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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Want World Peace - Love God

To receive God's love, we have to turn around to save this world; we have to sacrifice ourselves. Therefore we must obey the commandment to love the Lord God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our spirit. With all our love, we must love God. This is the first commandment.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Because our world, nations, families and ourselves were built on the foundation of evil, God cannot exist in them.  We cannot love God this way.  This is why Jesus taught to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, love other families as we love our own.

Then the question arises, who is your neighbor and do you love them more than yourself?

It does not pertain to your brothers or sister, your neighbor is all other people in all other nations.  To go the way of love and love your neighbor, you do not put yourself first, you sacrifice yourself.

Without sacrifice we cannot perform God's love. 

As we receive Gods love, we have to sacrifice ourselves to love our neighbor.  The Bible states that we should love God with all of our heart, our minds and all of our spirit.  We might think that God is a dictator
demanding love and devotion from us.

On the contrary, all of these commands are not for God's own sake.

When we love God with all of our being, He will love us just as we love Him.  This is God's intention behind the commandment.  When we love God, he loves back.

God sacrifices the one He loves the most.

For God to love others, He sacrifices the one He love the most. The command which asks for us to love
Him with all our beings means to love Him with our life by sacrificing our life.  This teaching shows clearly why God had to sacrifice Jesus in order to love the whole world.

Because of such teachings, we call God love.  God is the greatest love.  An ideal nation that loves and sacrifices for others is different from those of Satan.  Satan always uses others to protect his own position, God makes His own sacrifice for others, not for God's sake. This is the difference between God and a dictator.

There should be an individual of such sacrificial character who is perfectly one with God.  We say there are many sacred men, but there is not more than one who is completely united with God's Will.  Only one person is truly united with God and His purpose. This person is the Messiah.

The Messiah does not come to save himself or a particular country, he comes to save the world.

The Messiah does not just appear, God has been making preparations to make a way for the Messiah through sacrificing men, families, tribes and nations.  To prepare for Jesus, the Israeli people were sacrificed.  To prepare for the Messiah's return, millions of Christians were sacrificed.

If the disciples had been united with Jesus and he was able to pave a way for the true family and nation, he would have been able to lay a foundation to save the world then.  Thus, the way of the cross would not have been necessary.

Thus, Jesus did not have a foundation to stand upon in which to sacrifice the nation and church for the whole world.  This led to the second choice of salvation through the cross to await his return to our time.

Jesus' people had a smaller notion than God.

They believed that when the Messiah came, it was to raise their nation to lead all other nation.  They did not think about sacrificing themselves.

Therefore Jesus prayed for a way to sacrifice the nation and people for the whole world. Then Jesus would not have been killed and he would have established God's nation on this earth through his true family. Then Israel would have been the first nation to sacrifice itself for the whole world.

Through the sacrifice of Jesus' body, Israel was lost and Jesus had to find another way to sacrifice his followers for the sake of the world.  Therefore, through many sacrifices of people of Christianity, it prospered when it had the spirit of sacrifice.

When Christianity lost this spirit, it declined and has become absorbed by the secular world.

The current churches try to establish a world of peace, but only center on their own nation, their own religion. This narrow scope will never open the way.  This is why in the last days at the Christ's return, a new spiritual movement whose people are willing to sacrifice for the whole world will grow and prosper.

We live in a world today where no nation is willing to sacrifice itself for the sake of the world.  Therefore, religion must sacrifice itself for a nation, and then that nation must sacrifice itself for the sake of the world.  The world then sacrifices itself for God.

Through this sacrificial spirit, God's ideal world will come about.  If this religious movement is in America, then the movement must sacrifice itself to save America.  This church should not work to multiply buildings, but should do the work to save the nation by sacrificing its own churches.

Through this spirit of sacrifice for the whole, that nation will come to eventually unite with the movement.  Then when this religion unites with the nation, together they must go forward to save the world through sacrificing themselves.

Therefore, without sacrifice, God's will cannot be realized.

We do not unite in this way for just one day or a special church holiday, we must do it for life, but no one likes to sacrifice themselves.  We think that we become less through sacrificing ourselves.  However, in sacrifice our value is not lost.

Sacrifice does not lead to destruction.  Even if one was to die while sacrificing, they will live on in history.  Someone will admire you for your sacrifice.  Jesus sacrificed his life for the world, and two thousand years later he is still remembered.  People of faith should sacrifice the comforts that the body desires to save the spirit.

Destruction came about through the fallen body taking over the good mind with its evil desires.  When our body and spirit become one on the individual level, we take this foundation and then sacrifice for our family.

Throughout history, saints and sages were not welcomed or understood in their time and were seen as complete failures.  Afterwards, they were praised as famous historical figures.  Because of their sacrifice, they did not fail and were honored.

We revere Jesus now as a prophet, but during his time he was rejected by his family, his church and even his disciples did not revere him as the savior of the nation, the son of God.  Jesus had nothing and he left the earth with nothing.  However, Jesus did not sacrifice for his own sake, but for the people and the whole world.

For this reason, Jesus' teachings have multiplied and had such a deep impact to the present day Christianity.  Buddha also went the same course.

When a man sacrifices himself for others, people will come later and bow to him and select him as the central figure.

If the youngest son of a family sacrificed and dedicated himself for the sake of the whole family, then even the father will tell him to be the center of the family. If a man served his friends with his life, they would not want him to leave.  If the man tried to leave, his friends would grab him and ask him not to leave.  

Finally, they would ask him to become their leader. One does not become a good friend without sacrifice, without serving.

The good father, mother, or son cannot be obtained without sacrifice.  A bad mother wants to take everything away from the family.  But if she serves the family and if a friend serves his friends, they will come.  They will also bring all his friends.

If the friend continues to serve throughout his life, such news of how he was as a friend will be spread all over the country and all people will come to him.  We come to destruction when we overcome others,  but the way to prosperity is to serve others.  This is the dividing point between God and Satan.

Egocentric works will fail and public spirited ones will live. 

Through going the way of the public men, we gain the individual, the family, tribe, nation and the whole world without fighting.  But if we can only think of our own self to gain our family and nation, we would have to fight and even if we win them over, they will not last long.

Therefore we cannot but conclude that the teaching of sacrifice is God's. 

Those who deny God say, "Mine is mine and yours is mine".   We must think, "Mine is yours, yours is the nation's, the nation is God's, and God is mine."

Love has the power to make two things one.  If I love God, then God's love is my love.  For example, if people love and respect the president, then they will also love his wife, although she may be uneducated.

The United States was once revered by many other countries, but now because of the immorality America is falling to destruction.  If the United States would serve the world, the world would do its best not to let her be destroyed.

God had raised Christianity to be able to bring His children to the truth in the Last Days, but is lacking in being able to follow the course of self sacrifice.  Therefore, a new movement has come that understands the individual sacrifices for the nation, and the nation for the world.

We must create programs, not to save ourselves, but save the millions of people of America.

This movement will sacrifice itself to save America, and once America is saved, she must serve the world standing on that foundation.

If you were to die while walking this course, you will not go to hell.  God saves His children through the sacrifice of His most beloved ones.  God's chosen ones are called to restore God's true nation.  Therefore, we should go beyond the thinking just for our nation.

Not only Communism, but Democracy is also declining because neither has been able to look past their own national desires.  Through the international weddings uniting former enemies through a Godly marriage, these national barriers are being broken.Through the struggle of Adam's sons, the world became evil.

So, in the last days, three sons must struggle and unite.  The nation that sacrifices the most for the sake of the world, will become the leading nation in the future.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Two Sides to Man

How Will the Unified World be Established on Earth?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Is World Peace Possible?

Everyone has the hope and dream that one day the world will experience peace and the days of war and conflict will be long gone.

Is World Peace possible?

Did God create the world with the idea of unity?

