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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Return to God's lineage

Could you have imagined that heaven and hell both exist within each person's mind?  As there exist hell, there also exist heaven in spirit world.  If you live according to your original God-given mind, you are automatically in heaven.  On the other hand, if you solely follow your physical desires, you live in hell. 

In one person lives two people and there are two worlds in this world.

Just as there exist good people, there are evil people, good and evil nations and good and evil worlds.  Two opposing forces are always in conflict.  When the world finally ends struggle and make a complete unified foundation of peace centered on our perfected inner selves, then we will begin to see the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

Where do we begin to solve the issue of struggle in the world?

We go back to the beginning of all human struggle.  The origin of sin began with the fall of Adam and Eve.  Their fall caused each person to have two blood lineages. 

The first human ancestor's obeyed the enemy of God and obtained his blood lineage and passed on this fallen lineage unceasingly generation after generation. 

Our original mind is connected to God's lineage.  This is where you hear the old adage, "Let your conscience be your guide". 

One who follows their conscience 100% can become a perfected individual.  Good and evil cannot become one.

Who did Adam and Eve resemble and relate to the most before the fall? 

They resemble God.  God is our father, we say this as people of faith, but is God really our father?  How can a True Father and a True Child  have two different blood lineages?  Does God have a conflict between His mind and body?  The unity between God's mind and body are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal.

How does man connect to God?  Through one man, we lost our connection to God, through one man, Jesus Christ, man and God can be united.  With a representative of God born on earth, we as adopted sons and daughters can unite with God as our adoptive Father. 

Now in the Completed Testament Age, the Returned Messiah restores God's lineage to mankind lost from the first man and woman who were to become True Parents of all humankind through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  In other words, the Messiah takes a true wife and bears True children reversing the mistake of Adam and Eve.

"If you can say that you are one with God, no one should ever be able to separate you from Him. Your body wants to go one way, but your mind wants to go the other way. Which way should you go? You sometimes reach such turning points, don't you? How can God be with someone who is in a chaotic state? Those whose mind and body are in struggle cannot enjoy an eternal relationship with God. That is the decisive conclusion." SMM

We say that we are the son and daughter, but what does that mean?  How does one come into existence?  Through the father's and mother's blood lineage.  The father's life and love and mother's life and love become one together through the children.  You are the product of your parents' love, life and blood lineage. 

You should not live with a complicated heart and mind. No matter how difficult the situation you are in is, you should not complicate your mind by doing things solely for your own benefit and for your own sake.

"Even in the most difficult circumstances, if you try to make others happy and benefit others a hundred times more than yourself, you will be able to find a way to have the situation in hand. I say, "Amen." Does God have a confused and chaotic heart?" 

Do we have such a heart?

No matter what how difficult or confusing the situation is, we should remember God's ultimate goal for us.  He wants to save you and me, make us happy, to always do good for us and give us many blessings.  If we carry the same attitude of God, we will be able to control any situation no matter how hard it may seem.  Each one of us has this ability.  Think Like God should be our new slogan.

We should really see the difference between true love and false love.  Even if the whole world is turned upside down in chaos, you can always find the center of control once you choose the path to live for the sake of others for their sake.  No obstacle will be able to stand in front of you on your path. 

This is why God throughout the thousands of years of turmoil, heartache and pain to bring about world restoration, never was confused or had a chaotic heart.  This is the principle in which we should all adapt.

"When I am busy, I usually visit many places and meet many people in a day. But I can handle meeting various people and visiting various places. How complicated and changing can my situation be? If I were doing all of that for my own sake, I would be really busy calculating how much benefit I get from here and how much I make from there."

Once we live a life of giving and forgetting how much we have invested, everything in our life becomes simple.  We start to live by principle.  Give and forget.  It is that simple.  Imagine how the world would be if every human lived by this principle.  Even the most hectic and complicated lifestyle becomes simple when one lives this way.  Nothing is complicated.  Wherever they go they will find that everything fits in place perfectly.

