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Friday, February 28, 2014

Church Leaders Practice Public Life

The person who is a leader of more than a thousand people has been evaluated and approved by the spirit world. One does not start out as a central figure with confidence.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

I, too, have never thought myself as being confident. I realized that before I liked myself, I had to like God and I had to like the one whom God was seeking. How to possess this kind of heart was my endeavor. If I have that heart, there is nothing that is impossible.”

Have the kind of mind that makes people happier and the heart to console the sorrowful person.

The true shepherd does not say he is the true shepherd.

A true shepherd always embraces God's will quietly and also the entire universe within his heart then he goes out. He does not make excuses.

After you work hard in your mission to do public service, you might fall asleep from exhaustion not realizing how tired you are. But when you awaken, you will be totally refreshed.

When this happens, then you will realize, “Ah, this is what the principled life is.”

But on the other hand, if you think, “Well, I slept only three and a half hours last night, therefore I should sleep a little more.” 

Then your entire body will feel as though it weighs a thousands pounds and you will feel pain all over. This is why you are told not to have such thoughts.

A leader should not be the first to lie down no matter how tired he may he.

A leader should only lie down after everyone else has lain down.

He should be the last to finish praying. In this life of faith, such a leader should offer devotion without food, clothing or shelter. This is the position of a true leader. If he can live that way, he will not perish.

I am at a loss for words before a devoted person. As leader of the Unification Church, when I am considering which of two people is better, I do not take into account who is handsome, but rather I look at the direction of their mind. In other words, I see whether their mind is public or personal.”

Even the first step you take out of bed every morning, you should think whether it is for the public purpose or your own private purpose.

Then when you go to bed after you finish a long day, you should reflect whether you day was spent for others or for your private purpose.

Can you say that the last twelve months of your life, or even your entire past life, was it led for the public life or a person one?

The person who is in a public position is pitiful.

If a public person was to do his best, yet still made a mistake while following God's will, then a thousands years of merit goes wrong. He must live with such a serious heart of service.

Don't drift along day by day as the months pass. If we do not focus on preparing for the new day's advance, then we will become prey for the vultures here in the wilderness.

We are historical pioneers laying a foundation for future generations to restore themselves to their original godly position.

As pioneers, we must break through difficult surroundings and prepare your attitude toward a hopeful tomorrow.

Once you take responsibility, then you fight and struggle. You must go through a struggle of life and death while walking this path of restoration. During this battle, you should lay the foundation to bring at least three people who oppose you to naturally submit to you during your lifetime.

In order to do this, you must first have ideological knowledge and then faith will do the rest of the work. If you do not line up your thoughts and your faith to a certain level, then you will not be able to claim them and someone else can easily take away your faith in one sentence.

The foundation that I have accomplished and strengthened, and the ground that has roots that are firmly planted, can never be taken away except by the application of a strength and faith that is greater than them.”

So, what kind of heart do you need to have?

Have the determination to exchange even your life if you cannot carry out your responsibility in this life of faith. In that case, then a solution will emerge that will resolve the core of the problem.

When you are able to say, “I've done all that I could do as a human being. I offered my entire heart and extreme dedication day and night,” then God will see you have done everything you could, even though you could not complete your mission and will return you your efforts.

A church leader is like the high priest of that region.

Pray for the people, even if you have to lose sleep.

Give your full devotion to save people. For there to be a response to an offering, the high priest and God must be united.

Therefore, you will not prosper if you do not have a formal, serious gathering.

It is heavenly law for participants to bow in front of offerings.

In an offering, God comes down to the altar and intervenes.

He will help you only when you exude passion, strength and effort and when you speak sincerely more than you ever shown in your lifetime.

Make offerings with a serious mind and commitment.

Will a person be blessed once they pass away if they lived a life of full comfort, abundance, food, laughter and dance? Only grass will grow on the graves of such people.

But on the graves of those who died while shedding blood for the nation, the flowers will bloom as long as that nation remains.

It is not easy to be the teacher of the Unification Church. It is extremely difficult. It feels the same as wearing a prisoner's uniform and walking toward the execution chamber, and yet I am walking that path. You probably do not understand because you have never spent time in prison.
I live in a well-appointed mansion, but I do not need it. I have been trained to live in a hut. I can just as easily live there. I have trained myself to become the best laborer; I can remove my jacket and work on a construction site. If there was someone in prison whom God loved, then I trained my heart to hold on to him, maintain complete dominion over the environment, and become a friend with whom he could shed tears.”

Return for Tomorrow's Post: 

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook, Cheon SEong Gyeong, Book seven, Chapter three, section 3.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Your Responsibility to Teach the Word

A love-centered harmonizing power, influential power is needed in the the after life.  Therefore, those who lack love and cannot harmonize with the original world that is moved by the influence of love they will be repelled and end up in hell when they arrive there.