If the earth was not derived from a unified source, then it will never be possible to be unified.  The good news is if it was created from a unified source, then all individuals, families, tribes and nations will be able to be unified.

We find that this world is not unified, that nations are not unified, and tribes and families are not unified. And even this world is divided into two worlds. Even within each nation, there are different polarities, families experience division among members, and the individual mind and body are divided within.

We cannot deny this division.

If this world began from a perfect entity, then why is the world divided?

It is most important to investigate the cause of the division throughout the world on the individual, family, national and world levels.

If God is an absolute god then why does such a divide exist?

We have to conclude that God is not the source of such division in the world.  Then what is the cause?  We must know that the cause of evil was not derived from a good source, then it must be evil.

The Mission of Religion

The mission of religion is to destroy all of the problems caused by evil to bring about a unified world.  The most important thing is to find the root of the cause of these conflicts.

By finding the evil cause in ourselves we can solve all the problems.

The most important thing is to find one person whose mind and body is not struggling with each other and is fully centered and become one with God. Their every action in unity with God.  Have you known anyone who has completely made his mind and body one with his every action centered on God?

If that thought makes you laugh, then this means that no one has been able to attain this state of being beside the Messiah.

Then the most important thing is to find the self which is not divided and does not struggle with evil.  If God exists, we must know that He will show us the way to restore us to our original godly state.  This is the purpose of religious discipline.

A person who is determined to follow God's will, will be taught strong lessons on how to become an ideal individual.

God is on the search for individuals who cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything in this world, no matter how difficult the situation is.  God's champion cannot be beat by anything and can be eternally unified with God.  Throughout the course of history, God seeks such a man.

God's providence was designed to take out such a man among the evil society.  Even though God searches for such a high-quality person, man lives among his family, he lives in the material world and in his nation.

In order for God to restore His nation, His family, His individuals and the material world, He does not in the literal sense take these things back.

Even though God is Almighty, He needs a condition if He is to take things back from the evil environment.  Evil that possess what God wants to restore will try to retain all of these things, therefore, the ways of good and evil must not be equal; they must be different.

If evil goes this way, then God must go the other way.  

If one goes to the right, then the other must go to the left.  All people wish for a unified world of peace, but this is not obtained simply.

Evil wants to go ahead and good wants to go backward.  You as one walking on the path of God's will stands in the central position in the struggle between good and evil.

Which do you think is most serious: the fall of a nation or the fall of one individual.  For man, the worst would be for him to perish.  We all have a slight tendency to not sacrifice ourselves for other people.

We all have the mind to center everything on ourselves and not God.

If we continue this way, then world peace will never be realized.  We must first surpass the obstacles in our mind which try to stand in our way of the path toward God in order to reach the world which our mind wants and desires.

How Will World Peace Happen?

Will we be able to bring about a world of peace through fighting other nations?  Is this the true way to a peaceful happy world?  A peaceful world will not come about through the control of others.

Since God knows this, He goes the opposite way of evil.  God is the first to lead the path toward world peace.  If we go this way, the leader is God, if we go the other way, the leader is Satan.  If God was to go in the same direction, He would destroy all the people who are one with Satan.  Since God wants to save every last child, He goes backwards.
This explains the mysterious ways God asks His prophet to set a condition for Him.  For instance, Noah was asked to place a boat on a mountain away from the ocean.  What seems to not make since outside His providence is a way for God to get only the most faithful to follow His path.

Evil does not come from other-centered motives, it comes from self interest. 

There are two kinds of people.

Evil also wants to make the world one, but through beating other people.  God does not and goes the opposite way.  Evil let man fall and made man deny that God existed.  Adam and Eve thus brought about destruction through uniting with Satan.

The fall began when Satan left the path of the servant and planned everything for his own self.  This initiated evil desire far from God's will.  So through the history of fallen man, he has tried to sacrifice others for its own interest.

When you look at the history of nations and wars, you will see that there has always been a struggle between  where the stronger always sacrifices the weaker. This struggle spread from the individual, family, to the nation and in these Last Days to the world.

Now history is at the stage when the two, worlds, which tried to overcome by sacrificing the other are tired.

The Democratic and Communist worlds want to dominate the world, but both have given up.

These two worlds cannot unify the world.  All people of every nation want to enjoy a peaceful, happy world, but there has not been a way to bring an ideal world.

There are two ways to surpass the obstacles of the past:  jump or go around it.  If a nation places its own interest first, then it cannot jump over the obstacle.  

We can achieve the ideal world with the thought that for the interest of the, whole world, we are willing to sacrifice our own nation.

The Communist world centered around its nation and struggle against the Democratic world could not fulfill her role because she, too, thought of her own interests more than those of other nations.

God blessed America to share its blessing, but instead, it turned toward the nation's own self-interest.

During the Cold War, if Russia had supported the world then Russia and the Communist world would be united.  On the same token, if the U.S. sacrificed herself to share the prosperity of the Democratic world, then she would not have declined.

Just taking a look through history, we see that unless we find those who want to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the whole world, then the ideal world will never be reached.  Is there such a nation in the world willing to sacrifice itself for the world?

Instead, the Democratic and Communist worlds are willing to throw away the whole world just to save and uplift themselves.

When we find such a nation that is willing to sacrifice her country and her people for the establishment of the ideal world, there is hope that we will see the glory of one ideal world.

A sacrificial nation does not exist for her own benefit, but for the interests of the whole world.

God went a different course from these worlds.  God's number priority is to find someone who is completely one with Him and cannot be broken away from Him.  He must go to the position where he can unify the world.  God has been teaching the religious people two teachings: to love God and to sacrifice oneself for the world.

The one who can unify the world must sacrifice himself for the whole world.  Since man is in the evil position due to the fall, he cannot go straight to God, therefore, he must turn around and go back toward the original direction.

The opposite direction from the evil world which religion teaches is to leave the fallen world, his family his material wealth and even his fallen self.  This is how to love God and return to the original position which He seeks.

When man really loves God, then He must love him.  Then as man receives the love of God, he must sacrifice himself for the world.  This is the most important; this is the core of God's providence.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech  How Will the Unified World Be Unified on Earth?

Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Become the Central Figure

The person who sacrifices the most becomes the central figure.

Today's young people do not understand or realize this simple truth.  The one who sacrifices the most in the family becomes the filial son.

A patriot will become the central figure to the nation because he sacrifices more.  A sage that sacrifices more than the others will become the central figure of the sages.

This is the heavenly law.  Youth who can harmonize with heaven, humankind, and all things, new sprouts of hope will appear wherever this kind of youth goes.

Youth is the place where God's hope builds a nest.  

These youth is the place where God's power of love increases.  We must know this amazing fact.

Young people are the persons in the subject position that can carry out the reformation for God. University students who are to do the work of restoring universities cannot be blessed in the fallen state that they are currently living.

The wife will compete with the husband after he says just one word.  She will say that she can do everything just as well as men.  This is not good.  This behavior in the marriage only hurts you.

We study God's word to become better people in order to meet a true man and to become a true wife and mother.  To become a true mother, you should study for the sake of the nation.  You must serve your husband as a true husband and you must become a true wife who serves a true husband.

Do we see these kind of marriages these days or do we see the wife and husband constantly in competition for who should be served?

A woman who cannot serve a true husband centered on God, you will not bare a true son.  

Women should become true wives.  As a housewife of a family, you must live together with your husband till old age.  If you are studying how to be a true wife, when you graduate, you could stay with your husband until your old age.

Do many people in America live until they are elderly as husband and wives or do they divorce?  Without doing any research, we can clearly see that those that don't have degrees or are illiterate seem to live together with their spouses longer.

The Standard Sung Hwa Students Must Maintain

The reason why university campuses are falling into immorality like Adam and Eve fell when they were teenagers is we are living in the time of harvest.  Humanity is reaping the fruits of fallen history and not a true history which God intended.  This is why you are witnessing the destruction of adolescence.

