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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trust God Matches Best Person as Your Spouse

In my experience lately, I wondered why God matches certain people or cause an attraction between two unlikely people and now I found out why of course through reading speeches and through recent experience.

There may not be just only ONE person possible for us to be happy with, but there is the BEST one God has in mind that not only benefits the family, but the world through their united interaction.

I think too many people settle early for the second best chose for their spouse or just good enough.  Then there are those who get to experience that out-of-the-world matching by God where there is absolutely no question, this person was created for you and matched by God.

They don't necessarily seem to fit separately, but the best matches are those who have the opposite qualities of their mate, yet are headed toward the same direction.

This type of match of 'opposite attraction' once this couple unites, will have a broader range of attributes and experiences to bring to the relationship.  A child of this kind of harmonious marriage will inherit the wide range of talents and backgrounds of their parents and will be a well-round person able to embrace more people.

There is absolutely one woman for a man who can represent the best sister, mother, daughter, wife for that him.  I believe each of us has that one person - God's ideal mate for us.

In a previous post, we imagined  the Garden of Eden how God had prepared Eve for Adam.  Could they say to God, I don't like her hair, who else is better?  Absolutely, Adam and Eve were born for each other.

Marriage is for the purpose of man to learn about woman, and women to learn all about man and to live for the sake of their spouse, family, nation and world through this love and for God to be at the center.

This is God's ideal.

So why does it seem that most people do not seem to get it right even though in the beginning of the relationship it seems like a perfect match.

One blog described the law of love attraction so well that I want to contribute this portion of the post to their advice.

First, the blog speaks about you first need to know the list of qualities you need in your ideal mate.  Then they challenge you with the next step...list the qualities you think your mate would want.  The hard truth, the blog says, is that everyone wants an ideal mate, but they themselves don't have the qualities to be the perfect mate for someone else:

"If both of your checklists match perfectly, it’s instant attraction. The secret law of attraction in love would set into motion a chain of reactions that will draw both of you together like moths to a warm flame!

Most singles start out in their teens or twenties wanting the best partner in all aspects, and by the time they’re twenty five, they drop their expectations a wee bit. And by the time they reach their thirties, they drop all their expectations and date anyone they get.

Now obviously, even if you find your partner by dropping all your expectations, you’re never going to be completely, truly happy in love. You’re always going to look at someone else, and wonder how things could have been if you could have been with your dream partner.

This is one of the biggest reasons why some people start to fall out of love with their own partners after a few years into a long-term relationship.

Instead of dropping expectations in love all the time, retain them. But just like you have expectations from your partner, remember that your dream partner has expectations too. Ask yourself what your dream partner might want from you and try to become a better person yourself."

If people don't have a simple understanding of this science of love, they will think that it is impossible to have a perfect match.

Thankfully, you now know that with faith and patience, you will find the one absolutely that matches you in every way.

First we need to have the standard of love within ourselves.

Love begins From Within You

When you look back on your love relationships, do you think that you have been able to love someone unselfishly?  If you can say that you have loved to this degree, these experiences will be your assests when you ascend to the spirit world - your pure love relationships will be the only thing you can take from this world into the next.

"You have met someone whom you can love. What an incredible blessing that is for you. Think of all that lies behind this marriage. But this love should not be just a horizontal bond between you and your beloved; you must link it to the vertical dimension."

It isn't easy to add vertical love to horizontal love, is it?

We are living on the horizontal plane and this axis links husband and wife.  However, for the family to link to the vertical line and for the vertical realm to reach down the family must extend upward.

What is this vertical line?

This vertical line above you is your nation in which you should feel patriotic.  In the fallen world, we pay our taxes because we can't avoid paying them.  In the original world, we should pay taxes because we love our country more than our own family and want to pay them.

With this intensity of patriotic love for your country, your children and descendants will create a great benefit and reward for future generations. Through this way, the blessing will multiply and expand.  This is the way to become an ideal family and form an ideal nation on this foundation of love.

You and your spouse become the core of the country when you devote yourself to loving your country and create a full circle of love.  As this core expands, you will receive special protection and true love will expand.

It is an Oriental custom always to use both hands when you serve your elders. Also, Orientals have the custom of bowing. To bow means to empty yourself and to convey the attitude, "I am nothing; you are everything."

When you bow, you acknowledge your elder as the perfect plus, and you empty yourself totally to that person, becoming a perfect minus. Whenever the plus is perfected, the minus is automatically perfected as well; and the interaction between plus and minus creates energy.

The Ideal Couple

What holds a man and woman together?

