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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Same Sex Marriage Hurt Families, Societies

The institution of marriage is unique in our society, and it is being hurt by gay marriage.  Gay marriage will lead to degradation of the nuclear family.  Family structures that promote positive environments should be culture's aim.

Bishop Harry Jackson

CNN – the institution of marriage is unique.  Yet, today we find being under constant attack from liberal, immoral forces.  It is the one institution that binds women and men together to form a family, and this serves broad societal purposes; it provides the school of love for each new-born child.

There is a lot of irrational comparison to racism and same-sex couples.  Same sex individual are not suffering bigotry. On the other hand, it is biology that discriminates between same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples.

A marriage requires a husband and a wife, because these unions are necessary in order to create a new life.

Today's liberal anti-family trends will not stand the test of time and history.

Those who are advocates of legalizing same-sex marriages claim that this lifestyle will have no impact on traditional marriages or that it can coexist peacefully alongside traditional marriages.

On the contrary.  Same-sex marriages have a profound impact on society, morality and the foundation of marriage.

It creates a conflict for people of faith and non-religious as well who believe in the traditional man-woman marriage law.

One may ask or argue that what one person does in the privacy of their own lives is okay as long as it does not harm anyone else.

But we judge such matters from a humanistic point of view without looking at God's standard for creation.

The bible is so clear in its support of heterosexual marriage, that once it enters the argument there is no need to go any further.

“Man is to leave his family and cling to his wife.”  Genesis 2:24.  This concept of marriage is repeated in verses Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:7.

Unificationists believe that through a foundation of a loving good family, we can raise youth governed by ethics and conscience.

We have a desire to have families that serve as an ongoing school of love.  Reverend Moon speaks about family referring to a three-generation home.  He is not speaking of just a mom, dad and children based household.

Children should grow up being loved everyday by their parents, siblings and grandparents as well as being close to other relatives.  

We should develop our love foundation everyday until the day we pass into the next world and the best place to grow this kind of heart is through the relationships of a family.  This is because our main purpose for us to live this life on earth is to develop and grow our hearts in God's image – our ability to love.

We need to teach our children to believe in traditional marriages.  But if we include that same-sex marriage is a normal part of creation, we are giving them a confusing message.

By saying that same-sex marriage is a civil rights matter and is normal, is also saying that husband and wife marriage is not normal.

Children should grow up being loved every day by their parents sibling, grandparents as well as other relatives.  We should continuously develop our love foundation, develop our true hearts connected to God which is our ability to love.

Gay propagators are those who have a racist attitude toward the family.  They are trying to annihilate the family as an strong institution.

This is on the side of Satan who brought sin into the first human family by first tempting Eve.

We are in a situation where, even if we teach our children that marriage is between a man and a woman, the public schools teach them that marriage includes same-sex couples. Thus making both “equal marriages” under the law.

Where will this finally lead us?  Schools are introducing gay families through video and literature.

Through these ill-advised social experiments, it may produce a host of unexpected consequences.

If gay marriage becomes legal everywhere in America, the nation will soon experience increased break down of the nuclear family.

This will result in less kids being raised by both a mom and a dad in the home – a stable foundation.

If we look beyond that, those of us who are in a regulated profession such as a counselor, physician, attorney or accountant who are in concert with traditional beliefs, may lose their professional license and livelihood.

In 2003, Adoption.com was sued by a Californian homosexual couple who claimed illegal discrimination because the agency refused to give service to the couple.  The agency ended up losing the lawsuit and they long serve adoptive parents in California.

The most substantive danger that cannot be argued is the next generation.  When we redefine marriage, we also redefine family.

Changing the concept of family structure will change both the definition and the pattern of parenting.

What will the landscape of America look like if same-sex marriage is legalized across our nation?

The family has been redefined after the Love Revolution stood against the traditional American ways.

Social scientists report that both boys and girls are deeply affected in biological and psychological ways by the presence of their fathers.

American families are losing the presence of the birth dad in the home.  Women are proclaiming that they can be both the mother and father. How can a woman teach a young boy to be a man?

There will be huge consequences growth and stability of the next generation of children  if the American family loses the presences of the birth dad.

