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Monday, January 14, 2013

What Stopped Humans From Perfect, God-like

The restoration of love, life, and lineage

We learn from the bible that Adam and Eve fell and were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, right?  When did Adam and Eve have children?  Was it before or after they were kicked out?  We never heard about children born inside the Garden which represented heaven on earth.  How many months or years later did they have children?  We weren't there so we don't know, but if we think about it we can understand it.  Nine months. 

After Adam and Eve were kicked out and left God's direct presence, they became very lonely.  Before they were receiving a lot of direct love and guidance from God.  After they were alone they had no one else to rely on, but each other, so they had children.

Were these children blessed by God?  Did God follow them to where they were to give them as their parent direct permission and a holy marriage?  No.  They married on their own.  Adam and Eve were not in God's dominion once they were kicked out.  Once God no longer has something, Satan takes over.

If Satan took over Adam and Eve because they followed and believed in his word instead of God, were their children still God's children?  The answer is no.  Adam and Eve had a choice to choose God's word which would bring blessing or Satan's word which would bring curses.  After they chose to follow Satan's words to eat, Satan became the parent of fallen humankind.

What does it mean to be a parent? A parent passes and plants the seed of love, life and lineage.  In this case, Adam and Eve's children received satanic love, satanic life and satanic blood lineage.  However, does this sound like this is part of God's original plan when He created the earth for Adam and Eve?  Would God be proud of this situation of losing a way for His love, life and lineage to pass on to the first human children born on earth?

If the fall was a mistake, then what was the correct path for humankind?  There was a time period for Adam and Eve before God would allow them to partake of the fruit.  God would not create such a dangerous fruit for His children just to test them.  God's plan was that Adam and Eve would grow into maturity before they would be able to eat of it. 

Many people believe that God is watching idly by as His children suffer, but it is God's ideal to restore His love, life and lineage and the ideal of the Garden of Eden.  It is God's ideal to return the children and lineage of Adam and Eve, which is you and me, back to the original position before the fall and bring His children back to Him.

What is the original position? Adam and Eve were to become perfect centered on God, unite with Him and then be blessed into holy marriage.  This would be different from fallen humankind taking a spouse outside of God's direct dominion and marrying and divorcing as they please.  As True Children of God, Adam and Eve would carry the seed of God of perfection and be planted within their children which would bare, without interruption, perfect children as God is perfect.

So, if Jesus having God's seed after he matured, was able to have children, those children would have been from God's direct lineage and would have been perfect.

The War Between Mind and Body

Religion focuses steadily on subduing the fallen body and strengthening the mind through fasting, prayer and giving thanks.  Why is this?  The body was taken by Satan and the mind by God.

Satan always creates boundaries between mind and body. You are the victim of that boundary. Heaven and hell are separated in your body, with your mind on the side of heaven and your body on the side of hell. Until now people did not understand where they are standing. You are standing on the boundary, with God's side on the right and Satan's side on the left. The "public thinking" way belongs to heaven.

Worse than any world war is the war between mind and body. This cannot be overcome without the teaching of the Second Coming. There is one weapon that can win this battle.

Is God a growing God, or was God just there from the beginning?

Even God experiences the growing process. Because God exists for the sake of love, He has to have the interaction of subject and object relationships. He experiences that through relationship with His children; He tastes true love through give and take with man. This is a growing process, resulting in new experiences for God. This makes perfect sense, because love is everything for God. God as the subject of love needs an object of love with whom to interact.

If we had obeyed God's commandment from the beginning, we would have become directly linked to God being born with His direct lineage, and be able to communicate and hear Him as Adam and Eve did before the fall.

 If this is so, would we need to pray to God or need religion or church to learn about God?  If we were born directly into God's lineage, would we need a mediator a savior to be grafted to Him or need forgiveness? 

Those things would not be needed. You, as the son and daughter of God, would be empowered to give birth to a child of God. The Bible states that God is within you and you are within Him. When such a man and woman give birth to a child, that definitely is a sinless child of God.

