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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Love Language

There are many members recently married who do not speak the same language as their fiancee speak.  They thus need an interpreter.  Would they communicate with sign language or with the love language?

What if you were to marry someone who could not speak at all?  When one marries a person who cannot communicate, it is like marrying a dumb person, and in a way, that person is far away from you.

Everything starts with language and communication.

Once two people are able to communicate, then they can understand each other's personality, character, culture, background and everything.  If you do not have these things, you have nothing.

What kind of movement is filled with members who are married to someone they cannot communicate with?

Insignificant, "unknown" people have the dream of some day marrying a man or a woman that is like their favorite movie star. This is human nature and a natural desire.

Your destiny is to live with one man or woman who will serve and love you for your entire life.  You will be closer to that person more than anybody else around you.  You two will be closer than parents, closer than your own brothers and sisters, and closer than any of your own friends.

Who made it this way that the spouse is the closest to one another?

God alone has the power to bring two people together who don't even speak the same language.

They are able to accept this challenge because they have an infinite faith in God and in the Messiah as the instruments of God.

You also play a vital role as the instruments of God.

The catalyst to bring different men and women from different backgrounds together for eternity is certainly the power of God.

You rejoice at the time of your engagement, not because your fiancee is the best person under the sun, but because God is the best personality in heaven and earth.

If God was moved out of such an event, then we do not have anything.  We would not be able to go forward in such matters.

In this movement, we match members with different backgrounds, who are from different cultures and countries because it is a totally unselfish deed done only for God's sake.

Through international marriages and marriages consuming of former enemy nations, step by step, we are bringing about a world of peace.

Through having a foreign fiancee, you are closely uniting to the Messiah working for this goal and you will be remembered by God.

As soon as one's fiancee disappears, God will disappear therefore, this union is a God-given destiny that you are bound by.

Maybe you work hard everyday to make money.  Would you rather work alone, or would you even like to have a stranger as your companion?   Even if you have a lot of wealth and you are famous, when you are left in that situation, you would want to have a companion.

While the two of you are working, your companion will be the closest to you.  When it is time for lunch, you would want to sit with him or her and eat together.  It does not matter whether that person is good-looking or very poor-looking.

We are like this work site.

We each want to have someone to sit down together with.

A member may be matched to someone who is from a country that was once an enemy nation, but this person is now the only companion you can rely upon.

Because our work is so different and unique, we need unique kinds of companions.  Of all the job descriptions in the world, we have the most difficult.  The work of restoration and witnessing to God's will is so difficult that it is much better to start in an adverse situation.

Instead of one American meeting another, you start out with strangers from other nations, languages and backgrounds.

This is the course of world restoration.

It is already hard for two people who do not have anything in common to unite, but while you are doing so, you can also overcome the difficult task ahead of you.  We are the first to accomplish this task around the world.  This is our pride.

This kind of adversity is nothing.  When you encounter a few bumps and bruises, they do not hurt because you know you can overcome them.  If in your lifetime you are able to bring together two extremes, there is nothing you cannot do.

Which would be the most dramatic couple: two Americans, two Japanese, two Europeans, or two people who do not even speak the same language?

There may be a couple who grew up together and has been dating and getting along since high school and they think that they are the perfect couple because they are now married and understand each other completely.

Then there is the other couple that when they met, they were not able to greet each other because they came from different countries and they started on an impossible level but have reached a level of unity.  Which couple would be the winner?

This is the most dramatic, historical beginning.

If you are able to become people who are able to meet God's expectations, there is nothing under the sun that you cannot do.  How do you think God feels when He sees such a couple?  Would such couples catch God's attention most?

What kind of gift does God give?  Cood children.

If a couple with infinite faith thankfully accept God's challenge and destiny, they will have a great gift coming in the form of children.  Children will be given to that couple that are far superior than any other children within their own society or nation.

What are the characteristics of good children?

Good children are able to bring good fortune to a family, blessings from heaven and good happenings to that home.  When one is matched to a person who is from another country and possibly an enemy nation, they can say that they are God's champion.  God would be sympathetic and concerned with such a couple.

Are you able to see God now?  What about air or your mind?  How do you know that these exists?

A man's mind wants to make a home within the women's minds, and women's minds want to dwell in men's minds.  Why are these two drawn to each other and want to exchange where they dwell?  This is because there is another reality which is love.