What position have you worked for the Unification Church?  Always be aware of what direction you are headed, and what position you are located.  When you do so with a prayerful heart, God will be with you.

When you reach such a state, when you go to give a talk, the right words will just flow from your mouth.

You will be drawn to conscientious people and their houses.

Everything seeks relationship. 

Even flowers have the power of attraction that create relationships.

A magnet's essence is eternally unchanging.  The same when you first see a person you can relate to them.  If you go to such a eternal, unchanging place, you feel joyful and are inspired to speak there.  Your mouth will open even if you do not intend to speak.

Q: What will you say to God when you enter the spiritual world?

God has been guiding the way to restore ourselves and He took great pains to find just one Adam.  Genesis states that up to the present day God has been seeking His perfect son Adam.

Knowing this Principle, it is a weapon that can save countless people.

Until the Second Advent restores the world, God was not able to teach humankind and had to guide the work of restoration among ignorance throughout history.

On earth, we work on God's behalf and are doing greater things than He. 

The Principle provides an enlightenment to the path to build hundreds of thousands of Jeuss.    The  question about eternal life is a serious matter.

Young women pick herbs in the garden when spring comes.  Just as you seek your own desire, you have to live in this way.

When you see people you know while you are doing that, you should have the heart of wanting to convey the Principle to them all night long without tiring.

Go all out to inspire them at your first meeting.  You should be nothing else but searching for sons and daughters which you can take to heaven with you.  Even if you were to acquire hundreds of millions of dollars and lived a rich life, that will all pass away.

Search so vibrantly that you invest all of your materials, knowledge and your very lives.  Invest them at the same time, not separately to create heavenly citizens from the fallen lineage.

Your investment's value will be in proportion to the amount of effort your input.

So-called Unification Church leaders: It is shameful to stiffen your shoulders proudly and fancy yourselves.  How many lives have you saved through your own individual effort?

Has heaven been able to praise you eternally for your achievements.  The degree of praise depends on how many heavenly citizens you harvested on earth.

People in the past have not been able to harvest heavenly citizens, but we have an A-frame carrier on our back.

You can bring in an explosive harvest once you start spreading God's words passionately. 

However, since members waste time even though you possess this internal power, God wants to strike you with a thunderbolt.

When Heaven is ready to receive you, no matter whether it is night or day, you cannot say to Him, "I want to sleep."  Instead you just run straight through.

We must educate people concerning the issues of eternal life.  From now on assume this responsibility.

"I cannot curse those who oppose the Unification Church. God wants them to connect with me and commit themselves, but if they drop out that is our church's responsibility and I must assume responsibility for that."

The world has come to oppose the Church because of Satan's guidance, but we should overcome these adverse situations quickly.  If we do not resolve these conflicts, then our situation will be more miserable from the damage caused by our inactivity.

If you give birth to a baby, you have to nurse it.  This is why people will come looking to you.  Therefore, when they come to you, do not treat them coldly.

"I have also lived that way all my life. If people visit me even at midnight, unless they decide to leave, I will stay seated with them and never ask them to leave. They will not want to leave because they are looking for something. Then, I must share God's words with them. I will live my whole life that way.  I never act businesslike"

This is due in part because spirit wold is always awake.

If members fight among themselves and cause even one person to fall away, this will cause a great damage.

If that person was to stay and understand God's will thus fulfill his responsibility according to heaven, he could save thousands and myriads of people.  Such a person that might have been judged at first sight, could surprise you and surpass you.

If you mismanage the people entrusted to you, then everything will go wrong.

On the other hand, if you are able to lower yourselves and elevate everyone else, you will have no problems.  This is called humility.

But, if you err in taking care of God's people, you will go down.

Be a responsible father and husband to your children and wife.  If the husband does well, his wife will follow him to the other world.

The spirit world is an unforgiving world, and we are now preparing our hearts to be in step with it. do this work even at the cost of missing a meal.

We have to go through a process in order to enter the Father's house.

This is work of restoring humanity is important.  Do not say you will do so after eating a meal.  If there was a stack of dynamite under the kitchen table you would not still be eating.

So, the question is how do we connect people with the serious issue of eternal life?

Light only burns when an electrical current is generated at the power plant and transmitted through various terminals and electrical circuit device  It will stay on as long as it maintains a connection.

Therefore, love your spiritual sons and daughters more than your own children.

Also, do more for your own spiritual parents than you do for your natural parents.    Even though we call them our parents, the people who gave birth to you are parents from the satanic world, living in the way of satan.

But your spiritual parents are parents from the heavenly world you brought you to God's Principle truth.

Therefore, serve your spiritual parents more than your own mother.  Futhermore, spiritual sons and daughters have the responsibility to nurture the children of the people who saved them and help them get married.

