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Friday, February 15, 2013

Power of True Love

If I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries
and all knowledge and if I have all faith so that I can move
mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
And if I donate all my goods to feed the poor,
and if I give my body in order to boast, 
but do not have love, I gain nothing. 

1 Corinthians 2

Center of the Creation

God created man to be the center of creation - the closest to God of all beings.  We are God's partner in love.  Without man as His objects, God cannot accomplish true love.

God created love to be the highest and absolute value which is His ideal for all of creation.

Since God Himself absolutely surrenders to true love, all things and people are drawn to true love.  Through this standard, we can see how high God placed man as His true love object.  God's ideal of creation is to love for the sake of others.

"He gives and gives, without even remembering that He gave. In this, He is realizing true love. God began His creation investing without limit. All people are created so that they can harmonize, exist, and live eternally through God's principle of investing for the sake of others. Man came into being for the sake of woman; woman for man."

God's ideal for creation was for Man and woman to be born to become husband and wife.  Through this giving of love, they each become the object of God's vertical of love and build a reciprocal relationship with God.

God created this relationship as the purpose of our existence.

With this explanation of God's original purpose for creation, we realize why the way of free sex and free love has degraded the sanctity of marriage and spreads like an infectious disease throughout the world.

God wishes to be in the True Father's position and man was to inherit directly His true love.  God is the origin of love which is absolute and unchanging.  Through true love we experience perfect harmony and unity with others.

Then God can perfectly bequeath His true love to His Children who are His love partners.  Also, God gives us as men and women the right to live together with Him and share the absolute attributes of true love.

Parents wish for their children to be more successful and better than they are.  Just as husbands and wives hope that their spouse will be better than they are before they get married.

Furthermore, even among themselves human beings, centering on Gods true love, can share their inheritance, live together, and become equal. Thus, in the ideal world all human beings, centering on God's true love, will possess true individual ideals and happiness and transmit both to these to their spouses and offspring.

This was the world of God's original ideal.

Using this same model or principle, God also wished for beings who could become greater than Himself whom He could relate when He created His children - man and woman - you and me.  This is the quality of true love.  From this perspective  human beings were to live with God born from His direct pure lineage with the same value as God Himself.  Yes, God created love to have a greater value than Himself.  Even God is vulnerable before the power of love.

If this is God's original ideal of creation, in comparison, we can see how far we have fallen from this original standard.

A world of hell

Contrary to its original purpose, the world has degraded itself to become a world of hell, full of sin, struggle, and pain.

Would a Perfect Parent sit idly by as His children are broken in a fallen world?

"To bring this fallen world back to its original condition and order, God wages a dispensation for salvation. Thus, I have been teaching that God's work of salvation is the work of restoration, or anonymously, the work of re-creation."

The mission of the Messiah, is thus the cosmic mission that all men of faith are now undertaking. As described in the Bible, Adam and Eve, the first son and daughter of God, were to grow in God's true love and receive the blessing of marriage and give birth to sinless children.

Thus, they, like God, would become True Parents, and could enter into heaven.

God has never forsaken His dream for the ideal world which He planned from the beginning centered on His love.  Can you and I say that we could even give up one day without the need for a loving word or feeling from the people in our lives?

God has worked thousands of years for the sake of restoring the original world and ideal family centering on God's true love.

To restore the thought of "True Parents" whom Adam and Eve were supposed to establish if they had become husband and wife centered on God.  Because they believed in Satan's words instead of having faith in God's word, they and humanity have never had a true marriage or have True Children born of God's lineage.

"When we understand the mission of the messiah as a mission of True Parents to realize God's love in this world, we are called by God to pursue and accomplish this mission."

However, Adam and Eve entered into illicit love before becoming mature: the archangel became Satan; Adam and Eve became evil ancestors and the world of death began.

The world has become a world with people born from an evil lineage or bloodline. Satan became a god of lewdness - god hates lewdness the most. Because of lewdness, America and Europe today face the fate that befell Sodom, Gomorrah, and Rome. The world needs to find the True Parent who can liberate it from Satan's love, life and lineage.

This person - this liberator is the Messiah.

God's original plan was a much higher ideal than the Utopian world we speak of today in books and movies.  God's ideal for His children was not the hell in which we live in today, but a heaven on earth.  God's ideal family was to expand to realize a true world where God would reign.

