You applaud when you hear this because you are excited. CARP pushed the communists to take cover so you feel good, but you don't want to exert the discipline that would give you the power to do that.
You have to accept the discipline that will make you powerful enough to drive communism back. If with bare hands we can gather the resources to lay the foundation that can save the world, then if we have enough tools and money could we do it easily?
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
If we have already become such people, then the world has no way to compete with Father. What we can accomplish is so above their own standards, that they cannot even imagine how to compete with us.
In the fishing industry, Father set a standard that no competitor could outdo him. He would be able to be out on the boat fishing with his crew at 4 am and not return until almost midnight. Sometimes they would spend 24 hours on the boat.
Once he would proclaim something, that would echo throughout the entire country and world.
"People cannot help but listen. I operate on a simple principle and I have a plan."
Don't look for the easy way out in the Unification Church.
Before you are thirty, I will push you down to the dungeon. In that hell you will have to persevere and survive. The rest of the world is looking for the easiest direction, looking for another way to have a good time, but we don't care that those things exist. By following my discipline you can all become saints by the time you are thirty. After that, go ahead and have a good time. You can even grow your hair until it reaches your toes. You can braid it into a rope and connect yourselves together and have a big parade, but only after you reach that saintly plateau.
Once you become ideal men of God, you shall enjoy true liberation. No matter how much you enjoy this liberation, you must always be within the Principle. This is what perfection is.
The most precious and important thing is God.
We might take God's presence for granted throughout our daily lives. Imagine a life without God's existence, or God decided to abandon the human race?
What comes into existence first: spirit or matter?
You cannot show spirit to someone, but the communist place such importance on matter. When you wake up in the morning, usually the first thing you think about is breakfast, correct?
Are you able to prove that the invisible world of the mind exists?
What about the eye for example? Does the eye understand that it needed to tear in order to keep it clean and wet enough to function? Was the eye aware that it needed to develop eyelashes to help keep the dust away?
Did the eyebrows automatically develop to keep the sweat and rain from running into the eye?
When communists, Marxists and evolutionist cry that matter came about haphazardly or automatically, then how did the hair know to come out of the forehead and not the eyes. Even after a baby is born, it has no clue or knowledge about the atmosphere.
Would the eye know anything about itself in the mother's womb and develop on its own accord?
Of course not.
There was a designer of the eye that knew about the related environment with sunshine and dust and rain. The point is that someone knew in advance that the eye would have to cooperate with the environment. Therefore, the designer would also plan for hair, eyebrows, ears and so forth that would unite with the rest of creation.
What if no one was born with hair that lived in the hot tropics?
Imagine being bald on a hot fierce beaming sun day. There was an universal mind that figured out all of these things in advance. Since no material in creation could haphazardly bring itself about into existence, material did not come into being first. Therefore, spirit existed before there was any material world.
Why is there such a debate over this?
It is like a debate between the religious and god-denying world of communism that denies the world of spirit.
If material just came into exist by happen chance and thought came as an effect of material, then there is no set standard to live by. If there are no standards, if gives rise to lose behavior and live however bringing about chaos.
As a person of faith, you live by the principles set by God that brings about peace.
Even the best eye doctor a hundred years from now, still would not be able to discover all the secrets and complexities of the formation of the eye.
It is completely illogical to say matter comes first.
Even though the spirit is invisible, it comes before any material comes into being. The conclusion is that all of the beauty we observe in the universe was designed by a universal consciousness which is spirit. From that spirit, the visible world was created.
You are an effect, not a cause, therefore, you need to know this cause. The vertical subject.
You live in a material reality as men and women with horizontal relationships. When you connect to the vertical power, the vertical and horizontal turn around together. Then existence is permanent.
Mechanical principles work the same way in physics. The motor has four poles; one pair of plus and minus is not enough. Even the visible universe has a spirit, like the visible body has a spirit.
If there is a subject, that designed man, then does this mean that that spirit is superior to you?
That universal spirit would thus have give and take with all the things of the universe.
