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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Power of Prayer

Through prayer you can receive visions into the future and guide yourself accordingly. You will know what kind of difficulty is coming and how to divert it and overcome. If you know how to steer yourself, then you can do big things, and prayer alone can pioneer such a path.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Prayer is more important than eating.

I go out to nature because it gives me a better environment for prayer, and I love nature for that reason. I love the quiet of midnight. I don't say much about the visions I receive, but if you receive them then don't you think I do, too? That kind of new world can only be reached through prayer. In that position, you can taste love. 

This world is desert-like, but the world created through prayer has a climate where love can thrive.

You must learn to generate your own power.  You should not expect to be pushed and pulled out to your mission.  Be self-propelling.

In order to have this, you must have prayer as your daily diet of life.

Even if people do not recognize your efforts, you must do your duty enthusiastically because you have a covenant with God.  With this determination, day and night you move on without pause.  This is a living testimony.

Each year, this topic of prayer changes in Father's speeches, which shows that we are progressing into a new era.  Through having a prayerful mind, Father knows precisely God's timetable.  This kind of preparation is needed for self-perfection, and you must learn it through the power of prayer.

Do you prayer for His kingdom and righteousness?

Pray that this country can become the center of God's righteousness.  Many fervent patriots have come through this nation, but you must be able to pray with more fervor than any of them.  If you have the determination to care for this country more than God, then this country will prosper, otherwise it will crumble.

You are being led where God desires for you to be.  Obstacles do not matter, the important thing is not in getting there, but getting there in the shortest possible time.  If we are able to go quickly, then there is less danger.  If the process is stretched, there are many opportunities for disaster that we must not allow.

This is, therefore, a critical moment for you and God.  The ability to witness the Completed Testament to 360 homes, or home church, to spread this new truth is a gift to mankind.'  This has never existed in history and will not again in the future.

This is a transitional period; we are entering into a new era, a new plateau and history of faith. 

When you take this gift as your own, you are definitely becoming a true son and daughter of God.

This gift has been freely given to you and is an incredible opportunity.

Your home church area should be the subject of your prayer. 

You should pray for the people in your area with a parental heart, just as your own children who are struggling in hell.

As a parent, your heart should grieve and desire to save them.  If you have not reached this level where you feel you are in a dire emergency, you must open your heart to parental feelings of love toward your people.    If you do not have real love for the people you witness, just push yourself until you do.

No one really has to teach a parent to love his own children.

If you are able to feel that you are a parent to people in your home church, then your love will be the same and no one will have to teach you.

Elementary school takes six years to complete, how much more important is this home church?  You should give your heart and soul for your home church area because this is the best teaching you can receive.

The entire universe is represented in your area.  When you work hard serving and witnessing your home church, God will treat your efforts there as though you had given them for the entire universe.   By serving your area for three years, is the same as serving the universe.  You may be able to do so in six months time.

Home church should be your priority.

You can test this power of prayer: take one person and pray for them fervently, constantly, but do not tell them you are doing so.

When you pray tearfully for this person, they will feel a magnetic attraction to you.

Such phenomenon happen once you adapt this prayerful life.  You may receive a revelation in your prayer that you will meet such and such a person when you go to a certain place.

The power of hypnosis can place someone in a trance like state, but how much more powerful would prayer change lives?  You can mobilize the entire spirit world through your prayer.

There is no limit to the power of prayer.

When you have the right attitude in prayer then miracle after miracle will happen.

The foundation is the most important part of a launch pad. Your prayer is like a missile firing.  When it is time for take off, it should not break under the intense heat and pressure.  When you pray, you must not pray for greed for yourself.

A selfish prayer will be harmful to you.  Public prayer will cleanse you and elevate you higher and higher.

When you live in this high sensitivity to the spirit world, you are able to sense what is about to come.  Your perception will be keen and it will help you prepare for the future.

You are really two people in one.  Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. When the inner and the outer man does not synchronize into oneness, you will feel pain and anguish.  When the two
are perfectly aligned, you then feel joy and power.

Everyday, this inner battle is within you.  Your inner man can tell you about a person like a sixth sense and how truthful they are.

Everyone should experience these spiritual things.

Do not neglect this inner man.  Just like you need to feed and nourish your physical body, you also need to nourish your spiritual body.  When you are working at a higher spiritual level, you are always speaking with this inner man.

Don't pray empty prayers.

A person like this will pray for the nation and the world before they pray for their own family.  God would concern Himself with this person's well-being because he would be concerned with God's well being.

If I only paid attention to my family instead of to the world and God, my family would get sick. I don't concern myself with my family's well-being; I concern myself with the Church and God's work and I know God will take care of them in the meantime. This is the principle of give and take. 

Those who want to do more for others will receive more.

The Principle states that those who want to go down will be lifted up and vice versa.  Now you fully understand the power of prayer.

You should know beforehand, whether the things you do will succeed or fail.

You will be able to feel a pull in the direction of things that will lead to your success and you will be eager to go ahead.

Think of your body as a receiver of the radio.

You should be able to free yourself from thinking that is only centered on you.  Once you are able to free your mind, then it becomes like an open valve.  You have the right to ask for God's power, but only if it is for the sake of righteousness and His Kingdom on earth.  Then God will come down.

Pray then act.

Once you are able to have this attitude toward prayer and live this prayerful life, you will feel different from yesterday and you will know when the power of prayer is in action.

Today is only the beginning.  You can pray and report to God that you are just beginning to live in this daily prayerful life and that you need His help to continue to do so as a frontline soldier.

Make this kind of showdown prayer with God everyday.  This way of praying should become second nature and not forced along the way as a daily habit.

You can then live this way all the time without even being conscious of it.  Let's do it then; take action.

Let us pray.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: We Must Get Rid of Barriers

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Importance of Prayer

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Your Attitude in Prayer

The most important thing in prayer is the attitude of the person who is praying. 

The most essential part is your commitment to go forward without any reservation.

If there is anything that is trying to block you from praying, you have to be decided that it will never stop you. Unless you have this kind of commitment to continue, God will not waste His time trying to help you.

God has trusted many people of faith in the past to accomplish His will and He has been disappointed and deceived.  He has been looking for proof of what you are made of and how strong your commitment is.

You may tell God that you are completely committed and will do whatever it takes and never quit.  But He would just shake His head and say that He will wait for at least three years to see.  If God sees that something isn't quite right within you, He will wait before sending His help.

God has to be absolutely sure.

If God was to just freely give out His help and at the end of several years the person is broken into pieces, it would make God foolish.

 If I were God I would also wait and see. Suppose you were God; what would you do? You may tell God, "You see I am living as a church member and I will die as one." Then God will notice and look more closely.

No matter how firm your prayer is, without this basic commitment nothing will happen and you will be wasting your time.  This is where the decisive attitude is the key.

Do you think I made a commitment to God that I would never change, not for fifty years or the rest of my life? I prayed first for the absolute faith which could say, "Even if not a single person in this world can believe, I will believe and follow in whatever incredible course You give me." Second, I asked for absolute knowledge and wisdom. Third, I asked for absolute love. I prayed for these three things throughout my life, and now in looking back I see that they have been fulfilled, even when I didn't know it was happening. 

There is no other power that could go beyond the boundary of race and nation. 

With this absolute wisdom, the Divine Principle and the truth about the world was the result of an arduous search.

The attitude of absoluteness is the basis for everything.

Nowadays, some worry that they are getting too old to marry and have children.  This kind of attitude shows that your absolute commitment is starting to shake.  Instead of shrinking under this challenge, you should have the thought that even if you are not married yet, it does not bother you or change your commitment.

