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Saturday, July 20, 2013

History Going Toward Good

The history of humanity has been filled with chaos and upheaval.  The world was filled with the most violence since World War I.

Many think that these occurrences in history are random happenings, but through the Divine Principle we understand God's careful planning during His providence.  This is based on the period of indemnity.

We are now in a point of drastic history where it is changing.  Where is history headed from here?

Christianity has been built in Western civilization, but as we know that has been crumbling.  By looking at the way the world is, people think that this chaos will only get worse and deteriorate further.  This decline in the Western civilization has become very obvious.

The result of this is that the strong structure of Western families and nations have also been crumbling.  In this environment, it is easy to be pessimistic about the future, but we must remember that God is almighty and He surely has a plan for turning this drastic decline around.

There are two paths which people are going: one path leads toward destruction; the second path, which is of God, is headed toward reconstruction and hope.

God has been working hard for thousands of years with people, so He must be making a great effort to bring each of us to His side.

The world is full of chaos, but when we look back in history, we see that we are moving toward a more heavenly way on earth.

There are two points of view opposing each other in the world - one "atheistic" or man­-centered, and the other "theistic" or God-­centered.

In the past, people thought that science could provide all the answers for the world, but that hope is diminishing today.

Thinking people are realizing that a solution can only come through religion, or a God­-centered ideology.

Those who have centered solutions to problems based on man's theory are now losing hope.  The alternative is to place God on top; above everything.

God has used religion as a tool to reveal His will to man.  Then science was born to be in the position to serve God's purpose.  Instead of following God's purpose of unity, religion and science have been like oil and water.

Throughout history, it has not been easy for man and God to meet in harmony.  There was not a medium in order for this to take place.

Ultimately, there will be one kind of civilization that will dominate: Will it be man-centered or God-centered?

If God does exist, then the future of civilization is headed toward the God-centered culture and it must prevail.

If the primary goal is for the world to head toward world peace, then we know that God has been working hard in the background to bring a solution to man's problems today.

After World War I, two opposing ideologies existed in the world.  People can not avoid making a choice which camp they should follow.  As the Western civilization crumbles, God prepares the solution to this problem in the Eastern world.

Just like our planet turns, so history is turning.

Western civilization has passed through its golden age and now dusk and sundown are coming. Logically, then, the other side of the planet must be receiving sunshine now.

You can see that this is the fact in the latest trend of many Westerners searching the East for answers to their spiritual questions.  America has attracted the best, the essence of the whole Western civilization.  Within its short two hundred years, America has experienced a golden age and become a superpower in such a short time span.

Even with its great history of triumph, are there many Americans that truly honor their heritage or care about their families?

Instead, many are abandoning their families and trying to separate from this country.

Young people are trapped.  They have lost their world, nation, society and even their families which used to be a safe haven.

The youth in America are like a great fish that are caught in a net that holds them fast.  They are lonely, suffer depression and confusion because their nation and family do not have the answers to rescue them from their sadness.

You probably have noticed that many wish to go to the West Coast, which is the closest to the East. God knew such a trend would begin here in America, so He prepared some solution to come from the East.

God is helping people to cut the net that traps them and find new power.

God also teaches them that the reason why they were caught was because they were trying to find a selfish solution to their problems and escape being linked to anyone else.  Instead, one must link to the world, nation and home with parents and become firmly anchored in those systems.

This is the new concept of family, nation and world which God is teaching them.

God has been planning the re­-education of America and its young people but the teacher must come from elsewhere.

God has been planning this re-education of America, but the teacher must not come from within the walls of this nation.

American education is not fit to answer the world's problems.  In order to revolutionize life in this nation, there needs to be a champion for God.  America is not qualified to provide this kind of person or saint.

Therefore, God will look for a person that comes from the Eastern culture which is linked to America and send a teacher from there.

What Eastern nation has unbreakable ties to America?

Korea does.

You must know that the relationship between America and Korea did not come by accident, but is a providential relationship.  If there is a policymaker that tries to break this historical bond between America and Korea, he will not succeed.  Those who have tried to victimize Korea have been destroyed.

The people who plotted to destroy Korea and the Unification Church were themselves destroyed, while our movement is still spreading around the world. We fought a battle in the House of Representatives, and now in the last several days we have fought a battle in the Senate as well, meeting every senator.

In any situation, there is the Cain side representing Satan and the Abel side which is closer to God that blocks the path for the heavenly cause.  This includes the religious world.