Blood Lineage

The Western culture has not learned the importance and value of blood lineage. 

Your body's cells are connected directly to generations of your ancestors.  The blood of your ancestors is alive in each and every cell of your body.  We must be proud of our lineage, but can God be proud?

You are linked to your ancestor's fallen bloodline.

You were supposed to be born directly into God's blood lineage, but instead were born as the fruit of the satanic blood lineage. 

The Unification Church testifies to the Messiah returning in our age preparing our heavenly blood lineage.  Evil will not last forever! AMEN!  You should know that the blood lineage which you carry is a satanic blood lineage.  You live in a fallen world born of a hellish lineage.  If you follow your bodily desires, you live in hell, if you follow your conscience, you are in heaven.

We should deny our fallen body and follow our Godly original mind.  Our body desires to eat, sleep, make love with different people and lives only for itself.  The heavenly way tells you to fast, make prayer conditions, serve God, shed blood, sweat and tears for others and make sacrifices.  This seems like death to the fallen body;those who want to die shall live and those who want to live shall die. 

That is the final conclusion.

Your Body's True Owner

Is a woman the owner of her own sexual organ?

This is the answer given by Father Moon:

"No, it exists for her husband. You women must understand this! The owner of a woman's sexual organ is her husband. The eternal owner is her husband. Before, it belongs to her husband, it belongs to her parents. Before, that it belongs to God. Whom does the man's sexual organ belong to? His wife. Without realizing the true owner of your sexual organ, how can you say that it is yours?

So living life without marrying is the greatest among sins because it denies the ancestry; wife denying her husband, husband denying his wife, parents denying their children are the worst of sins. It destroys the heavenly law. It leads to the entire lineage coming to an end in a single generation."

No one truly understands how extremely infinitely large spirit world is.  When we look at the world today, we can think how much hell is filling up and how empty Heaven must be.

God absolutely wants people on earth to create true ideal families and reproduce as much as possible to populate the Heavenly Kingdom.  How can one want to remain single when they know this truth about God. 

God is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so His blood lineage has the same quality and will be unending.  The satanic lineage has none of these characteristics and has an end.  Therefore, we should be proud to have the chance to obtain the pure heavenly blood lineage through the Marriage given by the Messiah which is called the Blessing.  On the flip side, the satanic lineage abhors  the heavenly lineage and they can never touch, see or feel it.

The Messiah and his wife are called the True Parents.  They give the blessing to those who follows God directly through the words of the Completed Testament.  Their families are the ones to inherit God's lineage-they do not inherit True Parents' lineage.  They inherit God's direct lineage and then engraft to the True Parents' lineage.  This was Jesus' hope and desire two thousand years ago.

This was the hope God had for Jesus-to find a bride, marry and give the marriage blessing to his disciples spreading good lineages across the world.  By our day and age, we would experience heaven on earth by now. But because his disciples "did not know the time of their visitation" and "could not yet understand things not of this world" Jesus had to go the way of the cross to save humankind. 

If Adam and Eve had obeyed God and waited for the time of their maturity, when and how would they connect to God's love, life and lineage?

 When Adam and Eve were married directly by God.  We have come to believe in modern society that the first man and woman were married before they were banished from the Garden of Eden. This is not so. 

God did not directly give marriage to Adam and Eve.  The fall occurred because man and woman misused their sexual organs without God's permission and were immediately banished.  The original plan was for them to be blessed into marriage by God and unite with Him representing his external form based on God's internal characteristics. 

How were we to unite in this way? 

Through their pure use of their sexual organs as True Husband and True Wife, this is where our first love was to begin.  With this unity of Adam and Eve in love, there would be no way for either of them to be tempted by Satan to fall.  Their pure power of love would have been stronger than Satan's fallen love.

Then when this love base is established, Adam and Eve's children as the third generation would automatically be born with a direct connection to God.
No one can deny that.

