perishes. When there is a perfect subject who lives for the sake of others, a perfect object is bound to appear. When there is a perfect object who practices life for the sake of others, a perfect subject will definitely appear. Even though the partner doesn't appear right away, if you don't give up until the end, he or she definitely will come.

You have to know this point very clearly. You shouldn't give things up so easily after trying just several days. Once you start something, your mind should determine to persist until death. If you cannot get the direct result in your lifetime, your mind should believe that it will surely come in the following generations.

Waiting for generation after generation is not bad, if it is the result of God's plan to give you the worldwide blessing. God will think, 'You are a very patient tribe, so wait for ten or twenty generations more. I'll pour the worldwide, historical blessing upon your descendants.'"

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  Why God Made Men/Women Opposites

This post was rewritten and based on the Principle written by Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Textbook: Blessing and Ideal Family, The True Husband and Wife Ideal Family

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Original Relationship of Husband, Wife in Perfect World

If you are from America, you heard of the books, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" and "How to Think Like a Man".  Hilarious in matter, serious in content.  Men and women are completely different from the way they think to how they even interact with others.

Why would God create two polar opposite individuals who would someday co-habitate?

"One man and one woman are the substantial object of the invisible God, His son and His daughter. Man represents God's masculine (+) nature and woman represents God's feminine (-) nature. God -- the harmonized body of the dual characteristics -- is divided into two entities formed separately, and these separate bodies are to be united again to resemble God. "

This is the principle of creation.

When a man and a woman unite, they represent the original unity of God's plus nature and minus nature.  They resemble God's harmonious body, and the husband and wife symbolize the whole of God.

A man who exhibits God's characteristics is True Father's incarnation and the woman is True Mother's incarnation respectively becoming representatives of God.  You see a similar representation of this of a husband who is the reverend and the wife supports him centered on God's will taking care of the people with whom God entrusted them.  Therefore, when a couple such as this becomes one in love they are embracing the entire universe as God.  They become the central point of the entire cosmos.

We must change our thinking when we are entering marriage.  Many marriages are just one-sided as a couple sees one another as a husband and wife.  In the original principle of creation, God created Adam and Eve to relate on the sister and brother level first. 

You can see this as the friend level or the 'getting to know you' level.  Instead, they immediately entered into a sexual relationship without the foundation of relating as brothers and sisters under God.

Husband and wife represent more than man and woman relationship:

"A husband represents all men, so he is father and older and younger brother as well as husband; a wife represents all women, so she is mother and older and younger sister as well as wife. That's why husband and wife should naturally respect each other."

Man is God's positive external form and woman is God's negative external form, so a couple is like a bag which has inside it the whole universe. Therefore, a husband and wife can feel the ideal of God's heart of love.

Man symbolizes heaven and woman symbolizes earth. They are to unite and form parallel lines.

The perfection of man and woman's love is the perfection of the universe. When this love is broken, the order of the universe and the vertical world are destroyed.  The world's situation all began with the corruption of love between a man and a woman who began a family that grew into a society, nation and world.  If you look back at all great stories of kings, you will see that their major downfall was the corrupted love for a woman.  You see also in the religious community, many high power men of faith lose their congregation's trust for the moment of lustfulness for a woman.

The Union of Man and Woman Equals Union of Heaven and Earth

You may hear or know of a man who says of his wife, "She is my whole world." Being in love gives the sense of ownership of the entire universe when you are completely united with your spouse centered on the love of God.

When a man and woman such as this embrace, it is the union of the whole universe itself.  This interaction of husband and wife will resemble the appearance of the original creation in which God intended to be His ideal.

After Adam and Eve had a sexual relationship without God's authority, they were cursed:

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and Eve and clothed them.  And the Lord God said among the angels, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.  He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been created.

Genesis 3:21-23

Does this sound like the end of the fairy tale of a life lived in heaven on earth which God had envisioned before creation?