When you are faced with great problems and agony, once these challenges are overcome, your faith will be iron hard.

When you are able to see the obstacles that are blocking you path, you are able to clear the field.

Since God could give me this absolute wisdom, I could search and find the Divine Principle and the truth about the world.

What if along this road, you were very much in love with your husband or wife, but they suddenly die.  Will heaven and earth crumble for you?

This could be the very moment that you would curse God for taking your loved one away.  But what if instead you were able to thank Him for giving you a situation that will strengthen your faith?   Then you faith will become stronger instead of weaker.

God is a parent who loves His children.  If He takes a loved one away, it is not because He hates you and wants to see you suffer, but it is for a greater reason.  If you are able to accept and digest this situation, and have faith in that purpose, then you are ready for another challenge.

In this movement the most beautiful word to our ears is 'indemnity'.

Through paying indemnity, we can pay for the debt of our sins and our ancestors.  Many mistakenly believe that because Jesus died on the cross for our sins that all sins here and in the future have been  eradicated through the cross.

This is incorrect.

If that was true, when Jesus died on the cross, every child born thereafter would have been born without sin and without need for redemption.  Yet, you and I were born with sin and continue this stained lineage.

Jesus paved a way for each person to come to God to be forgiven of their sins.  We still have a mountain of sin we inherit on the individual level, family,/ancestral love and so on that needs to be paid for.

We are living in the Completed Testament age where all the sins of the past are being completely erased through paying indemnity while humanity steps one foot closer to God's ideal world of Heaven on Earth.  God is asking you as His champion to pay indemnity because no one can stand such a burden..

Accept indemnity with a thankful heart. 

When you compare the time on earth that you are apart from you loved one with the millions of years your descendants will live,  your payment of indemnity is small compared to the huge blessing God will give your descendants.

If in fact, the death of your spouse was an accident, and was not a direct intervention of God, but you are still able to have a grateful attitude God will feel that you are an extraordinary child and His blessing will automatically be yours.

Your attitude will decide the amount of blessing. 

Are you ready?

If an extraordinary grief or tragedy hits you, are you ready to thank God and ask what is next?

When you understand the law of indemnity, you know that you cannot only accept the pleasant situations and then curse God during the most unpleasant events.  With this knowledge about indemnity, there should be nothing that you cannot bear.  This is the attitude of those who truly know God.

When you first join the church your eyes are filled with such fervor and hope, but as the years pass on they get a little duller.  What about in ten years?  It is easy to say that you have the same enthusiasm, but do you really have the confidence?

Prayer is an absolute necessity. 

It is important to first make an environment of serious commitment before praying.

If you do not have this basic attitude, no amount of prayer and tears will suffice.  Many in the Christian world pray everyday.  Do you think that they pray for the Christian churches to decline?  Of course they pray for the churches to prosper, but the churches are crumbling anyway.

Prayer is very powerful, thus there is a disconnect between their prayers and God.

We should pray for the big things: the nation, the world and the liberation of God.

This way you are praying for an even bigger cross than your own church.

If you only pray for smaller things than the church, God will not answer because He is not interested in listening to such boring prayers.  When you pray for the nation and the world, God takes notice and will want to help.

This way of prayer is training for how to love greater things.  If you live this way of life, then God will still back you up even if you do not have time to pray.

In churches today, people pray for their denominations, their Social Security check or their family problems and their pet. God's ears hurt when He hears those prayers and He will plug His ears. It would be the equivalent of a child begging their parents every moment for some candy.

When you only talk about yourself in your prayer, God is thoroughly bored and nothing will happen. But if you pray for His righteousness and His kingdom, He will be caught up in your passion.

In order to fulfill bigger things you need an adventurous mind and be willing to take risks.

When you work for larger goals, you will not have to worry because God will be right behind you.  If you work hard to overcome the stonewalls and persecution standing in your way, God will take up your battle for you.

God is able to distinguish who is just and who is unjust.

God would wait and give you a chance to knock down your opponent with your own might before He rushes in to help.  This is the same thing a father and mother would do for their children.

If you were to run to your parents first before confronting your enemy, God, like any parent would be ashamed to hear your complaints and will send you back out again.

Create a good problem: be a heavenly troublemaker instead.

I came to America and became a good troublemaker, and that's why America doesn't like me. America has built a prosperous society, but I came to shake this nation and Americans resent my disturbing their peace.  But I did not come to destroy America, only to warn this nation that there is danger ahead. 

Someone has to warn the people of America and bring them out of disaster.  We must prepare ourselves for this big battle.  After you go first, then you can ask God to come and help you with any area you lack.

Then God will say, "Go ahead, I am right behind you."

In those circumstances, if you sit down and pray with seriousness, then God will encourage you.  When God finally has proof of your commitment, an avalanche will come to you.

I have had the experience of thinking about some problem and not even praying about it, but already God knew my thoughts and went one step ahead of me. When I discovered that my thinking had been fulfilled, He smiled and said, "See what I did?"

You need the basic attitude of sincerity as a foundation of prayer. 

If you do not exhibit this basic attitude, then no prayer will work.  To create this atmosphere, you should serve one more person, knock on one more door, receive more persecution for restoration.

That would be more valuable than sitting in a dark room for hours praying.

Praying is only needed only after you have exerted all of your energy into a cause and it was still not enough.  Then at that time you can ask God to come help.  When you can do the mission on your own, then you don't have to ask God for help, and you can tell Him to relax.

The prayer for all seasons is the prayer for God's kingdom and His righteousness.

Does God pray sometimes?

When a parent, without thinking, will whisper to themselves that they wish their son would do this or that.  That is God's prayer also.  He prays about you and me because we are living in a time of emergency and He is engrossed in His concern.

That is God's prayer.

You do not even have to sit down and pray.  You can just murmur as you go.  That is prayer.  In our case, praying and doing is the way of life and praying and waiting is not life.

If you pray unconsciously throughout your daily life, then you undoubtedly are becoming sons and daughters of prayer.

If you give your last ounce of energy but it is not enough, then ask God for assistance and your prayer will be answered.

If this was not the case, how could we have the ability to subjugate Satan?

Satan has caused unending anguish and heartbreak to God for over six thousand years.  If there was no way to finally subjugate Satan, then there would be no end to this hell.

But God has made a way for us to overcome this evil world of darkness.

The power of prayer works wonders.  But when you pray, you must be serious and pray with one united hear, not a heart divided.

How serious is it to pick your own spouse?

It is dead serious, but prayer is even more serious than that.  At the moment your parents are on your death bed is a serious moment, and the words  you speak then are urgent. You will not doze at that time.  Your prayer has to be even more serious this moment in picking your spouse.

Prayer is like a covenant between you and God, a promise. 

Once you make this contract through prayer you follow through and without a doubt, God will fulfill it.

This is the attitude you should have through prayer.

You should not be disappointed that your prayer is not answered immediately.  Some answers come late.  As well, as you should not be overjoyed when your prayer is answered quickly.  That is not necessarily the best thing either.

The answer to prayer does not come from you, but down from heaven and it takes time to reach you.

You are surrounded by the world where there are many stages to go through horizontally and vertically.  There were many foolish people who received answers to their prayers up to a certain point, but who didn't go to the final inch.  They gave up when they were not satisfied and betrayed God.

When you pray for the world you may not see things changing immediately around you, but far away the communist world starts to crumble. 

Your prayer may be felt in a far-away place.  You must think that your prayer might not reach you today or be fulfilled for thousands of years from now.

