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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Guerrilla Fighting in the Spiritual War

Man takes great pride in the many accomplishments they acquire throughout their life.  Everyone wants to have success in life, even those who don't put in the hard work to acquire such things.  Students want to make the top grade at their university.

Everyone wants to be a successful person. It is a natural human desire to obtain top-level of success in one's position, this includes even one's life in faith. Even though this is a natural healthy desire to be the best, it also can have harmful ramifications when it is in pursuit of one's own selfish needs at the cost of another's.

"When you talk about being successful or victorious it means you overcome a situation and excel others in your position or in your work. When you are competing with other people you want to beat them so that you will be successful. In other words, you want to overwhelm the other person so that you will defeat that person or topple that person."

Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon

In an actual battle, what you have to do is to win over the enemy on the front line. 

We are all besieged or surrounded by the satanic world, but we have to make a breakthrough, and win the victory. Seen from this viewpoint, common sense says that we are going to be defeated, that we will not be able to overcome. We don't have an overwhelmingly large quantity of weapons or ammunition. In that sense alone, it is more than natural that we are going to be defeated.

All people of faith are surrounded by those in the satanic world, but we must determine to make a breakthrough and win the victory.  We should set up an overall strategy to reach each person that is in every field of endeavor in the nation.

Being such a small group with a large goal of working for the salvation of the nation, each person is courageous and determined. Each person works with the strategy that they will fight against the enemy and win them over.  Whether or not we win, we must fight on because it is going to determine our destiny.

Each one should start a guerrilla warfare.

A guerrilla fighter's strategy is not like the common one and a guerrilla battle is not going to go the normal way.  One strategy could be to attack the enemy where there is no stronghold.  This small group would have to train in techniques where other people can never follow or imitate it.

As a guerrilla fighter in God's army, you want to grab the commander in the other army and manipulate his people to come to join our side.  Normal strategies would never win over the enemy.

More than anything else you have to have a courageous mind to overwhelm the commanders. You must have confidence that you can win over the enemies, though they are larger in number. Without that courage, you cannot fight a guerrilla battle.   You must not think that anything is too impossible to carry out.  During battle you must train in such a way that you can overcome any kind of situation that might arise.

For soldiers trained in guerrilla fighting, there can be no question of impossibility or difficulty. 

While fighting such a battle, we cannot think about the problems or questions that normal people ponder about.  In such training there is no such thing as 8 hours sleep wearing gentlemanly clothing or comfortable surroundings.  This kind of thinking must be erased.  Women must sometimes play the role of men and men play the role of women sometimes.

A woman may wonder with large breasts and hips how she can take the role of a man, but any job can be accomplished with courage.  In order to be a guerrilla fighter, you must never complain and not think of the word impossible.

You must be willing to do the most difficult job and not be reluctant.  You must think that at all costs that you will carry out the mission. This should be our attitude that we acquire that comes through good training.

When you work hard for a common goal against a great enemy, sometimes you might think that it is almost impossible. Only those who are trained in guerrilla fighting and who have courage enough for the job will come to the front and say, "I feel more challenged when the job is difficult" than an easy task.

This type of determination can give you fuel to keep going for months and years without frustration.  You need this type of training in this spiritual war or you are apt to be defeated.  The best training is in guerrilla fighting.

The United States is in peril.  Is has been the target of foreign countries as North Korea, China and Russia.

Their aim was to weaken three areas: corrupting the Christian faith, defile young people of the nation and the third target to rupture the strength of families.

Isn't this the case for America?  Hasn't it fallen down in these three areas?  These strengths are part of the reason why America became so great in just 200 years. Yet, hasn't the Christian church already fallen where it can never rise to where it was once before?

The vertical connection in Christianity is crumbling, the fundamental ideology of this nation that its laws are founded upon is collapsing because Christianity is collapsing.  The divorce rate is becoming greater than the marriage rate.  The order once followed in American families has been dissolved so much that mother and father have become enemies along with their children in what used to be the safe haven  of the family home.

You have all seen this happening around you. We have already come to the conclusion that no religion nor any type of leadership can prevent it. Family disunity and rupture came about because the leading ideology of this nation, which is Christianity, crumbled under immorality.

Even though the family and Christian foundation may be falling to the wasteside, if the you become stable and stay healthy they can turn around this corruption and reanimate the nation based on Christian doctrine and family unity.  There is a way to save this falling nation, but it is not very probable that Americans will sacrifice in order to do so.

Drugs had made its way into society and helped to corrode the minds of the young people.  The manufacturing of opium in Red China exporting to other countries by smuggling them through US soldiers during Vietnam has helped to create this phenomenon.  Soldiers brought the drugs back to America through hiding them in coffins and earned 10 times what they paid for.

This misuse of drugs is paying indemnity for England beginning the opium trade to China and corrupting the youth there.  This strategy is now being used to corrupt Western and British youth.  American youth are of course part of the problem, but once they are hooked on drugs it is hard to get rid of the habit.

Drugs not only corrupt the body and mind, but it has caused another dilemma.

Those who are hooked on drugs are desperate to find any means to get money to buy more.  It is well known that no one is safe to walk the streets of New York after a certain time at night.  Many people who join the movement were drug users before.  Some countries seem like the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth compared to the streets of America because they do not have this kind of anxiety at night.

We can imagine that almost all young people including high school students, use drugs. In Germany, you know they killed 6 million Jewish people. But young people are being killed in larger quantities by drugs. It's a fearful fact. With time, they can almost kill all the youth.

By leaving this problem the way it is, it had spread out to almost every person corrupting the whole nation in several different ways.  Those who are behind spreading the use of drugs forbid their youth to use it.  Drugs is Satan's weapon to corrupt the young people of the free world.   The Mafia in America use the same tactic.

America is proud of its traditions and its wealth and abundance in every way of life, but in ten years you will be corrupt if you go on like this.

"I made my first trip to the United States in 1965, but when I compare the country at that time to what it is like now the difference is so vast that it may be compared to Heaven and Earth. Like a tide it will ebb away and come surging in again." Rev. Moon

America used to lead the entire world, but are now being influenced by other nations and even indebted to China.  A once glorious vision to save the world through America has been corrupted and has been a failure as the UN and the final fight against the Communist nations.  Yet, God still has hope that America can turn this situation around to this day and return to its glorious traditions and make a straight way for the world to return to His bosom and create His idea of Heaven on Earth

Return for Tomorrow's Post: March Forth Heavenly Soldiers!

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Boundary Point of Victory.

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