This is God's will.  What a great society it would be to live in where such people care for the other just as much as their own physical families.

Therefore, if we cannot link people to eternal life, then all this work of restoring the world of peace will be done in vain. This should be our main focus.

After you hear God's Word, this is only the beginning.  Keep encouraging those you witness in order to bring them to a godly marriage, the Blessing. They must receive it in order to clean up their satanic blood lineage.

When they witness, they are connected naturally to the eternal world.  If they can overcome the persecution they will encounter from the satanic world, they are already on the path of true life.

Once your spiritual children receive the Blessing, your job is done.

Do not give sermons based on your ego, instead speak while shedding blood and sweat.  Go through the pain of giving birth of having spiritual children.  Do that while you shed tears for God's lost children in the satanic world.

If you do not have wet eyes when you speak, then your sermon is contrived.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Church Leaders Practice Public Life

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious text book Cheon Seong Gyeong, , Book Five, chapter 2, Section 2.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

World Peace was to Come at Jesus' Time

A godly international marriage is the most important means of establishing God's kingdom on earth.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Adam and Eve were God's first children.

They were born from God's characteristics, they grew up in God and they were supposed to mature into God's perfection.

This was God's intention from the beginning of creation. 

He intended Adam and Eve to be married in a heavenly matrimony without any trace of the Fall entering humanity's lineage.

This makes more sense than the thought that God had created evil alongside goodness.

If Adam and Eve had followed God's word, and matured to become one with God completely, they would have borne sinless children and then they would have become the first true father and mother. 

They would have been the father and mother of humankind and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth would have been established through their family.

Has such a kingdom ever existed on earth?

Instead, history began in the wrong direction.

From that first evil moment in history, Satan became the ruler of this evil world when Adam and Eve followed his opposite word.

Therefore, God began a process of restoration, to save and restore the heavenly family so that He can have His kingdom upon the earth.

In order for God to turn around the evil events of history, He needs a model, such as Jesus which humanity can follow.

Jesus came with that mission, but was left incomplete since he himself did not establish a heavenly family. Who would be able to fulfill such a criteria of perfection on this earth?

If we were to look at history from God's viewpoint, we see that it is a very sad, sad story. It is filled with God preparing a people and individuals with the sole mission to restore His heavenly land only to fall short.

Jesus had told the people that true believers should deny even their own father or mother and husband or they were not worthy of him. He said this because they were their false parents, false society and false relationships that are a product of satan's lineage, not a godly lineage. 

To deny such a situation, one can link to God's mission.

Jesus came with the mission to restore the mistake of the first parents and to become the true father of humanity.

The essence of Christianity is the tradition of true love.

Instead, as Jesus was doing his important mission, he was crucified.

Therefore, in Jesus' time, he couldn't fully lay the tradition of true love for it to blossom in his time. 

Since Jesus did not become the everlasting father before he was crucified, his mission is still left to be finished at the Second Coming.

God was isolated when the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden united with Satan. 

They thus inherited his sinful nature, thereby leaving God isolated.

In the process of restoration, God must restore both Adam and Eve.

Jesus came as the second Adam, or perfected Adam to restore this history.

Jesus came as the true model of perfection upon every level: the individual, family, society, national and world-wide levels. 

He came to establish a perfect world during his lifetime. 

God never intended for Jesus to leave the earth before completing his mission. God would not wait 2000 years to restore the world after the Messiah's arrival. This is why he has to return.

This is why in First Corinthians 15:45 refers to Jesus as the “Last Adam”, the second Adam.

Since Jesus came to restore the mistake of the first man and woman who spread their sin through the first family, he was to restore a bride and form the first family of God.

If Jesus was the first man to carry God's blood lineage, would it not make sense that he would leave such a lineage on the earth?

If this was to happen, then all generations would have grafted onto Jesus who was the true olive tree.

Then God-centered families, societies, and nations would have been restore.
If this was to happen, perfection would then have reigned.

Then, instead of such a dark and disappointing history the last 2, 000 years for God, He would have enjoyed a sinless state of His kingdom on earth as a reality.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Your Responsibility to Teach the Word

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook: God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Jesus Was Supposed Have a Bride

What separates Jesus from other religious leaders and saints?

Jesus proclaimed to the people that he was God's only son which means he carried God's pure blood lineage. Also, Jesus possessed the entire love of God. When parents have their first child, they become the center of a tremendous flow of the couple's love.

If even fallen human beings can feel such emotions for their own children, how much more ecstatic joy could God feel for Jesus?

God could see His own image in his first son and manifest Himself for the first time to the entire world.

Do you think that God only needed a son? God knew ahead of time, just like all of creation, He needed a pair.

This means that at Jesus' time, God also needed a true daughter. A son living by himself is like a person who only has one foot. When we talk about God's daughter it needs to be accepted in this country. 