I pray such prayers. I am not praying just for this world today; I am praying for 1,000 and 2,000 years from now. If that prayer makes a bridge between that time and now, then the Unification Church will continue to flourish even a long time after I am gone from the earth. That kind of prayer is needed.

What if everyone was to pray that kind of prayer?

That kind of eternal prayer would shake the world and the impact would be far reaching.  Prayer, sweat and tears would be the root of that prayer, and out of it beautiful flowers will blossom. When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, he was deadly serious.

All day long, you should be in prayer mindset, not just one hour, but 24 hours.

What prayer position do you prefer?

The best position is to kneel and bow your head  Restrict your body's freedom as though it were bound.

You will feel pain, but overcome it because you must be serious in your prayer.  This is necessary for prayer. Then God will know your serious attitude.

If Jesus and other saints did not pray, they would not have been able to carry out the great things that has impacted the world.  When you resort to the power of prayer, you can have hope because you never know when the fulfillment will come.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Power of Prayer

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Importance of Prayer

Monday, July 29, 2013

All Creation Has Purpose

Who dislikes hearing about the "ideal"? We talk about the ideal husband, ideal family, and nation.  When we talk about the home that is most ideal, then that must be the home in which we want to dwell.

This home would probably be located in an ideal neighborhood and built like a mansion seen in the magazines.

Can we say that this world is the ideal world?

As people of faith, we know that we live in more than one world.

Beyond this world, we know there is a spirit world beyond this physical world which is a bigger house than the ordinary one people imagine.

Would we find harmony or disharmony in this large house?

The 'ideal' represents harmony.  Do we live in this world of harmony?  Does it exist?  Is it possible?  Would the ideal house be lit by just one color of light, or would it be lit by all the living colors of the world.

This large house includes all of nature-trees, and flowers in all their beautiful variety.  Even grass that seems insignificant is part of the whole.  All of these variety of elements each contribute to the overall existence.

Everything in creation has a purpose. 

The courageous tiger is admired by everyone, but the tiny insects and smelly skunks also contribute to existence. We humans dislike the skunk's smell, but some element of the universe might like it.

What if we find out decades from now that the skunk's smell has medicinal value for some animals?  No one wants to be bit by a poisonous snake, but that venom has great value for certain medicines.

A blade of grass would feel that they have some kind of tiny supporting role in the large universe, or that they were important enough that the rest of the world would harmonize with its qualities.

What about in the church?

Some members might think that they are unimportant in the church, but may think that they are indispensable in God's dispensation.

If you think you are indispensable then how do you think the rest of creation views themselves?

My eye may realize that it is small, but feel that if it were blind and staring blankly then Reverend Moon would look unattractive. For that reason my eye feels it is important, and I have to agree. If you ask one hair on my head whether it belongs to me or I belong to it, that hair will definitely respond that I belong to it! 

In a way, this seems like mild arrogance, but everything considers its existence to be important to the rest of the universe.  Without having this concept, we cannot begin to think of the ideal.

Out of all of the thousands of churches in America, there may be only one that sacrifices for the world and sits on a concrete floor.  That church would think they are the center of the universe.  That is the ideal, and is very dramatic.

If you were to think that this life of faith is horrible because of the sacrifices we have to make, you will make your life miserable.

Even though people scornfully oppose me, I still think that without me this nation would be lost, and that I am important to the rest of the universe. This attitude is where the ideal lies. 

The more you can make yourself available for the harmony of the rest of the universe, the closer you are to the ideal.

Now, you know how the ideal is tangible in our present life.

The important thing is not what kind of work you do, it is all about how you feel inside when you do the work, the motivation.

What do you think the ideal way to finish doing chores?  Is it to sulk and hate every minute of it or to have the thought that you do this work for the sake of mankind and the universe with a joyful heart.  Work that is done willingly like this will have value.

Who would be happier: the one who is lazy and does not participate in work, or the one who is busy?

The busy person would be more happy because the more work you perform, the more you relate to the variety of the world and the more opportunity you have to harmonize with your neighbors.

Why do we always try to do our best when we could goof off and work at your leisure?

By doing your best, you become more central to the rest of the world.  It is better to work with your whole heart and soul.

When listening to speeches, you can think that among the others that are listening, you will be the champion in taking action and carrying out the words you heard.

The ideal is connected to all practical elements. 

You may do a good performance and it does not guarantee you will be praised or recognized.  Sometimes you may be chastised.

You may think that it is better to receive some reward for a good job, but it is better to be criticized.

No one can subtract from what you did, but by receiving criticism, you create a situation where the critic has to surrender to you.  Then those who praise you can defend the values of what you did.

In other words, you will be able to conquer both elements by what you did.

This is how the saints did their great work.

They were never accepted in their own time, but they had the capacity to digest the criticism of people, thus history remembers and recognizes them and they receive a much higher reward.

When you do the right thing yet the entire world comes against you, it will be your asset.

This is because you will acquire a great capacity to contain all of the elements in the world.

While doing this work, digest the criticism, and by doing so, I am creating room for all of America to eventually bow down to the truth.

Then what would be the ideal kind of work?

It is when you do the right thing, yet receive criticism instead of praise.  When you think in this way, you understand that you have no adversary in the world.  People think it is bad to be cursed at
 because you will acquire the capacity to contain all the elements of the world.

I am one example. I am working hard to do the right thing, but because America doesn't understand this it has opposed me. 1 will digest that criticism, and by doing so I am creating room for all of America to bow down eventually.

There are two kinds of people that receive curse words: the one who deserves to be criticized, and the one who does good things yet receives abuse from people.

What makes something bad?

Evil has no hesitation to sacrifice others for its own good without any righteous purpose attached.  Goodness is giving of the self for the public purpose.

What is the ideal way of life?

We conclude that the ideal way to live is in giving yourself for the sake of others, even when you are criticized for doing so.  There are also two ways to serve others:  one is to do something good yet be criticized and the second is to be totally committed to serving others, even while risking one's life.

Which one is the most ideal way?

Jesus taught this ideal level because he was serious about giving his life for the sake of others.

"He who would gain his life would lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will find it."

When Jesus spoke that he was the way, the truth and the life, was he speaking of a small mountain or a superhighway that reaches to heaven?  He was speaking about the truth which the entire universe would embrace.

When Jesus said he was the life, he did not envision a shivering miserable life.  Jesus had the authority to speaks these things because in his way of life, he always lowered himself to serve others.

When Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life, did he mean he was a small mountain trail, or a superhighway to the Kingdom of Heaven? What kind of truth was he referring to?

He meant the truth which the entire universe would embrace it.

When you lower yourself, you will be lifted up, but those who try to elevate himself will be lowered.

When you kick a ball way up in the air, it comes down with great force and rebounds back up high. Is that more ideal, or should it be kicked so high that when it comes down it doesn't rebound but just disappears into the ground?  This is unimaginable.

We may think this is the ideal way, but the ball wouldn't like this ideal way.  But the ball was born for this mission.  If the ball wants to be the number one ball, it has to be kicked hard in the air and rebound back up high again, and last the longest and go the farthest.

When American young people hang out at the club, we may think why do they want to dance and waste their time away.  It may make sense that they would have fun for themselves.  There is no law that says you have to live for the sake of the world.

When we do our mission work and get spit on or criticized, we wipe it away and say, "I am doing this for the sake of the world".  You raise money not for yourself but to benefit the world.  This is what distinguishes your activity from everyone else's.

What is the opposite of the ideal?

Can we judge someone's happiness by how rich he is?  Can we also say that the one who does not own anything is unhappy?  What is the definition of happiness and unhappiness?

