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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obey Your Mind

Those who follow the words of the Divine Principle written by the Messiah, already have a deep understanding of the importance of mind and body unity.

If one was to only follow the laws that the fleshly body dictates, they would not be able to find a way to Heaven.

God's chosen champions in these Last Days are God's Air Force, Gods Navy, His infantry.  In this way, we can even go into the houses of prostitution and all the satanic covered areas showing that the good conscience must come alive.

We will defeat Satan, but like those who go to war, we must be prepared.  You must become an absolute plus on God's side no matter what.  You will either crash into the evil plus that stole the subject position or your will be able to convert them into a mins.

This is how Satan is defeated and the Messiah's strategies.  God blessed America in its infancy not for itself, but to save the world.  

He brought the Messiah to this country to show America's wrongdoings.  America must return back to God or it will perish soon.  

"The majority of the white people in this country do not want to be told to change and be involved in making heaven on earth. "We are happy already," they say and they all take a leader's position. Great country people feel, "Hey, what are you saying about me? My feeling is not so good; we're going to kick you out.".

They create an atmosphere of persecution from all four directions against the Messiah. Only one Reverend Moon is standing up; young people shoot arrows, bullets, machine guns, shooting me. But they cannot destroy me. Why? Because I take the absolute plus position; that is my continuous way. Minus automatically follows, becoming God!"

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Satan uses his strategy as well to keep Gods children from uniting with His ideal and Will.

Satan's aim: "How can I control the mind?  With what?"  With the body.

Satan uses the human body which is attached to him through his fallen blood lineage of sin.  He'll whisper to you that the work of God is just too much.  Why don't you just take a rest?  The sky is clear, it is springtime.  Why do you work in such a poorly, dark place when everyone else is enjoying the sun and enjoying partying at night? God makes you work too hard and this course is difficult.  You aren't strong enough to stand before this kind of situation."

This is the kind of discouragement that is given to those who faithfully walk toward the path of God's will.

This is the habit of your body:  the body likes good food, good clothes and a good place to live.  It likes to sleep as much as possible.  These habits sounds and taste good and seems natural, but stands as a roadblock to do God's will.

Satan uses the material world of stimulating things to keep us from uniting with God: drugs, alcohol, beautiful women/handsome men.  When we follow the temptation of a beautiful man or woman, we will fall down into hell.  Because of Gods providence to restore man back to the original ideal, this ownership can be restored.

This is the Messiah's mission at his return: to restore the true mind owner, true love,and the true kingship.  We have been born into this world and accept at some point this is the way, but we have never experienced any of these elements in the true sense and they all have fallen from God's true ideal.

The world of conscience has been a victim throughout history not a victor.

Satan attacks the human mind to take control of God's children and pull them toward hell.

Originally, God had never made the word "victim", only victorious words. Because of the other side, we lost this most precious situation. How are we going to save this situation of humanity?  The number one point is the kingship of the mind.

Then kingship of what?  True Love.

These two things will have a relationship that is 180 degrees opposite of how the satanic world operates.

The satanic world will follow this true way of life once it is established.  Then the bar will be raised and then the it will be lowered down into Hell's waterways and barriers clearing Hell and lifting it up toward Heaven.

Forever the heart connects with God's purpose; the eternal direction is God's direction.  

We will return this fallen world which Satan uses for his purpose to destroy, to its original position and turn it back to God.  God is the subject and humanity is in the object position centering on connecting on true love forever.

We will return the world in which Satan turned all of creation toward his fallen purpose to its original position and back to God.

Once True Parents, True Love, True Life, True Lineage is established, even if Satan uses his strongest power, it will not continue there.  This is the original way of the original heart's purpose.  Your heart was not meant for Satan's will.

This it the viewpoint of the Principle:  humankind can live forever centering on true love;the ideal of God's creation.  True Parents who return the position of the first fallen parents back toward's God is absolutely needed.  The fallen blood lineage will return to God's ideal free of Satan's sinful blood lineage.

When we walk this path no matter the difficulty, we can restore absolute ownership no matter how far we have walked away from God's path.

We have to take absolute true love kingship.

What was the original position where God's love and human love was to unite?

This is through the sexual love organs.  Our sexual organs are the original palace of love and is the most valuable place.  Man and woman were to connect here centered absolutely on Gods love.  Then from there, connect children and life to God.
The sexual  organ is the king's life palace when we see it from the original purpose of God.  Now that we know this, we see why Satan has placed emphasis on misusing the sexual organs as he knew this was God's ideal to unite with humanity.

Through the pure sexual organs we connect the kingship true blood lineage of God.  These three foundations connect at that one point: Children, life and lineage.

Of all humankind, in all the created world, this is life's most valuable thing. 

The sexual organs is the most high-level, valuable place.  It automatically connects to the creation of the absolute ideal God had at the beginning of creation.  Not just anyone has the permission to open that place.  Only the absolute owner, the one absolute subject has the key to this palace.

From this point, absolute love appears.

Through the connection of the two love organs, absolute soul-baring is revealed. Just having this connection is not the way of salvation or restoration back toward God.

We need the Messiah in order to have the full restoration of the body.  Jesus was the first son of God to bring us toward spiritual salvation and returned to bring us salvation on the earthly plane to open the way for Heaven on Earth.

In the beginning, this pure connection centered on God would have created a true love, true children and true lineage.  Why can we not as humans create these three foundations?

Because of the fall. If the first parents obeyed God to wait until maturity to open their "fruits of love", there would be no need for a savior.  Adam an d Eve would have become the True Parents passing on Gods pure sinless lineage.

Originally, we had everything: God's ideal mind, God's body, God's love. This true love and value was stolen by Satan's mind, body and love.  We are living in a time when Satan's ideals run rampant. We live with two minds at war: our original God-given mind and our evil, fallen mind.  Our original mind understands the value of God's true love.  

Your original mind understood that true love and value. So once you can take back the original human dignity of personality, Satan will be blocked.

If you were to evaluate it, what is the deepest most important point:  This would be the mind.  Then the second point would be love.

When we know the true value, we see that there is no harmony in mind and love all around the world.

The Messiah comes to reclaim the individual foundation lost to Satan and the family foundation through the holy marriage blessing.  Then this foundation expands through restoring the representatives of Satan's family.

The Messiah will push his followers to become independent from the fallen world's way and follow him even though they had once belonged to Satan's side.  Yet many will push the Messiah away because they are satisfied with living the comfortable lifestyle they have acquired.

"Father took the consequences every time centering on God's law of conscience.

"I opened doors and left them open behind me. The route you have to follow is my way-the way I took has become the universal textbook. If you can understand the contents of this textbook, you will be grateful forever."

The Messiah is the most precious thing: touching him we connect to true love, true life and true lineage.  Without the Messiah blazing a trail of restoration through suffering, there is no way for humanity to obtain the knowledge to bring about the true blood lineage on earth which God desires.

We must connect to the words of the Messiah through his teachings of the Divine Principle which this blog is based upon and live it substantially.  We must get those three valuable things and take them back to our brothers and sisters of humanity.

True love forever. In there we will take that happiness; in there hope, in there peace, in there freedom.

If we do not restore the true love place, where is the freedom in that?  When we center on love, we have freedom.  Therefore, the American concept of freedom as 'do whatever you want' is wrong.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Hope of the Young

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Let Us Inherit Victory.

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