The Messiah returns in these days to restore the fall according to heavenly law.

Once students go away to university, there are many temptations.  It is easy for them to be pushed around in different directions. This is why young men should not readily hold hands with young women.

Even by just sitting still, you must become a group that cannot be ignored by the environment.

There once was a time when it was announced on the radio that young people had to go home before 10 o'clock, right?

If you are a university student, you must be the central person who will take responsibility in the future and lead the nation.

In order to lead toward a world of goodness, there must be a standard to follow.  By centering yourself on the Principle, universal law,  you can move freely backwards and forward.

Which side do you think you are on?  The good side or the evil side?

When you look at the word 'satan' in Korean, sa means 'to buy' and tan means 'to ride'.  Who buys?  You are the people who are going to be bought.  If you are stolen by Satan, how can you raise your head to a high position and stand tall?

Sung Hwa students already know their destination has been set after graduation.  It is best to not think of other things.  You should not use your hands, eyes, nose, body and mind recklessly.  You will stand in the vanguard holding a beacon for the salvation of the nation. From there, a new history begins.

Restoration of the Nation

How can the morality of this nation be restored instantly?

The male and female university students must become one and stand at the forefront of the nation.  When you view the principle, you know which direction you should go.  You should go in the place of your elder and younger brother from a long time ago.

Jesus came to bring not just Heaven in Heaven, but to bring Heaven on Earth.  This means salvation not just only in spirit, but also the flesh will be liberated which carries the blood lineage of sin.  This was Jesus' hope. But instead, he lost his physical body and could not bring salvation except in spirit only.

This explains why Jesus asked God at first to let the cup of death pass him, because he was very aware of how Israel and people of faith would be persecuted and walk a bloody path until his return in our time.

We must dissolve Jesus' sorrowful resentment deep in his heart which he experienced during his adolescence due to the faithlessness of the prepared  people of Israel.

As you walk the path which the Messiah laid, you must overcome Jesus' lonely and miserable situation when he was persecuted and kicked out alone.

When you are able to do this, it will be like you are triumphant in the boxing ring going against Satan.

This is Heaven's law to accomplish indemnity and resolve the historical resentment.Those who oppose going this way will perish;those of you who are receiving that opposition will not perish. If you just believe and go forward, you will never be forced out. Just overcome for three years treading forward.

After Graduation, the Way of the Will Is More Important than Finding a Job

Let us sit and think for a moment about the existence of 'I'.  Let us think about ourselves for awhile.  Where did this existence of 'I' come from?  How have I lived from the past until now?

You attended kindergarten, primary school, junior high, high school and university, but where are you headed?  From this point, there is a course which tells from where and to where we are to go.  This course we must go by any means.

The general goal of university graduates its to get a great position in a company or a bank and make a pretty good salary.  This is their final goal.   Once that foundation is solid, the next step is they think they want to meet a beautiful partner and have children.

In this process, there are no concerns for humankind or for anything higher.  What would you become if you live like this?

Thoughts about salary and receiving so much money is actually trivial things that doesn't amount to blowing your nose.  Do you want to become a slave of money after graduation:?

If you don't want to be a man chasing after a salary or a slave of money, what are you going to do?  Wouldn't you become a boss?

You cannot be included in the group of humanity if you say you cannot go the Way of the Will because of a job opportunity.

The youth of today are very concerned about money, making this much dollars, jobs this, jobs that.  To them, getting and having a job is more important than anything else.  Can you relate to this mentality?

Young people, especially those who attend university think only centering upon their own ideas of how to succeed in their own country and how to realize a happy life.

Those who follow God's will must not be like that.

You must think for the sake of the people and the world based on the moral ethic of a higher dimension more than your own happiness.  From the Principle viewpoint, you must have the consciousness to carry out a central mission.

You must broaden your view of happiness beyond obtaining material and view it from that higher dimension and practice it.  This follows the principle of living for the sake of others.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Is World Peace Possible?

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook World Scripture.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Youth Sacrifice for World Peace

Throughout the history of the universe, humanity has had a strong desire for the ideal true love.  This has been the motivating factor for humanity's need for change, for a better world.

The principal participators and initiators of historical change in this time are the young people.  Young people still have the hope for the ideal of a true family and they possess a greater capability to realize this ideal than anyone else.  The young people still have hope for a brighter future for humanity and an ideal of a better world.

Young people are the symbols of hope for a humanity that desires to lead to the new ideal family.

The ideal of family in America has degenerated far from the original ideal of a true family.  Families within used to be the safe haven and hope of the community.  Now mothers and fathers and siblings may be an enemy to one another.

You can examine the history of literary works and recorded accounts that give praise to the roles and the special characteristics young people exhibit.  But there is no more time of critical importance than now that the roles that young people play within the family, nation and world.  Just as the time in history when society had fallen far from the ideal, the family needs a revolution to become ideal families of goodness.

We are living in the critical time in which you live where today's family, nation and world are standing in a place of dilemma?  Have you ever noticed that the more technology and industry advances and youth enjoy major conveniences in their life, we see that the institution of family and individual lives seem to erode.

The divorce rates have risen in America over the last decades.  Also, there is a rise in the same sex-marriage.  The phenomenon of teen pregnancy and and suicide had increased in the last 30 years at the same time of the breakdown of the family.  This is not a coincidence.  This is the most critical issue facing modern society.

When we look at the national level, these issues including sexual diseases, economic imbalance and other social problems, political powers are very limited in the face of these problems.

These problems did not just arise in America alone, but all over the world, countries continue to agonize over how to solve the problems affecting humanity.  Problems such as the threat of war, problems between the races, separation between religious groups and the destruction of the environment.

This reality that many regions of the world experience the miseries of hunger and disease, especially those who practice any faith.

If we were to give a grade regarding the outcome of how humanity's ideas and activities in the last 20 centuries, humankind would receive a failing grade.  All families, nations and the entire world are urgently seeking change for the future.

Throughout history, there was not a clear road for humanity to follow the true path.  This is the reason God brought Jesus and his return to the earth to gather humanity and place them on the path back into God's arms.  It is now imperative that priority is given to develop awareness to the responsibility each of us has to bring about a revolution of change to the family, nation and world.

Our task is to establish for youth a new status as initiators of change and to open a new age for true families, true nations and a true world.

If you plant a seed and it does not sprout at the right time, it just rots away.  On the same token, we are living in the time where everything must be renewed.  Those who find that they do no make themselves new based on God's standard will decline and eventually perish.

The Bible speaks on this when it speaks about placing new wine in old wineskins cause it to burst and become useless.  We are in the era of where we should make ourselves new wineskins to prepare for the new wine never before seen in history.

When the new morning comes, we must put on a new set of clothes; when the new season arrives, we must arrange a new living environment for ourselves.  We must be first renewed as true families and a true nation before we can think about bringing about the re-creation of a true world.  What is the one means by which we can renew each individual, our families, nation, world and change the flow in which history is headed.

The Messiah teaches the philosophy of the ideology of a true family, true nation and true world.  This philosophy opens up a historical horizon for world peace.

God's original ideal of creation was the idea of sacrificial true love capable of giving, then forgetting and turn around to give and forget over and over.  When we see this ideal of creation and the current state of the family, nation and world, we see how far from the idea humanity has fallen.

God's own creative effort involves the sacrificial effort of Himself, His own power.  Yet, because this effort stems from true love, it is returned to God in the form of joy that is tens of thousands of times greater.

In the family, if the parents are motivated by this kind of true love and then invest in and sacrifice themselves infinitely for their children, then, their children will feel infinite gratitude for having to receive this true love.  Then, the parents will experience great joy in place of their sacrifice.

This process of give and take action initiated by sacrificial true love establishes an eternal relationship of joy and peace in the true family, true nation and true world.  This was God's original ideal of creation that we have the hope to restore.  It is in this place that the ideal world of eternal life is manifested.