Men and women have interlocking shapes, to keep them from missing each other or sliding apart once they meet. The man has the additional role of anchor, so that when a couple is bolted together, they won't slip and lose their footing. This way, a couple can be anchored and bolted together with true love.

There is a space-age glue so strong that something mended with it may break anywhere else, but never at that joint. Likewise, a man and a woman bonded together in complete, true love might get hurt someplace else, but nothing will ever be able to separate their union.

God created man with interlocking shapes that prevents them from missing each other or sliding apart once they meet.  Man has the role of an additonal anchor where the couple will not lose their footing once they are bolted together with true love.

A man and woman that are tightened completely together through true love might get hurt elsewhere, but like the space-age glue, there is nothing not even God that can separate their union.

"True love is the super glue which holds husband and wife together. Do you understand? Don't just laugh. This is an operation of natural law; tell me whether you understand

You or the world could push, toss, knock down and kick such a strong couple bonded by true love and they still would not be able to be pulled apart but always stick together.  Such couples come from a a Marriage blessed directly and approved by God bearing children of His lineage.

A truly united couple does not break apart even if someone drill a hole through them -  the broken pieces would fall and return and stick to them.  Even if pressured was applied to this couple, once this pressure is removed, the couple would plump right back up.

A totally united couple is completely one.  Nothing under the sun can alter a couple with unity brought together by true love.

Would you like to be part of this perfect couple or be a mediocre couple?

What about a couple that only takes the easy way of dealing with issues. " Can you attain perfection as a couple if your focus is only on having fun and a good time; if you long only to see beautiful sights, smell nice things, eat good food and listen to good music; if you can relate only to good feelings?

One Common Trunk Line

Those blessed in a marriage that inherits the love and blood lineage of God is what Jesus wanted to accomplish during his lifetime if he had those of faith to follow him to the end.

Here the author of the Divine Principle tells groups of couples about the importance of this kind of marriage and becoming one in unity:

"After being a single person so long, it is wonderful to get married because something is added to you. However, in order to sustain that added stature, you need a strong root and a broad foundation. Your roots are your parents and relatives. Anyone who tries to flee his parents by getting married is making a mistake.

Once you are married, you cannot think of yourself as an individual but as part of the larger root system. Furthermore, once you are married, you have not only one family to worry about, but two. You have in-laws now -- brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, as well as many other new relatives. You should be able to plant yourself firmly upon this new root and foundation.

If you women try to be clever and take advantage of your husband's relatives for your own benefit, you will be kicked out of the house. Here I am referring basically to women; if you act that way, your husband will eventually throw you out.

Marriage is like a grafting process. The root of the man and the root of the woman are grafted together and become one. Your two roots join into one common trunk line, which branches out and produces blossoms, bearing the fruit of both families. A couple is not just one family but represents two families.

Your parents and relatives will see your blossoms and rejoice; your in-laws as well will look on and feel joy. Marriage is not just the meeting of husband and wife, not just the union of one individual to another, but the joining of two families. Two roots come together and become one trunk; a new trunk, new branches, new leaves are produced, and then the blossoms, flowers and fruits come.

Would you like to have a broad and embracing kind of tree, or would you rather ignore your in-laws and focus just on your spouse and yourself? Those who disregard the roots and focus only on their marriage relationship may try to justify themselves by claiming: "We are like Adam and Eve. We are the only ones that count.

We just want to concentrate on ourselves. Life is simpler and more convenient that way; we don't have any burdens. Why should we bother with the roots and branches?" Is that the right attitude? Unfortunately, however, this is the trend in America today.

One danger in focusing just on your spouse is that your relationship may easily break up. The wife may meet a man who is more handsome than her husband, someone who tells her how beautiful and attractive she is and how her husband is not treating her right. If she has no anchor or foundation, her heart can be affected.

Or the husband may meet a pretty woman who flatters him telling him how handsome he is. Perhaps his wife never told him that, and when another woman says it, his heart starts to quiver. He thinks, "You know, my wife is like a stump; she is unattractive and ugly. She's a good housekeeper but not adequate as a wife." Then the marriage breaks up.

Your marriage needs to be anchored to its roots and secured to its branches. Then when you consider all the foundation upon which you are standing and your commitment to the future, you cannot take your marriage lightly.

You should tell yourself, "I am marrying for the sake of my spouse, my parents, and my future children." You are the present. The present could not exist without a past, which is your parents. A future is coming, which will be your children. The past, present and future must be linked in your Blessing."

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  God Fortune is in Finding Right Spouse

This information was rewritten and taken from the religious textbook: True Love, Volume One, Restoration of Love.

"Why do people get married? It is to love God. Why should we love God? It is because we need to become one with the axis of God."

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