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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Only One Way Men and Women Are Equal

Suppose there were millions of women on earth, but only one man?

Would the woman who marries him be able to declare that she didn't truly love her husband and she could start searching for another because of something she does not like about him?

If this was truly the last man on earth, would it matter to the women that he was crippled as long as he was a man?

If he had only one eye would women refuse to marry him based on this?  In that case, his wife would quickly remedy any problems in her heart toward him, and even though she does not like some parts of him, she would accept him.

If a woman is able to digest the negative things in her husband, then unity will come forward and then love will follow.

When unity is accomplished then God moves there to visit.

Unity is good because God dwells there, and then everything becomes love.  Therefore, any movement that creates unity everywhere and with everyone will flourish.

Only after God created both Adam and Eve did He say that the creation was good.

Women today are called feminists as they seek out the concept of equality.

No matter how much they fight for the cause, they cannot argue the fact that there are differences between men and women.  Can woman claim equality when a man needs two helpings of food and women only need one?

A woman wrestler could never defeat a man.  Men can do extra hard labor that a woman cannot do.  Therefore, can women demand equality with these physical differences and strengths?

When are men and women equal?

Only through love are men and women equal.

Is there any better equality higher than love?

During the more primitive times, a man had to work extra hard to provide for his family.  Since man was independent in this way back then and could care for the whole family, God gave woman the one ability that man could never have, which is childbearing in order to balance the differences in their capabilities.

The latest trend these days is that more women have less desire to marry and refuse to have children.

Women must know that their body was not created for themselves.  Even a child understands that the woman's hips and bosom are to nurture children.  But now women diet instead of wanting to develop their hips and breasts for their children.

Would a child want to cuddle in the arms of a woman with a bony figure, or wide hips and soft bosoms? The present trend is for women to be very thin in the Western society.    The design formerly came from the British where women were proud to show off their large hips and bosoms.

This is a serious matter.

If you were to ask God, would He say it was better for a woman to have small bosoms or abundant ones after childbirth?  What about a full figure that is in proportion to their overall height?  Maybe being plump does not look right for an Asian frame, because of their small height.

What about a tall Westerner?

Now, that you understand that your features must balance your height, there is no need to diet.

What is the way we must go in order to prosper?

First, you must be parallel to the purpose of creation.  If you have active love that you give out, you have the ability to observe and digest.  This is an action man and woman should do together.  If you have love, then unity will not be that difficult.

If a couple really loves one another, then it is easier for them to observe and embrace each other.  Sometimes you have to travel a wide road and sometimes the road is narrow.

When you lived the single life before getting married, you went your own way.  But after marriage, you are on the same track with another person.  Either person cannot change for their own individual desire, but they must continue to travel together.

If the goal is always changing, then harmony will be lost and conflict between the two result.  If you continue to change your direction and discard the old one, the next one will never be as good.

The reason is simple: whoever follows the law of creation will be protected by God.

He gets God's protection because He wants the purpose of creation fulfilled.

The man that goes against the laws of creation and follows Satan's law instead will be opposed by God.  This is how the fall takes place.

A rainy day is closer to Satan's side, while a sunny day is closer to God's side. Nevertheless, although it may be raining, you can feel that the sun is shining all around you. That indicates that you have observed and digested and overcome the circumstances.

It is easy to feel down on a cloudy rainy day, but if you are able to overcome and feel brighter, Satan will have to leave you.

That kind of person can go anywhere in the world and spirit world where Satan hangs out and make Satan leave.  Satan's standard is to always find ways to benefit himself.  So, when you overcome circumstances and defeat his purpose and will, he has nothing to gain by staying around.

Is the diligent or lazy man on God's side or more on Satan's side?

Satan whispers in peoples' ears to discourage them from work saying that it is too much trouble and relax.  God, on the other hand, wants to see consistency in your life.  The person who lives one day to the next just only responding to what is thrown at them leans more on the satanic side.

God would urge people to live according to heavenly law.

Are you on the satanic side or good side?

Is the person that constantly dozes off or the one who has bright eyes during a sermon on the satanic side?

The person that was able to be bright eyed because they had lots of sleep is also on the satanic side!  The person who didn't get much sleep, but is still able to have bright eyes is the worthy one.

What must you do to be on this rising side?  Which of the four saints would this worthy person most resemble?  On what foundation can you say he resembles Jesus?

Jesus, of course, abided by God's law, but more importantly, he lived love.  By living love, he went beyond the limited concept of the law.   He went beyond the concept of race because he wanted to belong to and liberate the whole world, not just his country and people.

He went beyond his own religion, and transcended the strict tenets of Jewish law.  He was faithful to bigger principles.  He not only loved the Jews, but even the enemies of his people as well as the rest of the world.

Jesus could even embrace the people who crucified him.

What did Jesus accomplish based on this foundation of faith?

We can understand precisely why Jesus was so great when we know that his goal was to bring about unity which could even include the Romans.

If Jesus was still alive in America, would he push for deeper segregation between the whites and blacks?  People may feel that they are more comfortable around other whites because they can easily digest that situation.

But God would warn such people that as long as they fail to follow their Christian ideals by failing to include Black and Mexican people and bring unity, they would risk their own survival.  We see that today.

Statistics says that if the current population continues to grow, that by 2050 the white population will become the minority.

Jesus' heart had the capability to observe and digest even the world of the Roman Empire, which at that time ruled the entire world.

This high standard of heart was the reason he was great in the human realm.  Whereas he was great because he was the only one at that time who proclaimed that God was the only Father and humanity were His children.

Jesus consistently followed the law of creation and met God's expectation. As a result, Christianity not only survived, but prospered as no other religion has done before his time.

Return for Tomorrow's Post:  The World's Future is Bright

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech The Way of Prosperity

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