If you use true love as the key, every door can be opened.
Since Heaven and earth were originally supposed to be united, wouldn't love be able to penetrate through the barriers in spirit world as well?
After the human fall occurred, God's heart was sealed shut.
If this was to remain forever and true love did not exist, there would be no way to unite God and mankind for eternity.
What else could melt the heart of God after humanity caused Him so much pain? Would offering Him money, sweet words or beautiful jewelry be able to open His heart?
Even if you were to find the largest diamond, He would point to the mountain made of diamonds which He already owns. Would your knowledge or power on earth be able to open the door to God's heart?
Everything you present, God would say that, "That's all you know and have? I made it all."
When you have the greatest worldly power, you can command a country, but you would not be able to break through the barriers to God's heart.
What does God yearn to have?
Not money, knowledge or power, but only true love.
Why does love have this power? God created love with an almighty, uniting quality which can govern and can be governed.
It has the power to be absolutely flexible. Love has the ability to digest both extremes of happy and painful things. So, even if you are being pinched because He truly loves you, you would want Him to pinch you harder.
The one thing that can dominate the entire universe of creation is true love. Isn't this true?
You are able to communicate love without communication.
Nature has the same ability. Your little puppy knows whether you love him or not. Also, a bird can feel love, as well as the trees, grass and a deadly, poisonous snake can feel your love.
Love is communicated even without language.
A puppy knows whether you love him or not. Likewise, a bird can feel love; even the trees and grass can feel love. If you love a deadly poisonous snake, it too can feel your love.
Love is supreme.
If you possessed just a little chunk of love, would you keep it only close to your heart, or would you be excited to sprinkle it around the world so, that it would multiply?
This kind of heart would make you a millionaire of love.
Maybe to have this standard of love, you would have to lay a foundation of gallons of sweat, blood and tears. Would this still be worth doing?
The only way you can reach God is through love, because He is the center of the universe. So, whoever can possess Him would be the richest person.
Then, no matter how much sacrifice is needed to obtain Him, you would be able to do it. True love is this valuable.
God is like the largest fish in the pond and you can use love as your bait. But, without sacrificial love, you would not be able to make God your prisoner.
God loves love so much that He will swallow as much bait as you offer Him.
When you sow true love, you will harvest love and God is bound to be close by.
Members of the Unification Church are fishing for God by sprinkling our love bait everywhere.
God is like us in that He enjoys and prefers certain tastes.
God is the gourmet of love, so He knows its exact taste, whether it is sour, sweet or flat.
Even though God knows that there is a large hook hidden inside that love, He would confidently digest that hook.
God loves love permeating from the one who has tasty love that is not centered on self; selfish love tastes bitter. But when your love wants to save the world and serve others, God would savor that kind of love.
Even though God is gigantic and beyond words, once He taste sweetness of true love, He melts and becomes like a child. With this He will want to go wherever the one who carries this kind of love goes.
Why were you born? Why are some humans born as men and others born as women?
There are popular phrases such as 'born to shop'. Such lowly statements as "I live to sleep" "live to eat" is the narrow way of life. Some people think that they were born to study.
It is beautiful, eternal and good that we were in fact born to say, "we are born to love".
Have you ever once thought that every part of creation of life that is on earth today is the fruit of love?
You participated in the love of your parents, grandparents and so forth. You were born at the place of love and the motivation for life was love.
Then, after you were born, you received the love of your parents.
Why do parents love their children? Why do animals love and take care of their offspring?
It is because children are the witnesses to their parents' love.
Both cause and effect spring from love.
Because of this truth, parents must love their children.
This is not only true in the human world, but you have also seen this in the animal world. Children who live in the love of the parents are very happy children.
We experience a generation gap here in America, where parents and children both think they will live their own separate lives instead of unifying. When this happens, this family loses the home base of love and they have nothing to return to.
God designed the family unit to expand the pure love that pours from within it out into society, spreading one cord of love all over the country. Then this love spills over into the entire world.
Imagine if the President was to exhibit this kind of love of his family out into the nation how that would spread like wildfire all over the world?
Children who are born and live in love at home can thus become patriots in their nation and even in the world. Just as water in New York is the same color as water that comes from Norway, the whole human make up is the same.
Once your family is able to fulfill the criteria of love in the home, then you can expand this same criteria of love in the nation and the world.
People should be born in love, grow and mature in love, and then die in love.
We continue to live eternally in that love with God as the center in spirit world.
Many people believe that this world is the final destination and build their life to only focus on what is here on earth.
We should see this world as a training center where you can learn the stages of how to love the world.
One who is able to love a difficult sister or grandparent, would know how to love any woman or elderly person in the world they meet.
When you graduate from this school, then you enter spirit world. There you can experience love for all eternity.
Perfected love can be compared to a perfectly round bowling ball that knocks down all the pins.
On the other hand, those who 'fail' in the workshop of love is likened to a square-shaped or lumpy ball that does not roll properly. True love is perfectly round and goes anywhere and finds it way through any difficult situation.
If this ball was to travel in an erratic pattern, it would still find its final target.
If Father has the knowledge to teach us this Principle, wouldn't God have thought about this even more?
