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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Does God Need Love?

Does God need true love?  We know that humanity has been in search of the purest love, but God has total authority, why would He need love?

Actually, the fact that God is almighty and absolute means that God also needs love more than anyone else in the universe.  Everything on earth only can work through the power of love.

Is it possible for God to have love without humanity or creation?  Is He able to experience joy all by Himself?

Love needs an object to complete a circuit, and even God cannot violate this law. 

God needs someone in which to love and be loved by; but is humanity equipped to give love to God? If so, would it be men and women together or separately?  Will love hit two people at the same time or one at a time?

What is the order of this love?  Who would be the first in this love crusade?

It is impossible to go in two different directions at the same time so there must be an order.  Would you be able to love your mother and husband with the same intensity, or would you love one more than the other?

Can you kiss them or embrace them both at the same time?

In this day and age, the feminist movement wants men and women to be equal, but there should be an order or discipline between them.

Equality and fairness are two different things.

Having blind equality does not equal fairness.  God loves both men and women equally as His children like any father, but there is always priority or sequence that follows.

Who would be the first to love God?  Women would say men come first.

When you make a circular motion based on this external layer, it goes in all different directions and ultimately is self-destructing.  Lasting, peaceful circular motion is always set up around an axis.

In everything, we need this central axis.  If you use this central line, then there will be no destruction no matter how fast or long you turn there. The more responsibility one has, the farther he advances toward the central position.

Who is designed more for greater responsibility, men or women?

The biblical tradition was for men to be given the blessing, because men are ultimately responsible.  Man is the subject in that central responsibility.

Blessing always accompanies responsibility. 

Throughout history, mankind has traditionally lived in this way, with women leaving their family homes to get married and taking their husband's name.  During war time and pioneering times, the women assisted behind the men in their work.

Men are in the subject mode and women are in the object mode.

Would you rather have a feminine man or a masculine man?

Women rather have a masculine man because this is a quality they do not have.  God created men and women in a complementary relationship.

Women are created for conquest of love by men.

This is not offensive when it is genuine, unselfish love that conquers you.  You will be intoxicated by it instead of repulsed by it.  At a certain point you will be a prisoner of love and give everything you have for the sake of your husband.

This is how God designed women.

The more you are conquered by love, the more you want to give. 

This is the spirit of true love.

I am a tough and rugged man who cannot stand any injustice, but even though I have a fiery temper I was conquered by the love of God and became totally helpless. In that love, I was made a lamb. If I weren't caught up in the love of God then I could not stand all the criticism that has come to me, but because of the love of God, the more people criticize the more I like it. In the name of God, I can be persecuted and tortured.

Father said in his speech that God would test him by allowing persecution to come.  When he would overcome, he would be completely intoxicated by God's love.  Then God recognizes him as His son, the living proof of His love.

God gives more tribulation as a condition where He can give him more love.

If Father is able to absorb the criticism and welcome the persecution he receives, then within the realm of God's love, there is nothing he cannot do.

Love is the central theme.  Would you like the kind of love where God allows persecution to come to you?  You would endure it because of love.

Equality is good, but not with blinders. 

Because you are not losing anything, you don't take exception to this, do you?

God created Adam first to be next to Him.

Women are built as objects, not subject.  If a woman was to go out late at night, it is natural for her to ask for a man to accompany her to the dark parking lot or to her car.

But even her youngest brother would be able to go out alone at night without asking for his sister's help.

This is the complimentary order of subject and object relationship which God established.

Father's family is the same way.  His first born was his daughter who is next to him, and then his second oldest is his son who is next to her.  Just because he is the first son does not mean he assumes the first position in the family.

He would not complain that his eldest sister is given first treatment.

Why is this so?

This is the order of love, flowing to the first fruits, then the second fruits.

There is a certain flow and timing which remains as the universal order.  God created one at a time in order, not two at once.  God would not complain about this because it is God's universal order.

This order is established in subject and object relationship.