Since men were left with a model of a true man, wouldn't it make sense that women would need to have a model of what a true woman was? Even though Mary has been regarded very highly, she was still born of the fallen, satanic lineage.

Jesus knew of the fact that God wanted him to restore one only begotten daughter. This is why the central theme in the New Testament is that of the bride and the bridegroom.

This is why Christianity looks at this from an abstract viewpoint. It has come to mean that women as well as men are in the position of a bride to Jesus and also the church as well.

How can a church be Jesus' bride? This is a symbolic representation, but God had the intention of having a physical bride to His son. 

This is why the idea that Jesus had a secret relationship with Mary Magalen has become a controversial subject.

We have a concept that Jesus was to remain a bachelor and the history of religion has been that of bachelors.

Even past leaders, Presidents and Kings were not so great that they did not need to kiss anyone.

Jesus was the King of Kings. In this sense, he was the greatest institution. So, does this mean he should stay single for the rest of his life leaving no good lineage behind?

No, Jesus arrived as a human with every body part as a regular man. If Jesus was to complete his mission would he sit on his throne alone and proclaim the single way of life as the most holy to his subjects?

This would be crippled teaching.

Suppose Jesus was blessed to a perfect bride? Would he have been shamed to kiss his bride as a sacrifice? As a holy man, would he have

Would Jesus been a sinner had he had fervent love in his heart and poured it out to his bride?

Jesus had the mission to fulfill the will of God. In order to do that, he had to restore his own bride. 

All of the Christian world shakes when they hear such a revelation, and they will call such a teachings blasphemy or heretic. Jesus is in the spirit world, but he can still hear the conversations that occur on earth.

Do you think Jesus would think that it was bad to hear that he was to have a perfect bride or that the single life was the holy way of life?

Who was Jesus' parent?

God created men and women for them to unite and become one, to marry and live as husband and wife.

This is the holiest relationship of all of God's creation. After God created Adam and Eve, He said that it was good. Many people of faith advocate a life of celibacy. This was because after the Fall, humanity lost the true way of life. In order to subjugate the falling self, religions focused on the single life and total devotion to God.

In this new age of settlement, the Unification 'Church says that families, not individuals, are the building blocks to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Jesus said that he was God's true son, and he denied the way the world lived. No matter how beautiful or wonderful the gifts the world had to offer seemed, it was nothing in the sight of God.

So, the ministry of Jesus was denial of the world. He came as God's only son to restore God's only daughter and make God's only heavenly family, which would multiply into a heavenly nation and world.

Jesus took the position of central saint because he was the direct manifestation of God.

What is God's central theme, the one which would completely melt even His heart?

God does not have a need for money, knowledge or power for He possess these things.

When Jesus proclaimed that he was God's only son, those words moved God as no other sound did before that time.

In the 4, 000 years before Jesus, many righteous people came. But if God asked Jesus, “Do you think you are greater than Moses and Abraham and all the others?" Jesus would have replied that he was.

There has not been a person since until this time that could make exception to Jesus' claim. There has not even been a candidate for his position.

The idea that Jesus was God's only son, was such an absolute matter to Jesus that nothing could shake it.

Such a man or woman had never existed before Jesus' time.

Jesus reached the very center of love in the heart of God.

Jesus was always prepared to receive any instruction from God.

There has not been any other saint that has ever come close to embodying that goal. All the others lived the godly way of life and truth, but there has not been one who was absolute in both faith that God was their Father and in the total denial of the world as Jesus was.

When Jesus made the bold statement that he was God's only son before the people, he was saying that he and God were the only true existence. 

This means to change the rest of the world as well to become true. The first thing Jesus intended to recreate was God's first true daughter. 

Then he intended to create a true family, society, nation and world.

The bell of such a true sound has never rung before Jesus came to the earth. The sound of Jesus' bell resounded not only around earth, but also in the spiritual world. 

This sound pierced the very mind and heart of God. This sound shook God to the core and made Him feel good because it was the sound of true love.

Do you think God needs love, and if so why does the Almighty need love?

Because, just like humanity, God wants to be intoxicated by the joy of love.

Only love can totally intoxicate Him in earth-shaking laughter and joy.

Such a heavenly joy will not only inspire the greatest of songs and dance, but much more.

God wants to be melted by love to the degree that He forgets about Himself and thus God can become totally like a child.

God prepared the world with His chosen nation of Israel before He sent His champion Jesus Christ. This nation was the foundation for the Messiah, his protection.

If the chosen people of Israel had united with Jesus as the supreme model at that time, then they could have become perfected and build a heavenly nation of God.

If this would have happened, then the Kingdom of God would have been a physical reality on this earth.

Jesus directed all of his attention on building such a Kingdom on earth.

But, really, what is the Kingdom of God? We speak about going there often, but the Bible does not clearly state what that Kingdom will be like.

