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Friday, July 12, 2013

God is the Center of Love

God is the center and subject of true love for eternity. 

While living the religious way of life, if you knew about the suffering you would have to face, would you refuse to go any further when you met such hardships?

Maybe you could think that your suffering is nothing compared to the suffering God has had to endure for thousands of years when He lost His children.

Who put God in the suffering position: God Himself or man?

God suffers because of the disobedience of man.

Yet, God does not blame man at all.  He takes the beatings and still tries to save man from his wretched position he has fallen.  When we understand God's miserable position, how can we refuse to go this difficult path of carrying our own cross?

We should think that even if death comes to us, that we will be able to praise God for His faith and endurance.  We should see that we have received little persecution compared to Him. That should be everyone's position.

Is it better to give up when it is difficult, or to comfort God and tell Him you understand his suffering and you will bear His burden as His representative and suffer on His behalf?

God is the subject and master of all of creation, the King of the universe, yet He has never once claimed His authority over everyone.  Instead, He gave us choice, free will to either serve Him or not.  This is evidence to the true greatness of God.

God is always trying to reach us, but Satan set up blockades.  

God has no way to communicate directly with His people and give His true love.

God has been suffering in this way without having honor or fame.  He waits for the moment of victory when He could have give and take with the center of true love.

This is not just a fantasy or a speech.

Think about it.  Throughout history, God has been rejected, deceived, betrayed by many, many people, yet He still believes and has hope to find the true one, the Messiah.

In order to communicate and have a mutual understanding of God, you must suffer and really pursue the same tasks as God has done.  How else will you have a true relationship with God? When such a person appears, He does not inherit everything at once.

There is no easy way to reach out to the center of true love; it is a road of suffering and pain. 

Even if you meet God without following the path of suffering, you would feel uncomfortable instead of happy because God was unable to fully open His heart all the way to you.  Therefore, the road to the center of love is a thorny one.

When we stand before true love, we must be conscious of how we appear in front of it.  Are we mediocre, do we love our spouse with a pure mind, do we have lukewarm love toward our children, or do we perform our church mission with half a heart?  This evaluation of ourselves in front of love is a serious thing.

You should not feel that you are ever alone, or by yourself in this dispensation.  

If the entire world becomes your enemy, but you know that this is the only way you can acquire the center of true love, nothing will stop you. This path that you walk while trying to reach the center of true love will destroy all your dignity and honor at once to make you humble, but for true love you still go in this way.  You must be willing to go this way even if you must lose everything in the process.

If you were to fail along the way, at least you can tell God that you never left this true path.  When you go with this attitude, there is no way you will betray God or give up.  Not even death will stop you from accomplishing the goal of obtaining true love.

If you have any thoughts of betrayal, this is the best time to repent.  We see people complain about the smallest things everyday, and they must repent for that.

First, check which -ism you have; second, you should check what love you have.

If you want to be linked to the center of love, you should already possess love within yourself.  Your love should be linked to the center.  

Adam and Eve should have served God, their Father, during the engagement period before they joined to Lucifer to have their family.

During the time of engagement, a couple should be careful how they relate to one another.  This time is for getting closer and love the Parent, God first.  It is fine to care for one another, but the way you communicate to one another is very important.

 Again, to reach the central true love a period of discipline is necessary. 

This is not a technique to make things difficult for people waiting to get married.  This is the shortest route to true love, and the best way to link to the center of love.

Third is position. Who owns your husband or wife? God is actually loaning you the person who is your husband or wife. Since their true owner is God, unless you are united in God's love there is no way you can have partnership with your mate. 

When you look at your husband or wife, look at him or her as being in God's position, on loan to you, and not your private property. Since you are united in one love with God and love Him most, you can love the person in God's position, your husband or your wife. That is natural. Then you can love them as much as you love God.

Some people coming to the Unification Church might see someone they think would be a good mate for them, but then they are matched with a person they consider insignificant.

How can they deal with the situation? Some of those people are conditional followers, who accept the Divine Principle, but not our way of marriage.

Without Principle there is no marriage, and without marriage there is no Principle. 

The two are one, all following the center of true love. In some rare cases people might wish their fiancée would die in the three years before the wedding comes so they can get another match.

Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon explains complaints of the matching for arranged marriages:

Why do I assume the heavy responsibility of matching everyone? I get no money or fee like any other professional. All the criticism comes to me while all the happy couples feel they are lucky and are not grateful enough to the True Parents. 

Why should I volunteer?

When I am matching people I can see their futures and what kind of life they will lead. Some people will have tragedy in their life, and in order to prevent such tragedy I must match them with certain types of people. I am not just looking at people horizontally, but vertically.

I have a philosophy of balance in matching, a harsh person needs to be balanced with someone softer needs someone strong. In machines, both hard and soft metals are needed to complement each other. 

People look only at the surface appearance in evaluating people, but a pretty woman and a handsome man together may lose everything and leave nothing behind.

In matching people I try to make a permanent base. I match from the viewpoint of central true love. Sometimes my methods look strange, or labyrinthine, and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But if the end result will be true love, I will go that way.

I have been controversial everywhere, in whatever I do, but I never volunteered for that. My goal is not fame; I am only looking at one thing, central true love. I never aimed at knowledge, money or power, but in pursuing true love everything else automatically came to me as a fringe benefit.

People have to recognize that now I am successful from the worldly point of view. If you truly believe in God and know He is almighty, then you have to accept that as naturally being the case. People reject me for many pragmatic reasons and feel threatened by me, but even though they oppose me, their original mind still knows that I am right. 

Suppose I consummated my life here and went to spirit world; God knows more than anyone how I lived to fulfill true love, and He would be the first one to feel I should no longer suffer and be lonely here on earth. At the same time, all people pursuing true love would know my value and would mourn my death.

Even the people who have never seen me on earth can understand true love through my teachings and way of life, and they will come to Belvedere (headquarters) to feel close to me, remembering how I spoke here.

Will they doze off? Why did you come this morning? You want to see central true love.

Why do you need me? I am the bridge which will lead you to the center of true love. Without me you cannot cross the river, so when I am away you want to know where your bridge is. Even if only a handful of people are here, if I am also here then the room feels full, but if I am not present then it feels empty, even if hundreds of people are here.

Once every several thousand years the rope passes overhead. The Unification Church is that rope, so we are the ones who grabbed it first. It is a once-in-a million opportunity, so would you just casually grab it with one hand? Or would you bite it and wind it around and around your body and legs so you can't be separated? 

You all have the rope, so how intensely would you become one with it? You are winding it not only around your body, but around your 360 homes you witness. and even the root of the rope will come down that is Home Church.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: True Love is the Reason for Existence

Liquidation and Blessing

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