The center that designed all things is who we call God. No one can deny that there is a divine knowledge, emotion and will in the universe.
If God exists in our universe what would be the most important for Him of all? Is it true love?
Where did true love originate?
First, there must be life, for without life nothing can happen. You must come into existence before you are able to do something.
For God, the most important thing is life.
He does not want a temporary existence but eternal.
After there is life, then we can speak about true love, which is the culminating point. Therefore, a temporal life is not enough.
Love is not a stationary subject, but is only generated out of a complimentary relationship.
Nothing can be perfect independently.
There has to be a subject and object together to make a pair that creates a circuit which generates love. The pair system is the beauty of the universe.
Men and women both have life, and God is the same. Without life, nothing is able to begin. Love cannot be activated outside of the pair system, so, in order to fulfill love, you need the pair system.
Each individual also exists within the pair system which is called dual essentialities. This is needed to create a circuit for give and take of love.
What if you take one of your arms and link it to your other one to make one long arm and hand. Is this utilitarian? This would not pass the love examination.
Even your teeth are part of the pair system. There is an upper and lower set of teeth. They snap at each other.
But they must behave this way within Principle. Love is only activated within a complimentary, reciprocal circuit. Each finger on one hand represent a season, and has three segments which the total of twelve represents twelve months. The thumbs have two segments, so they represent duality.
You have two types of nervous systems, plus two types of blood vessels.
A baby is able to make a fist with his hands, with the thumb inside while he is still in his mother's womb. The thumb is the number one finger representing God.
The center, or subject, should be inside.
The messiah is the center of God's dispensation to bring about a world of peace, with members surrounding him. All of these relationships derive from the pair system, in order to fulfill love.
Do you think that insects have a pair system, too?
What about the grass and flowers?
Everything exists in pairs and they all like love.
There is no exception, because God's main goal is to fulfill love.
God needs eternal life and eternal love. In order to fulfill this eternal love, God is in search for His eternal object, so He can live in an eternal pair.
Who would be God's permanent object? Only a perfect man.
Eternal life is your goal.
Many fables speak of ways to obtain eternal life or immortality on earth through dreams of vampires and the fountain of youth. Why is it necessary to live forever?
Because God is an eternal being that lives forever. Therefore, He gave us eternal life to pursue eternal permanent love through the subject-object circuit system.
Therefore, we are God's objects. Just as much as God is eternal, we shall be eternal. As a person of faith, you can be sure you are living for eternity.
Many people just live their life everyday for the purpose of fun, but from here on out, have complete conviction that you will live forever. Upon this foundation, our next concern will be ideals.
Does God have ideals?
If you love someone, then you want to be proud of him or her? You want to shower him with gifts, and tell people about him. You want to be able to demonstrate every capability and be recognized by your lover?
In the same way, when God loves someone, He also wants to show off what He has done for them. "Look at the creation I made, look what I created." He would say look not just at the ocean and mountains, but the small planet Earth, the stars and the galaxies.
He would want to give it all to you. Then His child would be proud and say that God was number one. They would embrace and become one.
What if God only created His children with nothing to show and they just sat together in the empty sky, looking at each other for eternity? That would be no fun.
We need an ideal, something to aspire to. God has an ideal that He wished to accomplish after created humanity. To fulfill that ideal, we have a vast universe in which to travel. We need to enjoy the world and ideal things.
With this clumsy body you can't even travel to one planet, yet God has created millions of planets.
In order to travel around God's big world, you have to travel faster than the speed of light, faster than electricity. Without this idea of speed, you are unable to travel throughout the universe. Did you know that you have the ability to travel as fast as the thoughts that come?
We have already traveled to the moon.
That's why God can control the universe.
With love's power, He can travel even faster. Therefore, even God needs an ideal.
We need the four seasons and the changing weather, the great beauty of the universe to praise God for.
Some people may complain about spring, and like only autumn. Other people say they hate winter or summer. If you want to be in the image of God, you will go through all these seasons. You may like winter, but you have to go through spring, summer and fall.
Would God only like comedy and not a serious drama?
