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Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Hidden Truth in the Last Days

Every man has an original mind that relates to God, but after Adam and Eve's mistake we have also a war-like fallen mind.

The original mind is not to blame for man's desire to go toward the wrong direction.  When this ungodly desired is finally fulfill, we naturally will feel pangs of agony to our conscience.  This is due to the fallen mind and body in constant conflict with our original godly mind.

Even bad parents and teachers wish for their children to grow up well and stray away from evil.  This is because no matter how evil one becomes, we all can relate to our original mind which is connected and governed by our internal God we know as the conscience.  The more one does evil, the conscience can become more blurred and on the other hand, the more we stimulate the original mind we strengthen it and are led toward good.

Because our original mind relates to God, it naturally abhors evil and strives for us to do good.  We have a war going between our good and evil minds.  One wants to do good and the other is driven to do evil - this is the contradictory nature of man.  This causes you and me to enter a state of destruction which we call the Fall of Man. 

God created religion in order to stimulate our original mind and steer us back toward goodness.

What is the purpose of a cup?  Its sole purpose is to hold liquids.  If the cup has a hole in the side or at the bottom it becomes useless not able to fulfill its purpose and instead has two contradictory purposes.

We can compare man to this type of cup.  When man comes to have two purposes that opposes one another, one to do good and the other evil, man becomes conflicted and has no value.  Because of this fact, the world's history is full of misery following the war path of struggle between good and evil.

God created man with value greater than the creation.  He created man with the purpose of solely to doing good.

Man is created to have a purpose of the right direction. He could not have been created with two opposing purposes. When he has two opposing purposes, he ends up not fulfilling either of them. He then he becomes a man of failure, and lives in tragedy. God would have never created humans with this self contradiction.  The evidence is in God Himself who is of one mind, how could He create such an existence for man?

Through the fall, man fell into a state of contradiction and ignorance not knowing from where the source of this contradiction and just believe that it was part of God's creation!   We are ignorant of this basic fundamental internal knowledge and external knowledge of mind and body.

God developed religion for man to understand the internal truth, and He developed science to explore the external truth.  People have come to believe that religion and science have two separate agendas, this is far from truth.

"When religion and science are united like the mind and body of one man, then true happiness for all mankind can come about."

Fallen man has tried to solve his problem fundamentally in two ways: by religion and by science

Man is arduously seeking and studying the world of effect and phenomena in order to solve all of life's problems.  Science taken a position in some people's life as the almighty god through their concern for the things of material. 

But people find that material alone does not complete one's life.  People who are in pursuit only of the material world find they are neglecting their spiritual desires, leaving their souls hungry.  Therefore, science should unite with religion in order to learn about the nature of man and the world of cause and the many causes of phenomena in nature can be answered.

Throughout history, man has tried to solve the world's problem by studying nature and its causes.  Throughout the ages, many different philosophies, ideologies and religions evolved, yet, no one has been given the true view of life and the universe.  Therefore, these various religions and philosophies only increased the confusion, rather than being the solution to man's questions, and became a burden to man.

When one does not know their reason for  existence, they do not know where to go or the true way of how to live.

So, religion must give the true view of life, the true view of God which can be accepted by all men from all over the world.

Also, it must relate God and man closely, and must show the true value of life which will lead man to come to religion and to God. Thus, the teachings must be related to man's daily life in the 21st century and the betterment of human society, and bring man to fulfill God's three great blessings.

Human History

Human history has been a history of reversing all of the wrongs in the past and a quest man's return to God's bosom.  Just take a look at literature and entertainment and the content concerns man's yearning to better through following the good way.

When will man be restored to perfection within the direct love of God without the need of a mediator or religion to do so?  When man becomes perfect centering their life on God's love, then the ideal world of creation will be restored. 

When man fell and acquired a fallen humanistic nature, his pure character became low and degraded. We witness this in our own lives when a person withdraws from society and becomes dependent on drugs or alcohol and their character becomes a lower quality than before.  When man lost their quality in front of God, they went the opposite way going forward toward the satanic way, creating a world of evil.

God did not create this satanic world, you and I did.  The evil world has been able to multiply and increase to infect the whole world.

"By the providence of salvation, man comes from a state of selfishness into a state of desiring to serve and love others, and from a state of ignorance into a state of knowledge. With the improvement in his nature and this knowledge, he will cut off his evil mind, thus freeing himself to follow his original mind. Then, by uniting the world of essence and the world of phenomena, the ideal world of God's purpose of creation will be established."

From the above we can see that all of human's tragic history has been God's tragic story of restoration of His ideal to bring you and I back to His bosom completely without the war of two minds.

Necessity for a New Expression of Truth

Religion exists so man can overcome his internal ignorance, and science exists so man can overcome his external ignorance. In order to achieve the purpose of goodness,we need a truth which can unite religion and science in a harmonious relationship.

Truth is unique, eternal, unchanging and absolute. The Bible is a guidebook to the truth or knowledge of God. Man's spirit and intellect develop as time passes; therefore,the guidebook to truth must also develop in its expression and teaching methods.

Old Testament New Testament ---.>-New Revelations

The purpose of religion is to lead man to follow his original mind, which is seeking God, and thus to attain the purpose of goodness.

All highly advanced religions have this goal of goodness.

Because of differences in the missions of each religions, the time of their development, and the different backgrounds of the people, many diverse religions have evolved.

Yet, conventional religions have almost lost their ability to guide man on how to live a religious life in this wild secular world and teach the goodness of God.Therefore, if God does exist, He must give a new expression of truth to make these religions fulfill their original intention in this new era of completion of the restoration period.

Biblical Foundation

John 16:25 "I have said to you in figures; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father. "

John 16:12 "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them  now. When the spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. "

The mission of this new truth is:

1. To unite internal truth, which is the goal of religion, with external truth, which is the goal of science. When this is accomplished, we can resolve the contradictory nature that arose within man.

2. To let man know the existence of God, and let man feel God's heart.  Conventional religion teaches about God as an absolute bring and at best a father, but they do not teach about God's heart.  Or teach about God's heart of suffering for His children for whom He as a Parent has longed for thousands of years.

3. To elevate internal truth to a higher dimension, so that it can absorb the atheistic ideologies.  It will be able to unite all the major religious beliefs, by providing a common base and relationship to God.

4. To ultimately unite all mankind as brothers and sisters, centering on God, and to establish a one world family.

5. To fully explain all of the fundamental questions of the Bible that religion has not been able to understand completely without the advent of the Second Coming.

This new truth will explain the hidden origin of the fall of man written in the bible, the goal of the providence of salvation,  the true meaning of the Last Days and of the resurrection, and why the restoration of man is taking so long.

The first few Chapters and introduction of the Divine Principle are here.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: True Love Does Not Fall

This text was rerewritten from the teachings of the Divine Principle Study Guide based on the teachings of Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 

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