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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 

All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. 

Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.  But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions -  it is by grace you have been saved...through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. 

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:2-5, 8-10

Establishment of Clear Goals While Young

You should know in which direction you are going in your life. One who does not know what they want to do in their life is like a ship on a voyage, yet does not have its latitude and longitude mapped.

How can one who does not have a blueprint for their life lead it successfully?  When we are in our 20s, this is the best time to invest our energy and heart into establishing precise goals for the future.  Those who have a clear purpose in their youth can possibly become a historical figure or they can leave behind something memorable for the world.

Once you have decided to do something, you have to have the courage to fight to accomplish your goal, no matter what kind of difficulties lie ahead. You should have the courage to digest all obstacles rather than merely to dislike them.

Everything in this world is in competition. You must go the road in which you avoid personal mistakes that lead to your downfall, and don't lose a year or even a month. There is even competition in working out which way to go. If you lose one year, you will not be able to keep up.

Once your goals have been set, you have to make a strong determination and build courage to fight to accomplish your goal no matter what obstacles or setbacks lie ahead.

A person who just accepts his environment and situation will pass away in history.

We must set a goal in our youth how we are to spend the year and follow through to fulfill it.

Imagine you slept for a year and other families had babies and their lives went forward during that time.  They will be one step ahead and it would be hard for you to keep up.  Just the same as an arrow that is shot with the same power.

If one is released before the other, it will reach the target faster.  In order to catch up, one needs to possess many times more driving force in order to regain the ground.  But there aren't such people with that much drive.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to spend one year during your youth. You must set a certain goal and follow through to fulfill it. It is like the dial and compass. 

Before each voyage, navigators must decide which course and direction the ship will set course precisely measuring the settings with a compass.  The propeller must turn once the engine starts; if it turns back on the way, it becomes so much harder.

Once you choose a direction, you should go forward investing your whole energy and heart centering on that direction.  Even if you are at your most tired that you can't hear or even open your eyes, you still must invest your best.

From now on, you should make a clear determination, and uniting mind and body, invest everything 24 hours a day, even during your sleep. 

When you open your eyes when you first wake, you study everything that is related to your goal and make a comparison.  You make your own world in this way dedicating your whole heart and will.  Wherever you go, you should go with a rope that is bound to such a world.  Then you become someone who leaves a mark on the world.

2) Decide Your Direction According to Your Original Mind

The most important time is from age 18 to 24. By the age of 24, you have to have established your life goals. You can know the direction of your life if you cultivate and dedicate yourselves.

The most important time to establish these goals is from 18 to 24, with your life goals established at 24.  When you cultivate and dedicate yourself, you can know the direction your life should go.  However, those whose lives and every action is only centered on their own thinking and not led by God they cannot know a clear direction or path to lead.

Even rats on a ship know when the ship is going to wreck during rough seas.

But people do not know such things. Those who lead a life of faith centered and devoted to pleasing God will have a clearer goal of where they are headed.  You must know where you are going.

"You should know the way to go. Even the ant knows that the rainy season will set in. Have you ever seen ants moving from one place to another in a line? Because you are given to useless daydreaming, you do not know. Not knowing one's own problems is a serious matter. You have to seriously consult with heaven about the problems in your life. You must adapt to your environmental situation. This is your own responsibility.

You have to confer with your deep original mind after discussing with heaven in deciding your special field in life. You yourself know well what kind of talent you have. Then, you have to listen carefully to where your mind tries to pull you.

You have to listen to that. Nobody can pull a ship unless the direction has been decided upon. Therefore, even though someone may pull on you then release you, you have to have your own direction to find for yourself.

Most of you have said that you are going to study business. From my viewpoint, people who are majoring in business are like thieves. You have to find your own way to go. Is it enough just to have money?


There are times when you need money, and there are times when you have to go your own way or a different way as a person. You must therefore decide by yourselves the way to go. Without asking your parents you should decide by yourself, harmonizing, with God's guidance, the essence of your original self deep within your heart towards your future purpose.

