Of course there was much blood shed and many wrongs of the past, but from the viewpoint of values, we must restore this to the present time because this opposite direction leads to destruction.
But Americans will not just simply accept such statements. We must be able to clearly explain why we must live a purer way. We must do so quickly because the time is short and unless we cand do this, America cannot be saved.
There have been many changes in public opinion taking place without you even realizing it. Righteous Americans have joined the staff of the Washington Times, even taking a cut in salary, because they felt inspired to join the new conservative movement.
How responsible do you feel for following these words?
Many speeches speak about witnessing to the home church providence in your area comprising of 360 homes. How many homes in the past week did you visit in your home church area?
Throughout history, many religious people have made tremendous sacrifices and millions have been martyred for their belief in God. Because of this collective merit of sacrifice and blood, home church is now possible.
There is a value and meaning to this providence because the 360 homes in your area represent all the people in the world.
By witnessing to them, you are doing the same work as working with people all over the world. Through this, you are able to restore your family.
If you are not able to do the work of home church, you will be severely judged later.
On the church level, we have not been able to go beyond the family level. There are many families, but in comparison to the ultimate goal this accomplishment is small. Unless we are able to go to the larger levels of society nation and world, our level of freedom will not be complete in the spirit world. We will have limited movement there.
As we do the work of restoration every day, corresponding areas in spirit world open and are created at the same time. At best we have the freedom, right now, to move about at the community level.
There are many borders and boundaries in areas of the spirit world just as there are here on earth.
We witness to people on a one-to-one basis, but at this rate how will be able to expand to the world level?
Your responsibility is to expand to the highest levels.
This is for the sake of your clan. When you do home church and the people there understand God and His will through the Completed Testament, Divine Principle, then they will be able to educate your clan. They will become better teachers than you are.
You can think of it in relation to Cain and Abel in your clan. Your responsibility in the Abel position is to stand on the central point guiding others, living the heavenly, vertical standard yourself.
When you are able to do that, you are able to inherit the position of a true parent. By standing int hat position, you receive God's love directly, Father love. Mother's love and the love of brothers and sisters.
If we were able to see with a spiritual microscope, we would be able to see that every one of your cells reflects one of those kinds of love.
They would not be able to just see you alone in your cells, but that you have achieved unity and selflessness. You can then confidently claim that your 'I' now is different from the 'I' before, because it is reflecting the love of God, parents and brothers and sisters.
Have you thought before about your cells carrying all these different elements of love?
People will automatically like such a person when they see him. When a person lives only for himself, however, it is hard for anyone to like him. It is even more difficult for God to be pleased with him..
But when you are full of love of others, God will love everything about your eyes, nose and everything else that belongs to you.
Your parents would love you more than you love yourself and will want to share everything they have with you.
Whenever anyone comes to visit me, I try to show love to that person and treat him better than anyone has ever treated him in the past. This is the attitude I want to teach you; whenever you take any position, you should take it with the most loving heart. If you become the president of some organization, be the most loving president that group ever had.
When it is time for the blessing, arranged marriage, many may wonder why they were given the spouse that was picked for them and they want a better one. If you think that your fiancee is very difficult to love, then when you are able to love them, you will be the king and queen of love.
Do you think God would like such a complaint and think you should have a different fiancee and will change you around?
We each have an endless realm of love to connect with if you make a success out of your relationship. Certainly, then, God will want to fill you with everything you need.
Every bridegroom should think of his bride as more precious than royalty as if she was his queen and vice-versa.
The blessing is given to reverse the position of the fall and connect man and wife to the direct blood lineage of God. How tragic would it be if you knowingly or unknowingly stopped it? Your ancestors and all of creation will accuse you if you prevent them from being connected to God.
Sometimes, people join the movement with such zeal, but after a few years of hard work, their enthusiasm diminishes. On the other hand, there is the member that doesn't get much attention at first but gradually build up his accomplishments.
Which member would you like to be?
Naturally, you want to go up, not down, but if you do not follow simple directions like working for the home church providence, you are going down. You may say that you will carry out your responsibilities as a person of faith, but how much have you actually carried out?
Maybe the American youth have not lived up to all their promises, but another country will. If the time comes when the white people fail to complete God's time table, then the black people will rise up and become the leaders of the world.
We must realize that America has been helped because it is at the center of God's providence for restoring the world.
If America is not able to do as much as they can and fulfill this mission of world salvation, there will be accusations by your ancestors and all the white people there.
Americans have been taught this material through public speeches and lectures more than any other country and any other religion. The consequences of missing this opportunity will be much more serious than you think!
This morning I am dressed in a suit and tie because of Sunday Service; normally, however, I prefer to wear less expensive clothing. I have trained myself to conserve water which is so plentiful here in America, because I know how little clean water is available in other parts of the world, especially Africa. If you consistently try to look at things from God's viewpoint, these things are very basic ways of living.
This is why other members from poorer countries do not accuse Father or believe negative information even though they have suffered deprived lives and he is living in comfortable surroundings.
He doesn't feel proud of those things and always thinks that he will see to it that everyone around the world has this kind of environment.
Each of us must live according to the true vertical standard and continuously widen the sphere of influence. You mustn't think, "Just let the world take care of itself. I am satisfied just as long as my family is doing fine."
The idea is to expand in all four directions, so you need to be moving from the East to the West securing both ends. Maybe in the future, Western students will want to travel to the Eastern Universities and vice-versa.
