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Monday, July 22, 2013

America, Get Rid of Complaint

When we look at America, it has fallen far from its glorious Christian path carved by the first settlers who wished to serve God completely in this country.

It is a startling fact to see that teachers in America are physically assaulted by their own students and sometimes lose their life.

The universal law would bring such people down into ruin and they would not be able to prosper.

Nature does not permit this kind of event.

Do you think God would allow this immorality and say that America is still a great country and deserves His blessing?  If you were God, would you give more blessings to that kind of country?

Children who are grateful to their own parents are welcomed by the universe. 

If you have this kind of heart,  you are able to harmonize with your own brothers and sisters, with nature and of course God would welcome that man and woman.

But what can we say is genuine gratitude?  Is it when you can thank your parents under rosy circumstances, or under adverse conditions?  The latter is the most precious.  God is always evaluating the depth of gratitude which each individual has.  From His eyes, He sees each person's value is determined by how much gratitude they can impart.

This is the same principle that works in a courtroom.  If a criminal shows true repentance and a willingness to make a restitution for his crime, he will win mercy from the judge and prosecutor.

I have come to America telling the people what is wrong with America and how it must change, and Americans demand to know what a yellow man is doing coming here to meddle in their business. Will that kind of attitude be acceptable in the sight of God and nature? 

No matter how horrible a mistake one makes, if he shows that he is willing to make a conscientious effort to better himself and make restitution he can win forgiveness.  But the one who blames others and claims that he did no wrong, then there is no way for that person to be forgiven.

Teachers should be thanked for all the hard work they do.

We should write to our teachers telling them how much we are indebted and thankful for them.  We can remember how we resented how strict our teacher was, but we know that we can read and write well because of their teaching.

Because of the strict discipline in class you have gained much and can make clearer judgments.  Now when you see great masterpieces in art and literature, you can remember that it is because of your teacher's views on the subject.

You can write to them remembering what kind of student you were and express your gratitude for now having the ability to perceive and understand great art and literature.  It is because of your teachers bequeathing their skills to you, you should give them unconditional gratitude.  Is there any complaint about that?

Imagine if this kind of tradition was prevalent in every American school.  Would immorality and school shootings happen?

What if American children appreciated their parents? Would there be much breakdowns in the family?  The youth blame the older generation for all of the problems, but the young people are equally or more responsible for trying to separate themselves and do everything at their whim.

Instead, the youth must change their behavior and become loyal.  If this was to happen, even the most evil of parents would be swayed and turn around also.

The parental heart is always present.  So, when parents see their children doing good coming from their children, the parents' heart has to be moved.  If the American young people were to become righteous and do good deeds, even if the parents fight or separate, they could not do it.  The parents would be ashamed and try to become better parents for their children's sake.

If this kind of heart and appreciation was to dominate the family, each member of the family would unite.  But if instead members had a complaining attitude in the home, the family would face destruction.

Here in America the most important thing is how to get rid of complaint.

Are you inclined now to be thankful to your teachers?

Many sisters have beautiful handwriting, but they must be thankful to the person who taught them how to write in such a way.  Now, many American schools are getting rid of teaching cursive writing.

How much more valuable is this skill you have been taught?

That skill has helped enhance your skill when you entered into society.  If you write with that mind of gratitude, then the entire universe will help to enhance your skill even more. Then you find that you are deeply indebted to society and the nation.

When you get a job with a mind of gratitude you will prosper.

What if America was not some social system but anarchy or communism?  How could you live in such a society?

Do most people have a grateful attitude toward the person who becomes President and toward the government? The office of the presidency is an awesome one because ultimate responsibility rests there. 

The President has to protect the people, make good policies, conduct diplomacy and maintain defense. In order for those policies to work the people must unite with them. Should the people be grateful? But no matter how great the leader in office, if the people's inclination is to criticize, what will happen to their society?

What if a manipulative, scheming person was elected president?  What would happen to the American society?

Easy.  Disaster would come to the nation.

The most important quality for a President to have is to truly love his country in a sacrificial, unselfish way.  Do you love President Obama?

What happens to a country built by people who don't feel gratitude for their parents, teachers, or toward their society and nation?  Are we not seeing the effects of that kind of attitude in this day and age?

Where do you think America is headed?

Education is a paramount task now in America. There are two places where education is given through the schools and through religion.

Does the American educational system show interest in teaching such grateful attitudes?  What about the church?  There is so much struggle and politics within the church pews.  

If this is so, it would not seem that the religious people are really concerned about what happens to the nation  or the world.

There should be one religion that has a strong foundation and is on the right track, caring about the family, society, nation and world and teaching those things besides just religious scripture.

The movement of the Unification Church has those principles.

A genuinely good society begins with good parents, then children who grow up in gratitude and go out to relate to society through their teachers, and to their nation through the head of state, and finally to the world.

After parents teach their children for a few years, they then pass the baton to the teachers to educate them, then they in turn pass the students out into society and the nation.  In this way, the person takes on a higher mission all the time.

