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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Jesus Was Supposed Have a Bride

What separates Jesus from other religious leaders and saints?

Jesus proclaimed to the people that he was God's only son which means he carried God's pure blood lineage. Also, Jesus possessed the entire love of God. When parents have their first child, they become the center of a tremendous flow of the couple's love.

If even fallen human beings can feel such emotions for their own children, how much more ecstatic joy could God feel for Jesus?

God could see His own image in his first son and manifest Himself for the first time to the entire world.

Do you think that God only needed a son? God knew ahead of time, just like all of creation, He needed a pair.

This means that at Jesus' time, God also needed a true daughter. A son living by himself is like a person who only has one foot. When we talk about God's daughter it needs to be accepted in this country. 

Since men were left with a model of a true man, wouldn't it make sense that women would need to have a model of what a true woman was? Even though Mary has been regarded very highly, she was still born of the fallen, satanic lineage.

Jesus knew of the fact that God wanted him to restore one only begotten daughter. This is why the central theme in the New Testament is that of the bride and the bridegroom.

This is why Christianity looks at this from an abstract viewpoint. It has come to mean that women as well as men are in the position of a bride to Jesus and also the church as well.

How can a church be Jesus' bride? This is a symbolic representation, but God had the intention of having a physical bride to His son. 

This is why the idea that Jesus had a secret relationship with Mary Magalen has become a controversial subject.

We have a concept that Jesus was to remain a bachelor and the history of religion has been that of bachelors.

Even past leaders, Presidents and Kings were not so great that they did not need to kiss anyone.

Jesus was the King of Kings. In this sense, he was the greatest institution. So, does this mean he should stay single for the rest of his life leaving no good lineage behind?

No, Jesus arrived as a human with every body part as a regular man. If Jesus was to complete his mission would he sit on his throne alone and proclaim the single way of life as the most holy to his subjects?

This would be crippled teaching.

Suppose Jesus was blessed to a perfect bride? Would he have been shamed to kiss his bride as a sacrifice? As a holy man, would he have

Would Jesus been a sinner had he had fervent love in his heart and poured it out to his bride?

Jesus had the mission to fulfill the will of God. In order to do that, he had to restore his own bride. 

All of the Christian world shakes when they hear such a revelation, and they will call such a teachings blasphemy or heretic. Jesus is in the spirit world, but he can still hear the conversations that occur on earth.

Do you think Jesus would think that it was bad to hear that he was to have a perfect bride or that the single life was the holy way of life?

Who was Jesus' parent?

God created men and women for them to unite and become one, to marry and live as husband and wife.

This is the holiest relationship of all of God's creation. After God created Adam and Eve, He said that it was good. Many people of faith advocate a life of celibacy. This was because after the Fall, humanity lost the true way of life. In order to subjugate the falling self, religions focused on the single life and total devotion to God.

In this new age of settlement, the Unification 'Church says that families, not individuals, are the building blocks to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Jesus said that he was God's true son, and he denied the way the world lived. No matter how beautiful or wonderful the gifts the world had to offer seemed, it was nothing in the sight of God.

So, the ministry of Jesus was denial of the world. He came as God's only son to restore God's only daughter and make God's only heavenly family, which would multiply into a heavenly nation and world.

Jesus took the position of central saint because he was the direct manifestation of God.

What is God's central theme, the one which would completely melt even His heart?

God does not have a need for money, knowledge or power for He possess these things.

When Jesus proclaimed that he was God's only son, those words moved God as no other sound did before that time.

In the 4, 000 years before Jesus, many righteous people came. But if God asked Jesus, “Do you think you are greater than Moses and Abraham and all the others?" Jesus would have replied that he was.

There has not been a person since until this time that could make exception to Jesus' claim. There has not even been a candidate for his position.

The idea that Jesus was God's only son, was such an absolute matter to Jesus that nothing could shake it.

Such a man or woman had never existed before Jesus' time.

Jesus reached the very center of love in the heart of God.

Jesus was always prepared to receive any instruction from God.

There has not been any other saint that has ever come close to embodying that goal. All the others lived the godly way of life and truth, but there has not been one who was absolute in both faith that God was their Father and in the total denial of the world as Jesus was.

When Jesus made the bold statement that he was God's only son before the people, he was saying that he and God were the only true existence. 

This means to change the rest of the world as well to become true. The first thing Jesus intended to recreate was God's first true daughter. 

Then he intended to create a true family, society, nation and world.

The bell of such a true sound has never rung before Jesus came to the earth. The sound of Jesus' bell resounded not only around earth, but also in the spiritual world. 

This sound pierced the very mind and heart of God. This sound shook God to the core and made Him feel good because it was the sound of true love.

Do you think God needs love, and if so why does the Almighty need love?

Because, just like humanity, God wants to be intoxicated by the joy of love.

Only love can totally intoxicate Him in earth-shaking laughter and joy.

Such a heavenly joy will not only inspire the greatest of songs and dance, but much more.

