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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Reversing the Fall

The will of God is to consummate the purpose of creation.

Where is the will of God going to finally take place and who will be the one to achieve that goal?  Will God Himself do it?

If it was fully God's responsibility to return the world back to its original position to obtain His will after the fall of Adam and Eve, then He would have immediately reversed the fall at that moment when it occurred.  In order to consummate the will, an object is required.

God's will cannot be consummated within Himself without having relation to another.  Who would play the major role as God's object to bring about His will?

It was Adam and Eve's responsibility to be in the object position to God as subject to consummate the purpose of creation.  How would they have completed this task?  If Adam and Eve had become perfect individually and united with God, the purpose of creation would be established based on their family of goodness as a True Family of God.  Instead, they fell while still not united with God.

Therefore the will of God requires not just God Himself, but more particularly requires man for its consummation. 

What is left in our time to bring about God's purpose for creating man?

Man must become perfected.  That might be a far-fetched ideal that sinful, fallen man can become perfect, but the will of God and individual perfection are one and the same and cannot be separated.

Have you ever thought how far you are from perfection?

The center of the circle is the same distance from the edge in every direction and this represents the perfected position.  If you were to think of yourself inside this circle where would you be in relation to the ideal central position?

How about humanity?  How far has man fallen from that central point after the fall?  There have been billions of people born after the fall.  This caused humanity to develop away from the central point in a circular pattern.

The history of humanity tragically has been filled with men wandering through life trying to come back to the center from every direction.  Every person has their idea of where the point of destination should be.  They do not know where the true central point is to lead us back to the purpose of creation.

If we were to look at our family tree, we would see a family line full of different characteristics.  One branch of our family may have developed in one direction and another may have gone in the opposite direction.  Either way, we are still the fruit of that entire ancestry.

If each family has a different ancestral origin, the position of their fruit cannot be identical.  We have different individual characteristics and varied spiritual heritages.

God is a God of justice, equality and fairness.

If each individual comes from different ancestry can God say that everyone in His sight is absolutely equal?  Is this a correct concept?  If Adam and Eve had followed God's word instead of following Satan's word, every person would have been born equal.

Because of the fall, man's value had changed from one person to another and has entirely different course in his life of wandering.   Because of this varied course of behavior, two different consequences came into being: one is heaven and the other is hell.

God did not create hell.  This is a misleading belief of many people of faith.  Man created hell by not choosing God.  There are different accomplishments like different ranks between heaven and hell.

There are as many levels or different ranks existing in spirit world as there are here on earth.

If a person comes from a particular ancestral line that accumulated goodness, the person on earth is somewhere between heaven and hell.  We each accumulate good or evil through the choices we make in our own lives.  The several different levels of accomplishments here on earth will be reflected or paralleled in the spirit world.

You do not know much about spirit world now, but when you understand its makeup you will recognize the thousands of different levels of accomplishment, from the worst kind of evil existence to the highest, most divine existence of spiritual perfection.

Spiritual growth can only happen while you are here on earth.  

Thus, the Bible states that what is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven.  You enter the spirit world the way you leave earth.  Thus, many scary movies portraying spirit men as they were the moment of death has some truth to it.

If a person finds himself at the bottom of hell and knows that he has a millennium of effort just to reach to a mediocre level, would he strive hard toward the goal to reach that level?  No, human desire is sparked on when a person can see his own position and the glorious goal clearly.  Then the person would strive toward the goal.

When a person can clearly see where he wants to end up, he must first realize why he has not reached his goal and is 'stuck' at his present point.  A person who has fallen far from God's ideal central point, where would the solution begin?

Would he find the solution at the present position or from God's central point?

This state of being far from God came as a result of man's behavior during his physical life and reflects what his character was on earth. 

This means that the solution begins with men here on earth.  The fundamental problem of spirit men in hell is it is too late once you enter the spirit world.  Once you enter the spirit world for eternity, you can no longer work freely on earth to make any spiritual progress without working through this earthly world.

In order for a spirit to make progress, the entire spirit world must make union with the physical world.  As we have found in history, it is not easy for these two worlds to intermingle or for spirits to freely come down until the Messiah returns to release them on earth.

There are thousands of different levels in spirit world which came about due to Adam and Eve laying the foundation of disobedience.

So, who is then responsible for the tragic situation in spirit world and humanity?

Suffering in the world began with the first parent Adam's misbehavior.  One man began the tradition of suffering to mankind both on earth and in spirit world.  Then who would be the next person responsible for the situation. There is no question that it would be Satan.    

Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children.

Since God is the father of humankind, as the creator of Adam, He also took responsibility for Adam's actions.  Fallen Adam does not have the ability to bring himself to perfection without God's power.  God leads the way and guides Adam back to perfection.  God takes the responsibility, but Adam has 5% responsibility to carry out the goal.

God's throne is in the highest possible heaven. However, God gave up His throne and came all the way down to the bottom of hell to be with His children.

Return for Tomorrow's post: God Sacrificed to Bring the Lord of the Second Adevent

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Will of God and Individual Perfection

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