Love is round, shining, beautiful and tender. The more you touch it, the more you like it.
Therefore, love is good.
Naturally, you want to receive love directly from your parents. Also, you must receive the same amount of love from your society, nation and world. Would you want your love to be only confined to your parents or expand to the whole world?
What if you told or demanded people to love you, would you receive it from them?
God is the origin of love who is always taking the initiative to give love to the fallen world. You as God's child are also to take the initiative to give out love.
In order to make your love truly good, you have to have the power to encompass the difficult and bitter things along with the good.
You should be able to embrace both extremes, loving not just America or your own family, but also the enemies of America. What do you lose by giving this kind of love?
By practicing this kind of love, you come to resemble God. It is even easy for evil people to like the people who also like them, and if humans had become perfected, that would be all we would need to do.
But because we have fallen from the original position God desired for humanity, this kind of love is not good enough. Now we must be able to have the power to even embrace the people who even hate us.
What is the difference between Satan and God?
Satan can only move in one direction, but God can move in all four directions and embrace everything. Thus, we must obtain the ability to love all people; we should love evil people as well as the good ones.
This was the main philosophy of Jesus' teachings.
A person who is healthy, does not have to worry as much what he eats because he could digest anything, even dried corn. If your stomach is weak and certain kinds of foods make your stomach ache, then you don't have enough digestive power.
We should have the capacity to digest everything.
In order to develop such a capacity, you should look for things and people whom you hate and who you hate the most, then learn to embrace them. Once you are able to digest the worst, then everything else is no problem.
This is the obvious conclusion.
When there are jobs that no one else wants to volunteer for, you should willingly take up those jobs and concerns and come to enjoy them.
You would become the champion of loving difficult tasks. When God observes you doing this He would say that you have been doing that work for too long and tell you to come up to Him raising you up higher and higher.
If you are to love the world, would you take lots of vacations having loads of fun and then love the world at your leisure, or would you dash forward to the mission?
What if a woman who was beautiful enough to be Miss America decided to forget her beauty and own selfish desires and work all the time for the sake of the world?
She would even reject many marriage proposals from many distinguished men, saying she does not have time for all that.
So, which is the best route: going the way of love centered on your own thoughts and philosophy or unselfish love that is public minded?
If you are able to practice unselfish love for others for ten years, you are guaranteed that people will think you are truly the spitting image of God. You would have the key after such a foundation of love to solve any problem people have.
This way of life sounds very colorful and dramatic, but when you try to put it into practice you will see it is very difficult to do. Anything is easier than loving an impossible person in this world.
One who pursues this way of life through persecution and criticism has the goal of love that will penetrate the entire universe, and you know that this is not easy to win. This kind of love shatters the bonds of the earth and goes straight to the throne of God.
When that kind of love hits God would He just smile or would He be knocked out by it?
When God gets hit by this pure love, He will tumble over and over, nothing could compare with this expression of His joy.
Is this the right route to go; the route headed toward true love?
If you have gone this way since your youth, would that have been a wasted youth? Foregoing heavy partying, drugs, drinking, promiscuous sex and going to the movies to do the public work of restoring the world?
By following this standard, you are engrafted to the Messiah at the Second Coming, then you are protected from going wrong.
You must produce your own buds which will blossom.
Don't just depend on the work of the Messiah and say that is good enough. You must do the work as well to reach perfection as branches and produce your own blossoms yourselves.
Once you create many blossoms, you are able to draw energy to that area and you will send out new branches.
If some branches are exceptionally energetic, the tree will grow in their direction, but when everyone works with equal power the branches will be balanced and the tree will grow straight. This is why I want each of you to do equally well. Thus you can't shirk your responsibility when everyone else is fulfilling theirs. If one main branch dies and falls off, the tree starts to lean to the other side where there is still activity in the healthy branches.
In the human body, healthy blood is accepted wherever it circulates, on the other hand, when blood is unclean it becomes a burden to the body. The best thing for a tree is to chop off the dead branches and graft on healthy little branches.
If one branch was American and the other was Japanese, and another is German and so forth, observe which branch is more energetic and powerful. When one branch is not doing well, that healthier branch will graft another little branch there to strengthen it.
Would cultured people or primitive people be more adapt to endure hardship?
People who are the most cultured have almost zero endurance, while primitive people have 100 percent endurance but no culture.
God is fair in not distributing culture and endurance together!
When I came to lead the American movement, I had a tough time because the Americans had their own yardsticks to evaluate me with. I brought many Japanese and Germans to this country to show Americans how to endure; people in those nations suffered much during and after World War II.Cultured people think the night is for sleeping, for instance, so they thought my way wasn't right for them. Some people insisted they needed eight hours of sleep and three meals a day on time. But these criteria become obstacles when we are fighting the revolution of true love.
When Father told members to compete with the American members, the Americans thought it wouldn't work because these people didn't know the American nature.
But when the result came in, the Japanese and Germans were the winners and the Americans realized they had to change their outlook.
When you are in the midst of war or battle you cannot expect fine china and grand food. Once you are able to finally gain true love, you see that it is the most cultured thing ever.
Return for Tomorrow's post: You Are God's Miracle
This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Heaven and Us
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