The true family is the initial stage on which the different types of love, between true parents, true husbands and wives, true children and true brothers and sisters are put into practice and jointly grow to fruition.

On the other hand as we experience in our time, when a family nation or world does not exhibit such true love, it becomes an empty shell.  The lack of true love degenerates into a breeding place for all types of distrust, resentment and immorality.

The family is supposed to be a safe haven where our pure love is nurtured, grows and is perfected as a true family.

The true family is the fundamental nucleus of a peaceful world.

The family is where we learn about God's true love through the love of true parents.  We are also trained by the means of true love of true brothers and sisters which is necessary to acquire a universal love for a true nation and the true world and all of humanity.

True family is also linked to history.  True love is handed down from the parent to child in each generation of the past, present and future linking them together in a consistent value system.  Thus, a family that is destroyed where true love is not flowing, the individuals will not learn how to function appropriately in society and the world.

Therefore, the young people in this age must first become the embodiment of true love becoming the principal actors to build a foundation for a true family culture and true family tradition.   Beyond the true family, it is in the context of the nation that young people are able to put their ideals and energies into practice.

For this reason, we should not base the strength of nation on its political, economic or military might, or its cultural influence but should be measured by the temperament of that country's young people and their sense of patriotic loyalty to the nation.

The young people are the sprout.

Like a sprout, if the young people in a nation wilt, then the tree has no future.  When you observe young people, what is their reality in the world today?  The major problem  each country in the world experience today is the same concerns for the young people.

Political, economic, social and environmental issues can be addressed through such means as institutional improvements and government funding. Laws, military power and economic strength, however, cannot solve the problems of youth.

When dealing with the social problems of the youth, it can never be solved through force or coercion.  The only way for the young people to take responsibility for their wrong actions, young people must lead sacrificial lives and become manifestations of true love, thus establishing their positions as masters of true love.  Do we see this in our youth of America today?

The main force that has the power to initiate young people to bear their responsibilities is true love.  True love is the initiator of all ideals and whose action will continue throughout eternity into the future. True love has the more power than life itself.

If all the youth of the country were to center a new outlook for their country on true love, that that country will discover new possibilities for advancement.  When we look just the history of America just a little over a hundred years ago, we see that the youth had more of a patriotic spirit willing to live and die for their country without want for anything in return.  This tradition is what made America such a great nation in less than a history of 200 years.

When groups that are diverse in the nation transform to an attitude based on true love, they will rise from the limits of their conflicting interests and thus bring about a society of cooperation, harmony and progress.

The primary force that moves a country forward arises from true love in the form of sacrificial and patriotic loyalty. When we look at national heroes whom we respect today, each one of them exemplified a life of patriotic sacrifice rooted in true love, not selfishness.

There are many challenges that keep the world from peace and unity: differences in region,race, religion, culture, custom, language and citizenship.  These differences mus be overcome in order to bring about our desired world of peace.

If we look at all things in the universe from God's eyes of true love, then we would see that the world is one despite all of the above differences.  God does not see national borders, race or anything created to keep humanity from uniting.

When the young people are able to dedicate their lives to sacrifice and service centering on God's true love, then they can start to solve world poverty and hunger.  They will begin to heal the wounds that were caused by humanity's differences in economic standards.  Also, their dedication will erase the feelings of animosity and hatred arising from having different historical differences.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: How to Become a Central Figure

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Youth for the True Family.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hope of the Young

Have you ever asked a young person what they want to be when they grow up?  They have many dreams of greatness and happiness in the hopes for their future.

There is no youth that does not have hope. 

Mostly, when you ask what people hope for the future, they will have the ambition to succeed in the subject to which they attend college.  Then someone may challenge and ask, "Is that your real objective in life?"

In search of an answer, not many people are confident in their dreams.

When one is able to achieve their ambitions, then they must start over after realizing that this is not his true ambition.  Yet, not many people in life can feel that they have achieved their dreams and are truly happy and content.

Those who are able to achieve in a certain area, they will then see they want to go beyond that goal.  It is natural that we do not want to end in the reality we live, but we constantly want to go beyond that reality no matter how much we achieve.

Then what really is youth's hope or ambition?

It is a fact that no matter how hard we try, at least in the past, we have never been able to say, or heard anybody say, after reaching the goal of his own ambition, "I am happy, for I have accomplished it". No matter how big a person becomes in the world, he still has to achieve something more, look for something farther.  Always striving to be bigger.

The true ambition of every young person is to achieve his personal dreams.  No matter how accomplished one becomes, if it does not touch them in a soulful way, he will be unhappy. The gravest goal that we must consider is how do we maintain our own sense of happiness once we have established our goal.

Any youth you speak to still has the ambition to go beyond his own national boundary. 

Even though this young person is on this level of understanding, there is no true ideal.  The ideal begins from a certain central point within ourselves.  There, the basic hope and ambition of the youth then can go toward the world.  When we meet opposition, we become indignant toward others in an effort to protect ourselves and this ambition.

In other words, man is unconsciously working on the basis of perfecting himself. When someone attacks him, he will defend himself. Each person will suddenly realize he would like to be perfect.

A woman's sense of accomplishments centered on herself will be different from a man's sense of accomplishments.  Also, from the viewpoint of different countries, there are different ideas and attitudes.

What is true perfection, and what is the center of our hope?

If a person found his center well established, then he would be absolutely happy in the past, present and the future.  Such a person would be accepted consistently throughout history.  Everyone would want to devote himself to this person.

They would think they were the most dependable and beautiful person in the world.

How does one become such a person?  When we think of the ideal youth, it would be the same to us and everybody and consistent with this person.

The ideal youth represents the world, including every country, and the one who can represent the past, present, and future.

If such a youth exists on the earth, he would be considered a treasure of the world.  Treasure is regarded to have an eternal quality.  He would reflect the total.  All youth should want to have such an image; there should not be many exceptions.

When we think of the ideal youth, we must think about man that is both external and internal.  We also see the man striving to do the ideal, and the man as a physical being.

Then what is the ideal?

The ideal subject represent everybody; it excludes nobody; it represents every individual past, present and future.  The ideal person will deploy himself toward the world eternally, not momentarily.

The "Ideal," in Chinese characters, is comprised of a left side ("king") and a right side ("village"); in other words, king's village. -- One side symbolizes the whole, and the other side represents the center. When the whole focuses on one center, then that is ideal. A single man will never achieve that; only with the entirety surrounding the original center will the ideal exist.

It may be hard for Westerners to understand the significance of these characters, but each has a deeper meaning and represents one thought.  When people first started using these characters, they unknowingly included the concept of happiness and the ideal.

And on this basis alone, on this combination of outer environment and developing our own environment for this one purpose, the ideal can come to exist.

Thus, the ideal is not achieved by one person.  There needs to be a perfect object from which the subject has give and take with, then, the ideal exists.  The ideal does not come about from one man, but through a reciprocal relationship.  Just the same, the ideal youth can never be ideal in himself.  He will have the knowledge from both sides so he can represent everything.

Every individual is different from another. Some people have special points in outer things, and some in inner things. Some people are very weak, and some are very strong. Some people are noble, and some are lowly. The ideal person will be someone who can embrace both ends and stand at the center.

The ideal youth will encompass everything and stand strong in the center.  He will not only be concerned with his own life, but he will be concerned for his own village, family or country.  Also, he will not only live for the present reality, but be interested in the past, future and the world.

When a person tries to maintain a relationship with God, then he will become the ideal youth.  We may envision that God is a being that is the center of the whole.  Then this means that God represents the past, present and future.

From the four directions, we have to center on God.  Thus, God is the center of the whole universe.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Youth Sacrifice for World Peace

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Hope of the Youth.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obey Your Mind

Those who follow the words of the Divine Principle written by the Messiah, already have a deep understanding of the importance of mind and body unity.

