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Thursday, February 20, 2014

What Will World Peace Look Like?

The culture of love attracts God. 

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

There are many movies that portray what a glorious future we will have due to technological advances.  But, what about world peace?   I have yet to see a movie that portrays a world after the war, after all human conflicts have been solved.

All of humanity and even God want world peace.  But have you ever stopped to think what that would look like?  What type of people would inhabit such a world?  Could we truly live peacefully as a race?

Does God require money, power, knowledge or things such as these?

God's greatest hope for you and me is not for us to be wealthy or great academic. The Bible states that you should love the Lord with all of your heart and soul and strength. This is the first Commandment. 

The Second Commandment is to love your neighbor as as yourself.

The chapter in the Bible about love, Corinthians Chapter 13, states that amongst faith, hope and love, love is the greatest of them all. Is this true?

Humankind has not fully understood this truth. They have come to value the material more than love itself.  This is definitely not what a world of peace of love would have.

What does the passage mean to love with all of your heart, soul and strength? It means to love by giving everything you have, even your life.

Have you ever loved someone completely in this way before?

Our society only has understood false love, love that originated from the Fall. A selfish love.

Have we seen wives love their husbands completely? Have students loved their teachers or citizens loved their nation completely?

Since no one has every practiced perfect love, we need to be exemplary models. Molding dies are first designed and then products are mass-produced from these dies. In a similar fashion, we need to make a model of a true human being at will be this model after.  Many saints have come to bring truths of which direction their brothers and sisters much go in order to have a world full of peace.

While other saints worked hard to obtain such a stature, Jesus wa the full embodiment of an ideal human being, the original ideal.

Only with a model which human beings can follow, multiply and spread across the world will world peace be established.

When the time comes the era of self-assertion will pass away.

We will enter a new era where one will not be able to assert himself as being the best. From then on, humanity will live in a world where war, separation ends.

This world will be a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. Therefore, those in the Unification Church, should emphasize interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.

But this world will not be established with just one's efforts alone. This world, which reflects God's ideal kingdom, is desired by all of humanity. In this world, you will not live all by yourself.

One will be with one's spouse and subsequently one's family. This shouldn't just be a concept, but should be realized in life. This would be God's kingdom where such an ideal concept will be practiced.

Q: So, what would the ideal world be like?

It most definitely would not be a place full of conflict and where others are jealous of one another.

Such a world where one has contempt for another's success and becomes sick with envy over other people's happiness is not the heavenly kingdom.

Instead, the world where the success of one person would be the success of everyone an the joy of one person would be the joy of everyone. The joy of one person would be shared by everyone in the whole world.

Even your left eye works in unison with the right eye. This demonstrates mutual prosperity.

Every part of your body lives for one purpose. This is how every faculty works. We each have two nostrils, but would it be good or bad if one was blocked?

Is it good or bad to have one limb, either a leg or an arm cut off? You would not feel good about missing part of the pair. All of existence has a reciprocal relationship with others. Human beings themselves are living proof of this and the heart is aware of this principle. This is where the saying, “The human heart reflects God's heart” derives from.

One language

American pigs grunt the same as Korean pigs. American sparrows chirp in the same way as Korean sparrows. 

 Why are we, the lord of creation speak different languages though pigs in different parts of the world grunt the same way and cows moo the same way as well. It is even hard to order a meal. 

You not only become mute, but you also become deaf. What is the cause of this?

Our current situation resulted from the fall. How can we say we are lords of the creation, nature, when we do not even unify the way we communicate?

An absolute man and woman must come together and establish an absolute culture centered on God's absolute love.

In order to establish such an ideal culture, we need to have a unified language and alphabet before anything else.

The Korean language is a pure language. We need to learn one language because culture develops through communication and through the written and spoken word.

In the future, language will pose a big problem.

This speech is translated from the Korean language it is troublesome if there was no one to translate the words. But once you learn the Korean language, the words spoken will have a deeper meaning. 

You will possess knowledge that is much more valuable than what you understand through translated words.

The world will unfold as time goes on.

I came to this western society and created a considerable stir in it. You should realize that my appearance here is a new threat and problem to the religious world, unrivaled by any in recent times.”

If your English-language books say one thin, and the Korean original text says another, then the English text must be revised to conform to it.

That which is unchanging is precious, and this is true of everything.

In the future, everyone will need to study the original language.

The term True Parents was first coined in Korean. For the first time in history, God's love and True Parents' love.

God could speak about love at the beginning of time. He could only communicate in Korean on the foundation of love that was centered on True Parents.

The origin of the name True Parents is absolute.

Everyone needs to learn the Korean alphabet because the letters used to write the language.

The first place God could speak the words of true love is in Korea.

The words "Cham Bu Mo", meaning True Parents, is not Chinese or English.

Therefore, Korea is said to be the homeland of love for Unification Church members. To seek the homeland of love, you need to learn the Korean language and alphabet.

Members' desires to marry Korean men and women is an expression of your innermost heart because they yearn to come near the original homeland. This is because the origin of the language in which God first spoke His words of true love is Korean.

There is a philosophy to be found in the Korean language.

The Korean language comes from the principles and harmony of heaven and earth. It is a very high-level language of religion with deep and delicate expressions. In this aspect, there is no other language that can rival Korean.

This is why Korean people are considered to be very smart. They have trained to catch and understand every word through a precise and analytical language. So their brain structures are on a significantly higher plane than those of others.

If World Peace is your goal, then you should complete the reading of Reverend Moon's speeches in the unified language.

When you read these speeches in the original language instead of Germany, or in English, you will not have any problems preparing sermons.

The books of my speeches contain a lifetime's worth of my words. When you pass to the spirit world and are engaged in a dialogue, will you say, 'I have never come across such books and so have never read them'? I am of the mind not to have these books translated into English at all.”

It would be better to include Chinese characters in them. You will be in big trouble once you pass to the next world if you have not read any of these books or speeches. This is specially true if you are a leader.

In the future, you can expect to find Reverend Moon or his speech books in every house? Of course, it will be the books.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: All Humanity is Family

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook, Cheon Seong Gyeong Book Ten, Chapter Three, section 2.

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