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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Divine Inspiration, Get It

"Before you dominate the world, first dominate yourself."

Actually, I dedicate this post to an experience that recently happened to me a little over a month ago.  After 35 years telling and writing stories, even becoming a journalist, I received divine inspiration and wrote my book in a 24-hour period. 

When I came across this text for this post, I was able to align myself to God's will as "more than imaginary" things were starting to develop, now are explained to me after reading this.  When it happens, you will know for sure that a good, high-level spirit or angel is guiding you along and it will not be a question. The same for the person God sends you to be the one, there is no question that God is guiding you.  But, with a gift comes responsibility.

When you establish in yourself the proper relationship between your mind as subject partner and your body as its object partner, you become the microcosm that resonates with the macrocosm, the spirit world and the physical world. You stand as the mediator and center of harmony between the two worlds because you have set up that harmony within yourself.

For its part, the spirit world rejoices to find in you a channel to work its will on the physical world. Although countless spirits long to do good works on earth, they require a responsive mediator through whom to act. By establishing yourself in the proper position, centered on God, you can meet the needs of the spirit world and become the focus of its attention.

Spiritual Inspiration and Our Response

Let us take some examples. It is well known that the abilities of psychics vary according to their emotional state and the spiritual environment. In the presence of skeptics, they are often disarmed and unable to show their powers. Healers testify that their healing works best when the patient is open and welcomes the work.

Even Jesus, the greatest of healers, said to the ones who were healed, "your faith has made you well" (Mark j:34), and could not do many healings in the face of pervasive unbelief. (Mark 6:5-6) This illustrates the principle that the subject-object relationship between the spirit world and the physical world is mediated through human beings. Doubt and skepticism block the relationship, and hence block the spiritual work. Faith opens the door for receiving spiritual help.

Spiritual inspiration lies behind the creative work of all great inventors, scientists and artists. In Dr. Sung Lee's tour of the spirit world, he saw spirits working in laboratories creating the stuff of invention that would be communicated to earthly scientists years later. Why is it that so many inventions and scientific discoveries are made almost simultaneously by several researchers in different parts of the world working in isolation from each other? When the time arrives for a new invention to be bequeathed to the earth, the spirit world will work through several channels at once.

Numerous accounts abound of scientists receiving the key to new discoveries in dreams or in flashes of unearthly insight. One celebrated example is the elucidation of the structure of benzene by the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule. He had puzzled for years over how its six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms link together. (Ordinary hydrocarbons are built of straight chains of carbon atoms, but a chain of six carbon atoms with the stability of benzene would require fourteen hydrogen atoms).

One night Kekule fell asleep in his chair, and in a dream he saw snakes biting their tails and whirling around like hoops. He awoke and immediately realized that the six carbon atoms of benzene link together in a ring. With that discovery, all the facts of organic chemistry known up to that time fell into place.

Artists, poets and musicians since antiquity have acknowledged the Muse as the source of their creative genius. The words or music just comes to them, as if from a higher source. Take, for instance, this self-description by Mozart:
When I feel well and in a good humor, or when I am taking a drive or walking after a good meal, or in the night when I cannot sleep, thoughts crowd into my mind as easily as you could wish. Whence and how do they come? I do not know and I have nothing to do with it. Those which please me I keep in my head and hum them; at least others have told me that I do so. Once I have my theme, another melody comes, linking itself with the first one, in accordance with the needs of the composition as a whole: the counterpoint, the part of each instrument and all the melodic fragments at last produce the complete work. Then my soul is on fire with inspiration. The work grows; I keep expanding it, conceiving it more and more clearly until I have the entire composition finished in my head though it may be long.
Mozart was graced with the inspiration of music. He received his melodies from the spirit world. Furthermore, he knew what to do with them. He knew what to keep and what to discard, and how to develop them into a composition in accordance with the best of his art. By the time his "soul is on fire with inspiration" he would already be in the midst of co-creating a work of art whose initial seed had come to him as a gift from heaven.
Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance from heaven often arrives cryptic and vague. Even Rev. Moon's directions, which we believe to be accurate in every respect, often are stated in only a few cryptic phrases. How much more uncertain is the guidance through a spiritualist, medium, palm reader or readers of Tarot cards, who has to hazard an interpretation of words and symbols!

The fact is, spiritual guidance must be couched in this way, with meanings hidden in obscure and ambiguous speech. According to the Divine Principle, people must exercise their portion of responsibility to understand the inspiration given from God and the spirit world. We are not meant to be led around by angels-all spiritual guidance is by nature angelic-but to exercise dominion over the angels as responsible agents through our own wisdom.

Otherwise, if spiritual messages were explicit, we would be little more than servants of those angelic beings, only doing their bidding. To give us the dignity of co-creators, God gave us responsibility to chart our own course with limited information, for example:
God could not instruct Cain and Abel on how to properly make their sacrifices because it was their portion of responsibility that Cain make his sacrifice with Abel's help.
God had directly revealed to John [the Baptist] that Jesus was the Messiah, and... he said, "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Make straight the way of the Lord," and declared that he was the one who had been sent before the Christ. Therefore, John should have realized through his own wisdom that he was the returning Elijah. Even if he not did not realize this fact, since God had revealed to him that Jesus was the Messiah, he should have accepted the testimony of Jesus and, in obedience, proclaimed himself to be Elijah.
Our responsibility begins with effort to understand heaven's guidance with a public mind. Any selfishness or conceit may blind us to the will of heaven.
Therefore, when Rev. Moon says not to interpret his directions, he means we should not wriggle out of the path of sacrifice by cleverly reducing Heaven's request into something comfortable. We must anyway interpret what we receive in a cryptic and vague form, but we should do so with a public mind, following the Principle, ready and willing to take on whatever burden may be required. Then we will not go wrong. Our responsibility ends with action. In attempting to carry out a spiritual direction according to the best of our understanding, the direction will often become crystal clear.

All spiritual inspiration goes for naught without the training and motivation of the earthly people to make use of it. Everyone has an occasional flash of inspiration, perhaps the theme for a new song or the idea for a new invention. Usually we don't know what to do with them, so they slip in and out of our heads while we carry on with our ordinary lives. On the other hand, those scientists and artists who received the most exceptional gifts of inspiration invariably knew what to do with them. Because they had trained themselves for many years and had mastered the tools of their field, or because they were at such a high level as to be working on the cutting edge of knowledge, their minds could be responsive to the movement of spirit.

When the inspiration came, they understood its meaning and acted upon it. They had the resources and the motivation to work at turning that inspiration into a physical reality. It is said that invention is five percent inspiration and ninety-five percent perspiration. The spirit world looks for such prepared people to entrust with their most precious knowledge. They want to cooperate with earthly people who will strive every day to bring their spiritual design to fruition in the physical world. Such people will complete the link between the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Create an Immortal Masterpiece

Photos: Courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net

This text was is based on the teachings of the late Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon and taken from the textbook: True Family Value written by Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson Chapter 5 - Reaching to the Spirit World Part 1


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