To build such a kingdom, the teachings of Jesus followed a simple teaching: 

As much as you love your Father, that much you must love your country, society, and your own home.

When this one tradition of love is truly lived by every citizen of earth, it will be applied to every aspect of life, the Kingdom of God shall become a reality.

When everyone on earth finally worships God as their common Father, then there will be no barriers remaining on earth. 

The boundaries or walls of language or denomination will be burned away. Every barrier will be broken.

If Jesus' only mission was to come to establish a new religion, then he could not be the Messiah. Why is that?

In reality, Jesus did not care about religion; what he cared about was establishing a God-centered kingdom. 

This kingdom cannot be built by religion alone as we have witnessed throughout history. 

The greatest wars have been fought over the very ideal of religion.

The Kingdom of God on earth will be built by the family.

There is no other way to build such a kingdom.

Jesus came to establish the first true, godly family on earth so that he could bring God, as the true Father, into our daily living at home.

We may think and believe that with our devotion that we already live in such a way, but no matter how devoted people of faith have been in the past, still there has not been a society, nation or world centered on God.

Instead of Jesus being welcomed, he was not accepted by those in his nation and he met rejection at every level.

He was denied every opportunity to take on a bride and restore her to Eve before the Fall. Therefore, he could not establish the first God-centered heavenly family. Instead, he was crucified on the cross.

This is why Jesus' mission was left incomplete on earth and why he promised to come a second time.

Jesus Christ must come again to consummate the mission of the Messiah.

Let me repeat: Jesus was the perfected Adam and his mission was the restoration of humankind to the position before the Fall.

The most crucial missing step is for Jesus to restore his bride, Eve. Jesus was a human, but he was one with God. But Jesus was not God Himself.

Therefore, when he returns to earth, he will come as a man in the position of the third Adam.

These are revelations to me from God, and I want you to understand fully the main points. God intended Adam and Eve to come together in heavenly matrimony in the Garden of Eden. Since it was not realized at that time, God intended Jesus to fulfill this marriage in his time. But it was not realized by Jesus either, because no one had faith in him as Messiah on earth.”

As the second Adam, it was God's will for Jesus to be blessed in heavenly matrimony with the second restored Eve, his restored bride.

God intended Jesus to bear sinless children. 

Then he and his bride would have become the True Parents for humankind restoring the fallen mistake of the first parents, Adam and Eve. At that time all of mankind would have grafted onto their family.

Revelations at the end of the Bible shows that the end of God's ideal is a perfect man and perfect woman; when they rejoice, embracing in holy matrimony, this value cannot be exchanged for the entire universe.

Once God achieves this high ideal as a standard, then there will be more godly individuals and families that come into existence. God has been working toward this goal. 

This is the highest ideal of God and highest ideal for humanity. This is the deepest desire of God and also the deepest desire for humanity: to bring heaven on earth inhabited by people centered on God's ideals.

Only by achieving such a world of peace, will people and God be eternally happy and one.

Jesus warned the people that they were of the father the devil John 8:44 because they were born of the sinful lineage of Satan, and became Satan's children.

Right now, humanity is only adopted children of God engrafted to the Messiah, but once the Fall is restored through the second Adam and Eve, children will be born as children directly from our Father's heavenly lineage such as Jesus.

This means that every child will be born as true children, not needing to be adopted or the need of a Messiah.

God's will was denied fulfillment in Jesus' time due to his death.

Because no one could truly follow Jesus as Lord, and God's son he has to come again.

The book of Revelation, prophesies of the marriage of the Lamb.

This marriage takes place on the earth, since the Fall was created on the earth by the first human parents.

True Parents for all humankind will be realized in our time.

At that time, God's truly family will shine on the face of the earth as a model for humanity to follow.

Then all people will be made new through the True Parents.

People will be empowered and bear sinless children in the world. This will be done when Jesus comes again.

The Kingdom of Heaven will come with the restoration of the Fall. In that day of hope, when God's original ideal is realized for the first time on earth, God will truly dwell with mean and women and be full of joy.

His own son, the third Adam, will initiate an entire new history upon the earth.

On that day, every human becomes the living image of God, bringing His kingdom on the earth.

This has been fought for and the hope of all the saints, and peoples of the past for thousands of years.

I pledge to you from the bottom of my heart that the realization of all this is at hand, in the fullness of God's time.”

Return for Tomorrow's Post: World Peace was to Come at Jesus' Time

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook: God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' Standard of Goodness

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Humans Were Made to Be Perfect

"I tell you, selfish individualism is doomed. Sacrificial individualism will blossom. Individuality in itself is good. God gave each one of us a unique way to serve. But individualism without God can only build castles on the sands of decay."

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Throughout history, humanity has not truly known the definition of what is good and what is evil.  We weren't sure when to act, where to commit ourselves or what to serve.  This has been the source of the greatest confusion in humanity.

