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Friday, June 21, 2013

Spirit World is Now Here on Earth

Every Sunday morning worshipers sing about "God is on His throne" as we praise him. Would any father enjoy His high position as His own children suffer?

God gave up His throne and came all the way down to the bottom of hell.

After the Fall of man, Satan stole God's children from their original birthright as true owners.  There at the bottom of hell, God Himself paved each step toward the accomplishment of human perfection.  God has been pulling and pushing mankind through each step of the providence.

Who fulfills God's will? By man.

When God is down at the lowest part of the world, would he say that He doesn't need you and He can fulfill His will all alone?  It is impossible to fulfill God's will without man's participation.  Man is an important component to fulfill God's will.  Therefore God embraces man in this mission.

God instructs man in accordance with man's acceptance or his level of understanding.  God cannot teach the highest possible truth to men with inadequate awareness.  With many failures of saints and people of faith to fulfill God's will, His providence has been prolonged for thousands of years.

God could not reveal the contents of the Bible or Divine Principle to primitive tribes who did not know anything about the world or universe and only had concerns for themselves.

God has a method of teaching and gives guidance that differs according to each man's perception.  Still God had a method to teach each generation of man to their own level of understanding.

For example, through Shamanism, God asked people to worship the creation of trees, the sun and moon things in which they could relate and see directly.

Would God have been able to teach people of a simpler time in a classroom and blackboard setting?

God already has all the knowledge and resources necessary to teach each person who can perceive the universe through other teachings.  Yet, God is limited in all the knowledge that He can teach man all the time.

The human mind turns every moment of the day both day and night just like the universe and the earth.  God can only reveal His teaching to a person's mind that is in the daylight or one whose mind is uplifted.  Only in those moments can God capture and teach each of us.

No individual's mind travels in a straight line.

Instead the mind progresses in waves up and down.  You may feel this.  Some days you feel like a million bucks when you wake up and feel like flying.  Other days, you feel so gloomy that you can barely get the strength to make yourself wake up completely.

In those moments that your spirit is uplifted and shining, you are ready to contact the spirit world and God.  A spark can jump between God's spirit and your spirit.  This is the very reason as people of faith that we should strive very hard in each moment to be bright and happy all the time.

When you keep your spirit uplifted all the time, you can meet God. 

This is the most basic and important mode of life for those who want to reach God for which we can be thankful.  If there is something troubling you, then somehow take care of it right away.

So why is it important to monitor and make effort concerning your behavior every moment in life?

By living in this way you open yourself to God and prolong the time which you are able to be with God directly.  In this way, there is more chance that God can approach you.

This is why our religious life is so important in our spiritual progress.  The true definition of a religious life is making yourself readily available to receive God's revelations.  In living a religious life, we pursue the hope of seeing a grandiose future ahead with God even though our present situation only involves suffering.  By doing this you create an atmosphere where you can meet God.

When something deeply troubles you in your heart, don't you seek out a good friend to talk about it and get it off your chest?

This is the same reason religion stresses communication with God and trusting Him with our problems and forgetting about them.

You can go to God and tell him, "God, I have a problem here.  Let me talk it out with You so You can see it and I can get rid of it.".  This is better, because your good friend may not be capable to help or understand you and will eventually forget your situation, but God is capable to handle your problem and will never forget your situation.

Spirit world and God will always approach you when your awareness is high. 

In your awareness, the spirit and God can touch you and teach you, not in a classroom, but through dreams, visions and revelations.

You also may be guided by a spirit guide on a tour and be opened to the reality of the spirit world.  God uses dreams as an important medium to reveal Himself through important revelations in some dreams.

Because of the fall of man caused by the first parents of humanity, we belong to the satanic lineage or bloodline of Satan.  This stained sinful or fallen blood is not pure.  Therefore, there is only one way that a higher spirit can contact you.

Each time we move, that satanic blood circulates through our bodies.On the other hand, when you sleep at night and your body is not in motion, your blood does not circulate as rapidly.  It is the same as a muddy lake that is sitting still allowing the dirt to settle to the bottom bringing the pure water to the top.

This same kind of phenomenon happens when we sleep; our bodies quiet down and in that way our spirit is in a position to be touched, which is why revelations usually come at night. This is common sense; it may be new to you, but in religious life these experiences are very important.

Can you distinguish your dreams whether they are from God or from Satan?  A satanic dream does not have a clear focus, direction or central theme.  Korean slang labels this as "dog dreams".  They are jumbled and easy to forget upon waking up. In contrast, a heavenly dream has a system and a clear theme or message.

Heavenly dreams may continue a message from one dream to the next. 

If you have an uplifting dream three or more times that has the same theme or atmosphere, then you can consider this and receive it as a revelation.  A heavenly dream is so clear in your mind that upon waking you can clearly recall it vividly.

Why is that?

God's purpose of creation was that God and man were supposed to be completely united for eternity after completing the growth stages of formation, growth and perfection of self.

When God gives you something in this true atmosphere, you would not soon forget it.  Because satanic relationships are illicit and unprincipled, however, they are quickly forgotten.

If you are in constant contact with the spirit of God and good spirits, you cannot be swayed by the temptation of Satan.

You would have an unforgettable relationship with God.

Even if you were to go down to the dungeons of hell in a satanic environment, Satan can not claim you because you would be so deeply meditating on God's revelation.  Did you know that 70% of the Bible came through the revelation of dreams?

 In the Old Testament Jacob's eleventh son, Joseph, once told his parents about a dream, in which the sun, the moon and eleven stars came and bowed down to him. This little boy vividly recalled his dream. Later on, Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt and his father and mother, who were represented by the sun and moon in the dream, and his eleven brothers, the stars, came and bowed down to him.