If one was to only follow the laws that the fleshly body dictates, they would not be able to find a way to Heaven.

God's chosen champions in these Last Days are God's Air Force, Gods Navy, His infantry.  In this way, we can even go into the houses of prostitution and all the satanic covered areas showing that the good conscience must come alive.

We will defeat Satan, but like those who go to war, we must be prepared.  You must become an absolute plus on God's side no matter what.  You will either crash into the evil plus that stole the subject position or your will be able to convert them into a mins.

This is how Satan is defeated and the Messiah's strategies.  God blessed America in its infancy not for itself, but to save the world.  

He brought the Messiah to this country to show America's wrongdoings.  America must return back to God or it will perish soon.  

"The majority of the white people in this country do not want to be told to change and be involved in making heaven on earth. "We are happy already," they say and they all take a leader's position. Great country people feel, "Hey, what are you saying about me? My feeling is not so good; we're going to kick you out.".

They create an atmosphere of persecution from all four directions against the Messiah. Only one Reverend Moon is standing up; young people shoot arrows, bullets, machine guns, shooting me. But they cannot destroy me. Why? Because I take the absolute plus position; that is my continuous way. Minus automatically follows, becoming God!"

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Satan uses his strategy as well to keep Gods children from uniting with His ideal and Will.

Satan's aim: "How can I control the mind?  With what?"  With the body.

Satan uses the human body which is attached to him through his fallen blood lineage of sin.  He'll whisper to you that the work of God is just too much.  Why don't you just take a rest?  The sky is clear, it is springtime.  Why do you work in such a poorly, dark place when everyone else is enjoying the sun and enjoying partying at night? God makes you work too hard and this course is difficult.  You aren't strong enough to stand before this kind of situation."

This is the kind of discouragement that is given to those who faithfully walk toward the path of God's will.

This is the habit of your body:  the body likes good food, good clothes and a good place to live.  It likes to sleep as much as possible.  These habits sounds and taste good and seems natural, but stands as a roadblock to do God's will.

Satan uses the material world of stimulating things to keep us from uniting with God: drugs, alcohol, beautiful women/handsome men.  When we follow the temptation of a beautiful man or woman, we will fall down into hell.  Because of Gods providence to restore man back to the original ideal, this ownership can be restored.

This is the Messiah's mission at his return: to restore the true mind owner, true love,and the true kingship.  We have been born into this world and accept at some point this is the way, but we have never experienced any of these elements in the true sense and they all have fallen from God's true ideal.

The world of conscience has been a victim throughout history not a victor.

Satan attacks the human mind to take control of God's children and pull them toward hell.

Originally, God had never made the word "victim", only victorious words. Because of the other side, we lost this most precious situation. How are we going to save this situation of humanity?  The number one point is the kingship of the mind.

Then kingship of what?  True Love.

These two things will have a relationship that is 180 degrees opposite of how the satanic world operates.

The satanic world will follow this true way of life once it is established.  Then the bar will be raised and then the it will be lowered down into Hell's waterways and barriers clearing Hell and lifting it up toward Heaven.

Forever the heart connects with God's purpose; the eternal direction is God's direction.  

We will return this fallen world which Satan uses for his purpose to destroy, to its original position and turn it back to God.  God is the subject and humanity is in the object position centering on connecting on true love forever.

We will return the world in which Satan turned all of creation toward his fallen purpose to its original position and back to God.

Once True Parents, True Love, True Life, True Lineage is established, even if Satan uses his strongest power, it will not continue there.  This is the original way of the original heart's purpose.  Your heart was not meant for Satan's will.

This it the viewpoint of the Principle:  humankind can live forever centering on true love;the ideal of God's creation.  True Parents who return the position of the first fallen parents back toward's God is absolutely needed.  The fallen blood lineage will return to God's ideal free of Satan's sinful blood lineage.

When we walk this path no matter the difficulty, we can restore absolute ownership no matter how far we have walked away from God's path.

We have to take absolute true love kingship.

What was the original position where God's love and human love was to unite?

This is through the sexual love organs.  Our sexual organs are the original palace of love and is the most valuable place.  Man and woman were to connect here centered absolutely on Gods love.  Then from there, connect children and life to God.
The sexual  organ is the king's life palace when we see it from the original purpose of God.  Now that we know this, we see why Satan has placed emphasis on misusing the sexual organs as he knew this was God's ideal to unite with humanity.

Through the pure sexual organs we connect the kingship true blood lineage of God.  These three foundations connect at that one point: Children, life and lineage.

Of all humankind, in all the created world, this is life's most valuable thing. 

The sexual organs is the most high-level, valuable place.  It automatically connects to the creation of the absolute ideal God had at the beginning of creation.  Not just anyone has the permission to open that place.  Only the absolute owner, the one absolute subject has the key to this palace.

From this point, absolute love appears.

Through the connection of the two love organs, absolute soul-baring is revealed. Just having this connection is not the way of salvation or restoration back toward God.

We need the Messiah in order to have the full restoration of the body.  Jesus was the first son of God to bring us toward spiritual salvation and returned to bring us salvation on the earthly plane to open the way for Heaven on Earth.

In the beginning, this pure connection centered on God would have created a true love, true children and true lineage.  Why can we not as humans create these three foundations?

Because of the fall. If the first parents obeyed God to wait until maturity to open their "fruits of love", there would be no need for a savior.  Adam an d Eve would have become the True Parents passing on Gods pure sinless lineage.

Originally, we had everything: God's ideal mind, God's body, God's love. This true love and value was stolen by Satan's mind, body and love.  We are living in a time when Satan's ideals run rampant. We live with two minds at war: our original God-given mind and our evil, fallen mind.  Our original mind understands the value of God's true love.  

Your original mind understood that true love and value. So once you can take back the original human dignity of personality, Satan will be blocked.

If you were to evaluate it, what is the deepest most important point:  This would be the mind.  Then the second point would be love.

When we know the true value, we see that there is no harmony in mind and love all around the world.

The Messiah comes to reclaim the individual foundation lost to Satan and the family foundation through the holy marriage blessing.  Then this foundation expands through restoring the representatives of Satan's family.

The Messiah will push his followers to become independent from the fallen world's way and follow him even though they had once belonged to Satan's side.  Yet many will push the Messiah away because they are satisfied with living the comfortable lifestyle they have acquired.

"Father took the consequences every time centering on God's law of conscience.

"I opened doors and left them open behind me. The route you have to follow is my way-the way I took has become the universal textbook. If you can understand the contents of this textbook, you will be grateful forever."

The Messiah is the most precious thing: touching him we connect to true love, true life and true lineage.  Without the Messiah blazing a trail of restoration through suffering, there is no way for humanity to obtain the knowledge to bring about the true blood lineage on earth which God desires.

We must connect to the words of the Messiah through his teachings of the Divine Principle which this blog is based upon and live it substantially.  We must get those three valuable things and take them back to our brothers and sisters of humanity.

True love forever. In there we will take that happiness; in there hope, in there peace, in there freedom.

If we do not restore the true love place, where is the freedom in that?  When we center on love, we have freedom.  Therefore, the American concept of freedom as 'do whatever you want' is wrong.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Hope of the Young

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Let Us Inherit Victory.

Monday, June 24, 2013

God's Word is Like Honey

Even though we were born into this world to accept it as is, we feel down deep that this is not the original way God wanted the world to be when He created humanity.

Originally, humanity had everything: God's ideal mind, God's body, God's love.  

Yet, after the fall we lost all of these including the blood lineage of God and inherited the lineage of Satan.  Our original mind understood that true love and value of God.

We have fallen far from the original idea of God's creation.  We are mere projections of the original creation.  When you can take back the original human dignity of personality, then Satan will be blocked.  This is good news.

For humankind what is the most deep, important point?  It is the mind.