We shouldn't be like the Christians that live solely for their own well-being.  We must live the life of Jesus and give ourselves totally for the benefit of others so they might have eternal life.  This is God's way.

But, the present world deserves God's uncompromising judgment.  But, God is love and long-suffering.  He suppresses His anger and has compassion on humanity's situation because He ultimately wants to save us.  He gives us a chance to change.

Western culture is characterized by individualism.  We are living in the age where there is a new surge of revolution that is coming to America.  It will not come by fire, nor by bullets, but through a truth, God's truth that will revolutionize the human heart.

The ultimate answer to World Peace is not through demonstrations or legal battles and wars.  The answer lies in the hearts of men and women.  This quiet spiritual revolution is changing hearts from selfishness to unselfishness.

Can you imagine what a wonderful society it would be if individuals belong to their families, the family belongs to the society, the society to the nation and the nation belongs to the world, then the world will belong to God.  Ultimately, God will belong to you.

The person who gives the most will know God most deeply.

This is not from theory, but from life.

Some people will say that it is an interesting theory and the content must be examined more closely.

We are here to live the truth just as Jesus lived the truth.  This is not a theory or philosophy or theological doctrine, but he ultimate truth of God.  This is not some theory to be talked about but to be lived.

When there are a people that can make this truth come alive, this will bring about a complete change upon the face of the earth which no other war or revolution could ever deem.

Even though you may know in some sense the truth of these things, still nobody deeply believes them in their spirit.  If one does not believe,t hen they cannot live the truth.  This may sound like breaking news and revolutionary to say, but this truth is as old as God, yet as new as the 21st century.

You must live the truth, God's truth. 

If the revelation of the Unification Principle has made this age-old truth real in your heart, then you have in effect discovered a new truth.

The Unification teaching is touching the hearts of millions of people.  This new truth shows people the way to our very real God and Jesus Christ on a more personal level.  Many religions speak about Jesus as untouchable, as a theory or something only done in the past and no human can be a part of only to glorify and worship.

In our age, people throughout the world are are coming to the realization that God is an absolute and perfect God and He demands to have perfect human beings as His objects.  Jesus even said, "You, therefore, must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matt. 5:48)

He is indicating to the people that Heavenly Father's perfection should be our standard and value otherwise we cannot be God's object and He cannot accept us.  Whether we realize it or not, every human wants to be perfect.  All of us want heaven on earth.  But we all are skeptical and think that it is impossible to be done.

We wonder if it is even possible for a human being to be perfect.  We think that this thinking is an error when we look at the sin and suffering that is inherent in all things, even in the things that are most holy.

We may say that, "Only God is perfect."  However, when we fully understand God's design of men and women in the concept of creation then we will be able to understand that perfection is within our grasp no matter how far humanity has fallen.

In God's ideal of creation we were designed as temples of God, temples of the spirit of God, where God is master. 

"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's spirit dwells in you?" (I Cor. 3:16)

We we attain the status of perfection, we will cease to possess a desire that is corruptible.  Therefore, in a society here there are people who live with such a standard, just as Jesus, then boundaries, and laws will no longer be necessary.  God's will, is our will.

God's spirit will dwell within each human completely and we will move only as He guides us.  We will be perfect beings because who is a perfect force will be guiding and directing our every move.

 Once this is achieved, this ultimate goal of humanity, then we are in perfect union with God.  We will then surpass living only on the human level alone and live on the divine level.

If we become a perfect temple where God can dwell, we will reflect God's virtue and power.  Thus we can be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect.

This was the original pattern for humankind which God intended through Adam and Eve.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech

God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' Standard of Goodness

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A World of Jesuses = World Peace

We are living in a world where we can connect to another thousands of miles away in moments, things only wished for by millions of ancestors for thousands of years.  Yet, we see that the nations are not truly interconnected.  They exist solely for their own national benefit and intesrest.

They each plot, connive, cheat and lie to gain the benefit for themselves.

They destroy other nations instead of building them up.  Have you seen one nation on earth that has pledged to God, "God, use our nation as your sacrifice and your altar, as a way to save the world."?

Is there such a nation?  Where?

It is a known fact that as a founding nation, when America gave of their lives, sacrificed duty in the world, gave money and demonstrated the spirit of service, it enjoyed a golden age in just a few hundred years of its birth.  It gave to other countries in need and a helping hand.

But now, America has turned toward a selfish attitude.  We are experiencing severe domestic problems.  This is a turning point in history.  We see more division, corruption increases and immorality chokes this land. This is not to be critical of America who has a glorious history, this is the heavenly truth which Jesus proclaimed 2,000 years ago.