Adam's original purpose of creation was to unite with God, and his desire was to control the entire cosmos.  Adam also cherished the value of husband and wife.  This desire represented the central value of the world which God created.  In today's evil society, do we see true love occupying couples as the central position? 


People only value selfish desires and having immediate gratification in a relationship and moving to the next without investing heart or true love.  You should know the utmost value and holiness of the original love of a man and woman and should not follow the current trend of love which leads to destruction of the sanctity of marriage.

The Ideal Of The True Husband And Wife, Which Must Be Restored

When a man and woman decide they will be united in marriage, they should know that it is not just a union of two diverse backgrounds, but that they are also restoring the types of loves in the Garden of Eden which God lost.  The son and daughter position, the brother and sister position, parent and child and the husband and wife position.

When a woman enters marriage, she should view her husband as God's son and representative.  The current situation is that the roles of husband and wife have shifted.

The woman is in the position of a daughter to her husband and the husband should restore her as God's lost daughter.  Through his love for his wife centered on God's will, he should restore the lost daughter's position.

This can explain that the first four or seven years of marriage is so difficult.  If people realize that they are restoring an entire history of lost relationships whenever they relate upon each other, they will be more able to stay the original course when difficulties arise.

Therefore the wife should trust her husband more than she does her father. This is what the bible refers to that the man must leave his mother and father and join to his wife.  They have to face each other centering on this standard, which is much more valuable than the sum of their past experiences. Unless they restore this heartistic standard, husband and wife cannot restore the standard of the ideal object, which was destroyed by Satan.

Husband and Wife Relation

Everyone was born into a family whether later on they separate or not, each person was born from the sexual relationship of a man and woman.  We each learn about love and how to raise a family from our own family, even if this family is broken.

In that case, a husband should treat his wife as his mother, and become so intimate that they cannot bear to stay from one another for even a day.  Their existence is absolutely needed by the other.  If a man and woman do not have a relationship such as this, they do not have a condition to restore the three loves of daughter/son, sister/brother and husband/wife which they would pass this to their family.

God's original plan was that you and I would center our relationship of the opposite sex on Him by first becoming perfect, our other half would become perfected and we would enter the union of marriage with God as our center.

The original ideal wife is the incarnation of the mother, the representation of the mother's body for her husband.  This is why women see their husband's 'immaturity' at times, because the original position of wife is also as the mother to her husband to help raise and restore this position. 

The wife is also to be the physical encapsulation of an older sister and of a younger sister representing all women of the earth in front of her husband.  Then a man loves his wife to this full extension of the mother, older and younger sister on the level of all humanity.

Likewise, a husband is the father's incarnation for his wife. He is also the physical encapsulation of her older brother and younger brother. We must accomplish this ideal of the family. A man is True Father's incarnation and a woman is True Mother's incarnation. Therefore, neglecting one's wife is like neglecting True Mother, and deceiving one's husband is the same as deceiving heaven.

A wife should consider her husband as her father and grandfather and then as her older brother and younger brother.

A husband is to raise up his wife as his younger sister, to love her as his bride and to serve her as his mother. He is to love his wife in the order of younger sister, older sister, bride, and mother. By going through this course, we can restore the love that God lost due to the fall.

"Why Do We Marry? We marry to discipline ourselves to love the world and to qualify ourselves to love humankind."

When we married centered on God, we receive the Blessing for the sake of God and the world.   How do we love the world through the unity of our spouse?  Our spouse represents the world, so when we love our spouse we love the world.

 A woman should love her husband who is in place of her father, older brother, and younger brother, and a man is to love his wife in place of his mother, older sister and younger sister.  A husband and wife who give stimulating love and respect one another who represent all four generations is an ideal couple.  This relationship is the basic foundation to give and receive in worldwide love.

Now knowing the original standard of love in a family, we see how the world fell apart from the very first generation born into the Garden of Eden.  There, the husband and wife were not united centered on God and the first brothers encountered conflict and murder. And we are here spreading this foundation for thousands of years.