Love has the ability to bring two minds together, because of that love a man's mind wants to be able to dwell with a woman's mind and vice versa.

Do you miss your home town?

Even if you were born in a poorly log cabin, would you miss that cabin?  Even if your parents were rural people and your brothers and sisters dressed poorly, you would still want to go back there and visit wouldn't you?

You have an indestructible line of heart and emotion connected to your home.

Your home is the birthplace of your heart.

Americans like to visit nostalgic places and historical places and listen to folk songs from the past.  Those things makes one feel wonderful.

It is human nature to want to think and write about your childhood and your home town.

When this speech was given in 1980s, the American hostages were just coming home from Iran.  The American's excitement at this announcement was different from the foreign sympathy or excitement from Germany, France or Britain.  This is because the Americans have a connection of heart to those hostages.

This is the same reason you have an attachment to your home town, parents and particularly to one focal point: your spouse.  If you are able to possess this level and essence of love, then everything wants to connect to it.

Where there is love, nothing is impossible. 

God, who is a person without any impossibility, certainly wants to dwell within that love.  When men and women unite in love, they find there is a greater love and they want to go there together.

How would you be able to move toward this greater love?

Would you like the fastest form of transportation, or would you like to travel slowly in a carriage to get there?  Of course you would want to go in the fastest possible way toward this higher-level of love.  The jet plane of love would be the fastest way.

You may say that you would like to land in the heart of God.  Would you need permission to land there?  Airplanes need permission from ground control to guide them to the landing strip.  There is the correct way to land on the landing strip of love.

What kind of welcoming party will there be waiting for you?  When you are on the correct landing strip, there will be a welcoming party of people from many thousands of years of history.  Abraham and Noah will be there.

They will not be strangers, they will come right up to you.  What kind of power could make this happen.  Again, only through the power of love.

In love there is no distance of time, even if there is a difference of thousands of years.

In love, time and space are completely disregarded.

You think Germans and French are far apart, but when you are united as a blessed couple and come in for a landing in your love jet and see people from many thousands of years who have come to greet you, then you know that the distance between the French and Germans is nothing.

Even if one of those people is 6,000 years old, there is no foreign feeling between you. You can instantly become one and understand him completely.

Love is really a strange thing.

Even if you are from different nations, when you come together in a marriage relationship, you don't feel bad at all. One thing is for sure: You are marrying a person of the opposite sex and no explanation is needed!

You want to touch him or her tenderly and there is no distance.

The power of love can unite strangers. The power of love can shorten the distance of time.

How old do you think God is?

God is really an old gentleman. I say He's millions and millions of years old. I'm sure His beard has grown all the way down to His feet, and if God keeps growing taller, there's no telling how tall He will be. But still you don't have a strange feeling toward Him. What power can do that?

How can you instantly become friends with someone from one million years or ten thousand years ago? By law or knowledge?

Nothing else but love.

God wants to dwell where there is love. What is true love?

There are incredible things going on in the Unification Church. Many of you are white people with blonde hair and blue eyes, but instead of loving only members of your own race, you love and follow a man from the Orient, Reverend Moon. What power makes you want to stick with me?

There is a power of love here that has never existed before. There is something bringing the East and West together.

Does God want to dwell only where white people come together, or where Oriental people come together? Instead, God wants to dwell here, where the East and West meet and all colors of skin come and rejoice together.

I am a yellow man from the Orient. You are white, brown, black and red, but it doesn't make any difference.  We want to come together to be happy and joyful. That means you have a different kind of love that ordinary Westerners do not have. 

God is pulled by the power of love, and is attracted to the place where the power of love is higher and nobler. Where will God find a landing strip? Absolutely, the Unification Church is God's landing strip because a higher love is attracting Him here.

In America, there is still racial tension between white and black. When white and black people start loving and trusting each other, don't you think that will make a landing strip for God?

It's amazing, but here in Unification Church whites want to marry blacks, and blacks want to marry whites and make an eternal life together.

Have you ever thought about whether white wood or black wood can burn faster?

It's scientific truth that black absorbs light, while white reflects light. When speaking of the fire of love, would it be more strongly attracted to white men or to black men?

God gave a fair chance to everybody regarding love.