It does not matter how elegant your palace you live in, if you live there only for yourself and sacrifice others for your own benefit, you are sitting in hell. Even if you don't have a place of your own, and you look poor as long as you are trying to serve other people, you have heaven.  Is this true?

There are many people that make a good living and live in luxury, they go home at night anguished over their lives that they can't sleep.  A rich man in his heart feels pressure from his society and nation and feels guilty.  This is a kind of self-torture.

There is this fight between the conscience which tells him not to live like this, but he has a desire to keep all his things for himself.

There are many rich people who struggle internally at night for living this selfish way.  Even the walls and the ceiling will say they deserve to live that way.  The fine furniture will say that it did not exist to please the selfish owner, but to accuse them.

When your conscience is clear you feel that the entire universe is embracing you. 

If you sleep humbly under a bridge in a sleeping bag, you would see the beautiful blue sky and sunshine when you wake up the next morning.  The green grass and flowers would make the best hotel room.  Even the gentle breeze jumps around you.

In this way of life, you don't fee anguish when you lie in bed at night, but fall asleep immediately from all the providential work serving others.

If a riot was certain to break out, we should stay at peace while others are uncertain and afraid.
In our way of life we don't feel anguish as we lie in bed at night, but just fall asleep immediately! Who is happier, the anguished rich man, or the person sleeping under the bridge?

The happier person is not the rich person living in anguish, but the person sleeping under the bridge.

Whatever the mission, I am at peace because I do it with all my effort.

The one who deserves to live in the ideal house is the ideal man or woman.  We should concentrate on being ideal men and women, but instead we worry about what you don't have; this is the basic problem.

The main cause of the problem lies within yourself, yet we often place blame on our environment and circumstances.

We do not have time to eat or sleep in doing our public mission, because the nation is crumbling and the world is at stake.

There is not time to spend on someone who is not certain why they are here.  It does not mean we don't care about members, the priority is to follow the bigger cause first when we have too many responsibilities to fulfill.

If a person is totally dedicated to the public cause then he is living the ideal life.

This movement seems like it does not care about people, but that judgment will declines.

This is because the Church is dedicated fully to the public purpose, the basic unselfish cause.

We are taught that we should sacrifice our desires for the public cause, so the person who wants to sacrifice others to take care of him does not understand this concept.  Before you complain, be a frontline soldier who works harder than any other member and then your constructive criticism will be worthwhile.

This is important for new members to know this as they will face many difficult times.

You have many demands and responsibilities with little time.  You have new members to take care of, fundraising efforts and you out there for the mission.  Is it more ideal to fellowship or tell them that you are too busy doing your mission?

The one who is truly dedicated for the public cause will eventually win.

As a tree grows its branches extend out farther and farther.  What if the tree does not bear any fruit or flowers?  Trees normally bear flowers, but for whom does it bear them.?  Would the flowers blossom or have a certain color for the tree's sake or for the ideal of harmonizing the universe?

The color of the flowers are for the sake of inviting insects and bees.  The vibrant colors are necessary to communicate with the rest of the world.  Also, the fragrance of the flowers is not for the survival of the tree.

The fragrance is to harmonize and communicate with others.

When you see the flowers you impart your happiness and enjoyment of them. In reality the flowers possess their color and fragrance for your joy.  It seems as if beautiful flowers in the garden call out for you to touch and smell them.

The flowers, too, would be pleased because their purpose is fulfilled and they were touched and appreciated by others.

It is this communication and fellowship which makes life more beautiful.

Would it make sense for a plant to have green flowers and green leaves?

It is easy to admire how sensible plants are in having flowers of various colors.  People would take this for granted, but what if the flowers were just as green as the leaves?

Is that exciting?

There is a possibility there is a green plant with green flowers, but even then you will find some accent of white or red for instance that sets it apart.

Have you ever seen a plant with green flowers as well as green leaves? Would it make sense? I have always admired how sensible plants are in having flowers of various colors, not just green like their leaves.

Flowers impart beauty and fragrance for the sake of others, for the sake of harmony with the universe. In that harmony a fuller life is generated. 

If we were flowers, we would want to be a stimulating, vibrant color.

God would like the color and fragrance of the one who works hard for His ideal world.   No matter what other people think, at least one person would come to enjoy our color and fragrance-that is God.

That color and fragrance never changes wherever you go, so God would go there and enjoy it.  If you were to wind up in hell, God would go there with you also.  Wherever you go, you carry the fragrance and color which attracts God.

Therefore, activity and life will be generated wherever you go.

It is not that bad if your surroundings are drab, because you would look more vivid.  Others think that this is hell, but we think it is heaven to live this way of life.  The dark circumstances of hell will make you stand out better.

The Chinese character for "ideal" actually depicts a king and a village, so it literally means "king's village," or the village where the king dwells.

A king would not just be responsible for the good of the country, but for both the good and the bad.  Good kings will let other people take care of the good things while he takes care of the bad situations.

God is the King of kings because He thinks He will be responsible for the evil of the world. 

Because God takes care of the bad things, He is supremely good king of all of the kings of the past, present that lived on earth and they will have to bow down to Him.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Your Attitude in Prayer

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Ideal Home

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Does God Need Love?

Does God need true love?  We know that humanity has been in search of the purest love, but God has total authority, why would He need love?

Actually, the fact that God is almighty and absolute means that God also needs love more than anyone else in the universe.  Everything on earth only can work through the power of love.

Is it possible for God to have love without humanity or creation?  Is He able to experience joy all by Himself?

Love needs an object to complete a circuit, and even God cannot violate this law. 

God needs someone in which to love and be loved by; but is humanity equipped to give love to God? If so, would it be men and women together or separately?  Will love hit two people at the same time or one at a time?

What is the order of this love?  Who would be the first in this love crusade?

It is impossible to go in two different directions at the same time so there must be an order.  Would you be able to love your mother and husband with the same intensity, or would you love one more than the other?

Can you kiss them or embrace them both at the same time?

In this day and age, the feminist movement wants men and women to be equal, but there should be an order or discipline between them.

Equality and fairness are two different things.

Having blind equality does not equal fairness.  God loves both men and women equally as His children like any father, but there is always priority or sequence that follows.

Who would be the first to love God?  Women would say men come first.

When you make a circular motion based on this external layer, it goes in all different directions and ultimately is self-destructing.  Lasting, peaceful circular motion is always set up around an axis.

In everything, we need this central axis.  If you use this central line, then there will be no destruction no matter how fast or long you turn there. The more responsibility one has, the farther he advances toward the central position.

Who is designed more for greater responsibility, men or women?

The biblical tradition was for men to be given the blessing, because men are ultimately responsible.  Man is the subject in that central responsibility.

Blessing always accompanies responsibility. 

Throughout history, mankind has traditionally lived in this way, with women leaving their family homes to get married and taking their husband's name.  During war time and pioneering times, the women assisted behind the men in their work.

Men are in the subject mode and women are in the object mode.

Would you rather have a feminine man or a masculine man?

Women rather have a masculine man because this is a quality they do not have.  God created men and women in a complementary relationship.

Women are created for conquest of love by men.

This is not offensive when it is genuine, unselfish love that conquers you.  You will be intoxicated by it instead of repulsed by it.  At a certain point you will be a prisoner of love and give everything you have for the sake of your husband.

This is how God designed women.

The more you are conquered by love, the more you want to give. 

This is the spirit of true love.

I am a tough and rugged man who cannot stand any injustice, but even though I have a fiery temper I was conquered by the love of God and became totally helpless. In that love, I was made a lamb. If I weren't caught up in the love of God then I could not stand all the criticism that has come to me, but because of the love of God, the more people criticize the more I like it. In the name of God, I can be persecuted and tortured.