Even though children are incredible at adapting to their environment, but our entire culture, not just the religious should advocate for family structures that promote positive environments for the next generation.

Leaders should also work hard at improving heterosexual marriages alongside fighting the marriage redefinition.

Counseling, modeling, and interventions are needed to help ailing marriages. 

These battles must be fought if our families are to be protected.  Our families are the incubators of future societal greatness.

Don't fall into the unending argument of our opposition.  Bipartisan leaders are needed to strategize, organize, and prioritize the protection of traditional marriage.

A Lifestyle Which Connects to God

"What do you think is God's ultimate purpose for creating human beings? It is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love."

Sun Myung Moon

What does an ideal family look like?

First, such a family will consist of each individual as the owner of true love.

This was God's ideal for the family when He created human beings.  He made Adam as the representative of all men, and Eve representing all women with the intention that they become owners of true love, not satanic love.

The quickest way to grow this character of true love was to first secure a  parent-child relationship with God.  Thereby, they could live attending God as their Father.

Adam and Eve were to have followed the path of living as one family with God.

What is the center of the universe?

The parent-child relationship.

Nothing is more important or more precious than the parent/child relationship.  This is because it defines the basic relationship between the Creator God and His children human beings.

Nothing is more important or more precious than the relationship between parent and child. This is because it defines the fundamental relationship between the Creator God and human beings.

Then, what defines the parent-child relationship?

Three things: love, life and lineage. The first is love.

The reason why we can love anyone with true love is because God, our True Parent, first loved us with true love.  He created us out of His absolute love so we can be His partners in love.

This forms an axis of love that links God the Father with human beings as His sons and daughters.

Which relationship is higher or more precious than to be a son or daughter of God?  If there was such a partnership, then human beings would aspire to attain it.

But in reality, there is nothing higher.

Do you think that anywhere in the creating process of Adam and Eve that God secretly reserved the highest position for Himself and made Adam and Eve second best?

Is there any partner that wants a partner that is in lower status to himself?

We can't imagine that God would do hat to His children, who are to share absolute love with Him.

When God was creating the universe and all creation,

He invested 100 percent of Himself. He endowed us with the right to equal status with Him to participate in His work as equals to live with Him, and to inherit from Him.

 God bestowed upon human beings all of His attributes. 

Even though God is almighty and absolute, He cannot be happy alone.

Adjective such as “happy” and “good” does not apply when a being is alone.   These only apply within a dynamic of a relationship.

If a professional singer was stranded on an uninhabited island, could they find joy only singing at the top of their lungs to the trees alone?

This is the same for God.  God absolutely needs a partner with which He can share love in order to experience joy and be happy.

What kind of lifestyle shall we lead in order to become God's partner and return joy to Him?  How shall we live as children of God whom God can delight and call “My son” or “My daughter” because He sees a divinity equal to His own within us.

Q: How do we become God's partner who will inherit the entire creation?

“This is my answer: We should emulate the ideal that God set up at the beginning of His creative acts.
At the beginning of the Creation, God acted upon the principle of living for the sake of others.

In other words, everything that He did was for the sake of His creations, whom He hoped would develop into His partners of true love.

The practice of true love is the nucleus of God's creative activity.”

Therefore, to become God's children, our first responsibility is to resemble Him. 

We need to be the embodiment of true love.

We do so by living as a devoted child, patriot, saint and finally a divine son or daughter of God.

At that stage, we are able to experience the innermost emotions within God's heart.  By sharing this heart, we want to resolve the grief that He has suffered over the tens of thousands of years since the rebellion of the angels and Adam and Eve's betrayal.

Since God is almighty, it isn't because of any shortcoming or lack of an ability as the cause of His being imprisoned in such great pain suffering immensely behind the scenes of history.

It was revealed in “The Divine Principle” that God had to wait for Adam and Eve to restore to their godly position, which was lost at the fall, through the appearance of the perfected “Second Adam”.

This is the referred to as the Second Coming, where the Messiah will restore the lost position of the first human parents.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Jesus' Standard of Goodness

This post was rewritten and derived from the Lecture:  Same sex Marriage will Hurt Families and Society" given by Ylian Marianov.

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