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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How to Love Anybody

All of creation wants and pursues love.  Even grass wants to be loved.  Flowers show their beauty to in order to be recognized by humanity and we return love and appreciation.  Pets, co-workers, evil people nice people, rich.  Every person is in the pursuit of love.  Maybe once we substantialize this reality, we can change the slogan from "pursuit of happiness" to "Pursuit of Love".  Then follow it with through giving of love.

Do you think this is true?  Everything and every one in creation wants love?

There are many confrontations and struggles in society today. Confrontations exist between what might be called the upper and lower classes of races, nations and societies, but the most serious problem of all is the confrontation between the upper and lower classes formed by the difference between wealth and poverty.

To bring unity between the people of the upper and lower classes, we must encourage those of the upper class to unite with those of the lower class and elevate the latter to the level of the former. In order to accomplish that, a central point of absolute value is needed. That central point is God's love.

Then what is God's love like? God's love can dwell with both those of the upper class and the lower class. God's love is never one- directional. It is a force which moves in a spherical manner, capable of revolving freely from the highest point to the lowest. Wherever God's love appears, it is welcomed by all people everywhere, and it creates harmony in all places at all times.

God's love always possesses absolute value whenever and wherever it may be. If we have God's love, we are happy; we feel fulfilled and secure. Though one may be in a low position, he can still love those who are on top, and those in top positions can love those in the lowest positions. In this way, God's love is infinitely free. The people who have His love receive a great welcome wherever they may go.

The world abounds with untruthful love and false teaching, so people are skeptical and will not trust you right away. They have never seen true love or tasted genuine truth, so it's only natural that they not trust you.

You have to penetrate their trust one level at a time, gradually winning their hearts, but it takes time and real effort and love to do it. I want you to have concern and pity for those people who fiercely reject you because they are the people whose hearts have been hurt deeply and who cannot trust. You must understand that they need more love than anyone else, and just give and give and give until their hearts melt.

If there is someone whom you love dearly, but are far away or they do not return your love and you are tortured by this transfer that love.  When you see your enemy and you envision this person as the one you love dearly, you will immediately absorb such a strong personality and win them over.

Love for Enemy

 Those who can unconditionally love everyone, including their enemies, must command the respect of others, whether they are black, white or yellow. This would be true in the past, in the present, and on into the future, even a million years from now. So this must be a universal truth.

Let's talk about the saints. What was the common goal of Jesus, Confucius and Mohammed? Throughout their lives they talked about loving the world, loving mankind. For them, national boundaries meant very little. They transcended such boundaries as customs, traditions, cultures.

American people today, however, simply cannot go beyond their own culture and habits. As Americans you eat cheese, bread and butter. Korean people also have their own habits. They eat kimchee and hot pepper sauce, and they cannot go beyond that. There is a tremendous power to such habits and it is very difficult to go beyond these cultural boundaries. But the person who would become an international man must go beyond his national boundaries, even if he receives persecution and hardship.

Saints, then are those who go beyond their national and cultural boundaries, and try to love and give life to the whole world and all of mankind. It is not an easy way of life. How do we know it is not easy? There have been many billions of people who have lived on the earth, but we can talk about only four great saints. This proves how difficult it is to live the standard of a saint.

What are the qualities of a saint?

 A saint loves all of mankind as his own family, his own country. This standard never changes throughout history. How many people have lived and practiced such a way of life? How many saints are there in America? Wherever you travel in the world there are anti-American movements. Americans are hated and are even expelled from many places in the world. Why? Because Americans have not been living according to this principle. Instead they have been trying to benefit themselves at the expense of the world. They have not tried to help or serve any country except the United States.

Many times Americans do not try to teach their technology to other countries but just keep it to themselves as a secret. But people with true love would see that this is not the right kind of ethical practice. This kind of standard has to be criticized and condemned in the name of justice. True love must go in the opposite direction.

America, for example. has given foreign aid to certain countries. Instead of expecting a return on that money, as though it were an investment, America ought to give that money and forget it. She should let the money work for the good of the local inhabitants. What if parents kept a record of how much money they spent on each child, saying, "Last year I spent $5,000 on you, so you owe me $5,000. For the last 30 years, you owe me $45,000." Is that the parental way? Of course not. Parents do everything unconditionally for the children, and forget what they have done.

That way of giving is the central theme of an ideal society; it can also be called the backbone of the ideal society.

Loving the Unattractive

The face itself represents just the present; it shines for only one generation and then it fades. Watch and see. With so-called unattractive women, the first impression may be, "Oh, she's ugly!" But look very carefully and you may see that the so-called ugly woman has beautiful eyes, lovelier than the so-called beautiful woman.

Also her nose and ears are uniquely lovely, like masterpieces. You want to look at them again and again. When one looks at someone, they shoyld  pay a lot of attention to parts of the body which other people don't-like the hands. Hands can tell a lot about the person's past-what her ancestors were like and what her future will be. The ankle tells what kind of future she will have. Her bosom and hips and what she looks like from behind all contain a lot of information. The four limbs are very important. The handsome or beautiful face exists for only one generation, so it doesn't represent the past or the future. We have to love our spouse first, and then we can appreciate or complain about his or her face but only after we have loved them.

Observe for yourself. Beautiful women usually can't laugh symmetrically. In fact, they may look rather unattractive when they laugh. If you want to be very particular and find faults, you can find dozens of them in a beautiful woman. But with a not-so-beautiful woman, this is not the case.

When God looks at a particular person, He sees all her ancestors and all the small details of her life. Do you think God has the same opinions about someone that you do? He may have a different opinion. God is very fair. One person might complain, "Why was I born homely?" but God never gives two precious things to the same person.

Don't ever look at a particularly handsome man or beautiful woman and say, "Oh, that's the kind of spouse I like." Forget it, because that quality is not precious. From this perspective, there are two different types of persons: the man and woman who are very attractive but who show off everything externally. They have nothing left on the inside. Or there is the less attractive man or woman who takes everything in. He or she may not look so exciting on the outside, but inside there are stored treasures you can't even imagine.

Who is usually more talkative, the beautiful woman or the not-so-beautiful one? And who is usually not so responsible in her way of life? Who is more changeable? It is the beautiful woman. The lesson here is that we must really be able to find the good points in the less attractive woman. One may be beautiful but she doesn't have anything else, so it's a trade-off. God never gives two precious gifts to the same person.

Therefore, don't be proud of how you may look. Others who may not have good looks will have other assets so that eventually he or she may rank higher in value. By the same token, don't be disappointed if you don't have good looks because you have plenty of what the good-looking person doesn't have. Whether you are beautiful or not doesn't matter. It is most valuable to live with an awareness of the past and of the historical nature of other people.

Blacks, Whites, and Indians

This way of life is based on God-centered ideas and outlook is much more precious than the American way of life.

Reverend Moon ask white people, "How much have you shed tears and sweat?" Before criticizing black people, first you must live for their sake, cry and shed blood and sweat for them. Then you can criticize them. Thousands of black people were brought forcibly to this country from Africa. Many of them died along the way. This happened only a few generations ago.

How about the Indians? How many Indians were killed? Indians flourished for many years on this continent, but in less than 100 years they were virtually annihilated. How did this happen? It was not by a plague. Columbus visited America; he didn't find America. America was already there! A lot of people were there. Columbus was just one visitor. Now America has millions of visitors from everywhere.

That's the way God see America. There is no other way of seeing this country.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: What is True Love?

photos courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net

Today's post is a compilation of excerpts given by Dr. Rev Sun Myung Moon based on his teachings of the Divine Principle, the Completed Testament.

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