The husband and wife relationship is the basic unit to give and receive worldwide love. Because Jesus couldn't set up this basic condition, the Marriage of the Lamb, bringing together a bride and a bridegroom representing the world, should be held this time.

Standard of Marriage

Many women complain that their husbands are immature, but after seeing God's original ideal for a husband and wife, we see that a husband was to think of his wife as his mother.  Rev. Moon told the men in his congregation,

"Unless you are determined you have to be the baby. Be a baby! It is not bad to be a baby. A woman likes a man playing on affections. Try it if she likes! Try crying over food like a baby. Don't worry. God won't scold you for your immature behavior. It is inevitable in the course of restoration. to restore the lost love of woman, you cannot restore the original family standard."

God has not had the experience of true parental love, conjugal love and children's love with one person; this results in His resentment and heartache, which must be restored. When those three kinds of love are induced through one person, the heartistic Kingdom of Heaven can be restored. Ultimately, the only problem is love.

Centered on a bride and bridegroom, they can begin a whole new history and restore the past mistakes of their ancestors.  The couple stands in a position centered on God and can judge the past history and reverse these misdeeds through their interactions between one another.  Uniting with God, they can begin a new history and become new ancestors not connected to the past mistakes.

When a bride and a bridegroom individually are restored through indemnity and become a husband and a wife representing heaven and earth, God will acknowledge them, saying, "You are the flesh of my flesh, the most dutiful son and the most loyal subject." Then they are qualified to represent all the nations of the world.

It is not easy to be a husband or a wife. Do you know how difficult it is for God to find an ideal object on this earth? After losing His sons and daughters, God has been establishing religions at the cost of great sacrifice through the course of history.

Dare you fight with each other after receiving such valuable love? It is easier to be the president of one nation than to be a husband or a wife of one family. The husband is the substantial God on earth. Man is the substantial representative of heaven and woman is the substantial representative of earth. When they are harmonized, the ideal is accomplished, filled with joy and song.

Knowing how long God has suffered to create a foundation based on a couple to restore the lost history of His ideal, can a husband and wife fight after receiving such valuable love? 

It is easier to be president of the world than to be a husband and wife of one family.  The husband represents the physical being of God and heaven and woman is the substantial representative of earth.  When they harmonize the ideal of God's original purpose is accomplished and He is filled with joy.

"The power of love is limitless, so when you are intoxicated with God's love, you are in God's dominion."

God wants to establish a family which is objective to God and which is qualified to receive His love, so you shouldn't fight. It is not that the husband is not responsible for his wife's mistakes or that the husband can stand righteously while a wife does something evil. You should serve your spouse as God, more than you serve anybody else in the nation or world.

A woman becomes God's object when she is happy to see her husband as she is to see the president.  As God's object of love you have the same value as God, and when you completely love God your love can penetrate through any barrier and anywhere on earth.  When you pass onto the spirit world with such love, you will be one with God.

True love can unite all the creation.

Your husband is sent by God, the Lord and the King. He carries God's bundle of love, so you cannot deny such a precious guest, whether he is handsome or not. Without this understanding, you are not qualified to get married.

"There is no boundary in love."

The whole universe will embrace in the realm of your love when you relate to the four directions with your love.  You love subjects as  if they are your King, humankind as the Lord and the universe as God.  When you love based on this standard, this enables you to go to the Kingdom of Heaven which is the place where those who love humankind with the same love as their own spouses or their Lord can go.  Love Humankind as your own brothers, sisters and mother and father.  When you see an elderly man in the streets and you see them as your own grandparents and treat them as such, this brings Heaven on Earth. 

Man is in the subject position and does not like it when anyone intervenes with his affairs.  But true love and truth can control anybody.  Woman likes and wants to receive love and becomes passive in this situation.  From this viewpoint, man is to be the giver and woman is the receiver.  This is why the oneness of man and woman is also the oneness of heaven and earth. 

"Only love can dominate the universe." 

