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Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Satanic World is Declining

Welcome back to Achieve World Peace!  Hope everyone's holiday was full and eventful and we are all refreshed for a new year and new month of blogs.

Look forward to upcoming interesting topics continuing the subject of marriage and how to reach perfection through mind and body unity.  Today's topic was taken from a speech given by founder Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon to Unification Theological Seminary graduates during the International Leaders' Conference.

To Seminary Graduates

"How well do you know me? I would like to speak especially to graduates of the Unification Theological Seminary to begin with. There are two hundred sixty-four seminary graduates here. Let me ask you, do you know me? How well do you know me?

You know me according to your own observation, through your life experiences, according to your upbringing and education. You come with those experiences and try to understand me in your own way. Each True Child even has their own perception and understanding of True Parents. How can we arrive at a common understanding?

You may go out partying with a friend, and think you know that friend quite well, but you do not know the depths of that person. Watch how he overcomes great peril and you may find an incredible kind of courage and strength of character in him. The true side of that person emerges in a crisis, when life and death hang in the balance.

Observing how that person reacts to those situations gives the best insight into that person's true nature. A truly noble person is the one who, even in the face of utmost danger, does not bend his principles, but risks his life trying to live up to his convictions. Nobility and divinity can be seen in such a person. God must be looking for such an individual, so that God can entrust him with the responsibility of accomplishing His program.

When you pursue the noble ideal of God, all of a sudden you will encounter incredible danger, not only to yourself, but also to your family and your children; you will be confronted by many difficulties. Are you going to turn around, think twice, and go in a different direction, or will you pursue your original commitment? What you would do under such circumstances is the most crucial question any man or woman can face.

For God and the spirit world there is no death, so God's way is to overcome difficulty and move forward. There is no possibility that God will wiggle out of difficulty, or change His mind and retreat. God is looking for a similar character in men and women. Even though God never dies, He is always ready to give every ounce of His energy to the last minute. He can endure even the difficulty and suffering of death. He can overcome and transcend all hardship.

Since such commitment and determination are always there, there is no failure on God's part. Everything God does is always perfect. Even in the fallen world, if there is a person living such a godly way of life, moving forward towards the goal with untiring, undaunted commitment, that person will certainly not fail, but will eventually succeed.

God's way is the public way. On the other hand, Satan is going to face the difficulty of death centered upon himself; therefore, he always feels endangered. Satan easily retreats and gives up. When faced with the way of death, Satan will say, "No, I don't need it. I would rather go the other way." Therefore, the satanic world has an end. Satan operates with a limit. That is the difference between the heavenly way and the satanic way.

The moment Satan sees that his neck is going to be cut off, he says, "No more. I won't go there." In contrast, the heavenly way surmounts all limits. The difference between good and evil is apparent, with God's way of life representing the good side and Satan's way of life representing the evil side.

Therefore, good and evil are clearly manifested in the religious way of life. Religious leaders throughout history have been either very good or very evil. Good religious leaders are always ready to go the way of principle with unbending courage and determination, even unto their deaths. God wants to teach His people the way of overcoming, of committing one's life for the sake of principle, for the sake of goodness."

Love that Goes Beyond Death

When one reads Bible passages, they are sure to encounter verses that seem to contradict one another.  For instance, "For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Sometimes husband and wife get together and ask each other: "How much do you love me?" You answer, "Well, I love you so much, Honey." Many children will answer, "I love Daddy thiiiiiiis much." The ultimate answer is: "Even unto my death, my love for you shall not change. Even if I die I will come back to love you more; death shall not stop me loving you."

If any wife was to receive this answer from her husband, she would give him an medal and say ,"You are a really truthful, God-centered, wonderful husband.  You are my hero. Centering upon this love, we will always be together. In life and after death, we will be together."

Such a couple becomes a explosive force of true love. This realm will b the love kingdom of heaven, where love reigns and prevails. Jesus told his disciples to love him more than they loved their own family. This means that even if our life is sacrificed we will not separate from the Messiah or the life-giving word of God.

As long as there is life, there is unity, harmony, and oneness. Jesus also said that those who love their wives, husbands, children, or family more than him are not worthy of him. He also said that unless we bear our own cross and follow him, we are not worthy of him.

Let's examine these verses once more.

There is always a double meaning in the teachings of Jesus: love me more than your family; even if you sacrifice them, still you must follow me.

Furthermore, following my way is not easy: you have to bear your cross, committing yourself without regret. The cross means death; but even though we are bearing the cross, we cannot stop loving Jesus, the son of God.

That simple principle of how to gain your life for eternity prevails here on earth and in the entire spirit world. You must follow that principle in order to win your life for eternity. It is the most simple truth, but we find it is very difficult to practice.

This simple principle is the way to gain an eternal life and the way prevails here on the earth and in the entire spirit world.  All of humanity must follow that principle in order to win life for eternity.  Even though this truth is very simplistic, it is very difficult for people of faith to put into practice.

Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon the founder of UTS gave his account to the graduates of his stay in prison on charges of practicing religion in Korea during Japanese occupation.