Would we need religion in a world such as this?

 Religion was God's means to reconnect us back to Him, if humanity had originally just connected to Him and bore children directly with His pure bloodline, there would be no sin, no need for a Messiah or religion as a secondary link to God.

By Adam and Eve failing to fulfill their responsibility, God lost true children, and mankind failed to possess True Parents. As a result of the fall, God lost the true being who can realize the true love of God and the ideal of True Parents.

The Messiah returns with the task as a True Parent to take out the false root implanted by the first  human ancestors who became false parents.  Thereafter there has not been a family with parents born of a True Lineage of God - thus all parents including Adam and Eve became false in front of God's true standard.

To realize the ideal world of creation, first a relationship centered on God in a family must be established.  Through a true family, true love love base, this world can enter the realm after True Parents' position can first be established.

Rev. Moon spoke about being the Messiah:

"To help fulfill this very purpose I have been called upon by God. For this objective I have dedicated all.  The Unification movements I am deploying worldwide, the projects I have sponsored, covering all fields ecumenical, academic, educational, media, technical, business, financial, etc.

These were envisioned with this one purpose. I have suffered persecution and confronted death with only one purpose in mind, so that I can live with the heart of True Parents to love races of all colors in the world more than my own parents who gave birth to me, or my own brothers and sisters."

Path of the Messiah

Everyone wants to be in the very top position.  We want to obtain the status of a god or Messiah.  If anyone understood the fundamental qualifications to be a Messiah, they would run away from the responsibility.  I am sure during Jesus' time, nobody was volunteering to take his place of pure devotion to God, serving completely his fellow man and a life of sacrifice.

"The Messiah does not come to be served, but comes to serve God and humanity."

Also, God wants each person to follow in the Messiah's path and follow this principle of giving all of oneself for the sake of God's eternal ideal of love, peace and harmony.  This is the universal path of love for all men and women of faith and good conscience to follow.

God has a wish that all humanity become as a Messiah to their fellow brother and sisters.  God gives each man and woman the task to love God and his fellow man with a heart of a True Parent.

The path of true love travels the direct route.

Only by travelling the straight path of sacrifice which requires no precondition and nothing can block this path, can humanity as True Parents usher in a world of peace.  We must see the direct connection of the ideal of True Parents and the ideal of world peace.  By all religions, cultures, races and countries living 100% for the sake of each other.  By each person being generous and harmonious, world peace will be achieved.

The author of the Divine Principle book  explained a speech the process of world peace being achieved more specifically before the turn of the century:

"In the current world situation, externally we are experiencing the termination of the Cold War, and peacemaking between East and West, North and South.

Overcoming confrontations and divisions, we are heading toward the age of unification by harmony, as one word family of brothers and sisters. The last decade before the year 2000 is a precious period that God has allowed us for returning to the original world, a precious opportunity.

I have already proposed the establishment of the International Federation for World peace, and thousands of leaders in the United States, the Soviet Union, and other countries of the world are responding enthusiastically.

I have also established the Inter- Religious Foundation for World Peace, which is actively supported by over 800 of the most important religious leaders in the world. Many people have devoted themselves to the search for true unity and the achievement of one world; but true world peace still evades us.

Everyone wants peace but we must first know what is necessary to bring it about. the key lies not in one's spouse, sons and daughters, neighbors, nation or world...it is within one's self. It depends on whether one can become a harmonious being, where mind and body have achieved harmony and unity centering on original mind.

Man's original mind is the most precious gift from God even if somebody offers the entire universe, the original mind still has more value. When a person comes to have the heart of God and True Parents, he can begin to live fully for the sake of others and consistently lead a life where true love is the center, a life in which he can achieve true peace to enjoy happiness and unification of the world."

By beginning with true love with its standard of eternal and unchanging value, humanity will unify the body and mind as well as connect and unite the world presently divided based on spiritual and materialistic ideologies.

These are concerns of all conscientious people. The role of religion, politics, and culture in realizing ultimate word peace is therefore indispensable.

"Now is the time to develop within each person true love, which is the origin and basic element of world peace."

This is the concern of conscientious and religious people.  How can one of conscious be fully satisfied when their brethren are suffering?  Religion, politics and culture all have the major role of bringing about the realization of a world of peace.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Nature in Wait For True Love, Too

This text was taken and rewritten from the speech: The Tradition of True Love

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