If all of creation was a Boeing 747, then true love would be the compass and navigator.  True love love guides the whole plane with all its passengers riding in the correct direction.

I have been called all kinds of things, such as a dictator worse than Hitler. Do you think I have the power to do everything at random according to my will? Am I without principles and law? What is guiding me? True love. 

Father is obedient to the law of true love more than anyone else.  He upholds this law and gives his entire life for it.

Does true love have color of white, black or yellow?  True love is all colors.  All colors have come to follow Father, why is that?  They each have a common goal.  We are not just talking about it, we're creating it.

A good example is we have all colors and races under one fatherhood and bound by true love.

Could this be the result of a dictatorship?

You work hard at your mission and it seems like  a thankless, miserable life, but underneath is a burning desire to be a central person of true love.

You bring meaning to hard work.  You do not do it because someone forces your, but you do it because you have desire that is burning, you have peace within you.

This is true love.

When you are activated by true love, everything you do shall have beauty and glory.  If you communicate with God, then you could never leave him.  Even if you were to receive persecution from the whole world, you are able to sustain your ground, because true love of God upholds us.

This love is invincible because this true love is what mankind needs. 

Because those who you witness have to receive that love through you, they have to come.

Once you reach the level of total oneness with God in His true love, then you can enjoy absolute freedom and do anything with God.  In this love of God, there is no deed that is ungodly.  Even if you do things that seem nasty on the outside, they will bring you closer to God.

No deed done in true love is ugly.

What if God was angry about something, but in that moment His three-year old grandson came over and said, "Grandpa".  He would not be able to help but smile despite His anger, because that one word came from the child's true love.

Maybe God was in the middle of making a life or death decision for the universe, but even at that moment that one word of true love melted His heart.

If you have ever seen a moon launch, the moon may be in one direction in the sky, but the rocket will go in the opposite direction.  The spectators do not think that this makes any sense.

Those living in the world would say the same of the movement, that we were crazy and going in the wrong direction to the Kingdom of Heaven.  But our compass has a clear direction.  It is a spiritual compass leading ultimately to heaven.

If that compass leading your heart is true love then you are bound to reach heaven. 

Even though the rocket looks like it is doing unnecessary maneuvers, if it is led by the compass of true love, it will definitely take you right into heaven.

When that rocket led by true love lands in God's love, that love will explode and rock the entire universe.

When this happens, God will be activated in true love and begin to dance.  When God dances, all of creation will harmonize with Him and begin to dance, too.  Even if God stepped on someone's head in His excitement, that person would not complain, and probably ask for more.

This is the power of true love.

The contest of giving true love is the ultimate competition between husband and wife. 

If you are able to say that you love your partner with the true love of God, then no matter how wealthy or handsome or beautiful he or she is, he has to bow down.

True love is the ultimate gauge of value, not appearance or social standing.

If a wife measures how her husband has given true love to his family, if he is defeated in the competition of true love, he has to bow down to her.  If the subject is defeated in true love, then he must humbly come under his object.

This works on every level, as between a head of state and the people.  If a child is on tour of the White House and asks the President if he loves the people as much as he love his parents and he answers yes, then he is a great President.

If he cannot love the people more than his own parents, he is a failure.

Just as the Bible states that even though you may move mountains, without love it does not have value.  What is the expression of this true love?  Unselfish giving in everyday life is the true expression of that love.

This is the way parents have been living for their children and also the way God has been living for mankind.

Any subject demonstrating unselfish love toward his object is living true love.

When a man stands in the center of true love, the Kingdom of Heaven shall be there.  That love will go beyond any power that is on earth and win over it.  Then the power of unity will bind everything together into oneness like glue.

This is our goal on the road toward an ideal world.  Our direction is true love.

When we manifest that true love in our daily life, it is unselfish giving everyday.  You will also always remember your position.

When you get closer and closer to that goal, many burdens and responsibilities will come to you because the time of fulfillment of God's wish for an ideal world  is near.

Return for Tomorrow's post:  All Creation Has Purpose

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Mankind and the Ideal World

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