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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

God Brings Union to Man and Woman

Yesterday's post focused on the attitude one needs to have of their spouse before marriage.  One of full acceptance and love for their spouse and not rejecting their spouses based on looks or educational background.  God himself puts Himself in a position of absolute love. 

What is man's relationship to God?  We are the substantial object to the invisible spiritual God.  Man and woman are eternally in the object position to God's love.  Love comes from and begins with a relationship with God.  God used love to create the first man and woman.

Moisture is ever present in the air and presents itself as condensation.

"Adam and Eve are like the droplets that appear from moist air when the temperature drops. When the temperature rises, then it is gas, and that is invisible, analogous to God."

The difference between man and woman is likened to a magnet;man is plus and woman is minus.  In order for energy to be generated, man needs woman and woman needs man.  Man and woman need absolute faith, love and obedience centered on God to come together as God's ideal of creation.

Adam is in the subject partner position and Eve is the object partner.  Why did God creat man and woman as convex and concave?  Can they fit perfectly without God's intervention?

God intervenes between convex and concave to meet each other and man needs God's permission as together man and woman are in the object position to the Heavenly Father.  Dialectical and communist theory would deny this reality. 

Their theory is that spirit and God does not exist, only material exist and is the reason for all existence.  Divine Principle crushes this theory. God as the origin of man and woman bringing them together and working through them and multiplying through His good lineage.

Man and woman truly fit one another through true love by first receiving heavenly true love, then man and woman meet each other.  Before they meet, they are each half perfect.  Man and woman alone cannot be perfect. 

Individuals nowadays try to obtain perfection on their own, but why did God create man and woman as convex and concave?  Because of love, God created man's and woman's sexual organs.

For love to stimulate the life of a man and woman, they need harmony with one another.  Man and woman are motivated to unite with each other when they center on true love.  Without the attraction power of love, they will run out of energy to sustain life or marriage.

Man and woman are not to just live for their own generation, but connect the next generation to their love activity.  Man's and woman's love are not two different entities, but are connected to one true love.  Centering on this one true love, then unity comes between them.  This love originates with God.

A man and woman meet each other centered on God.  They connect to one another to create one blood lineage.  A wife may have ten thousand generations connected to her physical cells.  Ancestors from thousand years ago are still connected to her body.  Through her life on earth, she connects these beings to the future.  Blood lineage never dies or disappears because it will always be connected to descendants. 

Do women believe in their man 100% absolutely these days?  We usually find that they are complaining about their man based on their own self-centered ideas.  This is an important issue concerning marriage.  To go the opposite way of this trend is to have absolute pure love for the spouse.  No matter the situation or the difficulty, your mind should be unchanging toward following the spouse who is centered on God.

Because we are descendants of a tainted blood lineage and are fallen individuals, we have become valueless people. Without knowing God, you don't know absolute obedience.

"Did you wear your best clothes today? When you wear it, you may feel you have the best clothes of anyone here. You never think you are second best. But you should think about how God looks at you. Then what idea comes?"

If God looks at you dressing up, is He positive or negative about it? I am looking at the woman’s side in all history. Did they use their sexual organ proudly or not? I am looking for such a woman in history. Maybe you want to be the woman with the number one sexual organ in the world.

Which side is greedier, man or woman?  When we look in history, can we evaluate if there has been women who have used their sexual organs properly in the sight of God?  What about man?  Have you ever wondered if there was any woman like Hitler who killed 6 million people.  Only man has led such atrocities.  It seems then that man is greedier than woman.

God has both convex and concave, feminine and masculine attributes.  This is why both man and woman love God.  This is also why a pregnant woman have three persons inside of her:  God, the father, and the mother. 

"Which is first, convex or concave? The rain falls down and the ground is flat. Think about concave: it expects the convex, that is why it is called concave. So convex is first. Why is this important? The sexual organ is God and Adam’s organ."

All men have two testicles. What is the central point? God. Woman’s sexual organ accepts the man’s. So it is soft but strong. Man and woman have love, and through that, life is transferred. True love is not enough; the relationship is important for the transfer of life. That’s why the sexual organ is the foundation of love, or base of love and the palace of love.

The  palace of love originally was to be Adam and Eve.  This may be weird if you are hearing this for the first time.  The author of the Divine Principle talks about the man and woman's sexual organs as the palace of love.

A nation can fall due to the misuse of the sexual organs, just take a look at kings and religious leaders of the past.

Without a great husband or wife, you cannot expect great children.  The man's palace of love is only accomplished through the woman's sexual organ and vice versa.  A man's life connects with woman's love and woman's life connects with man's love.


"In Korean, a woman’s sexual organ is called jago, which means the palace of children. The woman’s sexual organ gathers the blood lineage and connects it with life. All kinds of things happen there. Blood lineage is connected with the universe. There are two different lineages meeting there in the sexual organ; they mingle there and create a new one."

Originally, there was only supposed to be one lineage, instead, the satanic blood lineage runs through our veins.  God's idea was for His blood lineage was supposed to be for all of humankind.  Our lives were meant to live for the sake of others.  Through this lifestyle, we can bring selfless love.  A woman's love is not owned by woman herself.  Her love is connected to all of her ancestors.  This is why tradition is important to follow.  We need tradition.

When one woman connects her sexual organ to two men, this destroys the center.  Without a central point, it can not be eternal and clear.  Remember the account of Adam and Eve after they had given unto the "fruit".  They covered their sexual organs.


If the fruit they ate was an apple, they would cover their mouths, but the fruit was the misuse of their sexual organs so they covered their parts.  You hide your transgressions.  They were naked and unashamed before the fall, but they partake in love without God's permission and before their love was mature.

This is why we repeat over again, "absolute faith, love and obedience".  It is the most important in our relationship with God. If beside your husband there was another beautiful woman, could you be happy?  Free sex with a different lover every night is ruining this country.

You must absolutely love your husband.

Yet still as people of faith we contain fallen nature within us.  This is a source of self-destruction and a fearful thing, a thief within us.  You are against God's will when you complain about this and that.  Do you understand the meaning of absolute faith, love and obedience?

Even if we invest our lives to understand this concept it will still not be enough.  Future leaders should be pointed to Unification theological Seminary.  Even if a child goes to Harvard, they should still graduate from UTS to show church leadership.
No matter how many master's one obtains, if they do not understand the spiritual side of matters, they did not prepare well.  Even if one can lead a business, leadership means to prepare to lead the church as well.  some people hesitate learning more because they do not know how much the spirit world affects our lives.

Money means nothing. If one does not follow the direction of the  higher true teachings of the spirit world in relation to man, no matter how much pride or money one has, they will fall at the end of their life.  The Completed Testament known as the Divine Principle should not be taken lightly.  The author invested all ideas in ways to save the world and sacrificed his life for the sake of humanity.  His whole life is an exemplary course.  Young people should be willing to follow this idea.

Photos: freedigitalphotos.net

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Return to God's Lineage

This text was rewritten and  taken from the speech: Standing on My Foundation, given by the Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

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