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Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Is Cause of Human Disunity w/God Part III

Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.  The man said, "This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman' for she was taken out of man." 
This is why a man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife, and they become one flesh.  Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.  Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the other animals which the Lord God made.  He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden?" 
The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God said, "You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die."

Welcome to the weekend everyone, this Sunday will be a day off for Achieve World Peace blog I will return Monday with the post God is in prison.  Two points here, What was the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil?  And why after Eve believed the snake and saw that the tree was "good for eating and pleasing to the eye" and ate, she and Adam were then ashamed of their nakedness and cover themselves.

One hint to what the fruit and tree symbolized is the fact that Adam and Eve were naked all of this time and were never naked, but after they shared the fruit God asked why do they hide and cover themselves and who had told them they were naked. Every painting of Adam and Eve shows after they were ashamed they are covering their sexual parts yet are naked and not covering their parts before or while they ate the fruit.

If you have not read the previous parts another large hint is that the tree symbolizes the body of Eve.  What is in the middle of the tree or body that you think God holds as off limits until maturity?

Conditions For Satan's Accusations

To God, Satan the devil who once held God's rules above all else, became the adulterer of love by stealing God's love and using it selfishly to obtain Eve who was to be Adam's wife.

So far, God has been dealing with all the accusations the devil has been making. God had to persevere in His heart until today in order to redeem the condition that would enable Him to say in front of all humankind that He loved the devil.

Why is that so?

Had the archangel not fallen, he would have remained an archangel, but could not have entered heaven without being loved by God. God and His sons and daughters enter heaven only after they are able to love the archangel no matter what indecencies and acts he commits.

That is why Satan accuses them, and you and me in front of God. He says, "I did become the devil, but Your principle of creation, the original principled standard remains intact. So isn't it the rule that You and Your children cannot go to heaven unless you and they love me?" When Satan says this, God has to say "yes." Until now, Satan has been grasping God by His neck and accusing Him as well.

Who is Satan?

He is the adulterer of God's love. This evil son of the unholy and all names that come to mind for a wicked beast destroyed the moral principles of heaven and still he is shamelessly holding onto humanity living on the earth, he is gnawing at people, stripping everything from them and abusing them through the use of their bodies to continue his evil deeds.

If humanity was aware that their evil ways were not their 'free acts' as they think, but millions of devils and evil spirits using their body to keep them away from the light of God, they would turn away.

How Humanity Can Return to God

Satan knows that if he does not lie that his way of infidelity, fallen sex, evil words and such is more fun and better than God's pure way or if he leaves humanity alone, they will quickly return to God in an instant because they have an original mind that leads them back to Him.

During the winter, tree branches and buds seem to wither and die, but once the spring time comes, these tree branches start budding in the morning spring sunlight.  In the same way, if you only give freedom and love to a person's heart, his original mind will naturally return toward God. 

This is why Satan tries with his utmost power to do the opposite in order to occupy hell.  Yet, humanity is blind to the fact of this daily spiritual war between God and Satan.  God depends and relies on His soldiers of faith to liberate and unify humanity which is unaware of their destiny and path back to the restoration of God. 

This includes you who has the awareness to read such deep content.  God wishes that people of faith will practice loving their enemy and pray unceasingly to unite with God's will to bring lost brothers and sisters back to the heavenly path.  Instead many of us have separated in our different religions and judge those people in need instead of bringing them to the gates of God.

So, how do we fight this tragic war of God and Satan, Good against evil with evil becoming stronger  throughout the millennium?

At any cost and through any sacrifice we have to settle the score with the adulterer who offended our Father. However we cannot do it with guns and swords. Unless we have a greater love, there is no way to exact repayment from him; that is how I see it. Therefore God can take the position according to the original principle of creation only after He is able to love His enemy.

Why? It is because originally, at the time of creation, the devil, Satan, who is the archangel, was supposed to be loved by God. Since he was meant to receive love eternally, he still has a firm grip on God, and says. "If You want to be God, You must establish the principle that would provide for You to love me, even though I have fallen; otherwise You cannot stand in the position of the Ruler of this universe!" This is where the problem lies. This is truly a stunning truth.

Satan reversed the original Principle of Creation which was God's ideal of a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with God completely united with His sons and daughters.  Satan knew this plan of God and reversed dominion by taking over God's children becoming the ruler and father of this hellish earth.  God has been fighting this Satan face to face and plans to restore the world back to the original idea.

Until now God has been employing a strategy to prevent the rise of the conditions that lead to Satan's accusation and to take humanity back from him. Christians have had no idea about God's dreadful situation. They think only of the glorious God, saying, "Oh, great God dwelling in the glory of heaven and earth!"

Who is Satan? To God he is the adulterer. Forgiving the adulterer would go against the heavenly principle, so God cannot forgive him. Therefore, even though God can forgive the people of the satanic world a hundred or a thousand times, He absolutely cannot forgive Satan. That is why the great judgment will come.

Who will be judged in the great judgment?

It is wrong to believe that God judges people in the Last Days and sends them to hell or heaven.  It is not human beings, but Satan, who dwells like a master in their souls, who will be judged.

Satan is the enemy who violated love. He is a wretched thief who entered the house while the parents were asleep, murdered the father and raped the mother.

Who is Satan? He is the enemy of love who raped God's beloved Eve, God's partner in substantial form.

Just by forgiving the enemy who has done you wrong this is not love alone.  We must have such a heart for the adulterer that has stolen your wife that you can still love and bless that person without cursing them.  This is the final obstacle to reach heaven, a kind of test of heart.  Yet, people say that the only way to heaven is just believe that Jesus is the Messiah and you will go to heaven.