"As you know, I have been in prison on many different occasions. When I looked at my hand cuffed arms, I thought, "This is linking me to death; this will pull me to death." I always felt, "I know what kind of person I am and where I am going. Now I may face death. These handcuffs are the witnesses."

The handcuffs signify my last moment of life, my last measure of devotion. Under such circumstances, many people's minds would be shaken, and they would try to dodge the danger and dash to safety. The great man is the one who maintains his original course with unbending spirit and courage. In my entire life I have not learned how to detour.

I am always going straight forward, breaking through whatever obstacle I encounter. It has not been easy. I have faced incredible difficulties, persecution, and torture. It is not easy to remain strong when you are all alone and everybody says: "You are no good; you are going the wrong way."

It is not easy to maintain your course, especially when not only outside people are going against you, but also your own parents, wife, and children leave, when they point their fingers at you, and cast you out. If you were put in solitary confinement, what attitude would you have? I never focus on getting out but on applying myself with greater devotion to my principles.

I know that when I get out and continue pursuing my course, I will again face persecution and rejection, particularly those heartbreaking ones coming from close family members who abandoned me. I came here to save this country

When I came to the United States, nobody knew my true heart and desire. My secret goal was to save this country. I knew that it would not be a happy stay: I had been in prison in North Korea, in South Korea, and in Japan. When I came to the United States, I knew, undoubtedly, that this country would throw me in jail.

In prison, your life is on the line all the time. Within three and one half years after my arrival in the United States, I had turned the United States upside down. I knew that unless I could, there would be no opportunity for me. Initially there was some welcome, but as soon as I had spoken in several cities and people began to listen to my message, that welcome turned into incredible persecution. Initially, newspapers announced my crusade in banner headlines, but day by day, the headlines got smaller and smaller and hidden on the back pages.

I realized that since I would not be known in this country as a good man although I am truly a good man in the sight of God I would rather be known as the most evil man first, and begin the road of restoration from that point. People looked at me with tinted eyeglasses and described me as a brainwasher, monster, mind-controller and slave driver.

I was accused of sending out young people in a virtually starving position to work to death, and then taking their money from them and putting it in my own pocket. When people saw members who didn't speak English, from Japan and other countries, going out and working morning to night and handing over all the money they gained, they called me a slave driver.

I went around to the fifty states of the United States like a whirlwind. Everywhere I appeared, people flocked to hear me, and I was called worse names than the Ayatollah or Mafia leaders. They said that, with my magic power, all I had to do was touch a person's head, and his mind would be controlled. Media played small instances up into dramatic stories. People waited eagerly for the next exaggerated story. When they heard I was coming to a certain city, picket signs would spring up.

People owe me an apology

Still I made up my mind that even though I had the worst reputation, I would turn this nation upside down in three and one half years. Among the two hundred forty million Americans, there were few who did not speak something unkind or evil about Rev. Moon. That means two hundred forty million people know about me; at least that is sure.

They pushed me into a corner, and the ultimate corner was prison. They thought, "Oh, we caught the monster and confined him in Danbury prison." They were watching. The inmates were worried, "Oh, we are living with a monster. What can we do?" The inmates were trembling, but the very first day they found out that I am just an ordinary, good-looking, benevolent grandfather. They were totally surprised to discover that I am the opposite of the way the media portrays me. "Oh, is that the Rev. Moon?" they asked in amazement.

Now, in the end, who won, the United States or me? Americans realized that, yes, Rev. Moon won. Moreover, they give me credit, because they know exactly how the government and the media and the American public treated me. Americans really owe me an apology.

There is a certain fairness about the American public's mind. I can see this is the strategy of God. If you put yourself in a situation of the most incredible suffering and torture, in the end people will surrender out of sympathy. They will repent for the evil they committed. This is the heavenly strategy.

The world that persecuted me is declining. They thought they could flourish by giving me a hard time. On the contrary, the persecutors will diminish, and those who were persecuted will flourish."

I Went to Danbury Without Tears

Reverend Moon has been imprisoned 6 times in different parts of the world and has always been released as innocent even though papers would not report these incidents or hide them on back pages.  Here he gives his account of Danbury prison in America.

"When I set out for Danbury that fateful day, many of you cried. However, I did not. I went to Danbury without shedding tears, because I knew that beyond Danbury lay something greater. Every time I have gone to prison whether in North Korea, South Korea or Japan many people shed tears, but not me.

I always went expecting to come out with a greater plan. When I came out, those who shed the tears were gone. As I entered Danbury, many members and leaders throughout the world repented, with tears streaming down their cheeks, but I was thinking: how many of you will stay faithful and serve me with an even greater determination?

The simple, central truth is that when it comes to your eternal life, no one else is responsible but you. You are the pioneer of your own eternal life. Eternal life cannot be defeated by the hill of death. No matter how many hills you cross, eternal life must survive."

This speech is titled How Well Do You Know Me?  Given on January 29, 1993 in the World Mission Center, New York, NY USA and was Translated into English by Dr. Bo Hi Pak.

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