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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

World Peace was to Come at Jesus' Time

A godly international marriage is the most important means of establishing God's kingdom on earth.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Adam and Eve were God's first children.

They were born from God's characteristics, they grew up in God and they were supposed to mature into God's perfection.

This was God's intention from the beginning of creation. 

He intended Adam and Eve to be married in a heavenly matrimony without any trace of the Fall entering humanity's lineage.

This makes more sense than the thought that God had created evil alongside goodness.

If Adam and Eve had followed God's word, and matured to become one with God completely, they would have borne sinless children and then they would have become the first true father and mother. 

They would have been the father and mother of humankind and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth would have been established through their family.

Has such a kingdom ever existed on earth?

Instead, history began in the wrong direction.

From that first evil moment in history, Satan became the ruler of this evil world when Adam and Eve followed his opposite word.

Therefore, God began a process of restoration, to save and restore the heavenly family so that He can have His kingdom upon the earth.

In order for God to turn around the evil events of history, He needs a model, such as Jesus which humanity can follow.

Jesus came with that mission, but was left incomplete since he himself did not establish a heavenly family. Who would be able to fulfill such a criteria of perfection on this earth?

If we were to look at history from God's viewpoint, we see that it is a very sad, sad story. It is filled with God preparing a people and individuals with the sole mission to restore His heavenly land only to fall short.

Jesus had told the people that true believers should deny even their own father or mother and husband or they were not worthy of him. He said this because they were their false parents, false society and false relationships that are a product of satan's lineage, not a godly lineage. 

To deny such a situation, one can link to God's mission.

Jesus came with the mission to restore the mistake of the first parents and to become the true father of humanity.

The essence of Christianity is the tradition of true love.

Instead, as Jesus was doing his important mission, he was crucified.

Therefore, in Jesus' time, he couldn't fully lay the tradition of true love for it to blossom in his time. 

Since Jesus did not become the everlasting father before he was crucified, his mission is still left to be finished at the Second Coming.

God was isolated when the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden united with Satan. 

They thus inherited his sinful nature, thereby leaving God isolated.

In the process of restoration, God must restore both Adam and Eve.

Jesus came as the second Adam, or perfected Adam to restore this history.

Jesus came as the true model of perfection upon every level: the individual, family, society, national and world-wide levels. 

He came to establish a perfect world during his lifetime. 

God never intended for Jesus to leave the earth before completing his mission. God would not wait 2000 years to restore the world after the Messiah's arrival. This is why he has to return.

This is why in First Corinthians 15:45 refers to Jesus as the “Last Adam”, the second Adam.

Since Jesus came to restore the mistake of the first man and woman who spread their sin through the first family, he was to restore a bride and form the first family of God.

If Jesus was the first man to carry God's blood lineage, would it not make sense that he would leave such a lineage on the earth?

If this was to happen, then all generations would have grafted onto Jesus who was the true olive tree.

Then God-centered families, societies, and nations would have been restore.
If this was to happen, perfection would then have reigned.

Then, instead of such a dark and disappointing history the last 2, 000 years for God, He would have enjoyed a sinless state of His kingdom on earth as a reality.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Your Responsibility to Teach the Word

This post was rewritten and derived from the religious textbook: God's Warning to the World Message from Prison - Jesus' 

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