Father said in his speech that God would test him by allowing persecution to come.  When he would overcome, he would be completely intoxicated by God's love.  Then God recognizes him as His son, the living proof of His love.

God gives more tribulation as a condition where He can give him more love.

If Father is able to absorb the criticism and welcome the persecution he receives, then within the realm of God's love, there is nothing he cannot do.

Love is the central theme.  Would you like the kind of love where God allows persecution to come to you?  You would endure it because of love.

Equality is good, but not with blinders. 

Because you are not losing anything, you don't take exception to this, do you?

God created Adam first to be next to Him.

Women are built as objects, not subject.  If a woman was to go out late at night, it is natural for her to ask for a man to accompany her to the dark parking lot or to her car.

But even her youngest brother would be able to go out alone at night without asking for his sister's help.

This is the complimentary order of subject and object relationship which God established.

Father's family is the same way.  His first born was his daughter who is next to him, and then his second oldest is his son who is next to her.  Just because he is the first son does not mean he assumes the first position in the family.

He would not complain that his eldest sister is given first treatment.

Why is this so?

This is the order of love, flowing to the first fruits, then the second fruits.

There is a certain flow and timing which remains as the universal order.  God created one at a time in order, not two at once.  God would not complain about this because it is God's universal order.

This order is established in subject and object relationship.

If all of creation was a Boeing 747, then true love would be the compass and navigator.  True love love guides the whole plane with all its passengers riding in the correct direction.

I have been called all kinds of things, such as a dictator worse than Hitler. Do you think I have the power to do everything at random according to my will? Am I without principles and law? What is guiding me? True love. 

Father is obedient to the law of true love more than anyone else.  He upholds this law and gives his entire life for it.

Does true love have color of white, black or yellow?  True love is all colors.  All colors have come to follow Father, why is that?  They each have a common goal.  We are not just talking about it, we're creating it.

A good example is we have all colors and races under one fatherhood and bound by true love.

Could this be the result of a dictatorship?

You work hard at your mission and it seems like  a thankless, miserable life, but underneath is a burning desire to be a central person of true love.

You bring meaning to hard work.  You do not do it because someone forces your, but you do it because you have desire that is burning, you have peace within you.

This is true love.

When you are activated by true love, everything you do shall have beauty and glory.  If you communicate with God, then you could never leave him.  Even if you were to receive persecution from the whole world, you are able to sustain your ground, because true love of God upholds us.

This love is invincible because this true love is what mankind needs. 

Because those who you witness have to receive that love through you, they have to come.

Once you reach the level of total oneness with God in His true love, then you can enjoy absolute freedom and do anything with God.  In this love of God, there is no deed that is ungodly.  Even if you do things that seem nasty on the outside, they will bring you closer to God.

No deed done in true love is ugly.

What if God was angry about something, but in that moment His three-year old grandson came over and said, "Grandpa".  He would not be able to help but smile despite His anger, because that one word came from the child's true love.

Maybe God was in the middle of making a life or death decision for the universe, but even at that moment that one word of true love melted His heart.

If you have ever seen a moon launch, the moon may be in one direction in the sky, but the rocket will go in the opposite direction.  The spectators do not think that this makes any sense.

Those living in the world would say the same of the movement, that we were crazy and going in the wrong direction to the Kingdom of Heaven.  But our compass has a clear direction.  It is a spiritual compass leading ultimately to heaven.

If that compass leading your heart is true love then you are bound to reach heaven. 

Even though the rocket looks like it is doing unnecessary maneuvers, if it is led by the compass of true love, it will definitely take you right into heaven.

When that rocket led by true love lands in God's love, that love will explode and rock the entire universe.

When this happens, God will be activated in true love and begin to dance.  When God dances, all of creation will harmonize with Him and begin to dance, too.  Even if God stepped on someone's head in His excitement, that person would not complain, and probably ask for more.

This is the power of true love.

The contest of giving true love is the ultimate competition between husband and wife. 

If you are able to say that you love your partner with the true love of God, then no matter how wealthy or handsome or beautiful he or she is, he has to bow down.

True love is the ultimate gauge of value, not appearance or social standing.

If a wife measures how her husband has given true love to his family, if he is defeated in the competition of true love, he has to bow down to her.  If the subject is defeated in true love, then he must humbly come under his object.

This works on every level, as between a head of state and the people.  If a child is on tour of the White House and asks the President if he loves the people as much as he love his parents and he answers yes, then he is a great President.

If he cannot love the people more than his own parents, he is a failure.

Just as the Bible states that even though you may move mountains, without love it does not have value.  What is the expression of this true love?  Unselfish giving in everyday life is the true expression of that love.

This is the way parents have been living for their children and also the way God has been living for mankind.

Any subject demonstrating unselfish love toward his object is living true love.

When a man stands in the center of true love, the Kingdom of Heaven shall be there.  That love will go beyond any power that is on earth and win over it.  Then the power of unity will bind everything together into oneness like glue.

This is our goal on the road toward an ideal world.  Our direction is true love.

When we manifest that true love in our daily life, it is unselfish giving everyday.  You will also always remember your position.

When you get closer and closer to that goal, many burdens and responsibilities will come to you because the time of fulfillment of God's wish for an ideal world  is near.

Return for Tomorrow's post:  All Creation Has Purpose

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Mankind and the Ideal World

Saturday, July 27, 2013

God is God for a Reason

Once you possess the true love of God, you will be the focus of the world wherever you go. I am intently pushing you out so that you can quickly become the focus of the world.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Through this work of restoring the world back to God's original ideal of heaven on earth, you will come to experience how much God has suffered in restoring mankind.

We must understand how much more difficulty God has experienced on this path than any man in history.

If it was up to you and you had the power of the Almighty God, you would have used your power to crush this evil world a long time ago.

We know we should be patient, no matter how long restoration takes.

Our weapon and tool is education.  So, instead of destroying people, we will raise them up through teaching them God's divine plan in the Principle.

God saw and heard much wickedness over these thousands of years, yet He has been patient. By the same token, you have to be able to endure the criticism of the world. We must win the love of God; only that one thing matters.

God has been the king of patience in history and so we must be princes and princesses of endurance. 

You must have infinite patience and endurance if you want to gain true love.

Just looking in history, we can feel the pain of God as He worked to bring humanity back from their fallen position.  God gave His only son who carried His blood lineage and yet the world killed him.

Still, God was patient in that time.

Father has received overwhelming criticism as he brought the truth of the Completed Testament, but he does not want to remember any of it.  Within thirty minutes, he wants to forget any accusation that comes to him.

God has endured even more heartbreaking situations and disappointments over the thousands of years of human history, but he has forgotten the evil things and remembers the good news only.

Even though walking this path of restoration is treacherous, we should always be thankful to God for the opportunity to participate in His hardship.  We get to learn His endurance He had watching humanity after the fall with hope of recovering His children back.

Just with His power alone, we can understand God and be like Him.

How much has God trusted people?

Throughout the biblical times, God placed His trust in men to fulfill their missions.  Even though many saints have failed God and were untrustworthy, God still trusted.

Without trust, there is no way God could continue the work of restoration.

How could man continue to try if God did not trust him?

Then we should learn from God this attribute.  We must learn how to trust other people even though they may fail us a thousand times.

Hasn't God done the same for you and me who are just as unreliable?  Even though they may still lie to you, trust them, even though they may cause you pain, still trust them.