Christians believe that Adam and Eve fell by eating the fruit, after the serpent incited them with whispered words. They have no idea of the workings of these fundamental principles. You cannot imagine how sad, miserable and frustrated God is because of this misguided reasoning of the account of Adam and Eve's fall.

He is sadder, more frustrated and more miserable than anyone in history. The moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God's heart nearly burst with distress. And yet, God could not help loving them. You must understand this.

Many think that since God did not stop Adam and Eve from disobeying Him that God was ready and forthright to punish them right after or that God knew it was going to happen. When Adam and Eve were about to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do you think God said, "It is just what I expected. Go ahead!"? Certainly not! His heart withered and all senses focused on that place. God was trembling and bleeding. He felt like crying out "You must not eat the fruit!"

Because of such indescribable sorrow and frustration He was unable to think of anything else.  Do you think God simply watched Adam and Eve eat the fruit of good and evil? If He had a sword, He would have wanted to cut out that history, cut out the whole world, but His position did not allow Him to do that. Even though God created the Principle and laws of the Universe, in order to be an absolute God, He must practice within His own laws.  God cannot have anything to do with evil and He will close his eyes, ears and mouth to these acts.  All He could do was be overwhelmed with grief.

Once humanity realizes how detrimental the fall was, which is a man and woman who are not blessed in marriage by God giving into satanic love relations, they would do all within their power to turn away from temptations.

If Adam and Eve had been able to fathom God's inner heart, they could not have possibly fallen. God loved His children as a Parent, but they did not understand the depth of His parental heart. Of course Adam and Eve fell while they were still young, but their young age itself was not the cause of the Fall. Rather, they fell because they were lacking in heart and were selfish to their own needs forgetting God all together in their union.

If Adam and Eve had truly felt God within their hearts and related to Him and followed Him, knowing He lived for them never being separated, they would never have committed the Fall.

Ultimately Adam and Eve fell because they could not reach unity in heart with God. This dreadful problem occurred because their desires deviated from God's desires and the direction of their thinking was different from the direction of God's thinking.

A robber killed the original father and raped the mother. Fallen human beings today are in the position of children who were born from that relationship.

Who is Satan?

He is the enemy of God's love. Satan is the adulterer who violated the children of God, so even the God of love cannot forgive him. There is no way to forgive the adulterer of love. Others can be forgiven, but Satan cannot. If he is forgiven, the heavenly law will break down.

We are fallen descendants who betrayed God's heart. Do you know what it was that our ancestors betrayed? Do you think that they just ate the fruit of good and evil that God had forbidden them to eat?

No. They betrayed God's heart. That is the problem. What kind of heart did they betray? It was the heart of the ideal of creation, the heart filled with hope.

Some may wonder why can't God just put Satan away once and for all.  If you read the previous posts, you will see how when Eve had a sexual relationship with Lucifer, he passed his insecurities and fallen nature to her which she passed to her husband Adam.  When they had children this entered the bloodline. 

If God tries to remove the lineage all at once, He would end up destroying the whole human race which has the dirty bloodline inherited from Satan.  If God extracted the blood in order to save us from sin at once, human beings would disappear we as fallen human beings each have the fallen blood keeping us alive even in our sinful fallen state.

Love is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. This became the ideal standard. God therefore cannot strike human beings as the object partners of that love. You must understand this.

God had to go through saints, sages and Jesus in order to slowly restore His children back to the original ideal of creation.  Even then, God had to completely depend on the outcome of His chosen ones and work through their countless failures throughout the ages. 

Because man fell, man is the one who must take the responsibility to follow God back to the original position.  We must know that if God could have just magically snapped His fingers, restoration would have happened during the time period that Adam and Eve were on the earth.

How did Satan manage to oppose God for six thousand years? Until now Satan has been holding the Principle in front of God. Satan says. "God, can You punish me? If You want to punish me You must destroy heaven and earth first.  When You created me, didn't You intend to love me with the love belonging to the completion level, even though it would be only a love meant for an archangel?" 

Satan knows that God will not destroy Him and that God must love Satan no matter what even if He cannot forgive him for killing endless numbers of His children.  Satan continuously throughout history would accuse God's children of the sinless acts that they would commit in order to do as he pleases knowing that God is bound by His own law.  That is until the Messiah returned with the words that you have read for the past three days revealing the crime of the archangel.

I know that these last three posts have reached the right people because the two weeks before posting this I had a strong battle with evil physical and spiritual trying to keep me from posting to any of my pages or blogs, an extreme battle against heaviness and extreme hate came toward me to get these posts written.  I had forgotten that this information, the crime of Satan being revealed to hundreds of people about how He had sexual relations with Eve and not just tempted her with a fruit has always been hidden by Satan at all costs. 

Once people understand the magnitude of the fall and that humanity still falls into the hands of Satan's temptation of making fallen sex outside of God's realm look enticing and go they decide to go the opposite way toward purity and saving the key to their sexual organs for their spouse, then slowly Satan loses power.

Jesus taught us the standard of how to be a filial son and brother, but he was not able to show us the proper way to be a husband and father because he never had children.  That is why he said he would return through another in the Last Days to complete his mission, but his disciples and even people of faith to this day could not understand this.

Before the Second Coming, there has been no place for God to stand because He did not have a filial son or a system of love that could uphold the standard of the heavenly kingdom by having people fulfill the way of a patriot, saint and divine son or daughter. Until now, God has been incarcerated and in confinement. The heavenly kingdom became an empty ruin. God has carried this sorrow in His heart until the truth has been revealed and God can finally take back dominion over the earth.

Return for Monday's Post: God Has Been in Prison

This text was derived and written from the book: Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 8, chapter 2, sec. 5.

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