Jesus' mother Mary received an important revelation testified in the New Testament.  Joseph was approached by an angel one night that told him not to fear taking Mary as his wife for the baby was conceived in her was of the Holy Spirit.

Every human dreams at night, but usually people forget them.  But if there is a vivid, unusual dream that you can remember more than three years later, such a dream is a revelation and the work of God.  Many people get the revelation about the Messiah of the Second Coming will be an Oriental man born in the flesh.    

Why do these phenomena have to occur?

The spirit world has descended on earth and they are trying to teach you through many distinct types of messages.  Sometimes, God Himself comes, or the spirit of Jesus or a noble spirit.

Sometimes your own ancestors come to you or even an evil spirit.  Therefore, it might not be that easy to determine how true these messages or from who they originate.

It is important to get the help and support of spirit world, but we can be misled and confused by it if we don't know the fundamental principles governing it.  You may witness that in today's time, more and more people are suffering from psychological disturbances.

This occurs and is more prevalent in these days because the lower spirit realms of spirit world also assault the physical world always trying to affect people on earth in one way or another.  The lower realm spirits always have an adverse effect on people.

Even those spirits from the lower realms are trying to assist you in your work on earth, but because of their lower energy, they can destroy you or at least disturb you.  Conversely, good spirits from the higher realms can guide and assist you by bringing you divine truth and power.

This is the reality of the world today whether people believe in life after death or not.  Psychologist and professors try to study dreams extensively to determine the cause and come up empty handed.  Some people believe that dreams come from the depths of our subconscious, but those kinds of dreams do not originate from God and easily are forgotten.

A God-given dream is very significant and vivid and are never expected.  All of a sudden a dramatic event will occur in a dream, that cannot be forgotten.  They are often times not related to familiar things.  This kind of dream is the intervention of the spirit world.

When we make an effort to concentrate on spirit world and God through praying all night or meditation, our spiritual nature can surface.  There, our dirty and foreign elements will settle to the bottom.  This is similar to when we are in a state of sleep except we are wide awake.

In a state when we are really tired where we are on the verge of sleep, yet we are still awake and can still hear sounds and see things not clearly, this is the moment where a vision can come.  This is a wonderful opportunity for God to reveal a clear vision and message to us.

Prayer is emphasized in discipline, in order to quiet our bodies down and increase our spiritual alertness.  This allows God to speak to us very clearly and manifest Himself in our visions.  When one becomes disciplined in this kind of prayer, one will be able to see visions with their eyes open.

As you sit down to pray, you will automatically see visions and hear voices.  Your ears will hear sounds from both the spiritual and physical worlds.  The movie 'The Sixth Sense' described this phenom perfectly.

Everyone has this ability.

This practice is called religious discipline.  When the missionaries get tired from working so hard all day, heaven will then open up and show them astonishing things as they are momentarily dozing.  Even with one second of time, God can reveal to them ten years of history or give them some kind of forewarning.  This is an almost daily diet.

There are two systems within our bodies: one deals with the physical world, another with the spirit world.  There is so much to be talked about spirit world for days and nights because it is so fascinating this world that one will not want to return to earth.

Of course,there are those whose spirit self is unsettled once they go there because of the unclean life they lived, but those closest to God who lived in love while on the earth can breath the air of the love of God while there.

Before you can speak about individual perfection, you must have a basic understanding of the spirit world.

The person selected by God is a pathfinder who can lay a superhighway for all the people dwelling in those lower realms and thereby free them to go to a higher level. We call that person a prophet.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

God has been working in the lower realms of spirit world to bring multitudes of spirit men up to a higher level.  To do this, God will raise up a prophet or a central figure to open the path for even the lowest spirit in hell.  This is the pattern which God follows.

God chooses a pioneer on earth, not a spirit man, to first work in the lowest and most primitive reams that will open a path that other spirit men there can follow up tot he next level.  Spirit men work through a person on earth of their choosing to elevate when they elevate to a higher level on earth.

Then they will be able to live in a higher realm of the spirit world.  Everyone will benefit from God's pioneer who paves the path and become a recipient of his accomplishments.

In our times of the Last Day, spirit men from all the levels of spirit world come down to earth to assist people on the same level they are and inspire individual to follow God's central person the Messiah of the Second Coming.  These spirit men will then benefit from the person's accomplishments.  Spirit men will reap the same benefit by assisting the person on earth.

The key to man's situation is here on earth; whatever we loose here on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 

This means that salvation is only brought about on earth; once in spirit world, there is no solution to restore wrongs of the past.  Spirit men must have to work through someone who is in the physical world.  Some religions such as Buddhism has a similar theory called reincarnation.

The Divine Principle teaches that there is only one life and there is no way to reincarnate.  There is only one Buddha.  He cannot return and become another Buddha on earth born again in the flesh.  The confusion may begin because Buddha can appear in spirit and assist people on the spiritual level.  Then, people mistaken this phenomena of the second coming of someone as reincarnation.  Reincarnation is not possible.

Sometimes a spirit man influences an individual so much that he even behaves like that spirit man like Buddha or Confucius, for example. People may think that the individual is the reincarnation of Buddha, but actually it is only the spirit of Buddha assisting him.

Throughout history, God handpicked numerous prophets to extend the highway in order to further develop man's spiritual progress to teach them higher content.  Therefore, God made spiritual progress possible for all of mankind.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: What Determines Good and Evil?

The Will of God and Individual Perfection

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