The person who grows up in the home with gratitude for his parents, teachers and nation will become grateful to the Almighty Creator.  Unless one exhibits this attitude, he will never be successful.

Harvard became such a popular school to attend because of its excellent teachers, and the students who are taught there want to take up important positions in society such as President or Cabinet members that will influence the nation.

This attitude is acceptable if the student is in the right frame of mind, and they will think that by wanting to influence the nation, that they will serve the world.  This kind of public thinking should be taught in the education system.

That kind of person would not want to stop there.  They would want to become nationally important and go on to become world leaders.

The true worldwide leader is a religious person, or saint.

This is true because the worldwide level already goes beyond the boundary of race and nation.  The only person that has this kind of life and attitude is truly a religious person.

To know God and enter heaven as a saint is the destiny of all men. 

To go this path, each person carries a bag of love of parents, of teachers, nation and finally from the saints, and then reach God.

From childhood all through your adult years you have to gain certain qualities in order to reach the ultimate goal, which is God.

At each stage of completion, you will receive a certificate from your parents in recognition that you are a child of filial piety.

Then your teachers will sign it, saying that you are a devoted and grateful student.  Then the head of state will confirm that you are a patriotic citizen, and the saint must affirm that you are trustworthy and dependable for the sake of humanity.

Then you can take this certificate to God and He will accept you.

When you get to the national level, you will not always be able to listen to your teachers and parents because you will be at a level of higher responsibility.  At that higher level of your mission, you should be able to govern even your own teachers and parents.

In that situation, you will be able to listen to the saints above you and to God.  Then, once you reach that level of sainthood, then you will surpass the saints level of teaching.  You will listen directly to God who is the greatest teacher of all.

You are going forward step by step, trying to reach higher goals, ultimately focusing on the supreme teacher of love. 

At each of these levels, the capacity of love is different.

As a child you learn about receiving parental love, and when you are in school, you learn to love your teachers.   At the national level you learn love of the patriots, and in sainthood you learn the love of the saints.

On the world level you learn love of the world, and finally above that you learn the love of God. Then ultimately the universe is yours.

Through the practice of love,  you get to know your parents and teachers.  Also, through love you find your nation, world and you find God.  This is the kind of education we are talking about that is need in schools.

That kind of man and woman will be able to go anywhere and harmonize with anything.  You must, therefore, become a recipient of the love of parents, teachers, head of state saint, the world, and finally God. Until you reach 18 years old, parental love predominates the other types of love.

The most important of all is to set right from the start ample appreciation for the love you receive from your parents.  Then in this frame of mind, you can move on to each stage and develop in the right way.

The subject of education is love, and the attitude of education should be gratitude. 

There are two things to inscribe in your heart: love and gratitude.

People these days think they do not need anyone, but in all of this time there is nothing that is yours.  Everyone is completely indebted to someone else.  You will confirm your position when it is your turn to give ample love to your own children, brothers and sisters.

You determine your position on the horizontal line, which consists of the love of your brothers.  Then on the vertical line is the love of your own children.  Then you become a teacher and a patriot. Then you become like a saint yourself so you can introduce God to others.

In all of history, these processes of education in love and gratitude have failed.  This process must be indemnified.  Through finding an example and following it, you can make restitution for all that has been lost in the past.  This movement teaches the love of parents and the love of teachers.

We teach love of the nation, head of state, how saints should love their disciples, and ultimately how to love God.

I am in a position of parent and also of teacher, instructing you how to become a teacher. Also, I teach patriotism, which national leaders today are failing to do. In the position of saint, I am teaching how to love humanity and the world, and ultimately I teach how much God loves the world. 

Therefore, once you leave home to go to the world, it is not a violation of the universal law.

You come to a new world learning the very best essence of education.  Many are faithful to their own parents, but are able to put that aside and join a higher mission in the sight of God.

You may have been studying for a degree, but will put that aside to join the church because here you are getting a better education.  You are told to love your own parents.

The Unification Church with the Completed Testament can unite the universe. 

As soon as it is known what Divine Principle stands for, then even famous theologians will say that here is a modern-day saint who out dates what others have done and sets a new trend of love.

You each must become saints who love the world as much as you love the Messiah.  The true heart of God is being taught for the first time ever in history, the past, present, future, and in the society, nation and world.

Other people are not even sure if God exists, but we are talking about the very heart of God. This is why we can teach the true love of God.  The Messiah is an universal being.

Your heart knows and understands that you receive the best education on how to be a good family man, teacher, patriot, saint, and how to reciprocate the love of God.  Would the courses of this school be easy?

No, these courses in love will be the hardest of any institution.

This education is not confined but goes beyond boundaries of races, nation and even between the spiritual and physical worlds.

When I go to Korea the members there call me their father; when I go to Japan all the members there call me their father, and here in America you call me your father, too. What historical applause that will be when you really understand your position. 

In this environment, we find the power for unifying the world and cosmos.  We know this can be done.  A lifetime may seem like a long time, but once you pass through it and look back,  you can see that life is just a spark of light, and the beginning and the end pass ever so quickly.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  Can We Become 'Ideal'?

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Reflection Upon Life

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