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Monday, January 28, 2013

Depression is a Spiritual Battle

You know these commericals that speak about how it "hurts"?  This is so true!  It is so painful!  The feeling of pins, needles, uneasiness, as if you want to tear off your skin and scratch underneath it.  There is nothing that can ease the pain.  Pills, medications, drugs, exciting outwardly activities only take your mind away from the pain, but it is still there.

I can only speak this way because I have been battling depression since I was 14 years old?  It was only in the last 7 years that I was able to understand the true cause of it and why no one has been able to remedy the situation and only have been able to MASK it.  Also, why no matter how happy a person's situation and finances are, there is nothing that can take away this horibble pain in your body when you are at home and quiet.

This is why the phenom of celebrities who do have it all, kill themselves, take excessive drugs, do horrible destructive activities to themselves.  Nothing can take the pain away, and if it takes this behavior to keep their mind from it even temporarily, then it seems better than suffering a pain no one can take away.

The only way I can describe my personal pain is two different types.  At one time it felt like pine cones were all through my body trying to get out of my body but were stuck.  The other kind is the feeling of heavy metal where I can not breath and encases my whole body.  I feel heavy and it is hard to get through the day.  It is worse when my outward situation is gloomy.  Such as bad relationship, gloomy day, rainy or cold, being scolded by teachers, boss or someone I respect.

The commerical speaks about how when the sun comes up it hurts.  Sometimes, you want to get into a cocoon and zip up and stay safe in it like a mother's womb.  Non-movement sometimes makes the pain less.

Spritiual Battle

I would like to first begin by saying that I was diagnosed with clinical depression in the military, but didn't want it on my record, so I never took prescriptions or pills mainly because of this:

I know that masking it was going to make it worse in the long run and I wanted to fight it without any drugs.  Even prescription.  Even advil.  I took an oath that I would not mask it in any way, I wanted to be clear and find out.  10 years later and I have nearly free from the pain.  I wouldn't advise it to anyone who does not have the tools to understand the real cause of it.

The real cause of clinical depression?  Troubled spirits.  No one will believe it.  But the pain that is felt through a person who is very sensitive spiritually and can feel their own spirit body within their own fleshly body.  This person feels "pain" that no doctor can diagnose because no doctor has an x-ray that shows the spiritual body.  Unfortunately, technology is more limited than our SUPER human selves think. 

If so, we would be able to see that all of our bodies are being inflicted.  Some have more degrees of pain placed upon their spiritual bodies than others. 

In our teen years we are open to everything, and that is when I started to feel the real internal pain to my spiritual body beginning at 14.  Those wild emotions had somehow attuned to my own body and spiritual awareness.  I could not understand it at the time.

Those who are gifted to never have clinical depression will never know why a perfectly outward appearance and lifestyle of a person doesn't mean squat when they are tortured internally.  Partying, being around a lot of people who do not give you any problems or adore you keeps the mind off of the pain, but only shortly.


God created Adam and Eve so that, had they not fallen, they could have created everything by themselves. We are now removing evil spirits through the holy song sessions. By the way, God said that if Adam and Eve had not fallen, we would not have needed hospitals. We would be able to see and feel holistically. "Where is it that hurts? Where is it congested? Where are the abnormalities?" We could heal anything, using this hand.

When I look at the sicknesses of people in this world today, there are few among them that are brought about because they could not take care of their health. After I see our members' sicknesses, I routinely check how their family lines are spiritually.

More than 90% of them are caused by the spirits that are inside of our bodies. You may not know it well, but you have to know the fact that more than 90% of all sicknesses begin spiritually and are manifest physically.

Of course, when I counsel members who complain about their physical pain, not all of the cases are spiritual. There is a certain percentage of physical causes. I am not saying that everything comes from spiritual causes. If the cause turns out to be physical, I advise them to go to a hospital and receive treatment.

However, when you have a headache, a cold or a pain in your arms and legs, most of those cases are caused by the spirits in your bodies. Therefore, there are many symptoms that hospitals cannot treat. You have to cut off all these spiritual problems and divide yourself from them.

If taking medicines does not work, nor does taking a rest when you feel tired, you will make no mistake by concluding, "This is definitely spiritual." In that case, you simply come to Chung Pyung and remove them by participating in the holy song sessions.

The Chung Pyung providence is truly good. It is putting forth a lot of miracles. It is something that would not be possible anywhere if it were not for True Parents' works for the providence.

The Way To Take Care of Beautiful Physical and Spirit Bodies
Dae Mo Nim
October 26, 2007

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