This is the absolute principle to realize the ideal family. You need to have the third generation. That is the only way, God, Adam and Eve and their children can create the four-position relationship of God-man-woman, husband and wife, parent-child and siblings centered on God.

Even God cannot destroy this four-position foundation. God inevitably has to protect it. But Satan tries to destroy it. With what?

With the greatest power.  Knowledge, money, extreme power?  No...with love.  Satan has false love and engrafted to Adam and Eve when they obeyed his words to use their love, instead of God's word to wait until maturity to partake in love. 

This false love has been inherited by the 7 billion people on this earth, no matter how rich, famous or great their family lineage may seem.  Every person not blessed into Holy Marriage given by the Messiah is under satanic dominion and not connected to the direct lineage of God.

We at best are adopted sons through the life of Jesus.

Mind and Body Unity

When the struggle of your mind wants to go toward the good way, but your body struggles to take you in the wrong direction you should stop and think, "Which is stronger?  My godly mind or my satanic body?" 

Surely our answer should be that our Godly side is stronger than the satanic blood lineage.  Then you should kick and weaken your body.

What tempts our mind to struggle.  It is simple.  Eating, resting and making love outside of God's dominion.  Our desire for these things are the problem.  And making fallen false love is the main enemy.  Our body loves these things the most.  Satan uses these three doors.  To go in the right direction, we should break apart from these selfish desires which does nothing for God.

So, the desire to eat is a problem. Many people are reading this today. All of you like to swing your heads around to look for the food you like.

You are swinging the head of the devil when you do that. The true owner is someone who makes sure everyone else is well fed and then he eats the leftovers. God would eat the leftovers with a satisfied heart. For the sake of your children, do not play around. Do not recklessly engage in self-centered love.

Why is the desire to eat a problem?  Don't you need to eat to live? 

A true owner makes sure that others are well fed and happy and can eat leftovers with a satisfied heart.  This is God's thinking.  Satan watches for people who eat centered on themselves.

"Are you confident enough to follow what I have just said?  If it were officially decided that all the young people in the world should receive the blessing from Rev. Moon, then do you think that everyone should go that way or not? [They should.]"

Why?  That is the only way AIDS can be prevented. That is the best medicine to prevent the collapse of teenage morality and family destruction.  How can AIDS spread if young people wait for marriage and only share their sexual organs with with their partners?

Toward the end of each speech Father Moon gives direction to the congregation to pledge what they learned by raising their hands.  He has said that even if you think it is a difficult responsibility to fulfill, by pledging with your hands to heaven and trying your utmost effort to fulfill, even if you cannot, spirit world will aid you to complete your mission.

This is the last part of the speech in his own words:

"No government can prevent the moral decline of their society.

Even the best education cannot stop it. No economic or military power can stop the problems. Nothing can really solve such complicated problems. Only True Parents. It is not difficult for the True Parents to solve the problems of youth and of families, and it isn't a problem to build the Kingdom of Heaven. [Amen!]

You must raise your hands and say Amen.[Amen!] Now, we know what our families should do. Even God cannot pull us out. Not even True Parents can pull people out of heavenly unity once it is established.

Neither the power of the United States nor that of the world can take anyone away from it. It is the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal unity. It is better than God is.

True Parents are the best of the king's messengers to pave the way for you to fly up to heaven directly. That is true. Where a bridge is needed, I build the bridge. Where mountains are too high, I give you an airplane. God's angels come and hold you in their bosom and fly with you. True Parents can make such things happen.

Let's say that you will have about a thousand generations of descendants in the future and already have about a thousand generations of ancestors. You can be the number one couple among all of them if you keep your purity absolutely like God, who is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. You must be able to see that God is the first ancestor, and you are the second ancestor. That is what it means by saying that mine is the central family of the blessing."

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Important Thing We Need Most

This text was rewritten and taken from the speech:

What Should Our Families Do?
Sun Myung Moon
January 29, 2001

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