Satan waged a war against the Unification Church, with the Completed Testament that reveals Satan's secrets, and tried to persecute it as a cult.  Fortunately, God also used this cause to uplift the church as a major religion and separate it from the category of a cult.

Before Christianity was an established religion, as Jesus was walking the path of persecution, his movement was also seen as a cult with a truth that was not widely accepted in its time.

Now, other religions see the value of the teachings and how the messages come directly from God to lead the world toward peace and don't want to see the church be destroyed.

Now we see it happening in the unity of the major religions around the Unification Church.

Great events on earth always precede great events in God's dispensation.

Three years after World War I, an important heavenly birth took place. Now you accept this explanation, but in those days, no one even thought about interpreting history in that way. At that time, Korea was occupied by Japan and in 1919 they stood up to declare independence.

They failed and thousands of Koreans were killed in the uprisings. It was as though Korea was trying to turn itself around before the great event of 1920. The greatest sacrifice was made by Korean Christians, many of whom were martyred.

Then in 1920, Rev. Sun Myung Moon who wrote the contents of the Completed Testament, was born.

The reverend speaks about his upbringing:

"My home town was Chungju, in what is now North Korea; it was a very Christian town. As a result of the uprisings, the Japanese allowed the Christians to gather to worship in the largest church and then they set it on fire, trapping everyone inside and killing them.

I was born one year after the independence uprising. Chungju was the town where the most Christians were martyred.

The Second World War erupted as I reached 16 years of age, beginning with the war between Japan and China. In 1945, when I was 25, the war ended.

When I was 30, the Korean War broke out, lasting three years. That was a worldwide event with 16 nations sending troops to fight in Korea and combat communism. There is no parallel to this in all of history.

That was one event which all the free world could rally around in the fight against the God-denying ideology of communism.

This was one truly, "holy war" because God mobilized all colors of skin to die side by side.

This was a greater event than even the martyrdom of first century Christians, because America, in the position of the Roman Empire, took the initiative to invite all free people to participate in the defense of Korea. It was as though the Roman Empire had invited 16 nations to come defend Israel 2,000 years ago.

Colonialism before World War I was a struggle for land.  After World War I, the nationalistic movements fought a war focused on human beings. For instance, the Germans and Japanese declared they were superior races.

One war remains and that is the war for God-to decide who will possess Him."

To win this war for God, you must be super-denominational, transcending national barriers and race. In this respect, the Unification Church has great dimension; we think of all races as one family, all nations as one nation of God and all religions as one under God.

The one to win this war for God will have to transcend national barriers, denominations, and race.  The church has great dimension embracing all races and nations as one family.  The Unification Church performs international and inter-racial marriages centered on the ideology of everyone is part of the human family.

All nations, races and religion are one under God.

On the other hand, you witness many battles between other religions that say that God is only with them and all others will perish.  This is the ultimate war where the Unification Church is on one side and all other religions are on another side.

Our battle in America is a religious one because all other religions have joined to try to discredit us in the past. But our goal is to awaken the conscience and righteousness of the people.

This is like a guerrilla warfare, where our brains and hard work are the weapons to convey the truth to the entire world.

God sent Jesus in order to save the world, but the people of his time had limited thinking.  They believed the Messiah came to just save them and their country from the tyranny of the Roman Empire.

We represent the absolute goodness of heaven and we have been oppressed by evil, but the heavenly power will keep pounding and turn evil around. 

We are at the turning point in history.  Just as God chose Christianity as the forefront of his spiritual war, he uses the Unification Church to turn evil toward goodness.  To reach this level, the Messiah had to go through to the bottom of human misery of the world and work from there.

God will not let history be controlled solely by people.  North Korea thought in the past that it could conquer South Korea easily, but it could not.  Communism, also tried to make America turn Korea into another Vietnam, but thankfully another greater power prevented this tragedy.

Now, we see a tug-o-war between those on the communist side and America, Korea, and Japan puling on the other side.  There needs to be a stronger champion that is pulling on the side of righteousness.

Communism has always had the goal of their godless ideology to dominate the whole world.  All of the communist nations are united on this one purpose.  On the other hand, all of the nation's on God's side are divided and are not certain which way to go.

God would not allow this situation to continue, so He has raised up a force in the free world that wins over communism.  When we take a look, it seems that the communist side is winning people and land everyday, but we are winning more on the spiritual side.

