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Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Power of Witnessing

Why do you want to witness? Once you have a successful experience, no one can keep you from witnessing.

When you witness, you open the way for others to be connected back to God who is their cause.  You help people find the correct path toward health and perfection.

Could there possibly be anything more valuable that you can give a person than the gift to connect directly to God?

A traffic cop directs the traffic when the street lights are not working properly and does so in an efficient way.  This is your function, too, when you witness the words of God.

You are in the position to tell people which direction they should go.

People would be grateful that they found someone like you who can guide them through the wilderness of this world!

You are the spiritual 'traffic cop' that understands the great power of the universal law.  You realize that this law is about to collide with America's sinful ways.

Of course, you want to tell the citizens of this country as if you were telling them that a large asteroid was headed toward them.

You want to tell them to stop moving in the wrong direction, however people are ignorant to this fact and don't see what is about to happen.  Therefore, they just continue heading in the wrong direction.

You must explain to them why they have to stop and then show them sufficient reasons.

You have to explain to them, "If you go to the left, you will come to a decrepit bridge. If you go to the right, you will find a good highway."

People seek out those who really know which direction they should take.  

This could explain the phenomenon of celebrity.  People place celebrities on a pedestal just because it looks like they are headed in the right direction.

When people see that you know what you are talking about, they value you more.

If you guide people, you should do so with love.  Love them more than their own parents love them.  Once you love in this way, you find yourself in the center of love.  This is the greatest and most wonderful way to live.

When you live this pure way of life, you find yourself getting closer and closer to the central point, which is God.

Our original nature has the desire to return to the center, our cause.  The center is God's realm of love where we can live for eternity.  You were born for the purpose of returning to the center.  Every single person, whether they realize it or not, has a deep desire within him to return to God.

Unfortunately, people are constantly stopped by the influence's from the world which gradually distances them from the path toward God.  This is why those of conscience live in agony.  They want to go 'somewhere', but they don't know where or how to get there.

All most people know is that they are not fulfilled and they have a hole within them that cannot be filled with materials or false love.  It is a very painful existence.

Those who work hard with their mission everyday, may feel that their central figures may not realize their value.  That person should be aware that God and the universe do recognize his value, even better than his leaders.

The same is true of you.  You may work hard for the sake of others forgetting your own desires, but no one may acknowledge it.  Parents understand that feeling.  Still, you should know that God understands your situation and He appreciates what you do for His will.

The year's motto is "Victory of Home Church".  Home church is witnessing to 360 homes in your area and loving them as your own children.  The people in that area represent the people of the world, and as you shed tears and sweat for them, it is the same as doing the work for the world.

This foundation was laid by the 6,000 years of religious history.

When home church is done successfully, it enables us to launch ourselves like a rocket back to our source, God.

If it wasn't for this superhighway reaching toward God's heart, it would take thousands of years to retrace the steps through Biblical history to restore that foundation.

Instead, you are guaranteed by going in this direction, you can get back to God in a shorter time.  If it is not done here, it takes thousands of years once you enter spirit world to fulfill this mission.

Even though you may be yelled at or have doors slammed in your face, the value of this work is priceless.  The more tears you shed, even though others may not see your value, brings you closer to God.

This is the value of home church.

I have been pushing you in a certain direction, and I recognize that it is difficult for you in the Western culture to change yourselves.  Nevertheless, I push you forcefully to go a certain way. Why do you think I do this? Judged from a personal standpoint, I am losing much more than I am gaining. If I were living for my own benefit, I would never live in this way. I live this way because I know that I can teach you the solution to all the problems in life.

There is always a conflict between the true nature we inherited from God and the fallen, human nature we acquired by disobeying God.  You know deeply that your original, godly natural desires is to be with God.

Once you realize this fact, you don't say that you do not want to go that way because it is too difficult and let others do it.

Once you fully understand that your purpose is to go in the direction of God, it is normal to want someone to push you in that direction because we each have our weaknesses.  But someone who has to be constantly pushed to go in the right direction will never get there.

No matter the difficulty and the challenges to go the opposite way of our sinful selves, it is of the utmost importance to achieve our purpose and goal of returning to God.  Now, that we understand this, there should be less reason to complain.

Thus, you would not look for approval for your witnessing efforts.

God and the universe know that you are still far away from perfection.

You shouldn't want to hear a lot of praise.  You don't want to complain about your situation either.

You only want to go toward the goal, hoping to achieve it during your lifetime bringing others with you on this pathway toward world peace and restoration.

World peace begins with the individual.

This is really all you want if you understand how important it is to reach your perfection.

Those who resolve to go toward that goal, raise your hands. Thank you.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: America Must Change Direction

This post rewritten from the speech Our Deep Desire of Our Original Nature

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