We should thank God that we can participate in this dispensation with Him in trusting us unconditionally, even though we have been untrustworthy.  When we come across a difficult person, we should be thankful for the opportunity to practice His trust.

God wants so much to love man that He gives everything unconditionally.

When God sees a person who practices this way of life of trusting while living in hard circumstances, He would want to give that person mercy.  Then, you win God's heart and He will shower His mercy and grace onto you.

When you witness to your area, you will be persecuted many times.  There will be a record of your persecutions you faced, but God will comfort you and be right there with you.

Persecution is a necessary ingredient.

After you receive a lot of persecution, you may return to the church center feeling down and depressed.  Instead, you should feel jubilant and honored for what the people have given you in that day.

While you endure hostility, you are becoming a universal person.  You will be able to go to any hot, cold, high and low places and be welcomed there.  In this way you become a central point.

In home church you are persecuted many times.

Your roster will be your record of persecution, but God will comfort you and be right there with you. Persecution is a necessary ingredient. In many cases when your people are rude and curse you, you come back to the center feeling depressed. But instead you should be jubilant over what they have given you that day.

When I leave New York to go abroad, you feel America is empty because the focus of love is temporarily away. I am always trying to be the focus of your love and I always focus my love upon you. This is why I am generous with you and forgive you all the time, giving you another chance and trusting you.

The twelve months comprises of one circle of seasons.

There is always balance there, with six months up and six months down, six months left and six months right. One spot is hot and the other is cold.  Each season reaches a peak before it changes.  You shouldn't desire only spring, or only hot weather.

Of course, most people do not like winter, but you still have to live through that season whether you dislike it.

Judas Iscariot and at least three disciples helped him to betray Jesus; this betrayal is the equivalent to the three months of winter.  In order to welcome spring,  you must pass through winter.  Winter is an essential time because nothing can be prepared fir the spring without it.

When water freezes it expands and through that process the hard shell of a seed bursts and is ready for spring.

God is truly a great scientist. 

When you see isolated pictures of the creation, you don't understand the greatness of the whole picture.  But by seeing the whole picture, you see the wisdom and necessity of a season like winter.

The church is completing its winter and is welcoming spring.

Then, we will bring in the blossoms in the summer and bring the harvest in autumn.  When these seeds are harvested, we enter winter again and get ready to be tested as the cold will beat fiercely on us again.  But the life in the seed will remain intact, waiting for the spring and summer to come along.

This is how new life will come.

You are persecuted and ill-treated but the life within you has been activated, hasn't it?

After a long winter, aren't you ready to come out in spring?  Americans think that their nation will always prosper, but this is not so.  We are building up the power to survive winter as the others enjoy spring, summer and autumn.

The Unification Church is full of hope for world peace.

We must be hardened and tested in order to become a great movement.

This way, we will be strong and able to prosper anywhere in the world.  In order to stay healthy, you must be able to live in and enjoy all of the seasons.

You should also be able to serve all four different categories of people:  spring, summer autumn and winter.

You need all four kinds of people, just as you need all four seasons.

This is why Jesus selected twelve disciples which were all very different.  Jesus was able to focus his love among each person and they were able to become one united group.  You as well should be able to focus on and serve 12 different people in harmony.

In one day, we can experience four seasons: morning is like spring, daytime is like summer, evening is like autumn and night time is like winter.  In order to make a full circle, you should move both up and down.

You cannot just go one way.

We should have the ability to know both up and down position.  God does both.  Satan only knows how to go up, but he ultimately falls all the way down.

When you go through suffering, do not think that this is the end or that you will be destroyed.  As much have you have fallen down, you can come up again that much higher.  This is the method God teaches us.

Working together with those in spirit world, we will focus on the eternal love of God.  In this movement, we possess the true love of God, therefore, we have a tremendous capacity.  We are able to focus ourselves no matter where we are because of this love.

Those who see us in this movement as doing wrong will change their focus when they see we are headed in the right direction.

If you totally serve and sacrifice for others, you will become a central figure wherever you go. 

By living this way, when you reach the spirit world, you will be elevated as the central figure in heaven.  Your eyes should search for the place where people are in misery.

Your thinking should point toward a way to liberate people out of hell. Your ears should change the sad sounds of hell into good.  Then your mouth should speak only glad words of salvation.

Look at everything in the world through God's parental eyes.  If you are able to do that, you will become a victorious person who is approved by as God's true son or daughter.

This task is more urgent than anything else.  You should get to the point that while doing this work, that you forget about time, the calendar or whether it is night or day.

Therefore, be proud of being persecuted.

When you have to do this work through a harsh wind and cold, wet rain, be proud of it.  When you have to do it with your shoes broken, be proud of it.  When you meet someone along the way who curses you, be proud of it.

Since you are like God and like Father, your worst worry is that people will ignore you.

If you can say that you will go this hard way without fail, pledge by raising your hands, please.  Thank you, and God bless you.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Does God Need True Love?

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Heaven and Us.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Recreate the Ideal World

Moonies today have indisputable notoriety; realizing that the communist cause will ultimately lose to the Moonies, communists urge people not to even meet us by making them afraid of being brainwashed. In Asia it is rumored that a person can be brainwashed by merely looking at a Moonie. That is really a satanic idea.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

The purpose of creation is God's ideal and you should be teaching the people God's ideal by your action. 

God always had His true ideal for creation since the beginning, but man fell away from this ideal of God.  Now we are living in the age of recreating it.

When we teach the ideal way of living and world, then we can recreate other people.

When the ideal is complete,  you can claim your share of the credit before God.  As co-creator, you can insist God bring you everywhere He goes and He will have to agree.

This is how we truly claim sonship and daughtership of God.  Are you satisfied with just adopted son and daughter after the fall?  If you are not content with this relationship status, then you must work harder than the son to qualify as His true daughter.

When you look through the Bible, you can surmise that Jesus really only taught a few points.

You might think it is nice to have the ideal world, but you may dislike the activity which is involved.  Would you move quietly or with a loud bang?

When a steam locomotive whizzes through town, everybody cannot help but hear it.  Would you move slow or swiftly.  When you move fast you cannot help but make noise.

Also, though it becomes danger and someone is bound to say slow down, but others will say there is no other way to get something done in this country, so those people will follow you.  Then the youth will be encouraged to move faster than you. This is the way it ought to be.

We really have to move ahead, not thinking so much of peripheral things. 

First, we must get the work done.

When God investigates the earth, He would see if you were moving faster than Jesus did 2,000 years ago and doing more.  God would be fascinated by such people.

Until now, without such people, God has only been hearing prayers and request from people who never took such action.  God is plugging His ears to such selfish prayers.

God has heard many people talking, but not seen them doing true work of restoring the world.  When He looks out and observes the world and He see that someone is moving really fast, His eyes will pop open and He will take notice.

Moonies don't spend that much time praying to find out what their next move is, because they already know, therefore, they are constantly on the move.

When God looks at them, He will be inspired to unplug His ears and to listen to such urgent prayers.

When you prove that you really run, God will be on the alert to listen to your sincere prayer.

Although you are moving quickly now, will you be successful or not in the end?

God has heard many sincere prayers, but every one of them failed.

If you were God, would you have such unreserved confidence for a new group to succeed where everyone else has failed?

God has had many hopes in the past and his saints have failed in fully completing their mission of restoring the world.

You must determine to think that you will never disappoint God, and do much to gain His attention.

You can tell God that He can unplug His ears and open His eyes, because you will make it and win victory for His cause.

We have to give God that confidence.  Wouldn't those in spirit world want to help you out when they see you working hard in this manner for the public purpose?