We are not alone, the entire spirit world is working and fighting on our side alongside with us.

Which has more, those in the spiritual world who have lived on earth and passed away or the people who reside on earth right now?

God watches this tug-o-war and will determine who is the winner.  Aren't you glad that we are on good speaking terms with the judge?  In order to win, God wants us to prove that we love mankind and show Him that this love is greater than that of the communists.

God gives us the mission to go to the very family units of the communists who are trying to destroy us and witness them to the truth.  Through this, we are making the home the building block of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Therefore, the communists know that their best targets: the church and the family order.  Through destroying these two foundations, they can conquer all of society and dominate it centered on Satan.

But God's side is the champion for both home and church in our witnessing structure.

Home church is your launching pad. If you are a powerful rocket, but you have a weak launching pad, you cannot take off. 

You should be grateful to receive persecution because it strengthens your foundation to launch millions of pounds.

Our world needs to quickly turn around 30 degrees, but what will be the axis?  Witnessing in the home church area.

God has the greatest sense of humor.  He uses the most persecuted to relay His timely message of salvation.  However, good news always begins within the boundaries of the enemy territory.  That is when World War II ended, when good news came from the enemy territory and Japan surrendered.

Once the critics from the government, media, and the established Christian churches say that they surrender that is when our territory can be guaranteed.

We have seen how important the external world is. In my entire life there has not been one truly good day when there was no torture, no plot or conspiracy against me, but I have overcome all the typhoons in my life and now the entire world has to recognize me as a giant spiritual power. 

I know you would agree that I could not do this all alone; was God or Satan assisting me? I fulfilled God's internal dispensation all by myself and the corresponding external dispensation has proceeded up through this recent battle with Congress. This is the time in which the internal and external victories must be united.

The church is like a multi-layered eruption.  Starting at the individual at the center, then the family, society, nation and so forth.  The inner two layers must unite in order for the next layer to erupt.  God's love is the igniting power.

When each layer is ignited by true love, it then ignites the next layer.

When the individual and family are united and ignited by love, they burst through the entire society. When the family and society are united and ignited in love, the entire nation can be ignited and reborn. Finally, the unity in love of all those levels, of all races and nations, can bring rebirth to the entire world.

I came to America because it is like a museum of the world, containing all races and all kinds of people. If it could be ignited by the love of God, then the impact would certainly reach throughout the world. Such a change of this world would be enough to change the entire spirit world.

When one moves closer to the central point, eventually they reach to the core.  God works through individuals who are absolutely united with Him.  These individuals suffer more and do more because they have to fulfill the highest possible position.

If the earth's axis moves, then the entire world will move. Real energy must be added there to make that happen.

Those who are summoned by God to work for His dispensation are asked to do more and show the greatest devotion.  This has always been true throughout history.  God's people have suffered the greatest sacrifices in history.

At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus had a showdown with Satan during his forty day fast in the wilderness.  Of course, Jesus was victorious over the three temptations, but this was just temporarily.  Original, the Jesus was intended to find a bride and start a family.

It would be there that Satan would plan to attack Jesus on the family level on the way to the tribal level.  Finally, Satan won on the national-level through the crucifixion which was not God's original plan.  Many Christians do not understand that Jesus' death was secondary.

Jesus was the only one who carried God's sinless seed, through holy marriage he would have sinless children.  Only when his people denied him as leader and God's son, and did not follow him did he have no other way to save us but through his shedding his pure blood.

Satan was able to destroy Jesus' body, but God was able to resurrect him spiritually.  This is how God works.

As a person of faith, are you taught to just enjoy life and have only the best of everything, or do you the hardest most difficult work?

The satanic side also has the goal of mobilizing and uniting people, but they do it at gunpoint.   They force people to sacrifice themselves and their families for their own selfish cause.  God on the other hand, wants His people to work voluntarily, by taking up the cup of sacrifice on their own.

Does someone have to force you to do your church work or mission?  Satan always tries to encourage us to run away, but if someone was to steal you away, you would just run back to this way of life?

Satan offers people of faith all sorts of bait to entice you through the love of your parents, your friends, children and loves.  We face this sort of temptation everyday.  This is why the Bible warns us that those who have the burden of families will suffer more in the Last Days.  This is because through the multiplication of family, Satan has more bait to offer to tempt them away from doing God's work.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Even God Prays

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The First Day and Our Lifetime

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