Does God have a sense of humor and joke with loved ones?
If God was to disappear briefly, you become sad. This sadness is not bad, because it gives additional stimulation when your loved one returns. Love is never boring.
Over the course of history all peoples will be treated fairly.
History does not flow in a straight line, but in waves.
A person may have a tragic history, but will experience glory at some time. Stronger nations may conquer smaller nations, but at another time, the smaller nations and oppressed people will conquer the great nations.
That is why I do not come from a big country. I came from the small country of Korea to bring to America the ideology which can conquer. So far in the materialistic, scientific world, America has led the way. But the small country of Korea has a new spiritual ideology that will control the world. It is only fair. History is turning around.
These events are not happening separate from the rules of the principle.
Most of the problems that are occurring today, began because American society is very wealthy.
American homes enjoy so much that they do not appreciate it. In essence, family members are not experiencing true spiritual love between each other. Therefore, there must be a change that comes about throughout the nation.
Our planet earth even breathes. It also expands and contracts.
This amount of change that comes about is very small compared to the size of the planet. Still the earth swells and shrinks. Do you think your cells in your body also breathe?
Scientists today are trying to prove that you do not need love to create a human being through a test tube, but every cell carries life. Would you like to live on this clumsy earth forever as many dream, or would you want to become the central element of love and live forever without any limitation?
Well, does that mean you want to go to spirit world immediately?
Even with the Concorde, it would be difficult to stay up with the speed of God with our clumsy bodies.
Does that mean you want to go to the spirit world very quickly?
Our real, true body is our spirit body, and our real world is spirit world. This is reality.
God who is a spirit, created the body only to help the spirit become perfected while on earth, following Him looking over the universe enjoying eternal life.
God created man in spirit and body. This is how God designed it.
Then you may wonder why would God need to make the external world and our clumsy, fragile bodies in the first place.
God's creation is the manifestation of spirit through the visible material. God is the ultimate spirit like the north pole, and creation is the south pole. That's man.
In other words, man is the visible image of God.
The central line where God can look down to the other extreme is the line of love. God dwells in the center. There, life, love and God's ideal world are all concentrated on this line. That is the axis which turns.
You also want to live forever. You want to have love.
You also want to have ideals which these things you crave are concentrated on this line. This is the universal center for everyone. It does not matter whether you are yellow, white or black.
God will be proud of His creation when man also rejoices over it.
When you look at grass, you know that God made each beautiful green blade for you. When you hear birds singing, you can think, "God created them for me. Thank you God."
If you do not have this fundamental understanding about God's creation, you will not have gratitude. \
Once you understand that everything was created in the pair system, God is the subject looking for His true object, and all the universe is the object to man, then you know that things are created for you.
Then you will understand that the central spirit behind all of creation is love.
Who is God and what is God?
God is the one who created life as a foundation. He is searching after perfection in love, and he has a great ideal.
You and I are God's object, so therefore you pursue the same thing God pursues. First of all, I must be an eternal being because my Creator is one. Once you have eternal life, then what?
You fulfill love.
God's ideal is to fulfill love, therefore you want to make that circuit of love with God. God is sacrificial and unselfish. You want to truly give everything to God and God wants to give all He has to you.
In this respect, you want to own the entire world. Within the spirit of love, you are able to do that.
God has a desire to love men, but how is that possible with men who do not possess love?
Man has the possibility to give and take in love, and then God can freely exchange His love with man. The blessing will only come after a man or woman learn the true value of love and experience that love.
From this point of view, we know that the fall of man meant that man became numb to love when they did not follow God's word. They did not grow to understand true, Godly love.
Christians always speak about being saved and how they want to have their little corner in heaven. Most of them do not care about the world or about loving all people. Being comfortable in their own lives and the few people they may meet, they do not waste their energy on world affairs.
Heaven is not a place. Heaven is love.
It is a popular notion that heaven is a place in the sky and just by mere belief in Jesus as God's son you will enter the pearly gates. Preachers may tell members of their congregation that when they pass on, all of their sins are automatically cleansed and they become perfect to live with God for eternity.
