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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Family is the Workshop of Love

Each night you know where your husband is, but would you feel happy each morning and embrace each person as much as you embrace your husband?

If so, then truly you are developing an ideal home and everyone will win the position of king and queen of love.

Any wife who demonstrates such harmony and unselfish love in her husband's home will become the queen of that house because everyone will practically worship her.

Is this a universal principle, or just an opinion?

Anyone who violates this principle will crumble, not the person who lives by it.

The ideal house is a house where the most loving person becomes the central figure. 

He will create a palace of love.

Why did God prepare the relationships of parents and children, and husband and wife?

Because they are miniatures of the universe, in which each person can practice how to love the whole universe. If you become a perfect member of your family, all you have to do is expand your love and the whole universe will be your home.

The home is the fundamental unit to practice loving everything in the universe. When you graduate in family love, you can build a universal home.

With this outlook, a man sees a beautiful young lady as his sister instead of thinking dirty thoughts.

It is good if they have pure fellowship all night in that case. With this realization a husband and wife can trust each other deeply, and there will be no misunderstanding whenever one of them meets someone else.

The family is a unit that serves as an instructional manual to teach you how to love the universe. 

If you meet the family's criteria, then you have met the universe's criteria.

The Kingdom of Heaven in heaven is the place where men and women will live who served all mankind as their brothers and sisters and who made a home where true love was practiced.

It is a satanic act for men and women to try to limit or regulate the flow of love.

Anyone who violates this principle shall be judged in accordance with it. The family God gives you is your workshop for loving the rest of the world. If you practice that, then you have the qualification to enter heaven.

If your husband has unselfish love for humanity, then when you love him you are loving the world; then you are not receiving just one man's love but a much greater love. This is precisely Mother's position. I am in a position to be loved by many women from all parts of the world.

When Mother sees that and rejoices over it, her own position is increased. Then she can receive my love more, and the love of the people will flow to her as well. In that case she is becoming a greater woman who is entitled to receive the love of the entire world.

When you apply the principle I am describing this morning, and expand your love through loving your family, you are loving all mankind and the world. It works both ways.

The home is a workshop of love. 

By knowing how to love your grandparents, you know how to love all the old people of the world. By loving your brothers and sisters, you know how to love all the young people of the world. When you love your husband, that is how you can love all the men of the world.

In the miniature world of your home, there are all kinds of personalities.

Some of them may be sharp and critical, but if you know how to love them then you can love all people like that in the world. You might complain that you have to live with such stingy, pushy brothers and sisters, but by having that opportunity you will know better how to love the negative people of the world.

The home is a training ground of love.

Eventually, you can conquer not just the world but the entire spirit world and God Himself with this kind of standard. When you throw out many fishing lines baited with love, you can catch the whole world on your hooks.

The greatest catch will be God.

When you reel Him in, He will embrace you and cry out, "My child!" The ideal house is the fishing hole where you can catch all kinds of fish, including spirit world and God.

Normally you catch fish with a hook, which hurts the fish, but when you catch someone with a hook of love he won't feel pain but joy, even if you hook him in the eye.

Those who dwell in the ideal home are ideal men and women because they have this unselfish principle of love. When you enter an ideal house, the woman's eyes are filled with love; her nose is a lump of love and even her hair is full of love.

On every side you perceive love.

Do you want that? Is it easy or difficult to practice? Even though it is difficult, when you know the preciousness of love you have energy to do it. Shall we start practicing that love today?

Love unites a separated husband and wife, and heals separations between children, between the nation and the world and the universe. Love has such power.

Shall we live that way of life?

Wouldn't you protest that it is too difficult to do?

Even though you have an urge to complain, knowing that love will come as the fruit of practicing this way of life you will not have one moment to complain because you will be filled with great joy and enthusiasm.

Are we the enemy or hope of America?

How much hope? It is gigantic. There is so much hope here that eventually all Americans will swallow that hook. Once you know this dramatic way of life, in the morning you feel gigantic power and excitement. Without it you feel dead.  If you have it, then you are the hope of America.

I just returned from Korea, where the President was just assassinated and the entire country is trembling.  Because I am a symbol of hope for many people around the world, they were more concerned about my well-being than about events in Korea. Were you concerned? Why? Because you were worried that the hook of love might be taken away from you. When I go to Korea, your heart goes to Korea. When I go to Britain, your heart goes there.

Everything that lives off of sunlight will turn toward the direction of the sun.  No one has to be taught this; plants are not taught this either.  Everything just automatically turns to face the sunlight.

You have never heard of a minister giving a ten-hour, or even two or three-hour sermon because no one would stay that long. But when Father talks for hours, when he's finished, you wonder where the time went and keep asking for more. Why?

You are hooked with love.

All five races are joined here in the exciting task of building the ideal home.

That is not my home or your home but God's home, in which all are entitled to dwell. We are joined together here for tomorrow's victory in the fulfillment of the ideal home. A new ideology has come which will bring a heightened hope and civilization.

We want to create God's ideal home. Would you make it the kind of place God goes only reluctantly, or the place where He is excited to go?

A place where God is uncomfortable and sits in a corner watching everyone, or where He moves around everywhere with complete freedom?

When you are persecuted and struck, think that you must be able to withstand it so you can make a home where God has complete freedom. Then it is not painful but exciting to receive persecution.

When other people curse you, then remember that you should be able to embrace even these men and women and tame them so God's home will be more exciting.

Then persecution tastes exciting. Then you are a public person.

We want to make a home so exciting that if you tell God He has to go back He will beg you to be able to stay.

Those who would make that house, raise your hands.

Would you complain? Would you get discouraged? Who can say they will live up to this new expectation?

Thank you.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Pour Your Heart Out for Others

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Ideal Home

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