Satan brought the entire world into his domain and would like to keep his victims permanently. That is Satan's will. God's will, on the other hand, is to take Satan's things from him and restore them permanently to heaven so that Satan has no chance to take them away.

The purposes of these two wills are one hundred eighty degrees different. One direction leads to hell and the other to heaven. One world centers on the mind and the other on the body.

God's world expands from the individual to the family, tribe, clan, nation, world and cosmos. The same holds true for Satan's world. In the end, the world is divided into two blocs. In terms of ideology or philosophy, Satan's world is characterized by secular humanism and communism. The God-centered ideology is manifested in the good religions of the world. One world is nonreligious, and the other is very devout. One world is centered upon a materialistic, decadent, corrupt way of life, while the other world centers on the spirit mind and human soul.

World War II divided the world into two camps. All religions and all ideologies were divided into two camps. How can we make these two camps into one? Only through the Messiah or the Second Coming. The Messiah has the power and the truth capable of bringing unity between mind and body.

On this basis, the family, clan, tribe, nation, world, religion and cosmos can be united. The Messiah converts this world of Satan's false love, life and lineage into the true love, true life and true lineage coming from the Messiah. Salvation means bringing unity. This is the simple formula of the restoration of mankind. The fallen world is helpless until the Messiah comes.

The Messiah cannot come figuratively on the clouds of heaven. The Messiah must be born as a man of flesh. Amen?

In your environment there are plus and minus aspects. Your mind is plus, your body is minus. However, as a consequence of the fall, your body became plus, the stronger attribute. When Satan's love comes, plus fights with plus within yourself. Just as two magnets of plus and minus or positive and negative adhere to one another, two plus fight for position.

Somebody has to come and break up the satanic law; demolish the plus- plus fight, and create plus-minus harmony. Unless someone does that for you, you cannot become a true person or form a true family. Saints, religious leaders and philosophers have taught many things about the universe; however, they failed to point out the core truth. In contrast, True Parents and the Unification Church bring the core truth.

Why couldn't God a perfect God have perfect children?

Because Adam and Eve did not become perfect at any point in history.  How do we know this?  If they became perfect, they would not have fallen.

If there is no individual perfection, how can you expect family perfection, tribal perfection, national perfection? Without individual perfection, greater perfection cannot come. Your body is a most fearful satanic king and monster-more fearful than the satanic powers destroyed in World War II. Your satanic body, this enemy of love, can only be conquered here on earth. Even though you are a good person, if you die with no resolution to this dilemma how can you experience true love eternally?

Love the Archangel

In the Garden of Eden, God, Adam, and Eve were united under God's love. However, the archangel was not part of this unity. If the archangel were obedient to Adam, when Adam and Eve entered heaven the archangel would automatically deserve the same heaven. The archangel must receive God's love and Adam's love in order to be entitled to enter into heaven together with Adam. This is the Divine Principle of creation.

The archangel must love God and God's children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven; likewise, God's children must love the archangel in order to enter into heaven. Satan is always the final judge as to whether you deserve heavenly citizenship. He is always at the heavenly gate. When you come, he will confront you: "Did you love me as God originally intended for Adam and Eve to love me? Before the fall I was the archangel. Unless you love me in that position, you are not entitled to enter into heaven."

The command to love your enemy has a profound meaning. Actually, you liberate yourself by loving the fallen archangel as if he were not fallen. Even great ministers are not free from the need to practice this principle.

Satan attacks on all levels of individual, society, nation and world.

When the Messiah comes, trying to take over this world and convert it into the heavenly one, the entire world naturally takes up arms against him. Then on which side is God standing, Satan's or messiah? Even if the entire satanic world comes against him, he will keep winning.

Any Satan at the gate of heaven will have to bow to the Messiah when he is victorious. They cannot accuse him of not loving them enough. He is the model of love.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: How to Love With God's Heart

This text was rewritten from the speech: Victorious True Parents, given by the Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, author of the Divine Principle.


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