You have promised so many things in the past, and are confident right now to finish the job, but soon you revert back to your old thinking and ways, wouldn't you?

Of course everyone has their ups and downs, but the ups should be higher than ever before and your lows should not be as low as before.

When you first joined you were full of enthusiasm and hope, but when someone hurts you doesn't your enthusiasm dwindle a little?  By the time they hit you, don't you yell at them no matter how religious you are?

Because we have a sinful, fallen nature, you are bound to respond in a fallen manner.

If you never experience such behavior, then you are a saint and have no need of God or for religious teachings anymore.  But, don't you need these teachings to a certain extent?

Even people who were so determined to follow this path that they wrote a pledge in their own blood, fell away when their expectations were not met.

For instance, when it came time to be matched with a spouse in the church, they did not care so much for that person and may hope the person die so they could chose another.

You must learn first to fight against the untrustworthy self which is inside.

Especially young beautiful people who worry about their figure.

A good figure could be your worst enemy. Satan loves this kind of behavior and will keep dwelling in such things.  That is really true, but our society is unaware of how this works.

Especially beautiful young people worry about working too hard and spoiling their figure and Satan will keep dwelling on these things. That is really true. That is absolutely true!

Even having a great talent or a degree from a school can be as hooks to reel you away from God.

Within each of us, there are many obstacles which we have to overcome to come closer to God.

One rule helps: forget yourself.

Any concept of our own thinking will only hinder God's will.  We have to go along with His ideal.  We have to be able to digest any kind of personality we meet.

You will prosper if you can digest any kind of person and situation that can be seen as a barrier.

God supports such a mind; when God pays attention to what you do, then you can only prosper.

Centering on your mind, the fallen body can be digested. 

Once you can say that your mind and body are one, you can say you have a God-­centered personality and God will stay with you.

When you finally have unity of your good mind directing your body, then you can say that you have a God-centered personality and then God can stay with you.  Then other kinds of unity will come easily and will be possible centering around you.

Unless we have unity of our mind and body, there is no hope for anything greater.

Before we can talk about conquering the world, we need to first conquer the war within ourselves.

We can observe, digest and make unity even though some tasks will be incredibly difficult.

These things go hand and hand for prosperous people.

If we don't seriously overcome these situation, dreadful things will happen.

A racial war can erupt and a whole race can be wiped out.  But if a strong group can offer a solution to humanity's problems, then God would have to support that group.

The master of all things will be the first person to observe the situation, digest it and make unity. 

Before unity can come, we must first observe and digest the matter.  We have to see both sides and understand this.

There are two ways to obtain unity:  first, you have a clear understanding and clearly teach someone, you are observing and digesting them.  Second, if your thinking is clear, you can serve him and later be accepted by him.

When you are finally recognized as being better than others, people will start to follow you.  This is the main reason Jesus taught to serve and sacrifice for others.  By doing this, you do not go down, but you become the subject instead of the object.

In obedience, service and sacrifice, you will become subject of all things and be on the rise all the time.

But this teaching of service and sacrifice isn't enough to bring world peace.

Before, we could only serve and sacrifice, but if you teach someone the truth and yet they do not follow, you can show them through action.

Better yet, if he doesn't accept the truth then you are able to serve and sacrifice. This is the Principle.

You want to prosper, but there is no other way to rise other than uniting into one.

So, how do you attain unity?

Through observing and digesting.

Sometimes bitterness is felt before something is digested and then indigestion follows.  Then you try again.  Before you can develop, you have to have unity, so we should be desperate to find unity in this work.

Adam and Eve fell when they did not observe and digest the situation.

We are each in a similar situation today as we are on the verge of being restored to God's ideal position from our fallen selves.

Just because someone opposes you, do you have to oppose him?  You must digest any problems this person presents.  When you can overcome that type of person, this is when the complete foundation of your true personality is being laid.

When you witness and knock on the door, you may be persecuted, but that time comes after you knock and they open the door so don't worry about knocking.

The people might welcome you into their home and invite you to dinner, or they may have had spiritual messages from spirit world about your coming.  If you are afraid to knock on the door, then knock with your feet.

Even the best people in any area experience all of these emotions, too, not just people who have difficulty in their mission.

When you train yourself in fund raising you can think of your fist as a flower. When you train yourself this way then when you have real flowers you will do very well when you sell flowers as a fundraising campaign..

This is how we develop.

When we are presented with an ideal that is great and too high, it is more difficult to digest.

You will have to open you mouth wide to digest and you may die.  But at least it is better than dying and never having swallowed a difficult situation.

The world of men is unknown to the women and they cannot hope to understand it, so as brides, they should just obey.  On the same matter, if black and whites can digest each other, America will really prosper.

By making unity in this difficult situation you develop; love comes with unity and prosperity will follow 

People wonder why uniting is necessary.  Why can't each race unite separately and report to God?  God is not this way.  God will only give his approval when whites can say that they love blacks and Asians.

If there is a group that can make this kind of unity, He will dwell with this group.  This church would be eternal in His sight.

If you don't become one then you will perish.

God wants to bring everything into unity, while Satan wants you to think only of yourself.  A person who cannot observe and digest other people, they cannot go beyond the starting point, but will stay in one place and decline from there.

We should know clearly that our number one mission is to unify; before we can do this, we must observe and digest.  This law applies on every level of family, society, nation and world.

You should become this type of character and become subject of the whole world, being appreciated by God and respected by all mankind.  This is done through your foundation of witnessing 360 homes in your area.

Would you do this kind of work with intensity or slowly and gradually over the years?  This is a simple principle that applies at every level and by applying it you will do your mission.

When the brain gives a direction to the foot or hand, the rest of the body focuses there.

If the hands are the first to digest the situation then the rest of the body will focus on them. The first one to achieve that unity will be the subject of everyone else.

This person will meet God and God's love sooner than others.  Because we are the pioneers to meet God first we go this difficult path.

If it is raining when you have to do your mission, it should not matter.  You must observe the rainy situation and digest it.  How much encouragement and consolation can you find in this kind of thinking!

You become subject of all mankind who can work in this kind of weather, then working in rainy weather becomes very nice.

If you don't have enough clothes to wear throughout the week, then you digest this situation and feel the same as if you had nice things.

When you have less food, instead of complaining you can handle the situation.

When you can practice this all the time, you will bring unity in a wide area.  Then you will receive a reward from God.  What a sight it would be to see white people cry as they see black people off on their trip, missing them.

Also, it would be beautiful to see black people missing white brothers and sisters.

God's attention could not draw anywhere else but this dramatic scene.  All of His attention, would focus there, hoping it would last.

Depending on how much we can observe and digest difficult situations, we can attain much unity.

When the day comes on earth when we experience happiness and God can rest for the first time, mankind will experience true happiness.

Are we able to do this?  Let us pray.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: God is God for a Reason

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Way of Prosperity and Defeat

How to Be Grateful for the Little Things

Now summer is here and all of nature is ready. When you come to Belvedere you might look at that one big tree outside here and remark at how big a tree it is.

When you go outside, you will see that some trees will have a special characteristic that will catch your attention, Especially if one is tall and has colorful leaves.  Even in nature, it is hard to find an object that is perfectly beautiful.  It takes a lot of catering and arrangement to create and present beauty.

There is manmade beauty and natural beauty, but beauty created in the natural way is more difficult. 

Even though an oak tree is big, it started from a small acorn.

Over the years that it grew, it had to absorb many elements.  In its growth it took many sacrifices and contributions.

There is an absolute necessary element that the tree needs to do before it can command respect as a great tree.

I must realize that there were several circumstances and elements combined to make its success possible.

