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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Adam and Eve Were the Seed

When you look at the first children of God, you can view them as the seed of the universe.  

They contained the initiation of the ideal of one family, one tribe, one nation and one world.  When the first parents fell away from God, that seed was contaminated as they followed Satan's words and spread a family of evil.

It is now very difficult to cleanse this world.  It's not just one man, one family, but billions of men are infected by the disease of sin.

We are no longer dealing with the original seed and containing the contamination is not that easy. We have the work to change everyone one by one into the form of the original cell, the original seed of Adam.  We are to restore our lineage through individually becoming a seed with that original, God-centered core.  Then that core will multiply in a chain reaction.

In order for us to embody truth or perfection, we must reach out and draw vitality from all over the world, just like fruit on a tree. 

Like this fruit, we are at the end of world.  That fruit at the end of a branch draws energy not only from that little branch but from the entire tree in order to be perfected.  Our energy must come from the entire world not just one area of the universe.

When we speak of restoration, we deal with the entire universe in order to become perfected.   Then we recreate our own family, society, nation and world out of our own core, our own seed not having anything to do with sin.

We will tackle the world's problems and make them ours.

We must have the pride to say, "The world will be perfected because of me since I am a branch of the Messiah; I am one important component of the Messiah's work."

Do you have that kind of conviction and pride?

Doing this work, you can be like God.  You can then see God's will as your will, and God's work as your work, God's ambition and anxiety as your own.  When God looks at this world, do you think he sees it as small or big?

God views the world as the size of a ping pong ball that he can put in his pocket. He can toss it, grab it and do whatever He wants with it.  This is the way you should feel while doing God's work in the providence.

You can look at this world and say, " I can put this world in my pocket. I can claim it; I can cleanse it; I can toss it around."

Since you view the world from God's point-of-view, you perceive Gods will and ideal as your own.  You can think that the world moves because of you and you can move the universe.  When such speeches are given they are misconstrued to say that one can conquer the universe.

We cannot move this world or any mountain without having this conviction.  Even if God did not exist, we would still need a concept even in hypothesis of one God, one creator in order to unite the world into one. But because we know that one God exists, we can be even more confident that unity is going to be fulfilled.

Our real joy is in knowing there is a God.  If we truly perceive His ideal on earth, then there is no way to fail in the mission.

If God is real, then you just go ahead because what needs to be done is obvious without instruction. 

Anybody can leave at any time during their hard work and run away, but because God is really there, they do not want to be separated from Him and lose this wonderful opportunity to do His Will.

You have only one opportunity, one life time to employ your all here on earth.  How can one waste even one second of their life when they realize the seriousness and reality of God's providence to restore every man back to their original form?

Billions of people are waiting in the wide world.  Time is so precious and everything must be done now.

There is much negativity toward those who do the greatest work of restoration for God.  

Some are greedy and in another way they are ambitious.  Ambitious people are actually needed in this work if they know how to do the right thing.  It is actually God's strategy to spread negative rumors and allegation so that only those people who are genuine and determined to give even their lives for the sake of God come to do His work.

When outside people say, "Don't do the work for a certain group, you will ruin your life," it is like advertising for the movement.

Good people have heard many good publicity about things in this world and are later disappointed by things in this world.  Then when they hear bad things about people like Reverend Moon whose followers believe he is the Second Coming of Christ, they say that there must be something there or otherwise people wouldn't oppose him so much like a fan club against him.

They will then want to weigh in for themselves in the face of adversaries that try to discredit him. Such negativity will be like a challenge to God and he will then prove to the world that Reverend Moon is good since they try to make him look bad. Then God will make an extra effort to polish His own commodity and show it to the world.

Then we can conclude that someone who is truly searching for the truth of God in these last days, they should go and knock on the door of the group that receives a lot of persecution for no reason.

"My life here on earth is very limited, and in this short span of time I have tremendous work to do so I do not want to waste even a split second. I just run, run, run. I am responsible not only for America, but also for Europe, Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Asia. I am worrying about the whole communist world. I have the whole world to worry about in the short span of one lifetime, so I am always running.

Because my physical body is limited I sent out missionaries to 120 nations. The people in the physical world and the spirit world have a right to protest or complain to me if I do not visit their countries for at least three months. They can say to me, "You have the mission to bring salvation to us and to the universe. Why did you stay in America for so long? Why didn't you come to visit my country just once?".

However, here on earth I have physical limitations.

If I were to visit 120 nations of the world for three months each, it would take 360 months to come back to the United States. Just to make one visit around the world with three months in each country would take 30 years! Is it realistically possible?

I had to tell spirit world, "You know it would take 30 years to visit each country, and I have to finish an important ministry in certain places."

Then spirit world said, "You are right. You cannot make such a tour, but then at least send your representatives."

I accepted that offer from spirit world and sent the missionaries out to 127 nations. However, some of these nations instead of welcoming them, persecuted our missionaries and put them in jail. But the fact remains that my representatives have been sent.

