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Friday, February 1, 2013

True Love Does Not Fall

"To fall is to lose the center of vertical love and horizontal love. That's why conjugal love in the fallen world is so unstable. Conjugal love these days can be turned around 180 degrees by one word.

That is the fallen reality. That shows that people don't know where conjugal love should aim. The reason that the world is heading toward destruction is that the order of conjugal love has broken apart."

As a couple, you should be luminous and shine like the sun and the full moon in their principled orbit.  Do not be like the sun or the moon covered in dark clouds in a dark cosmos.

Heaven is looking for a couple which can represent heaven and earth and whose heart is filled with passionate love.   You should leave a legacy of love and raise your children in the atmosphere of such conjugal love.

Be a Couple of Parental Heart That is God's Fence

Economic difficulties cannot crack the affinity of husband and wife. Educational background cannot blur conjugal love. A wife may think that her husband should study a certain field more, but Father doesn't think so.

Love of husband and wife can fill what is lacking.  A wife may think that her husband needs to get a degree or become a doctor to become the best husband.  This is not Father's thinking.  The economic down turn of a nation will not crack the affinity of husband and wife and their educational background will not blur conjugal love.

Conjugal love is the oneness of the love of man and the love of woman.

Conjugal love then should become one with the children's love and then become one with God's love.  God's love dwells where the perfect conjugal love begins.

When a husband and wife are live with God and humankind as their center and are about to explode in love, God and the universe will claim and possess that family. This type of love does not begin with the man or woman - its origin is God's love.

When doves are in love, you hear them say, "coo, coo".  How does a couple in love sound?  When two people who are in deep love meet each other, the sound will be much bigger than that of thunder!

If we have strong love centered upon God, opposition and persecution from the world will be something interesting to play with. "First love" possesses enormous power, like dynamite. Did Adam and Eve live together without getting married, as is the practice of the young people in this age?

True love is the first the last and the eternal.  When Adam and Eve experienced their first love, were they married or practice fallen free love as the young people of this age? 

God wants a couple to love each other intimately and with passion.  When your mind wants to pursue such idealistic love, it will be the driving force to help you push through any difficulties and win over anything including Satan when we are in love.

A spouse filled with true love will love with the oneness of body, heart and blood lineage.  Who loves like that?  Only the husband and wife can perpetuate this ideal.  With a love like this, can a spouse have a fulfilling life when apart from their spouse?

Your spouse is the most lovely object in the world and your relationship as a couple resembles an echo.  Your spouse will live and behave according to how you sound and behave.  This may be difficult to hear when a spouse seems to be acting poorly toward another. 

When a man loves a woman, no matter how strong or masculine he may be, he will not reject a woman who has plunged into the depth of his heart with such a great love.  Men love such a woman.  When one sacrifices and invests everything for the sake of love, all barriers will be broken.

This is partly why Father Moon believes that through inter-cultural and interracial marriages, the world can become one. What grandfather would bomb the country where his grandchildren reside?

Passionate love outside the holy union of God has been the downfall of many nations and leaders.  To keep all the love for the spouse, bachelors and virgins are warned not to even touch each other's hands before marriage.   This is to love 100%.

When one keeps all of their love before marriage, they will be able to give this to their spouse wholeheartedly.  With a love this passionate, even when a couple is far apart, they will find themselves moving toward each other automatically.

We must correct the mistake of our first ancestors who loved passionately before they were blessed in marriage by God.  Afterward, humanity's mind and body contradicted each other.  God has used religion to help us correct this problem. 

Once we make the mind the subject over our body;s many ungodly wants, then we should make a circular relationship where God can dwell in our mind. 

When a man and woman whose mind and body are united enter into the Marriage Blessing directly given by God, they will live giving and receiving perfect love and happiness.  This harmonized couple will resemble a flower in full bloom and emanate a beautiful fragrance to God.  For thousands of years, God has longed for such a couple.

"God can dwell only in the love of a husband and wife; all things and the universe should be harmonized centering upon that love. The Unification Church is the place for teaching this content."

God's favorite melody is the joyous laughing of a couple in love. When a couple lives with the mind to embrace the whole universe, laughter is produced automatically. Isn't the loving life of a such a couple a beautiful flower in God's sight? This is not a mere ideal or something abstract;this is how the original world was supposed to be.

What is God's favorite melody?

It is the joyous sound of laughter of a couple in love.  When a couple lives with the mind to embrace the whole universe, laughter is produced automatically. Isn't the loving life of a such a couple a beautiful flower in God's sight? This is not a mere ideal or something abstract;this is how the original world was supposed to be.  A couple becomes united in oneness when they have they desire to accomplish the purpose of the universe as the most significant aspect of life.

When a couple speak, they speak centered upon their mind, personality and love.  This makes them equal, correct?  If a woman from the country with only an elementary school education marries a king, the people of the nation bow to the wife.  Husband and wife go the same way;the wife's love is the wife's love is the husband's love and the husband's love is the wife's love.

When a man laughs, his eyes open wide, and when the women laughs her eyes gently close.  The husband and wife's laughter is relative and they become more intoxicated in love.

A couple shouldn't unilaterally desire their spouse's face to remain in a fixed shape. If they remain fixed, each will become really tired of looking at the other. When you look at your spouse with a joyful heart, he or she will look joyful; and when you look at your spouse with a beautiful heart, he or she will look beautiful. Feel your spouse's face anew with every new stimulation.