 If for some reason a couple is being persecuted by their village, that harassment will actually drive them closer together.

The power of their love would be most intense under those circumstances. In that couple there is a fire of love burning more brightly than in any other couple.

Reverend Moon speaks about his family's persecution as he and his wife worked to spread the words of the Divine Principle even in communist North Korea:

"That is very true with Mother and me. You know I have been persecuted by America.  At home I will say to Mother, 'You are my ally. You understand me. Mother will say, 'Father, you are my hero, no matter what the people say.' Although she is only one individual, with Mother's words I am comforted. There is nothing that compares to the way Mother supports me. 'Besides,' Mother will say, 'It's nice in a way that the rest of the world is persecuting you, because it drives you home faster!'

Mother and I can really enjoy persecution. Our children understand us, and the cohesive harmony in our home is very strong.

The children have a strong conviction that, no matter what the world says about their parents, they are the most wonderful champions of God.

Sometimes they feel they cannot suppress their anger at the world, but in the meantime, they feel intense love toward their parents. There's nothing bad about getting persecuted.

When you look at world affairs from the standpoint of love, there is nothing you cannot be grateful for. Because I have been persecuted so much, God blessed my family more and more.

The evidence of this is that over the years the children who are born to us are even more brilliant and more outstanding. When I look at them I thank God.

When God has big gifts to hand out, you must make your shopping bags bigger so He can give the biggest gift to you. What are those gifts? God wants to give many gifts to Mother and me, so we will have more and more children.

God wants to give us more than forty children, but since the human body has certain limitations, God will condense the gift into a few most brilliant children.

This is why we do not condone birth control. God wants to give blessings, but if all of a sudden you stop having children then you are blocking God's way of giving you blessings.

If we did that, when we got to spirit world God would say, 'My son and daughter, I had more gifts to give you while you were on earth, but you blocked the way. Why did you do that?'

Probably Westerners can't understand this. Many Americans think they don't want to have children because they want to have fun in their lives. That way of thinking is very selfish. Which way of thinking do you think will prosper?

Westerners have always been proud that they are ahead of everybody, but now auto makers have to turn to the East to learn techniques. When you compare a Western made television and a Sony, the Japanese set has more brilliant color. Many consumers are buying Japanese products. Do you think it is because Americans want the Japanese to have superior technology? God is shifting the emphasis from one place to another.

The day of the Asians is coming, and now they shall be understood and respected by the world. But Asian people have serious shortcomings. They are too nationalistic and they always cling together with their own people. That's not God's way. This is why I had to come out of Asia to shatter the barrier of nationalism.

I come to promote universalism, or Godism, and the love race. What I am doing in the West is something that neither Western nor Eastern culture can produce. No existing culture can bring a heightened unity between East and West. Am I doing this with some technology? Some Machiavellian diplomacy? I am doing it with a special kind of love." SMM

God is a universal person who really enjoys love. He wants to dwell in love, to work in love, to dance and sing in love. God is a fighting God too, but only in order to secure love for Himself and for everyone. We understand God and know His traits and what He likes.

Where can true love dwell?

There has to be a principled way, a way of law and order. Love dwells where principle dictates.

What is the principle of love between men and women? When you meet in love do you want to beat around the bush and go round and round, or do you want to meet face to face?

Do you want that person to have all kinds of stains, or to be a pure person? Do you want that person to bring lots of friends, or to come by himself?

Does the eye like love? How about the nose? The ears? Mouth? Hands?

Everything thinks about the goal of love. Do you want to go straight to love, or wander around? When you come into love, there is total concentration, total focus. The mouth, ears, hands and mind all focus on one sharp point and go through the center. That is the force of love.

If love is concentrated into one dot and that dot moves around, any miracle under the sun can happen wherever it touches. When the love dot is visiting homes, do you think people will say, "Don't come into my home"?

Or will they open the door and give love the red carpet treatment? Do you think the cells of your body will open or close up to love?

Basically the Oriental woman is shy, yet when love comes in, she opens herself up. The total concentration of genuine, pure love has never blossomed yet in history, but when that concentration of love is created and the blossoming flowers open, that is the most joyful event.

Photos courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

Return for Tomorrow's Post: New History of Love

This Post was rewritten from the speech Who is God and Who am I?

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