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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The War Between Mind and Body

What is the most fearful war amongst all wars? 

The greatest damage you can experience in your life is the damage caused from the war between your mind and your body; greater than any calamities, tribulations -- or even devastation -- in the world caused by any other wars in history. You must know clearly that there remains a mountain of wreckage and debris caused by the various incidents of defeat of your mind. Your mind has been defeated numerous times in these battles, every day, between the mind and body. Yet, people are unaware of this fact.

However, you always remember any physical harm you have experienced. For instance, if you fell down, by tripping on a stone while you were walking on a street, you would remember clearly after one year; even you would not forget this for the rest of your life. You would recall an event saying, "I broke my foot right at this place, several decades ago, because I tripped and fell." You would never forget such a thing. On the other hand, there are countless people who would never think of or remember the defeats of their mind in the relentless war between their mind and body.

Considering this fact, no matter how loudly you may proclaim your own importance, you are really no more than a defeated soldier standing with a white flag in your hand. Originally, you were created to dominate your body, with the result of your mind being victorious, in the lifelong battle of mind and body. Yet, this ideal never came to pass; with the ensuing result that your mind and body each pursue contrary aims.

Your Worst Enemy

Then, what is the most fearful war among all wars? You must recognize that the war that continues centered on you and inside you is the most fearful in human history and may last forever.


It is no comparison to World War II. "You" are in this eternal war within yourself. You must know that "you" are standing at the frontline of this theater in this eternal war.

The first human family started with false love and did not establish the perfected true love character of a true person, a true couple, and true parents. The fruit of false love, fallen mankind’s selfishness, destroys the true order, beginning with the discord of mind and body and expanding into division and struggle in the family, nation, and world.

The solution and cure for humankind’s affliction, therefore, is to return to God through the principle of restoration by indemnity. Through true love for others, you can stop the struggle between your mind and body and be restored into your original character of true love. Humankind needs to receive the blessing and create an ideal family from true parents who are the model of true love character. We need to restore the individual and true family and expand true love and goodness to the world level.

The strategy of Satan, who originated sin, is always to destroy the ideal of true family and to prevent true family from taking root and becoming substantialized. This led to God’s three headaches during the past 50 years. The first headache was communism, which denies God’s existence. The second is corruption and immorality. The third is the division and disunity among denominations and world religions.

Think about it. How many innocent people died because of communism?

Over 100 million were killed as a result of communism, and millions more were enslaved, starved, abused and wounded, and spent their whole life in suffering. But in addition to deaths and physical suffering, the crime of communism is even bigger: spreading false truth denying God and make men and women unable to find their ultimate value through connection to God.

Immorality, the second headache of God, is destroying families and countries and taking lives just as surely as an invading army. Moral corruption is one of the main causes of divorce, teenage pregnancies, crime, and drug addiction. The decline of morality is not limited to any single nation’s borders but is becoming the world’s common problem. The worldwide AIDS plague is a direct consequence of sexual promiscuity and moral decay. Through diseases such as AIDS, humankind's existence will be threatened.

How about God's third headache – the division and disunity within Christianity and between the world religions? For God, religious people are the conscience of the world. Religious people should have traditions and values and practical power to overcome evil. But instead they are divided. They antagonize and fight with each other. They have became incompetent and have lost the power to overcome evil and educate the world about the true way of life.

Importance of Man’s Portion of Responsibility

These three fundamental headaches are the direct result of the failure 50 years ago of those chosen to receive God’s message.

From God’s point of view, all of that suffering was totally unnecessary. All the misery, death, and destruction were not inevitable. It could have been avoided. If in the late 1940s, the religious world, centering on Christianity, had followed God’s revelation and become one with the true family ideal, then communism would have naturally declined. Also, through the influential leadership and example of each religion, the degeneration of youth, broken families, and AIDS would never have grown into a worldwide plague.

Confronting God’s three headaches, particularly communism, made those who fought it unpopular and controversial. Those who have done their research on the Divine Principle which this blog is based upon, they will know that the author was labeled a fascist and a religious charlatan. 

He was even jailed in the United States on trumped-up charges of tax evasion. Nevertheless, for 25 years, he been pouring out his heart, and energy to make the United States understand its global providential responsibilities.

Through his work in the Western Hemisphere and around the world, he was able to help the United States overcome communism. Now communism has almost disappeared. But immorality and social decay are systematically attacking the family. Modern thinking holds that the traditional family is only one kind of family and that even homosexuals can form a family and have children through adoption or artificial insemination.

This is being done without any thought of the dire consequences of undermining and destroying a fundamental biological, social, and spiritual unit that has been vital to human survival for tens of thousands of years. It is ironic that scientists warn of the threat to endangered species of plants and animals, but do not study far more seriously the consequences of family destruction.

Today God is asking us these questions: Will it be necessary to lose one-third of humanity before it is saved? Will we destroy the earth’s natural resources and environment before we learn to live in harmony with the creation as God originally intended? God will never give up! He will save this world, no matter what, and He will save it through the ideal and structure of the true family.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Cheating is Cheater's Fault, No Exception!

Photos courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net

Speech titled "Realization of a Peaceful World by the Ideal of Family" given at the 4th Global World Peace Conference in Washington, D.C. 1997

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