A husband and wife are happy when they give and receive love with each other.  If the husband was to strike his wife, there is no happiness. On the contrary, when a man loves with his loving heart with his physical power, the woman feels complete happiness.  When the wife returns her love physically and spiritually to the man, they become a truly happy couple.

When a man loves a woman, the women will feel true happiness. this love is not produced by energy alone or fulfilled by heart alone.

Because human beings were created to always need stimulation, happiness cannot be established without it. 

When we are starving, our vegetables will taste good and fresh.  We can eat the same meal everyday with the same seasoning.  In the same way, love should always be fresh and new.  As the days pass their love grows, the husband and wife should miss each other day by day.  We do this by studying and researching ourselves and God.

What can bring complete happiness?  Is it eating?  But eating is only temporary and once you had your fill, you can't eat anymore even if you are offered food from the finest restaurants.  We will never get full from the love of our spouse.  As we see them more, we miss them more.  Unification takes place here where lovers make a circle of love.

A married couple might have to think hard to the time before when they were single.  The girl felt like she didn't need a man, but once she was enraptured in love in her married life, she could not live without him.  Through this ownership of love, she sees that her husband is much more precious than herself.

Where does True Happiness come from?

Families these days are bogged down by the demands of their lives.  When a family centers their love upon God, and they can see the joyous God working in their lives, then true happiness is generated.  In God's original ideal when He was creating, making love between husband and wife was not something in which o be ashamed.  He created love to be the noblest, holiest and most beautiful thing in all creation.  The beginning of this reversal in love began with our first ancestor who sin by misusing God's love.

There are now 7 billion men and women in the world, but husband and wife should think that their spouse is the only one in existence.  This is Principle that a couple totally invests themselves in their spouse alone.  Would a couple who thinks this way, stray toward another person or wish for a better spouse?

The value of love lies in longing.

When you actively initiate love by asking for love with your mouth and your eyes, then your spouse will be happy to pour their love to you in return or else he would run away.  Wouldn't a spouse feel bad if their spouse was only passive or not serious in love?  We always want to be together with our lover because it feels good to be close and when we are together, everything functions simultaneously.  We can see God's love and investment through a couple such as this.

Which love is better, the love where two people shout in a crowded room, "love you" or the couple that expresses their love silently.   Deep love kept silent within the heart of a couple is very precious.

Here in America, love is active while in the Oriental culture love is internal.  Waves are high in shallow water and gentle in the deeper part of the ocean.  The waves of love also get quieter in depth, so in this sense, invisible love is more precious than visible love. 

What about God?  What would happen if he was a walking, visible God?  Every nation would fight even more wars just to possess such a limited being  within their boundaries.  Fortunately, God is invisible which is the most precious.  Because God dwells inside our invisible mind, nobody can steal him from us.

What if love was visible?

 It would be no fun.  Invisible love is the greatest love of among all love.  Because love is invisible like God, it can be the highest, widest, and deepest.  Love is compared to the Rocky Mountains and the Niagara Falls to describe love's deep, rugged qualities. 

"The invisible God is precious because invisible love is precious."

In order to find God, we must get rid of our ego and become absolute zero in front of God without our own agenda.  God lives deeply within the realm of the invisible world and in the visible world which we live.

When we see an American couple or a Hollywood couple in love it looks very hot.  But this love is actually lukewarm compared to Oriental couples.  American couples kiss each other automatically every morning like a fly touching on the skin and flying away. 

An Oriental husband and wife stare at each other before kissing and they shyly drop their eyes.  This scene can compare to a great masterpiece in any museum.  Also, the scene of the wife carrying the briefcase for her husband just before they leave for a business trip.  An American wife barely will leave the room or turn her head to see her husband off before he leaves.  Therefore, Orientals who are aware of the Western life style don't want to get married to an American woman.

The conversation of a loving couple is much more beautiful than any poem or any picture in the world. How beautiful words are, such as "between lovers," "between ourselves," or "you and me"!

When God blesses human beings, He creates the environment for the couple to be happy. The couples who enter the door of such blessing don't fight with each other right away. After entering the door of love, they are busy exchanging whispers such as, "I've been waiting to meet you for a long time. My life will bloom with the flowers of value through you. I was born to love you and waited to love you until now." There is nothing sweeter than the confidential talk of love.

God creates an environment in which a couple can be happy when he blesses them together.  A couple united in this love will not fight with each other right away, but will be happy and be appreciative for such a spouse.  This type of couple will tell one another how they have longed to meet them and how their life will bloom in value through them. They will say, "I was born to love you and waited to love you until now." 

"Their is nothing sweeter than the confidential talk of love."

The married couple's whispering of love is the most effective refrigerant to cool off all the fatigue and the hatred in the world.

A couple shouldn't demand love forcibly from each other. Love is natural, so the confidential talk of love is soft and beautiful.

Before marriage a man looks creepy and scary to a wife, but the woman's heart quickly changes after marriage.  After knowing this love, she would gratefully take a nap in her husband's bosom.  Such a woman will do whatever it takes to be with her husband as much as possible and ask him to come home for lunch.

Likewise, a man after knowing love, wants to sleep on his wife's lap whenever he finds leisure time, so he rushes right home at a coffee break or at lunch time. After marriage, he can do whatever the wife wants without a moment's hesitation -- even things that he formerly considered totally belonging to women. This is the typical change which takes place in a married couple with true love centered on God.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: God's Ideal True Family

This text was rewritten from speech given by Reverend Sun Myung Moon who is the founder of the Unification Church.

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