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Monday, July 15, 2013

The World's Future is Bright

Since we are flowing toward one world, what is the one language that you are going to use in the future?

Will learning this language be more important than learning English, Chinese or Japanese?

Within the Korean language, you can find the deepest thought in the world of religion.  The ideal and the deepest thoughts are all combined into one.

That precious understanding is found in the Korean language.

Right now, the world does not know this, but the world is evolving and moving to the other side.

The high will go down, and the low will go up. And the lowest will go to the highest point. 

This principle happens automatically, not through force.

Wise Use

In the future, ownership will move from the individual to the group.

Possibly, through ownership by family or extended family.  Have you noticed companies that have been around for over 100 years were and are still a family company run by members of the same family?

Vertically, this is a "world property" concept.

Horizontal relationships vary; horizontally, it is a group that covers 360 degrees group property not individual ownership.

Vertical relationships are one.  In the future, the world will inevitably go from a wasteful society to using resources frugally.  We will save resources, because they will be limited.

It will not be necessary for everyone to cook everyday at the house for the family.  There can be a village bakery, which uses a small amount of resources that yields the maximum product.

When you do cook,  you can make a particular dish, but you would make enough to share with other people in the village.  If everyone was to do this like a potluck, then there is no need for everyone to cook everyday.

If a village was to share in this way, the citizens wouldn't have to cook but a few days a year.

That day of such unity is very near.

People of faith think that this day is slow in arriving.   This day has not only been prophesied, but the foundation of manpower and preparation is connecting in every area to bring this about.

Even though China is becoming an ultimate power, it will crumble if it does not have this kind of standard in the future.  The reason why we know this will happen is because spirit world is like this.

Spirit world is our original hometown.  The earth is our body's original hometown. 

The spirit world is the mind's original town.

From here, the only way to go is toward the world of the mind.

Americans like hamburgers with cheese; Koreans cannot do without eating smelly kimchee.  Trends here on earth have to follow the pattern that is set in the spirit world.

The after life is better than here; it is heaven.

No matter how long you live on earth, it is like a small grain of sand on earth compared to eternity.  It is like one second of life compared to the life we are going to lead there.  Because we were born as human beings instead of animals, no one should deny this.

Once people begin to understand the reality of the spirit world, then they will understand the true way we should live our life while on earth.

You cannot occupy important positions without training first.

Is this thinking practical and powerful enough to bring the unification of spirit world and physical world?

This is a dual structure, which does not mean that this is a relationship between two things that are the same.

One is vertical and the other is horizontal.  This is what makes it dual.

All existence has to follow this 90 degree angle where the horizontal meets the vertical.

A tree follows this principle and orients itself to grow vertically.  Even if a tree is on a slope, it never takes the horizontal line.  It is smart.  But man follows the horizontal line, the fallen thought world, which is far away from the vertical line of God.

This is where we observe that nature is higher than humans in that it follows its own purpose of creation brought about by God.  It always stands at 90 degrees based upon the vertical line.  People should bow down to a tree because they are better than fallen man.

A tree, unlike fallen humanity, absolutely fulfills God's purpose and will.

When you are working hard at your mission, it is very difficult if you do not understand the purpose of why you are doing it.  This becomes a hopeful activity once you have that understanding.

There are two ways to follow: one is to clearly see the objective, and the other is when you don't want to do your mission work, but you have to.

In the latter, you will not be able to go fast.

With this type of selfish thinking, it would weigh you down and you would get behind and be defeated.  When you understand the historical purpose behind this work we are doing, you will go beyond your complaints and go forward quickly for the work of God!

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Corrupted Love Decreases, God's Love Increases

This post was rewritten and derived from The Tide of the Heart.

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