If these students' desire is to truly learn from another culture, they can't just have a few small experiences just for purpose of reference and take it back to their native culture. They can only expand themselves by taking the culture seriously trying to learn from it.
Families that have lived a sacrificial lifestyle for God, should be proud of their sons and daughter going to the remote parts of the world because in this way, cultures of the world can be linked to the families of the highest vertical love of God.
They will also be linked to the deepest horizontal love between people.
Thoughtful and conscientious people around the world will agree with this.
Americans should be the first to reach out and learn from people around the world. Some Americans are only able to think that the Western way is only good way.
Once America is able to exhibit such an universal attitude, then the rest of the world will follow.
We should not just form and focus only on our family becoming comfortable with our way of life. You should understand that if you only have a small influence, then your level of freedom to mobility in spirit world will be also small.
In Korea today, people from all professions have come to respect me, while in America I am still treated as an outcast. Since I fought a legal battle in the Orient, I feel that it is right to face a similar battle here in the West. I will never be exhausted; even though every kind of person may oppose me, I must carry out what is necessary.
Is it ideal to say that only blonde, light-skinned people are the standard for mankind? Of course not. Within each single individual, there are all different colors of materials.
The different species of geese, such as the Canadian and Alaskan, do not fight with each other when they cross the border.
They do not fight over color or nationality. If a geese was to lay a colored egg, the mother would not abandon him.
Geese are not aware of color and do not base their decision off of them. However, the person who is conscious of his own color and other people's coloring creates barriers and obstacles in his life.
Even though many people may shout for you to go home and you receive much persecution as you walk this pathway, you must recognize your true value.
One day you will be sought after by the whole world.
The earth is divided into the North and South pole. But, human civilization is divided between the Eastern world and the West.
The two poles of the earth are the vertical line and the East-West is on horizontal line. When humanity is able to finally unite globally with harmony between the East and the West, Heaven on Earth will be achieved.
Americans have been opposed to Reverend Moon without actually knowing anything about Reverend Moon. Soon, however, the time will come when Americans will quickly change their minds.
Would you like to go to the other part of the world?
The person who refuses to budge becomes stagnant and eventually will decline. We must widened the individual influence to all the higher levels to the clan, nation and world.
If you are not able to literally expand to the highest levels, then you can connect yourself with the Messiah and follow him.
This ideology of the Divine Principle, the Completed Testament, which this blog is based upon has been persecuted on the worldwide level because it has reached to that position. Any conscientious person who hears this teaching will see the greatness of its ideology.
You each recognize this, but sometimes you say you wish this path was easier and less difficult and you would be more motivated. However, if the hardship was eliminated, the there could not be any true restoration accomplished.
The normal course for a champion is to go through many hardships.
To become a world champion boxer or a supreme martial artist, would you expect to do it without fighting or any amount of training?
You would not be able to win the moment you stepped into the ring just from the first blow of your opponent if you ran out.
The normal course of a champion is to get beaten, to bleed and to have many scars. But just when things look the worst for him, he is able to stand up and knock out his opponent. This is the way the champion must go.
Our work on this path of faith is a real challenge as well.
At the time of difficulty, serious people stay and weak, uncommitted people fall away.
If you are able to continue this endeavor and keep running all the way to the goal, no matter what happens, you are assured of being a true winner and champion.
The Messiah's true work of world restoration is so arduous, those who know his path would not be hungry for that central position.
No one is willing to take over that position. Actually, within the world of love, there is nobody who can take the position.
Was God's position elected through popular vote? What about the Messiah?
Certain positions were created before there was a political process conceived. Likewise, you did not have any decision or chose in who was your parents, brothers or sisters.
Some things in human society will never be changed.
Through the election process, it is possible that a communist is elected president of this country. If that was possible, Satan would be able to win tremendous influence over the earth. God has been fighting Satan's influence throughout history and now we are at the culmination point.
The Messiah's responsibility is to achieve and protect the vertical position of love.
We already know that no military power will be able to stop the spread of communism completely. The battle must be won within the communities and families, where the ideology has been implanted and embraced.
Home church of witnessing to 360 people in your area is the way to fight the influence of communism.
Communism is the enemy of God because it believes salvation through material gain and not through God. If you have built a strong foundation in your area, you will be able to know if someone enters the community preaching communism.
You will then be able to prevent such unwholesome ideas from invading your area.
New York is in a pivotal position for the world; if it turns toward goodness, the world will follow. If it turns toward evil, so will the whole world.
The movement has focused energies and resources to New York for decades for this reason while others were deserting the city and giving up on it. We went against the tide at that time.
The young people of the movement have been pushed to be humble and deny themselves to reverse the fallen ways of the secular world. Even fiancees do not hold hands while other kiss and express their love publicly.
In secular society, people often live together before becoming husband and wife, but we get married and wait a time to do mission work before we consummate as husband and wife.
When you are able to go this way, you go beyond your physical appetites in order to achieve a greater goal.
We may appear to be the lowest people and continue to deny our worldly pleasures, but we are actually becoming greater and greater people.
Those who constantly indulge their appetites will discover that they have not gone up, but down in value.
Likewise, those without the strength and determination will not be able to persevere through the most difficult times.
Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net
Return for Tomorrow's Post: Gods Child Doesn't Need an Appointment
This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Completion of the Ideal
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