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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Leading the Future

If you take a look into history, you'll notice that we are headed into the direction of one united world.  Is the thought of a united world a dumb idea?  Millions of people in the world may be against this idea.

Many people fear that that reality will be like a communist tyranny, but a united world and people is God's ideal for creation since the beginning.  Communism tries to bring about world peace through force, taking away human freedom and doing so without God.  This is the major difference.

The church that is willing to sacrifice itself for the good of the nation, will lead the way in the future.

Have you met anyone who works hard to reach third place?

In the past, America thrived in the number one position in the world.  Any other country that was different than that standard was in second place.  Now, America is in the third position and dropping.  If someone was to show evidence that America still was blessed in the first position would be false.

There is a desire for America to be in the number one position because God sacrificed to bless America to lead the world with its Christian values.

America was the youngest country and it won the number one position after only two hundred years of its official inception.  This is because it had its strong roots in the ethics of Christianity.  America was number one in all of the fields.  Is it easy for one country to accomplish that task?  It takes a lot of discipline and training to be and also stay in the number one position.

Is this possible, probable or just remote?

How long would a small village last that had citizens that starved while other feast everyday?

It is inevitable that this village is bound to have fighting and separation.  If the world moves toward equal privileges and equality, who would complain in that type of society?  Therefore, the unequally wealthy will not sustain that position for long.

The whole world first belongs to God. 

Groups will own the things bigger than the individual; hundreds of millions of small groups will have ownership. Members of a church sacrificing themselves for world peace will be the forerunners and pioneers toward a world of peace.  Everyone in the future will fight to do the work that needs to be done.  The technology will advance so much that just a push of the button on a computer is all that is needed.  It will be enjoyable and people will compete to that type of work.

We see that automation will become more and more advanced, such that eventually you don't even need to go to the workplace. By satellite, the factory can be controlled from home. That's high tech. You may not realize it, but that day is already here.

Technology is so advanced that a corporation doesn't have to operate from the office.  Faxes, telephones, computers and the internet have advanced so much that one doesn't have to travel everywhere to get the message out or do the work.  Technology blossomed in the 20s to support the mission of the Second Coming for this purpose.

The Sheep

Just like the tide in the ocean: heart moves the same way. 

When we discuss the tide or current of the heart, we only can take examples from the physical world because it is our only reality.  The world living in heart is the same as the physical world.

The Korean language has an explanation about the current world of heart or living based on the heart.  The word 'woon' translate to mean 'carrier'.  This represents 'army' and 'cart'.  This is the same as a safely covered vehicle and means to bring safely into a certain place.  A fast car will carry you to a certain poin safely without an accident.  That's fate.  That is luck.

How does luck work?

Luck or fate always follows the current of the heart.  If there is heavenly luck, that means the current of the heart is being followed, thus you are covered in luck.

People in the West, who are more materialistic,  do not understand why Orientals emphasize aspects such as filial piety, patriotism and sainthood.  Orientals themselves did not understand why they were doing those things.  They simply thought it was the right direction. They were just following the heartistic current.   So they were in the heavenly fate, exalting benevolence, beauty and love.

Beauty, in the Chinese character, is composed of "big sheep." The big sheep is the one who sacrifices himself greatly on behalf of others. Also, in the character meaning righteous, the sheep occupies the top position. Why the sheep? The sheep signifies sacrifice. Thus he is righteous.

The Chinese characters for the word 'beauty' is composed of 'big sheep'.  

The Bible unceasingly symbolizes Jesus as the lamb carrying the burdens of the world.  This sheep was pierced and sacrificed with the sword.

The Chinese character for 'heaven' shows two men, not one man.  The principle states that two centering on love that come together is the essence of the ideal of creation.

Without love, they cannot make oneness.

We must accept the logic and reason behind the flow of heavenly fate: it travels the heartistic current, the heartistic tide.

We preserve heavenly fate through sacrifice.  When we do service for others, we stay in the realm of heavenly fate.  The general direction of heavenly fate, therefore, is always somewhere beyond the individual's interest.