The second is love. Looking from that particular viewpoint, all over the world, you cannot find anyone harmonized in mind and love.  We understand that clearly, however, we cannot attain that purpose easily.


Until the return of the Messiah, we did not understand this point clearly.  Religions have taught about disciplining the mind and love without truly understanding the root.  Satan uses our ignorance to the true original way God intended and presents his fallen, hell as good, exciting and a stimulating atmosphere.

He makes the surface of the ungodly world, Satan's armament which fell down from heaven look colorful and makes it seem as if it is the true way.

When God looks down on such a miserable situation in which His children are in, He waits a tedious amount of time in history when this would occur.  That time is now where Satan's ideals and will are absolutely seen as the truth instead of God's ideal and God's will.

Satan accused: "Why can God keep the beautiful creation foundation? I cannot permit that kind of duality. Wipe it out! If God doesn't take the restoration way, I'll take the creation for myself."

The principled viewpoint is this: no matter how strong is God's power, Satan cannot deny my way-I will proclaim it, I will do it step by step, reclaiming the individual foundation, family foundation, Father's holy blessing after that, and after that the family pulling over the representatives of Satan's family.

You are wrong; you have belonged to Satan's side.

Make yourself independent; after that follow the Messiah. Otherwise you will perish. I make my point clearly; but they ask, "Well, what did you say? We are very happy. Throughout history inherited this way of life, and in the future we will go the same way. What are you talking about, making a more complicated situation? We don't like that! Go behind us!'

Father didn't accept that. Father took the consequences every time centering on God's law of conscience. I opened doors and left them open behind me. The route you have to follow is my way-the way I took has become the universal textbook.

If you can understand the contents of this textbook, you will be grateful forever. You cannot separate from those contents. If you take one taste, it is much too sweet, it's like honey. You cannot turn back."

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

You want more and more; it is that kind of situation.

When you get a taste of this true taste, no matter how your parents, friends, relatives go against you, you will never change your determination to go this way.

The Old Testament and New Testament are the main trunk, right? There are a great number of saints there. When they are coming down to assist Father's ministry, as well as your ministry, by the same token they are affecting their own denomination and horizontally those people come to assist you.

When the saints come down to help you and your community during this time, you will witness many miracles in your lifetime and in your own village, town and community.  Just test this out for yourself; just kick and create a problem.  Initiate something and then you will see the most strange power come to act upon you.

Those who follow the true way have been persecuted and live with the mindset of a persecuted minority.  When you meet someone, your heart will start pounding in anticipation, "What can I do if something happens? What can I do if some satanic action occurs?"

Yet we should not feel this way.

Father taught that the opposite will happen.  You are the tower of strength and the absolute plus.  People will attest upon meeting you that you are a mighty power or what mighty words you speak.

Their heart will pound because we have the most powerful weapon:  Divine Principle, True Love and True Parents! Amen!

The entire world power was up against the Messiah's lonely power.  Only, this lone power is much greater and heavier.  The Messiah is like a 5th degree black belt and the other side is just a beginner's white belt in karate.  The power on the good side is so heavy that it won't just tilt the balance over, but it will also turn it around.

One must trust and believe in the words of the Messiah, not just consider the words.  If you were have a jar full of sweet honey, would you feel good eating it all on your own or would you like to share the same honey with everyone?

God's words are as honey.  The more you share it the more they will want to have more honey.  You would not just give them honey, but you would give them eternal life.

With the word of the Divine Principle, we have a honey factory of truth.  This universal raw material is in abundance with no end.  You can ask for more supply and the Messiah will make jar, after jar after jar.

So the conclusion is this: "Yes, that is the only truth. Father we have no choice except to obey and follow you; we will live and die for you." Those who do, will you raise your hands and pledge? Now shake your hands, like an earthquake. We are uniting the entire world.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Obey Your Mind

The picture is courtesy of : freedigitalphotos.net

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Let Us Inherit Victory.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Right Kind of Love

Today, we in the free world see many kinds of love, and the problem we have is finding a true discipline or standard of love.

Commonly people think that when men and women have a good time together, that is love. In many cases that enjoyment is an expression of carnal desire and there is no real beginning or end, just a phenomenon with no direction.

That kind of love could not form the foundation of peace and freedom and unity.

People talk about love today, but tomorrow they could become strangers or even mortal enemies. There is no guarantee of happiness there, only chaos and setbacks.

That kind of love causes destruction and does not possess what we call the central theme of true love.

I want you to understand that Satan mobilized the force of such love to destroy our world. Using this kind of love as bait, Satan is taking true freedom, true peace and true unity away from us.

We know about Satan, but there is also a God, the opposite of Satan. God is talking about love but of an entirely different kind, one which has a beginning and end, with some background and tradition. From this standpoint, the satanic expression of love is truly His adversary.

The word sin refers to violation of the law of the love of God. God abhors sin, and misuse of love is the crime God abhors the most. It is the Principle that ultimately the law and love of God will prevail. Therefore, whoever indulges in unprincipled love can only perish. In Italy the lustful and immoral city Pompeii was destroyed by instant calamity. Sodom and Gomorrah perished under the same law.

The Roman Empire once prevailed in the world with unparalleled power, but it collapsed when it violated the will of God. America today is no exception, so it must not violate the law of the love of God or it too will be destroyed.

People commonly say there is much freedom in America, but is there true freedom here? Here in America people talk about peace and freedom and unity, but there is no real peace and freedom here. Unless you as individuals live up to the law of the love of God, your destiny will be the same. No one can violate that law and still flourish.

Today the Unification Church, more than anyone else, is anxiously working for the ideal world, or Kingdom of Heaven on earth. We are pursuing true peace, freedom and unity more than anyone else. We conclude that there must be one principle of true love obtained before that can happen. within this true love we must rediscover ourselves. True love is Godlike. It has been the goal of saints through thousands of years and is the ultimate goal pursued by all religious people on earth today.

What are we going to leave our descendants? Not money or the corrupted traditions of the tree world that seem to be flourishing today; the tradition that will flourish in the sight of God is the tradition of true love, not of power or knowledge.

Your social standing, appearance or distinguished manner will not remain. If you truly love your children and want to give them a lasting gift, hand down the tradition of true love.

Once you give them that, you have already given them freedom. We in the Unification Church are the people who have already committed ourselves to the cause of true love and determined that this is going to be our way of life. We are here to discipline ourselves and fulfill the tradition of true love.

That is the very thing which God and all the saints in history have been hoping to achieve. All mankind is waiting for the day of this fulfillment of true love.

Wherever you go, it you are armed with true love you are the locomotive pulling everything behind you. God will follow, the saints and all mankind and your descendants will follow you. Do you know of any exceptions to this?

This is a universal law, so whether you come from East or West doesn't make any difference. Would there be different laws for the spirit world and this physical world, or do they both come under one God?

How much do you love this way of life and how much are you pursuing it? How many of you want to get married? What is the qualification? Maybe you think it is enough to be a man or woman to get married. Perhaps you feel that because people think you are beautiful or handsome is qualification enough.

If there is a man with one eye who possesses true love, and another, more handsome man who does not possess true love, whom would you sisters choose?

How much would you be willing to tolerate in that man of true love? What would you young men say about such a woman? Even if she had gray hair? Even if you have a social reputation or a degree from the most famous university, a man or woman without true love is still human trash. Worldly honors and social prestige are always secondary.

The qualification by which heaven judges whether you are entitled to eternal heaven is not knowledge, power or prestige; they would do no good because they are not even considered when you talk about the Kingdom of Heaven. I'm sure some of your parents achieved some high social standard, but that alone cannot command respect. In many cases such people lose respect because eventually people realize that they lack God-­centered love.

If your parents have no social standing but they truly love each other and center on unselfish love, then they command the respect not only of their children but of the town they live in.

