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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Country to Lead the Future

The country which has the greater marketing ability will lead not only a gigantic country such as America, but the whole world.

If American cars were sold all over the world, then American cars would have an advantage.  But being the leader in only the car industry will not mean that America will lead the world.  When other countries buy American products, America must follow.  This means that America is being led.

Higher Direction

Young people of the world chose to study in the country with the best university.  They search for the country with the best philosophy of economics and universities whose economic theory are geared for the sake of the world.  Those countries are the most popular.

The world is one, therefore, study should be for the sake of the world, and not for the sake of the individual or the country alone.

One thing is inevitable:  the world is bound to be one.  

There is no way to stop this destiny.

In education, the necessary basics, such as religious thought, must go beyond the national boundary. And all fields of thought must go beyond the boundary of the nation. Therefore we need thought, religious teachings and basic theory which encompass the whole world, which establish a foundation commonly accepted by all nations.

If world peace is inevitable, which direction will the world go?

It is going where the level of thought is higher than where it is now.  Religion also moves toward this direction.  We see throughout history that knowledge reaches higher levels.  Today, religions have established certain knowledge, but a higher religious power comes and will lift that up and the whole world will follow in that direction.

When higher thought and religion combine together working effectively, then the whole world has nowhere to go but follow that direction.

Where is the country where such higher thinking and a higher-level religion that works together exist?  That country was once America blessed by God in 200 short years, but it has abandoned its glorious Christian spirit.

Wherever this group and religion goes, eventually the whole world will follow.  This will determine the future of the world and how the world will develop in the new millennium.

The Tide of Heart

Power resides with the one who can influence the mind of the people, and especially who can influence families to transcend national boundaries. 

The government does not have the thought that is powerful enough to move families from one place to another as families in a higher-level religion can. Even a country that has thought along with other countries will have to follow that.  The group that has such thought and action naturally has power.

The world is about to change, and we have to prepare ourselves to go in that direction of change. 

The leader of this group has been placing a net and knows where the current of history is going.  Just wait and everything has to eventually pass to this point.

When we put economic matters, thought matters and family matters together, they form a specific activity.  We can call it a Happy Mind delivery system.  It is here where we can deliver anything within thirty minutes.

All things will be done through a simple system.  Factories would not create pollution in the future because they will be spread thinly throughout the world and not concentrated in one area.  Large urban cities will dissipate.  There is no reason for millions of people clustering together creating confusion.
Formerly, there was a reason to have big cities, because the highest standard of cultural life was there and outside the city there was nothing.

This lifestyle is changing because of the media.  It is no longer necessary to be present to witness cultural events outside the city.    On the countryside, it is easier to produce agricultural goods, have more time to think, study and analyze.

Through watching television, you can sit and participate in the cultural life just as well.  We can attend college and school through the internet.  We can do the equivalent forty-year career of research online.

From one factory to another the products will be uniform and have a common standard. For example, there is only one best computer system. Nobody will use a different system; everyone will have a common system.
What about language? It will be the biggest problem.

The world's language is bound to be unified. 

Once we overcome the barriers of language and learn one common language, then racial and national differences will disappear.  You will be able to live in any country at any time without worry about visas and time limits.

Black, white and Asian will be mixed equally, but white people may want to stick together and live among themselves.

White people don't have much to be proud of in their history.  Compared to the total population of humankind, they are really the minority.  This separation in an united world would not last long and they will say, "Please, let us in so we can develop with you."  This is what is in humanity's future.

If someone proclaims that the visa system needs to last forever and ever raise your hand.

It is an unfair system created by Americans.  For this reason people of the world say, "Yankee, go home". Americans still place a tremendous importance on visas.

What language will the world choose as a common language?

So, what would this common language be that the world chooses?

It will be the language of the country which has the higher, deeper thought and higher and deeper religious theory and practice.  This country will become the center of the world and everyone will want to use that language.

It wouldn't take force to make people speak this language.  They will want to speak it and it will develop naturally.  People will choose it.

Through participating in an international marriage, many countries will be connected into one race, one tribe within three generations of these families representing several nationalities.  This means that many countries are symbolically combined in one place.

What language will they use?  It will not be English.

The purpose of the original source of this blog was produced from life-long work.  The purpose is to unify thought and unify religion for humankind.  Those people who do not understand say this theory is far fetched.  But it is they who are unrealistic.

This content serves as a living guidance for every person on earth. This content shows in great detail like an encyclopedia hundreds of ways to accomplish victory in the most difficult times.

The material Father is sharing is the foundation for the writing of thousands of doctoral dissertations.

Those who don't believe that the content of the Divine Principle is a higher teaching is ignorant.  Because of that, the significance of the content does not register to them.

You may not have an understanding now, but in the future don't you think you would understand?  This is how every speech has been accepted: first, not understood and then later they catch on.

We must keep up with the future direction of the world.  If your system does not fit with the future direction, then it becomes obsolete and useless.  This is the same as water that is stagnant.  It eventually becomes corrupted and decayed.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Leading the Future

This post was rewritten and derived from the The Tide of the Heart

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