Since your only obtain true love from your spouse, when you consider this, your spouse's value is greater than the universe.  We all desire to have an object who can receive and cherish us.

You are to love people.

The husband represents all men to his wife and is the representative of all the men of the nation, the world and the spirit world.  Also, the wife is the representative of all the women in the nation, world and spirit world.

In the process of building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the man should relate and love all the women of the world as he loves his wife.  A man should think that he chose his wife as the companion who represents all the women of the world and the women should think the same of her husband.

What do you have to love first in order to love your nation?

Before a man can love his nation, he must be able to love one woman as the representative of all women in the nation, and the same is true for women.  When these two representatives become one through a holy marriage and begin a family, that family belongs to heaven.  This is the beginning of establishing Heaven on Earth and in Heaven.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Role of Husband and Wife

Textbook: Blessing and Ideal Family, The True Husband and Wife

Friday, January 25, 2013

Ideal True Husband and Wife

"Why did God make it that man needs woman and woman needs man? It is because God did not want to let one person live independently, but desired that two people live together for the sake of the future world, centering upon God's desire and love."

Youngsters today would be shocked to visit the past where marriages were more stable and even through the arguments and pain, couples vowed to stick it out until death.  If society returns to the time where God was served at the center of the family, many current trends and problems would be erased quickly within a generation.

An ideal couple that is united living hand in hand, dreaming optimistically about the future while denying the fallen world will be able to pass over any difficult environment or reality.  This husband and wife will not be destroyed or restrained by the evil environment, but it stimulate in them a new vision for the future.

When a man and a woman stand in the position to respect each other, fully aware of and accompanied by the value of the future, the site of happiness will be established right there.

God established Adam and Eve as each other's ideal spouse because they are absolutely needed for each other. Unless the subject and the object make a bond of affinity in the present reality they cannot relate to the future. God established Jesus and the Holy Spirit as subject and object in order to manifest this cosmic content. Nobody can deny this.

Based on a unity between subject and object, they get married to extend the dominion.

A couple's affection generated from one another is extended to establish a family matching God's purpose.  If a couple is not able to do so, they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven where God dwells in eternity.  This is the conclusion and God's purpose of creation.

God and human beings are composed of dual characteristics.  God is in the vertical position and man is in the horizontal.  God's ideal of husband and wife is to create a perfect sphere of give and take of unity of the vertical God and the horizontal human beings.

"Husband and wife should love each other as God's representatives. If you love from a humanistic point of view, you will eventually get divorced after discovering each other's shortcomings."

When a man and woman divorce because one of them make a mistake, the whole family system is destroyed which spreads upward affecting the order of society being thrown into confusion.

How can a family affect the whole?  A nation is made of people.  All people learn to love within the context of a family unit.  The direction the American family is headed can be turn around.  When a spouse makes a mistake, according to the degree of the indiscretion, they should be given a time period of indemnity or retribution to pay back through repentance.  This way, they can continue to run as a harmonious family unit.

Who are the true husband and true wife?  Hollywood stars?  Kings and Queens of foreign places?

When people become mature, they learn to form a family.  The Reverend Sun Myung Moon who was married 50 years to his wife Rev. Hak Ja Han Moon continues this speech to his congregation:

"Each spouse should consider the other as the eternal object of love.  When this is observed, their love should grow, day by day adding more love to the first love.  When a husband and wife extend this eternal love to the family-level love, then to the tribe, they can be considered a true husband and true wife.  Then they qualify to participate in God's high level of pure love.

The true husband thinks that he was born, lives, and will die for the sake of his spouse. The same is true for the true wife. The husband and wife of an ideal, happy and peaceful family carry the principle to live for the sake of their spouse.

All of you are men of influence and fame in your society. You may think that your success is achieved by your own talent and effort, but you have to know that your very being was caused by a woman, not by yourself.

Without a woman, can a man be born? What about a woman? Was she born for the sake of herself?