"If the Unification Church exists solely for the benefit or the welfare of the Unification Church itself, then it is doomed to perish. I founded the Church so that I could give my life, my heart, and my soul for the advancement of the salvation of the world. I teach the members of this Church to have as their only motivation the desire to serve others, to save this nation and the world.Not all religions are good."

There are several religions practiced around the world.  There are those that are God-centered and there are Satan-centered religions as well.

How can one distinguish the difference between the two?  By observing their actions.

The religions that try to take the stronger position and conquer the world are evil religions.  The good religions always go to the lowest position and serve the other.  This principle is true for the nations as well.

The national religion should work for the sake of the world, not for just its own churches and peoples.  A good religion promotes the spirit of service throughout the world.

Jesus did not teach his disciples laws of retaliation. 

Instead, Jesus taught that if someone strikes you on the right cheek, then you turn your other cheek to him.   And if anyone forces you to go one mile, the you go two miles with him.

You never retaliate.  All you have to do is completely and totally give and then God will return to you more and more abundantly.

It is the greatest puzzle in all of history how an unknown, uneducated carpenter by the name of Jesus became the most well-known household name for the past 2,000 years.

Jesus was not well-accepted during his lifetime.  He didn't have any formal education and he had humble looks and he was shabby.

If it was prophesied that the Messiah would be King, then the he would more than likely have the support of the highest priests, the nobles.  Instead, Jesus collected fishermen from around the sea and tax collectors, harlots - the undesirables, the lest likely to witness to the Messiah's works.  he went from village to village with such people.  He said such shocking and revolutionary unheard of things at his time.  People thought he was crazy and even dangerous.  Ultimately, he was crucified on the cross.

How is it in just a 33-year life span can one be known universally for 2,000 years?

Jesus lived according to God's formula.

Jesus was the embodiment of God's word, God's truth.

Jesus is a universal man and this is what set him apart.  He was a completely public person.  His life was the example of the true meaning of living for the sake of others.  He was able to embrace the whole universe.  This is how God lived throughout history, never a moment for Himself.

God's and Jesus' philosophies paralleled.  Thus, after Jesus's crucifixion, God raised His name above universally.  When the Roman soldiers pierced Jesus, he prayed for them and asked Father to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing.  Luke 23:34

Even at the moment of his death, Jesus was earnest in forgiving.  His very last act on earth was motivated by his love for even his enemies.

He has a compassionate mind that embraced his own people and also his people's own enemies.  He was a paragon of love.  He did not just pray for one Roman soldier, but he was praying for the forgiveness of the entire Roman Empire.

Jesus arrived with an international, and global mission.  He was not there for just one group or one soul.  Today, many Christians make the same mistake as the Jewish people in Jesus' time, they look for their own salvation, their own cubbyhole upstairs.  But this is not the way he sees it.

Either you win the whole world or nothing can be won.

True men and women are those who can sacrifice themselves for the sake of all humanity.

Jesus was such a man.  He was the first one who was awakened to the fact that he had to die for the sake of God's mission of restoring His fallen children.  For God's future true nation and all of God's peoples.

This is why people admire Jesus to this day, and God loves him.

Both God's love and true human love were revealed through Jesus. 

A new world was thus started through Jesus' life's work.

Jesus Christ left an example of the absolute standard for all of humankind to follow.  What if there was a nation that was entirely composed of people just like Jesus?

What kind of place could we call it if everyone observed God's law and had Jesus's heart?  We would call this the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

History is witness that no empire can withstand the army of sacrificial love. 

Jesus Christ's form of loving, giving and sacrifice has been unparalleled in history.  He was Lord over all of life because of this standard and he will remain Lord forever.

In the same way, there is no one in the universe that has surpassed the total giving and loving of God.  This makes God, God forever.  He reigns over all creation.

We observe how such a great nation as Roman collapsed in front of an army that did not have any weapons, but consisted of soldiers of Jesus Christ.

What means did Christians use to conquer Rome?

Christians conquered through love, sacrifice and total giving even at the cost of their lives.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Human Were Made to be Perfect

This post was rewritten and derived from

God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' Standard of Goodness

Friday, February 21, 2014

All of Humanity is Family

What will the ideal society, nation and world look like? What will their characteristics be. It is easy to see that even though a perfect God created this world, we are not living in a perfect, ideal world.

We wish to live in heaven. 

 Do you think there are any borders in heaven, many different languages or any hint of discrimination there? Surely not. These are characteristics that came about because of the fall, division.

Then what would heaven be like?

Since all of humanity came from God's bosom, they are all brothers and sisters. When we look from God's point-of-view, since we are all His children then that would naturally make us all siblings even though we come from separate families.

When we look from a heaven on earth viewpoint, we see we are all citizens of the same kingdom. Each is subject of this kingdom.

When one becomes perfect, then he becomes a citizen of the one global nation that is also God's Kingdom on earth.