If you do not perfect your love or possess God's ideal and practice it on earth, you cannot speak about heaven. Salvation becomes a visible image of God from the extreme of the material world.
If you yearn to go somewhere, you do not get there by just lying down and sleeping or hoping to get there. God's desire is to perfect His visible image of man.
Therefore, we are not the subject, but the object. Do you want to live by your own will and fallen ideals? Live by your own motivation?
Americans practices too much individualism where each does not worry about others except their own position, situations and happiness.
How can they be harmonized with the universe with that kind of mindset?
With that kind of selfish motivation, the more you move, the more you become distant from the universe and further from unity. You are separate from the universe and do not harmonize. Is the American ideal a step forward or backward from establishing world peace?
Every day I am working to cut out all the old ideas and give you clean new ideas. But the old ideas tend to creep back in again! Think about yourself-how many times do you have to keep cleaning out the old ideas? You want me to do things the American way. If the American method would build the Kingdom of Heaven at once, I would be happy to do that. I am a logical person. I look at the truth, and if there is a better and faster way to achieve it, I would take it.
Our problem is that we never threw out the old way of thinking that came with sin. We just keep carrying them around.
But I devised a new way to get rid of them: It will be you a very narrow gate and a crooked road, and as you go along your luggage will get worn out and you will throw it away. I will push you faster and faster, and soon you will lose your old ideas.
Honestly, have you had to keep re-examining your old ideals? To go God's way toward world restoration, you must be pushed out the narrow gate in order to be hardened and disciplined.
You will be tested and you can thank those who persecute you because you will find out how tough you are.
People come from all over the world with big bundles of ideas. Satan would excuse if we just leave them alone or cut them from the dispensation.
The best way is to leave your luggage behind on your own. We should make a pledge among ourselves to get rid of our baggage.
When you fundraise door-to-door, you can think of it like visiting another planet for the day. Some planets will give you the cold shoulder and some people may shout or accuse you. When you visit such a planet, you can think of that house as the winter season.
When you get a hot welcome, think of it as summertime house.
Through this type of work, you can rehearse everything in your life. You should be able to be a rounded character that can like all season, weather and atmosphere. This is your goal while you are here on earth.
By digesting with love everything happening here on earth, you become successful in your life.
Satan will naturally surrender in competition of love and has no defense when you practice intense love.
Love is your best offense and your best defense. You can make love wider and wider because it has no limit and can break all barriers. This is the original concept of God's creation.
For the first time in history, the concept of creation which is God's ideal is being followed.
Through the fall, man lost the knowledge of true love and love's order. Man has remained in the dark of self-centeredness. We must liberate mankind from its selfish lifestyle and behavior. Wherever you go, you should be the crossroads where love, life and ideal are concentrated.
With it, there is nothing you cannot win. Without it, there is nothing you can win. Therefore, you must always defend these three points. This is what God's strategy has been all of this time.
Is it right to refuse to go to a home because they are atheists and do not believe there is a God? You should embrace such a family and be sacrificial toward them.
God always sacrifices Abel for the sake of restoring Cain.
For this reason, you are pushed strongly.
As people of faith, you are in the position of Abel, so you must demonstrate sacrificial love to save those in the Cain world. The more you practice this greater love, the wider your horizon becomes.
I have lived this principle all my life. I always forgave the people who mistreated me, and sacrificially loved them. Eventually they were conquered by love, and my own horizons became wider. Do you think I am very tough, or vulnerable and easy to break? I will never break.
You, too should also have that kind of toughness that Father has that nothing can stop your life power. If you are not able to demonstrate that power of life, love and ideal, God will not be able to have a good rapport with you.
God is eternal and tough. When you resemble the Messiah, God will know He can trust you and deal with you.
When I issue a direction, how do you answer? Pushing you out and making you hard does not benefit me; it only brings criticism to me. I don't need your fund raising because I do not spend American money for my purpose. I can take care of myself. It is not for my own benefit that I push you.
