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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Love is the Bait

The Western way of demonstrating love is often superficial, like a fly trying to break through a wall. 

The traditional Korean couples shows their affection differently than the Western way.

When it is time for the Korean husband to leave for work, there is a depth of communication as they look at each other.  There is no need for kissing and hugging.

The Western wife is more open with her love.  She may give him a quick kiss and talk about what she was going to do for the day. The Korean wife is a few steps behind, as if she is shy, and her husband has to turn to look at her.

As he walks away, she would say a tearful prayer for his day and safety.  This is the most mystical relationship.

This is the time to understand this kind of deep love.

When you taste the style of love from the Orient, you do not want to come back to the tasteless Western way.  The Orient has s mysterious way of expression that is done without words.


"I am a puzzle to Americans and though they study and analyze me, they cannot measure me. You too are trying to size me up, but there is an infinite quality about me that you cannot digest.
I speak for hours at a time each Sunday and at leaders conferences, but I never run out of things to say.

Do you feel some charm from me? But I am also very fierce. You Westerners have such big eyes that no one will be really afraid when you get mad, while my eyes are so small that you don't know what is happening inside and you tremble when I get mad.

But no matter how mysterious and deep I look, if there were no love in me I would be like the desert. 

The sweetness comes from love.

In our church life, there is a bitter, difficult side but every one of you has tasted the sweet side of love here also.

Do you feel drawn to me? Once you taste the sweetness of love, even if you are criticized or pushed out, you cannot separate yourself from me." SMM

Everyone would agree that God is the master fisherman.  He is very wise.  What kind of bait do you think God as a fisherman would use?

The greatest bait God would offer man is love and truth.  You and I may use the same word 'love' to describe our feelings for something, but the quality of what we mean is very different.  Satan's love is self-centered, self-seeking while God-centered love is always unselfish.

In order for the world to be restored to the original heaven on earth, which God planned, all of the history of mankind since Adam and Even had to be indemnified.  This means reversing the fallen act of unmarried Adam and Eve which caused the fall of humanity to this day.

Historians have researched and tried to understand the causes of what was happening in history, but they never understood the reason for them.  Only with the teachings in the Last Days do the answers to the fundamental questions be explained.

When we look at the decline of morals in the Western society, we see that the people are on an useless march toward death today.  Older people are in the front, middle-aged people next, and the young people follow right behind them.  Since young people are at the back, God is able to reach them first to turn them in a different direction.

God chases the crumbling civilization in order to turn the people around.

America's young people are rebellious and they mistrust older people, but God is also working through that.

Actually, this kind of 'rebellious' attitude makes it easier to turn the youth's thinking around.  God creates environments where the young people who are searching for great ideals can easily join religious movements that are making changes in the world.

Young people have not left anything to the imagination, they have tried everything from streaking to pre-martial sex at the youngest ages.  They know that they are behaving just like the animal world, so at some point, they long for some purpose and value.

When God sees people who have this kind of longing for some ideal, He can more easily work within that person's life.

Help comes in the form of the East.

Those who are in the drug and free-sex lifestyle are tangled in a huge net and start to rip that slavery to this behavior once they hear the depth of truth.

The first test Father encountered when he came to America is that the people would not feel that he loved them as much as the Asian members.

Then after Father would pour out his heart with depth and long speeches to save America, they would discover that no one has ever worked harder.  In fact, Father gave the most difficult task to the Korean and Japanese members to suffer for the sake of America.

At one time, I was persecuted and tortured by Japanese people, but now I don't feel they are my enemies; I truly feel a father-­son relationship with them. When I ask for something to be done, they absolutely follow my instructions, without adding their own interpretation. They are absolutely loyal and trusting. You know now that I truly love America. 

You have worked hard for the restoration of God and the world and have ended your death march.  Now, it is time to go back to your hometown and build and save your family foundation.

The parents have been going in the wrong direction and all of the sudden they look back and see that their children are no longer following behind them.  In the Unification Movement, parents have hired deprogrammers to kidnap and try to erase what they are taught.

The parents rather have their children experiencing promiscuous sex, drugs and wild behavior than to be taught the Completed Testament, the Divine Principle, which this blog is based upon.  What kind of parents can they say they are?

It is up to every member whether they rather stay in the movement or to run back to their parents.  If you cannot be victorious over your own sins, how can you imagine to conquer over the world's problems?

We need people of discipline to do this work.

We are marching toward life instead of death. We are able to save those who are on the death march.  God has the central thinking that young people must come to do this work first so they can be the prime movers of morality.  Is this the right way of thinking or the evil way?

When you first have an understanding of these revolutionary teachings, your concept about family, life, society, nation and world become pure and different.  This way of life is complete opposite of the satanic way and you may wish that you have not come upon the truth which you were seeking.

Even if you were able to deny your discovery of this teaching, you still would be able to know that America needs to turn away from the path which it is following.  America is suffering and going down into the pits of hell.  Without knowledge of the Completed Testament, there is no way for survival.

Americans will realize that they definitely need me; when that time comes, I will leave America. I have much more territory to cover for the sake of the world. We have missionaries in 120 nations and I will meet them on their battlefields. I know when I visit them that I will find them being persecuted and enduring suffering. I will go and vindicate them and they will be victorious. 

How would Africans feel when they hear that such a man is in their country?  You should plan your entire life.  There are three stages of adult life:    fifteen to thirty is the formation stage; thirty to 45 is the growth years; and 45 and beyond is the time of perfection.

Father made a goal to be number one in every challenge: in eating less food, sleeping less than others, working harder and be his own harsh critic.

In that respect, he was able to set world records.  One of them giving an over twenty-hour speech at a conference nonstop.

Not only God's world welcomes such a person, but the satanic world has to welcome him and surrender to him.

Since the Divine Principle is filled with such secrets such as the original sin of Satan, how to bring families together and a world of peace, those who spread it get much opposition.

Instead, the nation should have supported such efforts instead.  Children born of such members are the brightest American young people and someday they may become the national leadership.

America is the slowest to awaken to the new truth; other nations-and even the communists have already realized my significance. 

One after another, God will remove from office the unrighteous legislators; the makeup of the legislature will change. In time, Congress will take the position of supporting and welcoming me. That pattern has been seen in Korea.

When one side attacks us, God always prepares another side to give us support.

The principle has been taught for over fifty years and have not only changed lives, but have moved nations and peoples with its historical information.

What kind of world would we have today if Rev. Moon had never been born to relay such timely Revelations prophecy.  Would unity of different races, religions and East and West have happened within that time frame?

People may be skeptical and say the world is never going to head toward world peace, but if you turn around and look at history, blacks were not allowed in certain areas, different religions didn't intermingle and many countries were still at war.

If you venture even further back,  you will see that religions were persecuted more, poverty was had everywhere and suffering was more evident.  In comparison, we can see the work of God, people of faith and the Second Coming will truly usher in a heaven on earth which God wished from the beginning.

Could you seen God's precise plan that He has hidden in the Bible without this teaching?  Sometimes the information that is revealed seems like a dream.

This speech was given on an early, cold morning, but instead of staying in bed or complaining people gathered around to hear the breaking news.  Who makes people do that?

Only the power of God can do that.

Anybody, even the government who tries to stop this history from happening will work in vain.   The victory doesn't come in an office or in the headquarters, but on the battlefield.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  How to be Grateful for the Little Things

The First Day and Our Lifetime

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