You are capable of speaking with renowned scholars and heads of state with confidence because you know that the knowledge you have gained from your understanding of Divine Principle is superior.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Some of you doze during the sermon; some of you may be thinking of what you will be doing after this and other of you are truly listening, but when it comes time for you to defend your beliefs you become very animated and eloquent.
If Adam had followed God's guidance and reached perfection, he would have undoubtedly have been able to walk into heaven without an appointment. You want to do that as well.
If you have a close relationship with someone, appointments are not necessary in order to see each other.
A rich man's servant would not desire a close relationship with him, while his children are able to freely move about the house and go wherever they desire.
Since you are the children of God, do you think that you should get permission to visit places within your Father's world which He created for you?
The world we live in was not the world which God desired. This world that we experience with boundaries and barriers only came about as the result of the Fall, after we followed Satan's will.
Everyone desires the kind of world which is open to everyone.
A world free of boundaries is better than the world that we are currently a part of.
What if we lived where it was possible to buy a pass that enables us to travel freely around the world and even in spirit world without limits? You would probably give up everything you had in order to gain such freedom.
Since we are the Creator's children, wouldn't He want to issue us a pass that allows us to go anywhere in creation?
But Satan makes his demands and tells God that He cannot freely just give permission to fallen man who has followed him. Satan will say, though, "If another man makes the right conditions in following your direction, I will accept it, but You cannot do it for them."
In order for mankind to be able to freely enjoy passage throughout God's creation, we have to make an indemnity condition. We set the foundation through home church of witnessing to 360 homes in our area.
Through this providential work, we are working for the world with the people in our area representing the people of the world.
Whatever the parents own, the children inherit.
We are living in the age where we can pay indemnity conditions through restoration. You are doing home church providence not because you are highly capable, but because you are the children of the True Parents, the Lord of the Second Advent and his bride who have reversed Adam and Eve's mistake.
As you are walking this path of home church, you are telling people the good news of the Completed Testament and about the coming of the True Parents (Returned Messiah and True Wife) who reversed the sins of the fall created by our first parents.
Thus, people can be proud of the True Parents who have reversed the sin caused by the fallen, false parents who inherited the sinful blood lineage of Satan. They can be proud of the heavenly family and proud to be related to God.
Through this work of restoration, you inherit the position and heart of true parents through taking care, loving and teaching those in your area as if they were your own children.
Thus, you free yourself from any accusation and judgment from Satan before God. This is a requirement for everyone that God cannot do for you.
This is why I push you out to do home church. I want you to get that free pass, that Heavenly I. D. card, which will allow you total freedom. Since I have passed on to you this inheritance, you must share it with your home church members; otherwise, it will go nowhere. Either way you look at it, home church is a necessity.
As Father has walked this course to complete the mission of Jesus, which is not just spiritual salvation, but physical salvation, all the powers of Satan and his forces came against him.
It is like the story of Job in the Bible, Satan accused God saying that it was only because God blessed him that he achieved anything. Satan demanded that God test him by taking everything away from him and see if he would stay strong.
God had to push Father into many suffering situations.
As we walk this path of restoration, we must also go through similar trials, but our encounters are small in comparison to Father's experiences.
You may think that God has left you and is nowhere near you and you will feel that He cannot help you at all, but as soon as you keep going beyond that situation, God can pour out His blessing abundantly upon you.
Whenever you go into a situation, remember that God has made preparations for you; you are not entering haphazardly.
Even though God has made all of the preparations, He still has to let you tackle the situation and make it a success.
The True Parents go beyond all satanic blame and received the I.D. card of total freedom.
In order for you to receive this card, the archangel must sign it as well as the perfected Adam. As soon as you receive the signatures, you can travel freely in Adam's world, the spirit world and even in Satan's realm without any accusations.
The heavenly hierarchy is God first, then Adam and Eve, then the angelic world, then all the things of Creation.
This of course was the original heavenly order, but was disrupted.
Satan came into existence through our listening to the archangel's word instead of God's holy word. We have fallen so low that we don't know the world of spirit, we don't know if God exists or what kind of relationship we were supposed to have with God.
We don't know the heart of the original Adam and the true parental heart. The only thing we know is the fallen realm of suffering and disobedience.
All mankind can see is the 'I', and we only see the visible and tangible world of creation. Mankind is degraded and is lower than the creation. The creation follows God and the laws of the universe absolutely, while man disobeys these laws. Because of this situation, no one truly knows the dignity that human beings were supposed to possess.
Before you learned these facts through the Divine Principle and the horrible situation we have fallen to, you weren't even aware what you had lost or what kind of ideal to search for.
Finally, in the Completed Testament Age, we can know what the true ideal is.
Everything else, including our possessions, our nationalities. our careers. is meaningless until the basic questions of life are resolved.
The only real value is in finding out how to restore mankind's dignity and recovering that lost ideal. How wonderful it will be when each level of God's ideal world is established from the individual, family all the way to the worldwide level.
You are able to achieve all of these of restoration through one 'school' without having to spend hundreds of years to achieve them. Through the realm of the 360 homes in your area, everything is represented, 360 days of the year and 360 degrees of a circle.
But you need to gain a certificate which shows that you have completed the seven levels of the human ideal.
There is one thing that Satan hates and fears the most and that is the day He is able to give that certificate to all of mankind. It does not matter, because Satan has to bow down before the Principle.