If someone was trying to take your life power away from you, would you just give up in defeat? What if your former boyfriend or girlfriend wants you to come back to them, will you just say, "To heck with eternal life, I just want to have fun"?
Do not do things that cheapen your life.
You are not able to swap the extreme value of your life for even the whole universe. Your life is connected to God and is there for eternity.
Your life should be full of give and take with God. Would you give up this pure relationship over a girl nagging you?
Are you able to sell your life cheaply?
Even if millions of Americans were to come against you, you still cannot sell it. Even if the entire earth came after you, still you cannot sell it because it is more precious than the entire cosmos, equal to God.
Ungodly love brought about the fall of man below God's ideal and brought death and misery. Through restoration, we have found true life. Eternal life.
In order to restore the original love before it was lost through the fall, you should not hesitate to do anything that will bring you closer to the ideal. Therefore, it is your pride to be persecuted, condemned and spit upon for the sake of restoration of true love. Many saints, people of faith and conscientious people went this way of love for the world.
God created original love and now you are restoring it into wholeness. You are doing the things that are as important as God is doing. How great is this sacred work we are doing?
Until God and the world are united in rejoicing over God's one principle, I shall not relax one minute. No matter what, you must defend the central point where life, love and ideal all come into the center.
We are pursuing that kind of eternal life here in the church and that kind of God-centered love and ideal. The world is our stage. If we are not victorious on earth, we shall never prevail eternally. We have not been able to win the ultimate victory yet.
Instead of running many races, just think about being victorious all at once. Think how to condense everything into one race. You'd want to participate in that kind of game and that is why you become a champion for all seasons, in all areas.
I have a good brain and I am always thinking about what the one game is in which I can win everything. God wants to see His son win that kind of certificate.
Think of that one game where you can win the championship. That game is Home Church. That is the place where you can run with your life, love and ideal.
No matter what people will say about you will not make a difference. Go ahead and run in all directions with this principle.
If others sleep for five hours, you will sleep for four hours. If they sleep four, you sleep three. If they sleep for one hour, then you get no sleep at all. You must have strong life power.
Father lived by that high standard. Many people think that he is like superman with an iron body as he was was in his 80s giving 10-hour speeches, playing sports and talking with leaders from around the world all day and night.
He may not be Superman, but he has an iron spirit.
Our mind tends to be unfocused and jump all around, but his mind is like a rock that stays firmly in place, period. Once he set a goal and marched forward, there was nothing under the sun that could move him away from it. He is determined that no matter what hits him, he would not shatter.
I will not slow down at all. That is the kind of teacher and leader you have.
Whether you go to Africa, South America or Asia it does not make a difference where you are persecuted, how can you forget what you represent?
Wherever you go in the world, you stand on Principle. God gave you Home Church as the stage to practice the principle with the people there representing the world.
Therefore, season your life with life power, love power and ideal power in your home church.
If you want to get a Ph.D, you have to work day and night. Sometimes people may spend many years on their dissertation.
This work cannot be done in your own way, it must be accomplished based on the Principle, in God's way. You want to meet the three criteria of life, love and ideal.
When you think you have passed, then you will be given an exam to test how you did. Then God will examine it and add the final signature. Unless your certificate is signed and completed, it will not be accepted anywhere.
Go ahead and create the power of life, love and ideal so that your cup will completely overflow.
If you say this task is easy to do, then you are faking. Life, love and ideal are important to us.
I know that it is not easy because I have been suffering all my life. What I had to obtain was so important that there was nothing I could not endure. I have already graduated, and now the next seven years are your course. I have become the school principal and now I can put my signature upon your certificate.
From the bottom of your heart, do you believe that this is the most important thing to practice? Would you do this work of restoration if you were blinded, and your ears were cut off and you could not hear?
The Bible uses very severe language such as if your arm or leg hinders your work for God to cut it off because sin is detrimental. With sin there is no way out.
If you pledge that today is a new day to begin practicing the Principle raise your hands. Let us pray.
Return for Tomorrows Post: Even an Atom Has Aspirations
This post was rewritten from the speech Things That are Important to You
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