You have to decide what kind of person you will be in the future around the age of 18 to 20 years. You must know about this yourself through your prayer and meditation. You may feel you need to enter Seoul National University, but I don't know if that is a good thing or not.

Nobody knows his fate. If you die after receiving your Ph.D., all your efforts over ten years will have been in vain.

Everybody has his inherent talent. Human beings have various unique characteristics. Therefore, people go in different directions within the 360-degree spectrum.

However, if all of you were trying to go the same direction, say, 90 degrees or 60 degrees, it would be a serious problem.

When I studied, my major was electrical engineering. Although I studied science, I knew the way I would go in the future. The reason I studied electrical engineering was because I needed the mathematical ability to accomplish a great task in the future.

In some sense, since electrical engineering deals with invisible things, it is connected to religion. For example, if you look at the world of phenomena, you can know that there is always an electrical aspect to every movement. This means that every action of the universe has something to do with the reciprocity between subject and object.

Then, how is it that a magnet can counter the gravitational pull of the earth? What kind of action does that make possible? The magnet bypasses the earth's gravity with a lesser power. Do you understand what this means?

Therefore, our conscience is the same. Once you are born in this world, the background to your birth is already precisely known. However, you should make the decision about your path by yourself according to your conscience. If you cannot sense or determine this matter, you will not be able to accomplish something great in the future." Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon

3) Adjusting to the Direction of the Original Mind

If those of you become those who can fit the substance and essence of the teachings of the Completed Testament age or Divine Principle, everything will go well for you in the future.

Even those who are in their twenties and attending prestigious colleges, in reality they do not have knowledge.  In the olden days of Korea, those who would search the mountains for wild ginseng possessed some sort of spiritual ability or sixth sense.  Through this spiritual "antennae" they were able to find the wild ginseng.

Such things are possible.  Why is it necessary to have this awareness?  With such abilities, we can escape being victimized and we instead gain in a way.  Therefore, it is not a waste of time to seek such a way.

Being born on a strong foundation of your parents' faith, youth should decide by the age of ten or twenty which direction they want to go in life.  When one has such a resolve for their life at a young age, even though you may go in a different direction than you planned, your body will turn towards the proper way.

Everything will be guided.

"For example, although you are sleeping facing the east and thinking to go east the next morning, if it is wrong to go east your body will turn toward the south. Your body itself knows that. It is very sensitive." 

If you do not reach such a spiritual level, you cannot be a great leader in the future.

 We are near the  time when your spiritual level will be evaluated automatically.  Ten people in a village, three people will have spiritual power. They will all know what the others are thinking. Right now is the time to set the right attitude and devote yourself.

If you were born on a foundation of parents that devoted themselves to God's mission and you devote yourself as well, you will be able to clearly make plans for the future through your own deep mediation and prayer at the same level.  This is the normal position. If this cannot be accomplished, nothing will be successful.

If you adjust the direction of your original mind, little by little, your life will enter a narrow valley.  If you go in the northern direction when you are supposed to go in the eastern direction, it will not work.

If you follow the way of the original mind, the universe will show one way to you. That is faster and more powerful than a bullet. 

This is a sense we all should have. When we reach this level, you can speak with your own mind.  As soon as you think about what to do, the answer will come to you immediately.  The examinations questions, the page number to study will just come to your mind and out your mouth.  You can advance to this stage of spiritually.

Don't people at such a stage know the way to go? Because they have clarified their way, all the power of the universe comes to help. When you enter the examination hall, your writing hand and all things will cooperate with you. If this is so, you will be able to achieve something great.

A true person can live based on such a background of power and be supported by infinite power which enables him to go in the direction he is moving.  When he begins to go in the wrong direction, he will come to know this immediately.

The church which teaches the Completed Testament is not the same as the Old and new Testament.  I has a deep and high foundation a framework of great strength.

Everything can be solved once we reach such a spiritual state with your own effort and work.  First, you as an individual must make a decision in which direction you are headed and where you would like to end up.  You know yourselves the best which way this is.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Part II

Textbook: The Way for a True Child, Chapter, The Way of the Original Mind

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