When the Messiah discovered the secrets of the Fall, and a way for people to COMPLETELY free themselves from Satan's dominion, the Divine Principle is like a newspaper revealing Satan's deepest secrets.
This is Satan's situation today; he feels desperate as the truth is revealed.
If we were to witness people one-by-one to the truth of the age, it would take centuries to liberate the entire world. If you were in the Messiah's position, wouldn't you want to find a more effective way to bring all mankind back to God?
If you were to ask God where He would most like to dwell, He would answer "Home Church".
When you witness to your area, the heavenly hierarchy is being restored. The house represents all the things of creation; the ancestors of the people already in spirit world represent the archangel's position; and the Adam position is filled by the people themselves.
When you witness to your area, the heavenly hierarchy is being restored. The house represents all the things of creation; the ancestors of the people already in spirit world represent the archangel's position; and the Adam position is filled by the people themselves.
Once God has relation with all of the elements, the ideal of creation will be realized. Satan will have to leave as a result because he will not have any place to call his own. Since you are in America, all races of man are contained in your area.
All the races have freedom within America, according to law.
When you look into history, it is no coincidence, because this country's foundation was laid by people searching for liberty, especially religious liberty. The first 200 years of American history, indemnity was paid for the 2000 years since Jesus.
This is the time when we must succeed.
We should feel that the time of the fulfillment of God's ideal world of Heaven on Earth is drawing near.
The founders of the world's religions namely Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Conscious themselves can work directly on the earthly plane because of the foundation and sacrifices laid by the people of faith.
What kind of work do you think they will be assisting? This time of restoring the world is not only the work of people on earth to inherit.
Definitely, people on earth and in the spirit world are called to do the work of home church to receive the heavenly certification. Because your ancestors have direct access to you and your inheritance, they can assist you in your work and receive the heavenly certificate alongside you.
Last Sunday, February 22, I went to the Holy Ground and prayed about these points. This is the time that all indemnity must be paid for the failures during Jesus' time. Also the persecution of our movement by the world, both the communistic and democratic, must be indemnified.
There must be a spiritual as well as a physical indemnity that must be paid for all the wrongs done throughout history. Therefore, the spiritual and the physical worlds must be mobilized.
There is no other way to go toward a world of peace.
Before this time, your 360-home area was under Satan's dominion, who is the chief criminal of the angelic world. He was able to do as he pleased according to his desire using the people with Cain-type personalities.
Now you are working with the Messiah and you have the assistance of the good angels as well as God Himself through this path of restoration.
As you go to your area, the good angels will work with you and chase away the evil angels.
This is not just fantasy, that kind of confrontation will take place. Until now, Satan had greater power over the good people on the earth.
Before, even with the shedding of many tears, much prayers and indemnity, good people could only make Satan retreat for just a short time and only in a small way.
But in the time of the Second Advent where the Messiah clears the path and makes Satan bow down, we have not only achieved equal leverage with Satan, but we have achieved dominance over him.
You should see evidence to the truth of this.
You must know that you are truly living in an amazing time never witnessed before but prayed about by million of saints throughout the ages.
Armed with this knowledge alone that you are obtaining about God's viewpoint of restoring the world and the truth about the fall, you are able to confront evil forces squarely.
Your odds are better than 50-50 to win this battle.
You will not go into this battle alone. All the good angels can work alongside you with and support you which has never been the case.
America is experiencing many problems such as youth alienation, drug abuse, and breakdown of the family. How can we fathom conquering these problems without finding the root cause of them through the new truth of the Bible revealed in the Completed Testament?
We must push past the boundaries of what we mentally understand and we must know and act. We should deeply understand the importance of doing home church.
When you go out to your area. you can command the spirit world, in the name of God and True Parents, to come and help you; and your command will have effect. More and more spiritual phenomena will occur in our favor.
The best way to lay a foundation to be able to command the spirit world, including your ancestors, is to follow the directions and examples of the truth given by the Messiah.
By following the examples of the True Parents, the children become true children not just by name but also in reality.
Then the children incorporate the pure tradition of the parents and pass it on to their own children. You should be proud to hold this title. Whenever you are persecuted for following this path, you should demand a some reason for such attitude.
If Jesus' disciples had followed him along with all of Israel as the Messiah and son of God and he lived beyond 33 years old, the next major step was to conquer Rome. There would have been no need for Jesus to return in our time or 400 years of Christian persecution.
I have spoken out very boldly and strongly here and by doing so, I took many risks for myself and the movement's progress. Why have I done this? In this way, Jesus' inability to go to Rome and fight for God's purposes could be indemnified. These next seven years must be a successful period. Otherwise, communism would totally occupy the world and religion would be wiped out everywhere.
At this time, we have a direct connection with the highest realms of spirit world.
Those in the highest of spirit realms are coming down to participate directly with us. Accordingly, your pray should directly appeal to those higher spiritual realms.
Your prayer can be strong and short, "Heavenly Father, whatever True Parents are planning, let it be done.". You can, also, ask spirit world to come and help you with your mission.
You must make a determination that you will accomplish a total victory in your home church area leaving nothing for others to finish later.
You should have the attitude that you will invite the Messiah to come and receive joy and glory at the successful completion of your home church work.
With this confidence, you can call upon the spirit world and receive direct help. You are in the subject position, so you must work hard and feel responsible for your area. Only then will the spirit world be able to assist you.
Return for Tomorrow's Post: Utopia is Possible
This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Total Completion of the Ideal
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