Each of us come from different countries: America, some Germany, some Korean and so on. But have you thought where is God's kingdom on earth?

We should think that this world, earth, is your nation as well as mine.”

Where is our original hometown? Know that this whole world is our hometown. When God looks down on earth, He does not see borders, nations or color of skin as we do.

We are also not concerned with national borders or differences between blacks and whites. All of us are God's children.

The Divine Principle is the truth and will not be changed throughout eternal history. No authority or powerful person or strong influence of a nation can change that. Not even the whole world or God Himself cannot change the truth. 

The truth has existed unchanged from the past until the present and will continue to remain unchanged in the future.

When there are a people who can restore to their godly position before the Fall by transcending nation and world, then they will all be siblings.

Then in that world, black, white, yellow races will not exist. The blood, skin, bone and mind are no different for all of humanity.

The only difference lies in the color of the skin which was altered due to the different climates and environment of the individual which cannot be helped.

We can take for example pine trees. When we look in the Polar regions, trees are different according to their environment, starting point and history.

When we look at bears, bears at the North Pole are white so they can be protected in an all white environment. 

In humanity, the white race resembles white bears at the North Pole while the black race resembles the black bear in the temperate zone. That is the only difference.

If black bears and white bears were to meet each other would they discriminate or hate one another for the simple fact they were a different color.

All humanity should become as one.

In the Unification Church, Westerners are matched and married to Orientals, and whites and blacks get married as well.

These marriages that disregard racial, religious or cultural backgrounds are the most beautiful scene in all of history. 

But the problem appears when we are unable to transcend or look past the the racial barriers.

An inspired ideology that is universal should emerge or humankind will perish. As far as God is concerned, we are all brothers and sisters.

There is no excuse for those in the church not to be united in front of Him. America was founded on a spirit which is committed to truly building one nation under God.

That spirit is magnificent. We are actually seeing it manifest in the present time.

All peoples around the world are the same in the fact that they are human beings whether they are brown, black, yellow or white. The only difference between them is the environment in which they live.

What if a man first married a black woman and had a black child, then he married a white woman and had a white child? He would still be the father of the black child just as much as he is the father of the white child.

These two children would share the same father and be brothers and sisters even though they didn't share the same roof or color.

It will be impossible for world unification of peoples and generations until people feel deep within their hearts that they are siblings born of the same Father. We need to do whatever it takes for them to realize that we are all siblings under the same Father, God.

The fastest way to bring world peace is for all the races to participate in international and interracial marriages.

A man and woman who are chosen from two totally different culturals and environments have to work harder to become harmonious through God's love.

This is true unity and harmony. We need to make such an ideal real. In order to accomplish such a great work, we need to find the gigantic power of love. This great power can only come from the utmost power of love.

We are not referring to the type of love that changes according to the social and environmental circumstances.

Only the deepest, consistent love can transcend the differences between the races, cultures and knowledge.

How can the world be united? How do we lay the foundation for a true heart for relationships?

That is why I plan to hold international holy weddings for young men and women in the future. This is what God wants. He doesn't want people who stay quietly hidden within the boundaries of Korea; instead, He wishes for everything to be fulfilled within His ideological realm.”

A communist woman's greatest desire to marry workers. However, you women members should aim more for that.

From now on, all the members of your family should unite so well that lineages of other races will be proud of once you have passed into the next world.

It would be best for your sons and daughters to marry internationally.

All single men and women of the Unification Church should get married internationally.

God is fair.

America is a civilization that flourished materially in such a sort time as the representative nation due to His blessings.

On the other hand, the East, focuses on the spiritual aspect rather than the material.

The West is still lacking in terms of internal values, while the East struggles with external. God is so fair.

If you focus on spirituality in religion, you will reject materialism.

The Orient rejected materialism by attaching the importance to spirituality, while materialism was embraced by the West.

Many Western countries, including the United States, managed to achieve a high standard of living by natural resources from the East and securing it as their own by using them to advance.

However, we see that the Western Civilization has reached their limit. Also, the spiritual civilization of the Orient has also reached its limit.

Now, the Orient has come to pursue Western material, while the West has come to pursue the spirituality of the East. Consequently, we are living in the age where these two civilizations are now engaged in a mutual cultural exchange.

Q: What would be the most difficult path for human beings?

It is the path toward heaven?

Out of all the paths in the universe, this is the most difficult.

The hardest path in life would be that leading to heaven.

Do you think Jesus went to heaven when he left the earth?

Jesus went to Paradise, which is the waiting room prior to entering heaven. We enter heaven as a family, Paradise is for individuals. This shows you how difficult the path to heaven is.

Is there anyone who has been able to enter heaven since the outset of history? If God does not dwell there alone, and His son cannot enter there, who on earth could have entered it?

This is why the path to heaven is by far the most hard path.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook, Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Ten, Chapter Three, section 2.