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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Men, Women Misuse Love Root of Evil

When we look at the situation in the world and all of the problems, we realize that they all stem from men and women problems!  When men and women can mutually come together, all problems can be solved easily.

How is it that this could be the answer to all problems?

If we look backwards from a nation, a nation is made up of a society.  Well, you can't have a society without families.  Families begin with a man and woman coming together to produce children. 

The lack of unity within one family creates problems which are spread into society and throughout the world.  Man and woman cannot live emotionally well without each other.

For one to live well they need to gain knowledge to learn how to live and they need emotion which triggers happiness.

Which quality is more important - emotion or intellect?  After God finished each day of creation, He would finish by saying it was good.  This is because His emotions were stimulated and He experienced joy in seeing the completion of His ideal.  Any artist who has a plan for what they will create experiences joy to finally behold the final product and share it with the world.

"All the problems of the World will end when men and women come to together in harmony. Problems cannot be resolved on the world level or through social programs. It is the family problem that needs to be resolved. If that is accomplished all "world problems" and "social problems" will be resolved." SMM

We see that revolutions arise to improve a society's situation, but in the case of the realm of Heart, there cannot be a revolution.  True love is unchanging. 

What makes a family happy?  When every member is united in heart.  The family's emotional state is important for a happy society.

Mind And Body Problems

You cannot establish World Peace by force. World Peace starts in the family. In your own family you can see many problems. Beginning with the Grand Parents, the Parents and all relatives we can recognize that all have individual problems. All these problems relate back to the lack of mind and body unity centered on God.

What will bring about World Peace?  Can war solve all the world's problems?  Dictators of Communist countries believe forcing their citizens to obey their laws brings unity of a nation.  

World Peace will never be established by force. 

Where is the beginning point of World Peace: in your own family, where you see many problems.  The individual problems of a family stem from the grandparents and can be recognized through observing the parents and all relatives.

Which problem is found in every family member?  Everything relates to the mind and body problem. The problem of the struggle between the Godly mind and the satanic body.  This is true for the husband's side and the wife's side of the family totaling 16 people with this inherited problem of the fall. 

Even if one individual person was to eradicate sin, such as Jesus, it cannot bring World Peace.

World of Peace

Why did God not create a world full of love without sin?  One must first understand the deeper context of the Fall of Man in order to see why God cannot not stop sin. 

All problems in the world begin with you, I and me!  I must resolve my individual problem first before I begin a family.

People who say, "I'll do whatever I want as long as it does not hurt anybody, it's okay".  This is not freedom.  There is no freedom unless the Mind and the Body are united.  If a person thinks they are free by being loose, just freely having sex with several partners a week, living only for themselves, or obeying every pleasure the bodies wish, freedom laughs at such a person.  This person thinks rules belong to the others.

 "A building can only be built on plain level ground. When your mind is always fighting your body, you are up and down and go through peaks and valleys. This takes much of your energy and you can not build a proper life for yourself. Because you are constantly fighting a war there is no motivation to do anything else."

After women shouted for equal rights and freedoms, they always say that they are higher than men.  Women who continue this way cannot progress.

Abide By Natural Law

If women are on top of men, it is against the Principle.  Women have switched positions and dominate the husband and the family.  Society must correct this trend, it cannot be ignored.  We must abide by the natural law before we can prosper.

What would the world be like if it was made up of only men and no women?  Many men would not want to walk the street at night out of fear.  What if it was made of only women?  The gossiping and rumors would be out of control! A world without either men and women would be a world of chaos.

Love Order

The world comes into order because, everyone goes home at night because of love of a man or woman.  If there are a million men in love with a million women, there is no problem no matter how many men and and women in love are out on the street.

The reason for marriage is to set up a prototype for God.  God needs a perfect individual then a perfect family in which He can directly relate.  There can only be one such family, if there are two prototypes for a family, this means one of them is false.

"God must have a man and woman prototype. Man represents Heaven and woman represents Earth. Earth and Heaven can come together into unity when man and woman who both have united mind and body come together. That will create True Peace."

 The same is true for man.  First, every individual should obtain mind and body unity.  It is not good for a woman to go to her husband to find unity of mind and body.

Which Woman Here Is Perfect?

Who has ever met a perfect woman.  Everyone has met a woman who believed she was perfect, correct?  Even though no woman has become perfect based on God's ideal, people claim 'my' children, 'my' husband without being the standard of a True Mother or wife.

Satan came and destroyed the standard of families and made the whole world hell.  Now, we are living in the time where everything will be restored.  It is God's time.

The whole established world is our enemy. Immorality, homosexuality and incest is destroying America. Love and Emotion have become degraded because of free sex. Emotions have been completely wiped out. That is why there is wide spread alcohol and drug abuse. If you use drugs, you are like a car that is being crushed. People do not even know that satan is behind all of their activity and believe they are practicing freedom..

AIDS can be good if it discourages free sex.  There is wide spread individualism in this nation. Individualism means that I do not need my grand parents, parents, clan, nation and world. After a while suicide will be the only way out.

The Second Coming restores the first parents mistake by becoming True Parents.  True Paremts reveals satan's work throughout history.  Those who oppose satan in these last days must be on God's side.  Satan works through communism and must follow the Messiah.  The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins when the  Messiah sets this standard for man.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Cooperation of True Husband and Wife

This text was rewritten and derived from the textbook: New Families and the Completed Testament based upon the Divine Principle authored by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

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