It is vanity to be proud of being a famous feminine movie star in colorful make-up without a man. A man's shoulders are wide and a woman's hips are big so that they can be matched well.

Therefore, an ideal couple comes into being when they are of one mind to live for the sake of the other. From this point of view, ideal, happy and good people are those who live for the sake of others. This is the very principle of creation, of which humankind is still ignorant.

The husband should be able to sacrifice his life for the sake of his wife and the wife should be able to sacrifice her life for the sake of her husband. Such a couple is related to and protected by God's direct dominion of love, so it is impossible for them to fall.

True parents live and die for the sake of their children because love is established between them. Likewise, a husband and wife of true love and of true happiness are one in love, and they each live for the sake of the other.

This is an ideal couple.

In the secular family, when a husband earns money, power is produced. The money earned by the husband is the source to energize the wife and the husband gets energy by looking at his energized wife. That's why they are anxious and their relationship is apt to be broken when the husband doesn't earn money.

The true husband and wife should center upon God's love.

The bride and bridegroom should center upon the original love of God, not upon money, authority or fame.

You are to develop yourself gradually, centering upon love. While the husband loves the wife and the wife lives for the sake of the husband, they are to establish a family that loves God.

In the secular family, when a husband earns money, power is produced. The money earned by the husband is the source to energize the wife and the husband gets energy by looking at his energized wife. That's why they are anxious and their relationship is apt to be broken when the husband doesn't earn money.

The true husband and wife should center upon God's love. The bride and bridegroom should center upon the original love of God, not upon money, authority or fame.

You are to develop yourself gradually, centering upon love. While the husband loves the wife and the wife lives for the sake of the husband, they are to establish a family that loves God.

What is the ideal couple of which the Unification Church talks? They are the couple which can substantiate the utmost art. The love of a husband and wife is the masterpiece of all art works. It is the best literature and it should be the substance of literature.

The husband should look the best in the wife's eyes and the wife should look the best in the husband's eyes. The bond of first love is the best bond. It doesn't matter what others say. It is impossible to buy it with billions of dollars. How beautiful it is to possess such a world of love eternally!

The wife should follow and serve her husband well. This is not supposed to appear just in literature or movies. You should live it in reality. The ideal of history and the ideal of culture have been wrecked, so Father has been creating a new history in order to create the ideal culture.

Love Husband and Wife Eternally

Until when do you want to love your spouse? How would you feel if the answer came, "Until our youth is over" ?

We want our spouse to love us until death and even eternally. Eternity represents the whole centering upon the future. To love until death is to love sacrificing everything. "Eternally" means "completely," and "until death" means "giving everything."

After marriage, sisters will ask their husbands if they like them and how much they like them. They want to hear their husbands say that they love them giving everything, wholeheartedly. The same is true for men. It is inevitable. It is the way of God's harmony.

A man should die if he cannot control a woman, but it doesn't mean that man is to neglect woman. It doesn't work to claim and to present your one-sided way of love. Man and woman should examine each other forever. If your life is not sanctified and your family is not restored, God cannot claim your couple as His.

The dutiful son's mind is unchanging and it goes straight to his parents; and the loyal subject's mind goes straight to his king. Likewise, the saint is the one whose mind is unchanging and goes straight to God. If your mind is unchanging even at the moment of death, you are a dutiful son, a loyal subject and a saint.

In this view, if a couple wants to be a true husband and wife, the wife's mind should be able to go straight to the husband and the husband's mind should be able to go straight to the wife. That's why the Unification Church disciplines the mind to go straight to God regardless of whether one is Occidental or Oriental. Therefore, the mind of western members and of eastern members in the Unification Church is exactly the same toward Father.

The husband is precious to his wife and the wife is precious to her husband. They meet in the presence of the heavenly law; their meeting is not caused by themselves. If we keep our integrity in relation to God, we can break through and advance upon our way."

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Original Relationship of Husband, Wife in Perfect World

Textbook: Blessing and Ideal Family, The True Husband and Wife and The Ideal Family