God wants to be melted by love to the degree that He forgets about Himself and thus God can become totally like a child.

God prepared the world with His chosen nation of Israel before He sent His champion Jesus Christ. This nation was the foundation for the Messiah, his protection.

If the chosen people of Israel had united with Jesus as the supreme model at that time, then they could have become perfected and build a heavenly nation of God.

If this would have happened, then the Kingdom of God would have been a physical reality on this earth.

Jesus directed all of his attention on building such a Kingdom on earth.

But, really, what is the Kingdom of God? We speak about going there often, but the Bible does not clearly state what that Kingdom will be like.

To build such a kingdom, the teachings of Jesus followed a simple teaching: 

As much as you love your Father, that much you must love your country, society, and your own home.

When this one tradition of love is truly lived by every citizen of earth, it will be applied to every aspect of life, the Kingdom of God shall become a reality.

When everyone on earth finally worships God as their common Father, then there will be no barriers remaining on earth. 

The boundaries or walls of language or denomination will be burned away. Every barrier will be broken.

If Jesus' only mission was to come to establish a new religion, then he could not be the Messiah. Why is that?

In reality, Jesus did not care about religion; what he cared about was establishing a God-centered kingdom. 

This kingdom cannot be built by religion alone as we have witnessed throughout history. 

The greatest wars have been fought over the very ideal of religion.

The Kingdom of God on earth will be built by the family.

There is no other way to build such a kingdom.

Jesus came to establish the first true, godly family on earth so that he could bring God, as the true Father, into our daily living at home.

We may think and believe that with our devotion that we already live in such a way, but no matter how devoted people of faith have been in the past, still there has not been a society, nation or world centered on God.

Instead of Jesus being welcomed, he was not accepted by those in his nation and he met rejection at every level.

He was denied every opportunity to take on a bride and restore her to Eve before the Fall. Therefore, he could not establish the first God-centered heavenly family. Instead, he was crucified on the cross.

This is why Jesus' mission was left incomplete on earth and why he promised to come a second time.

Jesus Christ must come again to consummate the mission of the Messiah.

Let me repeat: Jesus was the perfected Adam and his mission was the restoration of humankind to the position before the Fall.

The most crucial missing step is for Jesus to restore his bride, Eve. Jesus was a human, but he was one with God. But Jesus was not God Himself.

Therefore, when he returns to earth, he will come as a man in the position of the third Adam.

These are revelations to me from God, and I want you to understand fully the main points. God intended Adam and Eve to come together in heavenly matrimony in the Garden of Eden. Since it was not realized at that time, God intended Jesus to fulfill this marriage in his time. But it was not realized by Jesus either, because no one had faith in him as Messiah on earth.”

As the second Adam, it was God's will for Jesus to be blessed in heavenly matrimony with the second restored Eve, his restored bride.

God intended Jesus to bear sinless children. 

Then he and his bride would have become the True Parents for humankind restoring the fallen mistake of the first parents, Adam and Eve. At that time all of mankind would have grafted onto their family.

Revelations at the end of the Bible shows that the end of God's ideal is a perfect man and perfect woman; when they rejoice, embracing in holy matrimony, this value cannot be exchanged for the entire universe.

Once God achieves this high ideal as a standard, then there will be more godly individuals and families that come into existence. God has been working toward this goal. 

This is the highest ideal of God and highest ideal for humanity. This is the deepest desire of God and also the deepest desire for humanity: to bring heaven on earth inhabited by people centered on God's ideals.

Only by achieving such a world of peace, will people and God be eternally happy and one.

Jesus warned the people that they were of the father the devil John 8:44 because they were born of the sinful lineage of Satan, and became Satan's children.

Right now, humanity is only adopted children of God engrafted to the Messiah, but once the Fall is restored through the second Adam and Eve, children will be born as children directly from our Father's heavenly lineage such as Jesus.

This means that every child will be born as true children, not needing to be adopted or the need of a Messiah.

God's will was denied fulfillment in Jesus' time due to his death.

Because no one could truly follow Jesus as Lord, and God's son he has to come again.

The book of Revelation, prophesies of the marriage of the Lamb.

This marriage takes place on the earth, since the Fall was created on the earth by the first human parents.

True Parents for all humankind will be realized in our time.

At that time, God's truly family will shine on the face of the earth as a model for humanity to follow.

Then all people will be made new through the True Parents.

People will be empowered and bear sinless children in the world. This will be done when Jesus comes again.

The Kingdom of Heaven will come with the restoration of the Fall. In that day of hope, when God's original ideal is realized for the first time on earth, God will truly dwell with mean and women and be full of joy.

His own son, the third Adam, will initiate an entire new history upon the earth.

On that day, every human becomes the living image of God, bringing His kingdom on the earth.

This has been fought for and the hope of all the saints, and peoples of the past for thousands of years.

I pledge to you from the bottom of my heart that the realization of all this is at hand, in the fullness of God's time.”

Return for Tomorrow's Post: World Peace was to Come at Jesus' Time

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook: God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' Standard of Goodness

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