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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blessing of Ideal HOLY Marriage

Why do movies and women fantasize about getting married and walking down the aisle so much even with the odds against a perfect match? 

Back in the 1960s, romance always ended "Happily Ever After" or was left to the imagination headed toward such an end.  Growing up, it made lots of little girls play dress up in their pretend wedding gowns, and pretend they were walking down the aisle.  Now, I do not know what little girls dream of for their future other than being famous, or the next Teen Mom.  That was insensitive.  But true.

What about that famous, famous line "You complete me?" uttered by Tom Cruise? Who could watch the ending without their heart skipping a beat?  A husband gets the biggest victory in his life after losing his job, respect and girlfriend in 24 hours and the one person who he knew the news mattered most was his wife.  Only they were on their way to an divorce.

This movie hit the dream button on every level.  Single women, divorcee, rich successful guy and regular girl, older women, those waiting for love, all could have their fantasies realized through these two characters.  I am sure after Tom Cruise and his cast's unsuccessful relations, they wish they could have the relationship of Jerry McGuire.  His heart longed for his wife to experience the greatest joy with him.  He finally learned how to love and trust, and a divorced couple were able to get back together sending "Jerry McGuire" into movie legend history for the most memorable line.

Romantic love movies were made famous by Audrey Hepburn and possibly by the epic "Gone With the Wind".

Why do our hearts move at the completion of these stories?  Why do we follow stories that we feel will never come true in real life?  Even on the movie and television screen, movies have moved from the happily ever after to a more reality based plot lines and endings.

These movies, no matter how simple, fulfills every person's wish fulfillment, to have a successful union that lasts an eternity.  Fade Out.  Every part of creation, even a blade of grass, is in pursuit of true love.  One hundred years from now, whatever the medium will be, love stories will resemble the same effect -  an example of how life should be with a spouse.

There should be someone whom you want to embrace for ten thousand years without getting bored. That kind of object should exist there. Only the power of True Love can create that environment and atmosphere.

Nothing else.

Since the universal law seeks that union and protects that union, if anyone in your family, tribe or nation should oppose that process, they will eventually be destroyed. The unifying process between husband and wife should ideally be supported by the entire universe which consists of your own family as well. In this case, whenever a couple would be out walking hand in hand, they would be welcomed and invited by everyone. This kind of joyful and peaceful world would be the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven.

If this couple's children truly come to understand why their father feels the home is empty when their mother is not there, then they will feel joy, the joy of knowing how much their father loves their mother.

Also, your parents and grandparents will be so filled with happiness if you come home and find your new wife not home and accidentally say, "No one is at home", even though the rest of the family is there. They will truly know you live for your wife and your wife lives for you.

Then your parents and grandparents will smile at you. They feel so happy because when it comes to the husband and wife relationship there is such oneness where the convex and concave join into one. No one else is able to interfere in that process, not your brothers and sisters, not your parents, and not your grandparents. In the position of grandparents, you must help your children and grandchildren to find their spouse so that they can fulfill their destiny to form a oneness between concave and convex.

Once absolute oneness occurs between husband and wife your value is as great as God Himself. This is the very key which God is seeking. There is true equality there. Don't you think that your parents or grandchildren lived the life of total oneness between husband and wife? Also, your own children will seek that life. This is an eternal process. No matter how rich and knowledgeable you may become, if there is no total oneness in existence between husband and wife in ideal terms, there can be no peace, no happiness, no unification and no ideal family.

Once you grab your ideal spouse centering upon True Love, should you ever let him or her go? (No.) Should you stick with your spouse throughout eternity? (Yes.)


Because this is the way of eternal True Love. After a true couple join together in sexual intercourse they can never separate. Together with their love partner they belong to a limitless world of True Love. You desire then to dwell in the bosom of your True Love partner? (Yes.) Those who claim not to agree with this idea, are in the position of leaves that will fall to the ground and disappear. They will never become branches of the trunk.

How then are you going to live? Since the first love given you by God is so precious, you must grab onto it and never let it go. No matter how much you may pursue free sex you will never experience the degree of excitement and joy that you will experience from your God-given first love spouse. In American society now, we cannot see those people who cherish and value their first love. Therefore such a nation is doomed to perish.

Neither Adam nor Eve were the origin. The True Love point where they could become one was the point of origin. Once they became totally one they could never become separated. That is the place where True Love dwells. Then they become an ideal couple centered upon True Love. Where is the origin of True Love?

What is your answer?

The place of union of the ideal man and woman in True Love is the origin. Unless you become connected through your sexual organs, there is no way for the love of husband and wife to be eternally bonded. Do you understand just how precious and valuable are the sexual organs of man and woman? Nothing can replace their value. Only the partnership of True Love can control that place forever. Therefore, the ideal marriage between man and woman and their first night of sexual love is the most precious thing in the entire universe.

Centering upon today's topic, where do you want to live your life? In the bosom of your spouse or America? (Bosom of spouse.)

Is that true? (Yes.) How do you want to live your life? Do any parents or grandparents exist that want to see the breakup of their grandchildren and their spouses? (No.) There are no families, nations or world that desire the breakup of the couple. Rather they desire to protect the family. Is there anyone who opposes the ideal total oneness between husband and wife which is the ideal form of couple? Since you understand Father's message, you are qualified to follow the path leading to the Kingdom of God.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: World Peace Through God-given Marriage

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Speech titled "Where and How Do You Want to Live Your Life?" was given in 1996 as the Belvedere Training Center in New York by Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

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