We constantly talk about the Kingdom of Heaven, but what is it? We mean the world in which absolute love is the center around which everyone is united. That love is what we call the purpose of creation. In order to head toward our purpose, we need a direction to go in.

If I were going to Korea I would go to Kennedy Airport and board a plane. How could I be sure that particular plane would take off and find its way to Korea? What would lead that plane in the right direction?

In most cases the passengers do not worry because they believe in the capability of modern navigation, but what would happen if the navigator ignored his instruments in order to take an extra nap, or decided he wanted a little variety in his route? If he decides he wants liberation from the prescribed course, would you be happy? Why not? Because that kind of freedom invites disaster.

If the compass decides he wants fellowship with the other instruments and he leaves his place to visit them, he might think he is promoting peace and unity, but is leaving his proper position really going to bring peace?

The most important element of peace and harmony is the necessity for each being to keep his proper position. Every instrument in the cockpit is placed to fulfill its particular mission so that the whole plane can reach its goal. Those instruments never sleep, but concentrate on the one goal of getting the plane to its destination.

The commanding will is the will of the captain, which commands the instruments toward the one goal. The wings and flaps don't go in their individual directions, but follow the directives of the compass. Anything trying to avoid that discipline and exercise its free will would head that plane into disaster. Abuse of free will is random will, and never produces good result. The important thing is that all components are set to cooperate with that central goal, even though they do so involuntarily.

Our human world works like one plane, with one navigator directing mankind toward one ultimate goal. What is directing us? A captain of a plane can do anything he wants, but even he does not have absolute freedom. In the same way, God is the ultimate authority in the universe, yet even He does not have absolute freedom to do as He chooses at random.

There must be some universal compass which leads the entire creation, including Almighty God, bringing it into one common direction. What is that? Isn't it money? Chunks of gold? Surely it must be power? Isn't it power when the President of the United States can sacrifice the good of one tiny island nation like Taiwan in order to start a relationship with a giant like Red China?

Whether small or big, any nation can be the object of a political goal. Some day even America will become the prey of someone's ambition. If President Carter can abandon the small nation of Taiwan, certainly God with His power is capable of doing the same to America, right? Would you welcome seeing God using His power at random, or would you protest, even to Almighty God'.

Criticizing President Carter's foreign policy in this way will never benefit me, but I will say nevertheless that injustice has been done and it must be judged. Even if the American government tries to restrain or inhibit me, perhaps even evict me from America, I will not be stopped. If I am truly speaking with God's authority, there should he nothing for me to be afraid of saying.

I must pass the judgment of history, which otherwise will accuse me of failing my mission to proclaim God's truth. I'm sure my words disturb some Americans, and even some of our members might request that I he more diplomatic and say something nice about the President.

American women are always a target for my words. Americans are famous for picketing and demonstrating, so why don't you form a picket line one Sunday in protest? If you women don't like to hear me say certain things then you can leave and I will work with the men. If I give the word then they won't marry that kind of woman, so what will happen to you?

Would you enjoy your life alone? That's your weak point; you need men. The last thing the poorest diplomat would do is criticize American women. But I do it; however, I do it with a loving heart. The President of the United States must say nice things about women in order to get their votes, and American husbands must be careful with their opinions because otherwise they will have their allowance cut off. But I have to speak out.

I have been told many times by different people that it is bad diplomacy to say critical things about American women, but that only inspires me to speak more!
What is the universal navigator that everyone likes, including God, all creation, and every kind of person? True love. That is easy to say, but have you tasted true love? Do you know it?

You may not quite understand true love, but somehow you know logically it must be central. True love alone has the universal qualification. What makes people lonely? Lack of love. In America there are many senior citizens who may have achieved fame and wealth and security in their lives, but who now weep all day because they are lonely. No one cares for them unselfishly or comforts them. This is a tragedy.

Millions of American young people have grown up in this affluent society and could easily lead prosperous lives, but many of them run away from home because of loneliness and lack of love. The Unification Church is here to pioneer true love so that no one is without love. We want to create that kind of world. We have one navigator leading our world to that goal. to the Kingdom of Heaven. What is that compass? That is true love. True love navigates even God.

Not rewritten speech Mankind and the Ideal World

God Wants World Peace

If God is almighty, He is thinking of peace that is ever lasting and eternal.  He would also think and create elements that would not be a danger or threat to human tranquility and life.  So, what would be the most important thing in life?

Conscience is the most precious, because conscience is the origin of life. 

When we center upon conscience, we can talk about love.  Then a new element of love enters.  Conscience is also connected to the blood lineage we inherit from our ancestors.  We do not realize how much of a precious treasure the conscience is for human lives.

No one can see conscience, because it is invisible.  You each have a life. Does your life belong to you, is it your own private life?  Does it belong to God as a universal life?

We each share the root with the universe.  The mind and body, especially the conscience, belongs to the universe even though we believe our mind belongs to us privately.

Let's say we were to ask our conscience, "Would you rather have your own ancestors, your grandfather, father, the country or nation which would be better to have?  You would like to have an universal ancestor.   Your conscience will propel you to like to have the universal ancestor.

If you do not, then the conscience will wonder why it does not belong to the universe as an universal being.

Everyone competes for the number one position.  In sports, in life we all want to be number one.  This is human nature.  But when we examine the body, we see that the billions of cells and every cell is number one. Each cell is trying to be number one and has certain characteristics.  For example, when you exercise, a particular cell that is number for for exercising will begin to move to fulfill that task.

If conscience is in the number one position, what is in the number two position?  The next most important element is love.  In a sense, both conscience and love are virtually one, because conscience exists in love and love exist in the conscience.  They work together in harmony trying to be number one.

Have you ever seen love?  Do you know how much love you need?  No one has seen the essence of love because love action is a phenomenon.  Only love can be identified through the phenomenon. Love is likened to a shaft, center or axis.  When the wheel is turned, everything revolves around the axis.  On the same token, everything in the universe revolves around love.

Love appears through certain actions of love, then it manifests.  

Where does love travel?

Is it up on the surface or at the deepest depths?  Yes, at the deepest depths. Sometimes we need something high as well.

Even though our original mind or conscience is of noble character, at the same time, each man and woman have developed different types of conscience and therefore makes it hard to unite.  For this reason, God created a central element that enables them to become one, which is love.

Love brings everything into unity like a superglue.  So therefore conscience's ultimate direction and ultimate goal has to be love.

Conscience is driving man toward love as their ultimate goal.

This kind of love is the most powerful and inspiring and can step over any obstacle.  Love can create a bridge all over the area.  Where love is present, there can be no gap created.  Love fills everything, every gap and hole.

When you step on the love staircase, you will go to the highest possible realm.  This is greater than any emperor, king or any power.

Love creates incredible virtues: toward the parents, love creates filial piety; between brothers; it creates brotherhood; it also creates patriotism and the next level of sainthood.

What else can bridge all of these things besides the action of love?

Any material or wealth that brings this about, once these things are lost, so is the unity.  Love is the only element that has the power to bridge the gaps from the level of pious son all the way to saint.

What is the root of conscience?  The root is the Almighty God and the ultimate goal of the conscience is love.

Love creates all kinds of harmony, beauty, goodness and happiness.

Love is so flexible that it can turn and bring the front and rear into one, left and right into one, up and down into one, it's almost like Disneyland. There is so much turning, riding, going in all kinds of directions with everybody riding in and enjoying the many different kinds of rides.

Conscience and love are like that.

We all enjoy riding a rollercoaster because of the experience of the highs and the lows with everyone screaming together.  Are you the type that screams out, "stop, don't yell, I need silence?".  No, even the old grandparents will scream, laugh and smile at the same time with everyone. This feeling is one and harmonious.

On a rollercoster everyone is united.

Grandparents will hold on to their grandchildren, or a stranger or a cool teenager when they are frightened on a rollercoaster it doesn't matter.  When everyone is on a rollercoaster it doesn't matter who that person is, you could kiss them and nobody will blame you.