HEavenly fate moves toward the greater whole.  It follows always in a straight line, a straight direction.  God connects it back to the individual.  This straight line of heart is the safe route for the individual to travel and reach God.  Heavenly fate begins from God and moves on the line to bigger and bigger levels until reaching the whole universe.  Love is always a straight line.

The only straight line is the line of love.

Why is Love a Straight Line?

The act of love between grandparents, parents and a young couple just beginning are exactly the same.  It is the same for white and black people.  Eternally it will be the same.  The way they prepare food east and west are different, but the way they love is the same.

 For white and black it is the same. The animal kingdom, too, is the same.  Can we change the quality of love or improve it?  Love is the one thing that cannot and does not need to be improved.  The way of love is true within the plant and animal kingdom.  Man is no exception.

The family needs the son or daughter of filial piety.  The nation needs the patriot.  The world needs the saint. The cosmic world needs the holy son.  These four levels are connected by love:  son and daughter of filial piety, patriot, saint, and holy son. These levels have love in common.

These levels always operate on the path of love and connect like a crystal.  This can be called crystallized love.  Why?  This way, we inherit the universal blessing.  When we get that blessing, we are liberated; we are really free.  In freedom, we become the subject, the center.

Everything moves at our will.

Have you noticed that we all want to be the center of all things.  This is a natural desire.  What most people do not recognize is that you do not become the center through knowledge or power.

The contents of that center or any other center is the same.  They may be on different levels, but they contain the same contents.  If you take this center anywhere, it will be welcomed.  The underlying concept is that of 'sacrificial contribution", sacrificing oneself.  Heart.

In the realm of the realm of heart is where it is possible for the spiritual world to come to the physical plane.  Then they can unite together.  This unity can only come in the heartistic realm.  In other words, this unity of spiritual world and physical world comes only through love.

This relationship between the vertical and horizontal is absolutely ninety degrees wherever it travels.  Heavenly fate always follows.  Where their is a true, perfect joining of these two world, love fills the space like air fill space.

Images of Truth

In a man's face, if the angle between the line of the eyes and the line of the nose is perfectly ninety degrees, this person is an honest person. 

This line is very important.  The navel should be on this line and line up right down the center of the breast and the reproductive organ, too, straight down.  If there is a straight line, if there is a straight line, that person will rise up in the world.

When you train your eyes to see these things, you can interpret the person's future.  The Messiah is at the top of that area.

Those with very small eyes can see things at a distance.  Big eyes see thing close up.  This is the same principle for the camera lens.  People from the West come from pirate ancestors who are always moving and pioneering. So, the westerners' eyes resemble the ocean and Orientals eyes the earth.  They have big eyes and see things near them very accurately.

Which is the subject - the earth or ocean?   Is ocean subject?  In all of history, no one would claim ocean is subject.  Earth is subject.  If the ocean is subject then all of civilization would be made of boats and built on the ocean.  Human civilization started at the river, then went to the island, then peninsula and continent.  The Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the Pacific, in this way civilization developed.

So, western civilization should embrace everything  that comes to the Pacific ocean and reaches the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Now, we are entering the ocean culture that is reaching to that new island in the Asian civilization era.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The western civilization had a vague idea of the future of the ocean trend, but were not certain how to bring this about and hesitated. The Messiah builds a bridge and teaches about the coming ocean era.  He gives them confidence and reassurance to help western civilization. Men from the west want to go to Asia and get an Asian wife.  This is how a man of conscience feels.

Why is this so?  It is where the heavenly fate is going.  The ocean causes erosion to the shore, scraping more and more land, but the land doesn't mind.  As more is scraped, the ocean become shallower and islands rise.

Where there is more erosion at beaches and are more severe, the earth does not protest this natural phenom.  It allows this scraping which goes on for tens of thousands of years never resting.  The earth has a tremendous endurance.  Water, on the other hand, does not have endurance.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Public Way of Life

The Tide of the Heart

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