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Monday, July 8, 2013

Persecution is Necessary

God created man to have true love but man fell; thus, God agonizes that true love has not been achieved. He has been trying to raise man so that they can both have true love. True God can have true love and true man.

Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True man can have true God and true universe.   True creation has true man and true God. 

True love is the most important.  Without possessing true love, there is no way for you to become a true, absolute man or possess true things.

Do you want to have true love then?

What if you were to go hungry for a few days, would you want true love more than you want food if you had to choose?

You may have experienced a fasting period so you could focus more on God.  One minute before the fast is to end, do you want true love or good food at that moment?

In just that crucial moment, your thoughts can destroy the whole purpose of your three or seven-day fast.  If in that moment you feel that you could continue to fast even more for true love, then you have served the purpose of the fast.  But, if you were thinking about eating once more and to become full as quickly as possible, then the purpose has been lost.

The providence for God to restore humanity's fallen history is thousands of years.  But, now, we have the tools to cover this same distance toward true love within one generation.

If we really plant our stake in true love then God will be overjoyed.

Once we reached this standard, then human life has reached its goal and mankind can experience joy eternally.  Everyone would then celebrate.  A true man might be the most foolish in the world because he will understand this concept and like persecution.  He understands that true love is man's ultimate goal.

The main problem we encounter during the process of restoration is how do we inherit the correct pattern that will help move history back in the right direction.  The Messiah returns not to take believers immediately away to a paradise, but to lay a foundation and tradition that reverses the fall.

As sinful sons and daughters, we are not really qualified to inherit this tradition.

Then, what is needed to qualify as a true son?  Would a true son leave their parents' house from one argument?  But, we witness this in many families.

It is not easy to be a true son or daughter.

Out of a family, maybe one child would struggle to stay at home during the rough times.  Such a son will say he will leave no matter what actions his parents do.

God is the toughest to the ones He loves the most.

He does not sympathize, or worry if you had eaten or not while you are performing His mission.  He would wonder what time it was and why do you sleep.  With such a standard, He might think His son would leave, but would be surprised to see the true son keep going during the difficult barriers.

Why does God set such a difficult path for His soldiers?

Satan can follow those who are working for God to a certain height, so God would want you to make it over the highest point where Satan can no longer follow you and your progress from there on is not so difficult.

From God's point-of-view, He does not think that Satan is all bad when it comes to your mission.  He thinks that if there was no Satan to push you, that you would not work so hard for God.

In school, no one likes examinations, but teachers know that if they were never to give out tests, that you would never study the material.  With each exam for which you study hard, you gain more knowledge and become more useful.

Persecution is in order for us to get the blessing.  If we get persecution, then we keep going.

An offering must be pure.  The criterion in ancient times was to make a sacrifice of virgin women through offering of the first love.  This was the same with animals.

During the Old Testament times, people of faith would offer things of creation which are closer to God than fallen man.  While in the New Testament, man himself was dedicated as the offering.

Now that we live in the Completed Testament age in the era of the Second Coming, the standard of offering is elevated and we experience sacrifice of the heart.

Therefore, once we dedicate everything for the sake of goodness it is painful to be rejected and misunderstood.  A person that is constantly persecuted can be seen as an offering.  The best material is used as an offering, so a pure wonderful person should be used as an offering.

If you don't proclaim your love for God and receive persecution, can we truly say that we are an offering?

All the fifty states of America belong to the nation, not to one individual.  Likewise, America belongs to the world.  If the Messiah is going to bring the whole world and spirit world into unity, then he belongs to God.

This confirms that the individual comes under the family, the family belongs to the tribe, the tribe to the nation, nation to the world, world to the cosmos, the cosmos to God, and God to absolute love.

By following this reasoning, then we can conclude that we are living for the sake of love.  This should be our concern.  Everything in creation is included in true love.  Even within a couple, if the husband snores, the woman might go into the other room, but a couple of true love, the wife could stay and snore just as loudly, what a sight that would be.

In Korea we say that a man who has already reached his destination is a crazy man. 

This is the kind of craziness that God wants to see.

Without true love, thinking about uniting the races and the world would be just pure fantasy.

To reach this destination, your course will lead you to all things of creation and mankind.  If someone asks you which country you are from, you tell them that you are an American, not the state you are from.

People of faith are fishers of men.

We catch people for true love.  When you are doing mission work, it is to help build the bridge so all those people can cross.

We must contribute not just our material, but also men, and give them with God's heart.  We dedicate our families to that bridge, centering on love.  When we recover the nation, we will offer it, when we recover the world we offer that to God also.  For the sake of true love, we shall recover the universe and dedicate it to God.

We don't offer just a few things, but all things gather for the offering including men and heart.  We dedicate our property, money, bodies and heart to God.  This is the same as offering all material, people and all their heart.

Then whose property does it become?

Then everything is returned and owned by God.  Your ownership is external while God's ownership is internal.  All of this can be indemnified in one individual.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Persecution Brings Blessings, Endure

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Persecution and Blessing

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