The same could be said for an energetic concert or an ultra exciting soccer game. The crowd is so excited and united during the performance.  White one kiss black one, black one kiss white one, white one kiss yellow one, yellow kiss red one-it doesn't make any difference-go ahead. Everything is good!

In order to give humanity the ultimate gift, God Almighty created love.  

God made love the ultimate gift from the root of the conscience.  To make love work, God created man and woman, which are plus and minus, to center on love they connect as one for love to blossom.  If we were to take out love, everything would become miserable.

There is a famous quote that if love was taken out of the world it would take less than a day for the whole world to no longer exist.  Love is that important to sustain life on earth.  All of creation begins from the seed of love.

In spirit world, one does not breathe air, they breathe the true love of God.

No one not, even Satan, can deny that the greatest gift of all the Creator endowed upon human beings is love. So, would the correct way for love to travel would be the straight way, up and down or the crooked way?  Would it concern a lot of confusion?

Love travels in a straight line and the shortest distance just like electricity travels through a power line.

The fastest speed of all is true love; the shortest distance and the fastest way.

Love always hits at a straight 90 degrees because a 90-degree impact is the strongest and most powerful.  In this perfect 90 degrees that matches in any direction, there is no loss or no waste because it fits perfectly everywhere.

Sound comes in a straight line into your ears.  Power comes this way, and stops right here. It is here where it becomes zero.

"With love, normally it doesn't matter what day it is; love is universal and today is one of the universal days. So love is the ultimate gift from the root of conscience which is the Creator. The conscience's root is true and works in that same fashion, by the same principle.

So therefore, whatever the root of conscience pursues, the goal and direction is one, not two. So therefore, in order to have love manifest more perfectly, there shall be subject and object, there shall be plus and minus, there shall be men and women-that's how the creation has been made.

Which is the subject: the love root or the conscience root? Love is the subject and your conscience is in the object position.  This is the ideal purpose.  You can connect with the purpose through the love circle.  This concept, no matter how difficult to achieve, cannot be denied by anyone.  It is the principle.

When Father hears the translation, he realizes there are so many important parts missing, and I realize it.

The original speech given from which this post is derived, is given in Korean.  Father knows that because his speeches are translated that there are many important parts missing.  This doesn't make him feel good and he wants to give the speech in English.  This can be likened to a really good steak that you are about to eat, but someone puts sand and flour on top of it.  Would you be able to eat this steak after this?  Translation is like eating a very bad steak.

So the most important thing for human beings are conscience and love. 

The unchangeable conscience looks forward to uniting with the unchangeable quality of love.  Most people oppose

Our mind wants to do everything with unchangeable love.  This is the formula way.  What about American love?  Right, it is very changeable.  American love does not have a center or a base, so the ground is shakeable.  Any place where it is hit will break down the family, nation and society.  This is the American love system.  The problem is that not every American conscience wants to unite with love.

The American love world needs reformation, revolution and action. 

How will we be able to import the true love world?  Would we be able to buy true love just because we have a million dollars?  Are all millionaires happily delving in true love?

There needs to be a revolution started in the American love world.  Don't you think it needs to be reformed and action taken?  The misuse of love is a problem, an epidemic in America.  How can we import that kind of true love?

What we witness today in America is not God-centerd love, but perverted un-centered love.  The whimsical floating satanic love prevails in our society and our true  conscience rejects this kind of love.

As believers we have started a revolution that brings love back to its pure original state.  The only way to solve the love problem in America is through the Messiah at his Second Coming.  Through the Messiah, the solution to the world's problem will be given to mankind.

Return for Since we flowing toward one world, what is the one language that you are going to use in the future?  Learning this language will be more important than learning English, Chinese or Japanese?  Within the Korean language, you can find the deepest thought in the world of religion.  The ideal and the deepest thoughts are all combined into one.

That precious understanding is found in the Korean language.

Right now, the world does not know this, but the world is evolving and moving to the other side.

The high will go down, and the low will go up. And the lowest will go to the highest point. 

This happens automatically, not by force. From this perspective, should Father have taught us and led us differently than he did? Or did Father do well? (Did well. Applause.)

Wise Use

We took fundraising seriously, more seriously than our professions. In the future, property ownership will move from purely individual ownership into group ownership, possibly ownership by family or extended family.

The vertical relationship will be one, but the horizontal relationships can vary greatly. Vertically, it is a "world property" concept. Horizontally, it is group, 360 degrees group property, not individual ownership.
In the future the world inevitably will use resources frugally, not wastefully. We will save resources; they are not unlimited.

There need not be cooking in every house. There can be a village bakery, utilizing minimal resources for maximum product. You can make your own particular dish, but make a lot to share with other people. If everyone does that, then no one has to cook every day.

In fact you would have to cook only a few days a year. And there would be a system by which a hot meal would be on your table within fifteen minutes of your ordering it. You would just enter your order into a computer, and it would be delivered to your doorstep.

This system is useful for ordering clothes. That doesn't mean you have to wear a uniform. There will be hundreds of different styles, colors, materials, and all you have to do is state your size and preference with a number. That day is very near. You say, "Oh Father, that day will be very slow in arriving." No, Father will hasten it. (Laughter and applause.)

Why? Father has manpower and organization power. Moving out is no problem. Now we are making that foundation, connecting every area. Father not only prophesies it, but he has been preparing for it. America doesn't think about making that kind of preparation. China, too, no matter how big it is, will crumble down if it does not prepare. So, is it likely to happen? (Yes.) One reason we can be sure is that spirit world is like that. Spirit world is our original hometown.

The earth is our body's original hometown. Spirit world is the mind's original home town. From here, the only way we can go is toward the mind's world. Americans have to eat hamburger and cheese. Koreans can't do without kimchee. Trends here on earth must follow the pattern set in spirit world. That place is better than here; it is heaven.

No matter how long your life on earth may be, it is only a dot in eternity, one second, compared to the eternal life we are going to lead. So long as we are human beings and not animals, we cannot deny that point. Once everyone understands the spirit world, everyone will understand the way of life we should lead on earth.

We will practice the same kind of life we expect in the spirit world. Father has been educating us to be kings of the market system in the future. Then we can become responsible people in important world organizations. You cannot occupy important positions without training.

What is your guess: is Father's thought practical and powerful enough to bring the spirit world and physical world into unification? ­(Yes.) That is a dual structure. That doesn't mean a relationship between two things that are the same. One is vertical, the other is horizontal. In that sense it is dual.

All existence has to follow this 90­degree relationship. When a tree stands, it orients itself vertically. It doesn't take the horizontal line into consideration; it doesn't matter what slope it is on. The tree is not dumb. It is smart! What about man? Man is dumb, still making 90 degrees according to the horizontal line, the fallen thought world.

We should bow down to trees, because they are better than us, always standing at 90 degrees based upon the vertical line. And birds always take the 90 degrees based upon the vertical line. Only humankind takes the different degree. Dumb. In Korean, dum dum hada means "he is not so smart."

Now it is high time for us to know that what Father has been doing is toward a real goal which will be realized in the near future, as well as the distant future. Fundraising without this vision might be difficult, but if you know why you are doing it, isn't it a hopeful activity? (Yes.)

You may think that political elections are a real activity, but fundraising is more real, because if you fundraise well, you will be able to win election campaigns. Worldly people concentrate on the elections only when they arise, every four years. But we do that always, every day, our whole life.

If black people were to take Father's words seriously and put them into action, they would set the trend and be the leaders. There are two ways to follow. One is to really see the objective; the other is when you don't want to go but you have to. In the latter, you will not go fast; automatically you will slow down, get behind and be defeated.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: God's Word is Like Honey

The Tide of the Heart Post:

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Let Us Inherit the Realm of Victory.