It is a heartistic necessity to recognize and bow down to these elements which made it great.  Both internal and external elements made great sacrifices to make just that one tree.

When the tree is grateful and humble before the elements which made him great, those elements would have respect for him knowing his position and then will gladly give more of themselves.

The small blades of grass that reside in the tree's shade would not be able to complain that the tree receives all of the sun light, but would decide to live with the inconvenience because the tree was grateful.

What if the sun decided to stop shining on the tree?

Would the tree still be in the position to be proud and great or would he become worried and anxious how he would survive without the sun?

What if the air stopped existing or any more water?  How would the tree react?

This situation is just an analogy for man's relationships.

Should you walk pridefully and think that you don't need anybody and you exist independently?  Or would you be meek enough to thank the sun and the air for sustaining your existence?

You eat food with your mouth and at the same time your skin is "breathing" sunlight; which is more delicious?

Let us think in a different way.  You may think that you taste with your mouth but without the sun, your eyes would not even be necessary.

Without the air, you would no longer need your nose.  Therefore, without the air, how would soundwaves travel?  Without soundwaves, your ears would not be necessary.

Your mouth sacrifices many things from the outside for your survival.

Can you then be proud?  Where did your arms and legs come from?  They come from your parents and belong to them in reality.  When each of you was in your mother's womb, you stole energy from her as you grew.

When you go to the store, whatever you buy, you receive a receipt, but did you get a small receipt from all of the energy your mother gave you?  This is why you are thieves!

Can you truly say your body belongs to you?

Day and night you kicked and poked your mother, but you never apologized.  Did you complain or did you have gratitude while you were in your mother's womb?  After nine months of acting up in your mother, you were born.

But you still took nourishment and energy as she fed you.

When you were a little older, you were then fed complete meals by others.  Can we still proclaim our bodies truly belong to us and owe no one?  You never earned it.

Americans are prompt to say thank you, but how much more do you owe thanks to your parents who gave birth to you and attended to you while you grew?

If you were a restless or cranky baby and cried all of the time and demanded attention, you parents didn't demand you to stop, they would immediately comfort you.

Then when you became of age, you attended school for education.  Your parents in totality take care of you for 18 years.

When you think deeply about these things, then you know that you are indebted to your parents for your well-being.  Have you ever told your parents how much they served you or gave and terms of dollars.

The debt is so great, you would never be able to pay them back.

American teenagers act sometimes as if their parents magically appeared out of the heavens.  They speak about the gap between the generations, and that they came into being without causing any trouble to anyone.

Many times young people think their parents just bother them and they place them in retirement homes with an attitude that no one needs the elderly.

The universe does not work in this way.

The world must harmonize.

A person never parallels the universal way when they claim things for his own selfish benefit and demand his rights.  

It is a law of nature that while you are growing up, you are deeply indebted to your parents, and after you are grown and responsible then you repay that debt by taking care of your parents.

When you take a look into the past, what is it that you can be proud of?

You can be proud that you are indebted to your father and mother recognizing that you are also indebted to nature.  You would show appreciation for the water, sun and air, because without these elements you could not even survive for five minutes.

We must be thankful for the world of plants and the animal kingdom.

When you pass a pasture, what is the first thing you think when you see a cow?  That she is fat and that she would make good steaks?  You would probably think of food first instead of thanking the cow.

Which person would the cow welcome: the person who thought of him as a potential steak, or the one who shows gratitude toward him?

Even a cow would rather be eaten by a gracious person instead of a greedy person.

God looks down at this self-centered kind of thinking and knows that He did not create this world for man's self-serving needs.

Do you think that your clothes belong to you?  What about the jewelry you wear?

When a person is proud and thinks that they are independent from others and their environment, nature would laugh at such a person.  Nature knows that you could never exist by yourself.

The universe would never show any gratitude toward the person does not observe any thankfulness.  Everyone has something to be thankful for in their life from the moment of their birth.

If there is a person that understands how much they are indebted to nature, parents, the world and knows his position the world gladly harmonizes with him.

What if you lived in the desert and all the sudden woke up to find that a tropical environment was being created before you in your presence.  How much gratitude would you feel then?

Wouldn't you shout for happiness if all of this appeared out of nowhere one day?  Would you take the world of nature for granted after experiencing the wasteland just beforehand?

Have you ever thought that there was a day where nothing was in existence, that time before God brought anything into existence?  God said that everything was good when creation was complete, but what if you as His child took more pleasure and enjoyment in each thing that He did?

Would He gladly appreciate your expression or not?

God has existed from the beginning, so He would remember and appreciate you based on the historical perspective of millions of years.  Would God say with your kind of heart that it was just good, or would He remember and appreciate you within His heart?

He would think that you were better than anyone in all of history for having so much gratitude for His work.

What if this type of person was not so valued in the looks department or was crippled?  Would God appreciate them less?

No, this person would be remembered first in God's heart.

What about you, what is you first impression when you look in the mirror every morning?

Many women will shun looking in the mirror or have their picture taken.  But no matter how you look, you should view yourself in the broader perspective in which God sees us.

Each of us sends out waves or vibrations to the universe and the world can communicate with you through them. 

What kind of vibes would a person who appreciate everything send?

What about people who always complain and use people for their own advantage?  This kind of person would repel everything in the universe because of that vibration.

The person who is always negative and dissatisfied with everything in site, bites everything including friends and family.

A dissatisfied personality always has long nails everywhere around their body to bite or scratch the universe.  Doesn't it feel that way when you are around such a person?

Today there are definitely a great many people that live in such an unhappy state.

What about your heart?

On the other hand, when you realize your position toward your neighbors and relatives, you feel gratitude.  Then instead of biting and scratching others, you only reach out to embrace them all.

This way, you are sending out infinite waves of gratitude out to all corners of the earth.

The ocean is wide, but it could not be greater than your mind of gratitude. 

Your mind can be strong if you make it small, but if you make it large then it is larger than any ocean on earth!

In that case, the entire universe embraces you also with that quality of mind.    

We each have millions of individual cells in our bodies that are similar to employees in a corporation.  Each of these cells send out their own waves which all of nature responds.

Whatever vibe you send out, is how nature will echo you.

What kind of person do you want to be like: the kind that has infinite appreciation, or one that always has infinite disappointment and complaint?

This is why the Bible teaches to always have gratitude, as well as humbleness and meekness.

Can you count how many words you have used in your life up to this point?  Can you measure what portion has been dedicated to speaking gratitude or for complaint?

We have a general tendency to complain, so most people would receive the sign, "I am a complainer."  Don't you think this is the life most people lead?

But when you complain then everything in the universe is repelled by you. 

Even your parents and friends wouldn't want to be around you if you complain all the time.

Would God be happy to hear it?  Are your eyes, nose and ears complaining about the information that comes to them or are they appreciative in what they see, hear and smell?

If your body and mind are always full of complaint, who will welcome you?  Not even your husband or fiancee, there is no exception.  No one likes to be around such negativity.

If you were to place bags holding your complaint or appreciation, which outweighs the other?

Are complainers usually good or bad people?  You don't like to hear this kind of judgement do you?:

But don't you think that evil-minded people also want to hear kind words from others?

Wouldn't nature also want to hear words of kindness and love, or would they tell you to stop?  Even your pet loves to have loving reinforcement when they do something good. Even the simple words, "Good boy" brings such excitement.

Does your balance tilt more on the complaint or gratitude side?

If you are below zero, then nothing will treat you like a human being because you would be substandard, at the animal level of interaction.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Recreate the Ideal World

This post was rewritten and derived form the speech Reflection Upon Life