If those nations did not accept them, that is their responsibility. Now no one can accuse me of being unconcerned about those nations.

Furthermore, I am well-known, not only here in America, but all over the world. Even though I was not physically in every nation to proclaim the truth, my name and work has still been spread all over the world, fulfilling the necessary condition.

Now, I am in a position to accuse those nations.

I sent my ambassadors, my representative, to those countries, and they have heard about me. If those people never even listened to us, how can they say that we have not done our part? They must not judge us without investigating the situation, listening only to allegations and rumors. They must draw their own conclusions. If people just accept rumors without investigating us, they are in the wrong.

Whether as good or bad, whether as controversial or not, I am known all over the world.

Now, I can say that I have done my job, and I am free from any accusation of the people. Now, I am putting responsibility into their hands. They cannot complain to God that I did not declare the truth to them. There is no condition for accusation existing.

Satan has no way to accuse and the people have no way to accuse. If they come to oppose me even more, the condition exist for God to let us reap more and more blessings. They must pay the penalty. I am in a position to bring a libel suit against Satan, "What you have done is character assassination, and now you must pay the penalty.".

The amazing thing is that the people who oppose me, including the media, are actually helping the Unification Church to receive greater blessing. If 1 had not been opposed in the most horrendous way by the Washington Post and the New York Times, we would not have created our own newspaper, the News World. We would not have needed it.

Therefore, they brought us the blessing of the News World.  Accusation coming from the white community in America gives a chance to all the minority groups to come, which is a blessing.

Any accusation or opposition is matched by equal blessing. 

Because most of the white community is opposing me, the black people are coming to take my side in indignation at my being mistreated. But actually, as far as I am concerned, white and black are the same in the sight of God."

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Now that you understand God's will and individual perfection, then who would be your enemy to oppose this?  It is not Satan who is your enemy.  It would be you yourself that is your own enemy.

Is your mind and body one in serving God?  Would it be more difficult to unite the entire universe or your own mind and body?

Unity must first begin between each of our minds and body.  This is the principle that can unify the rest of the world.  The key to unification of the entire universe is not the universe itself or spirit world, but the key is you yourself.  Then who is your true enemy?  Your own eyes and ears, your nose, mouth, thoughts are your true enemy.

Thus it is imperative to recreate your five senses and your arms and legs to work centered on God so you can live entirely for God and His providence of restoration. That is your revolution.

War Within

Did you know that there is a borderline within yourself that divides the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of hell?

These two world meet in you.

If you move to the left, you end up in hell; if you move to the right, you end up in the Kingdom of God. Many people begin on the borderline where they are neither with God or Satan's kingdom, but then they shift to the left and fall all the way down to the dungeons of hell.

Then there are some people who make effort and keep pushing themselves to the right until they are entirely dwelling on the side of God.  Then the there is the third type of person who does not know which side they will reside and  wander along the line with one foot always on the other side.

Your conscience knows well which type you are.

If it was easy to become the right type then the world would be easy to restore within one generation following the true way of life. In order to follow the true way, your own eyes must be revolutionized, because they see something beautiful and you have lustful thoughts wandering around.

Your new eyes will see straight to the will of God.  Your ears need to be revolutionized along with your mouth, nose, hands to focus only true things - your whole body must become entirely different.  This is why the true religions teach about ruthlessly disciplining the fallen body.  In a way, this is cruel.

Religion teaches the self-sacrificial way of life, because Satan must separate when you are cruel to your own fallen self and worldly ways. The most important question is can you do it?

In order to build the Kingdom of God on earth, you first start by going down to the dungeons of human misery. There in hell, you create your own spring, your own heaven.

In this way, your own heaven is guaranteed.  Many people of faith have become selfish praying for their salvation, their small corner in heaven.  The true way is to work for world salvation.  Are we living in a world of paradise or a world of misery?

If this world of misery is to change into the world of the Heaven on earth, will it be brought by singing and dancing only, having picnics only laughing and having a good time with the best foods?  Is relaxing only going to make the world less miserable?

To bring some hope and happiness to this unhappy, chaotic world, you have to conquer misery and unhappiness.

To transform the world of misery, you must begin at the bottom of human misery leading an even more miserable life for the sake of happiness, for the sake of God.  This is the only way to liberate the misery out of the world: transform the bottom of hell on earth into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

If one was to work hard in the lowest place on earth to transform it back to God and the principle does not work, then there is nothing more to worry about.

In that case, no victory after following this heavenly principle means there is no God, no spirit world and no hope.

"I came to this conclusion a long time ago and I determined to liberate this unhappy world. In order to do that I determined to bring myself down to the most miserable life, and to bring about the liberation there.

What can bring hope and light and some promise for the future down to that miserable world? The person who can live a real life down on the bottom himself is the person who can bring real happiness that people can rely on. People can trust that kind of life."

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  We Were Created to be Perfect Not Fallen

The Will of God and the Individual

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