Whoever truly practices public mind love for the nation shall become the leader and master of that nation. The same Principle can be applied to the world.
Why should this Principle be practiced on earth when not many people adhere by it throughout the world? Why don't we just enjoy life and then practice such a true way of life once we enter into the spirit world much later?
This is a very clever idea!
This is the only classroom you have. Therefore, this Principle must be practiced here on earth.
You have to go through elementary school before you can enter high school, correct? No one can just skip any of the material.
When you enter college, you still use the same formulas you learned in your elementary and high school days.
No formula can change; all it can do is expand.
The spirit world is a higher realm that is completely Principle-oriented, public minded, and sacrificial.
If we do not practice this right way of life here on earth, then we cannot unite with the spirit world. This is what is deemed as hell, where there is no movement or growth, just suffering.
Even though the spirit world and physical world have been divided after the fall, they both operate on one principle. In order to enter the spirit world and practice that principle on a higher level or plane, you must first have practiced it here on earth.
You elementary work must be done on earth so you can continue in spirit world.
If you are unable to reach the level to feel the love of God on earth, you will not feel it once you reach spirit world. Thus the Bible states, "What is loosed on earth, is loosed in heaven."
You enter the level of spirit according how you lived on earth. No one is sent anywhere, but is his own judge based on the level of his own immature or mature spirit.
What kind of temple do you think God would want? We should each be the temple of God. God dwells within each of us. In true love, He would like to look, smell and hear through your eyes, nose and ears. Your five sense become God's instruments.
Through them, God can perceive His way.
When the mind is fully contented in the love of God, the whole body will thus be contented. When the mind has love, it becomes exuberant and ecstatic.
When there is love, therefore, there is freedom. Without love, everything is in slavery.
A person who takes drugs in America will think he has found freedom.
Actually, he cannot find freedom in drugs. This person creates his own hell because no love dwells in him. How does taking drugs bring about the purpose of the whole of world peace? Can one bring about unity through such behavior?
All creation was made for God's love. You become the temple of God when you live as a public person. Look through your eyes in God's way; have God's hearing; God's smelling, God's voice, and God's touch.
If the brothers were to look at a beautiful woman in God's way, how would he think?
Would he look at her lustfully, thinking how he could get her to bed? Does he think about how to make her happy? How can he make her better and whole?
A brother would want to convey something with a public-minded love of God so that she becomes in turn public minded who is another beautiful temple of God.
If you find there is no love of God within a person, then you want to give love to him.
How noble that is to give love to one who may have never experienced true love.
Naturally, when most women see a very handsome man, they wish that they could go on a date with him. The godly vision is different from this fallen way.
Once you place God inside of you, your world concept changes.
Even though you may not have wealth, it does not matter. As long as you practice love, you are the richest person under the sun.
You know that God dwells within you when you have a mind of Principle, a public mind, a sacrificial mind. That is the place where God rejoices. You must see that the moment you complain, become depressed, give up, God is leaving you.
You cannot afford to lose God. So, you try to improve in order that He will stay. As long as God stays within you and you think in God's way, there is no complaint. But once God leaves, you lose everything.
Many good-looking American brothers ask Father to match them with a Korean or Japanese fiancee. Why? Because Father, who is from Korea, represents the whole Oriental culture, and through him and his teachings, you have had a taste of heavenly love.
No one can take that love away from you.
An elderly Korean woman who has been a member ever since the beginning told father that she must see him three times a day or she would become crazy and could not live.
She said that her life was hell because she could not see him everyday. He never showed her any special treatment in the past and he always treated all the members the same way.
She said, "I feel shy to say this, but I love you, Father." Father did not show any grand miracles, but there is something within him that touches everyone's heart.
It is the love of God. It is like electricity, it is not visible, but you know that the current is flowing when you have been touched by it.
God is a super person, but He works exactly the same as you do.
If we are in the image of God, do you think God's mind works that way? Would He feel a certain attachment to an object or a person?
Since God uses our body as a dwelling place, would He have a certain attachment to us?
God lets us suffer as people of faith, but that is the fastest way to welcome Him within us. God enjoys the love that is public-minded and sacrificial. You are going to resemble God. When you go inside of God and He comes within your heart, you have total freedom.
You have no strange feeling at all when this occurs.
If God dwells in you, but you still have selfish, sinful thinking, then you feel as though you are choking.
This is God saying, "You're wrong. Change your mind."
Unless you live the public minded way, God wants to chop off the hand or limb that disobeys His principle.
There is no way that He can stay within you otherwise.
To keep God within you, and to make Him happy, you have to practice the three points explained in the previous post. You must be a principled person, you must be public-minded, and you must be sacrificial.
Within God, there is no national boundary.
That is why this love can extend even to your enemy. Then, true unity between mankind and God will be created. True unity between the spirit world and the physical world can be created. God is that catalyst.
Within your heart I have planted a small seed of God's mind. That seed must germinate and grow bigger and bigger, reaching out to your family, society, nation and your world. If you have a difficult task ahead of you, go after it.
By going this way, you are not asking for an easy way out or looking for a clever way.
While you are tackling this difficult mission, there is no room for complaint. When you are truly trying to practice everything within love, how can you complain about the difficulties you encounter?
You cannot complain against love.
God will be within you while you are searching after that love with a grateful heart to give glory and praise to God.
Since you want to be the dwelling place of God, you should be serving and praising Him all the time. If God is within you, you want to make Him happy, so you practice the Principle way and become public minded.
To truly have God live within you for eternity, you must be sacrificial.
When you practice this way of life, you cannot go wrong.
Automatically, when someone is nasty to you, you may want to fight back. But then you think that for the sake of God you must win him over. That is how you change your fallen mind toward the more public mind.
God loves love and wants to dwell in love.
The church is not the dwelling place of God.
He doesn't want to dwell in the church, but in me and you. The church is merely an organizing systematic way of teaching the Principle way. Don't think you are only a part of the Church; the Unification Church is for you. It is at your service.
The work you do for God's will is for you. The church is only an instrument to merely come to assist you to go to heaven. How thankful you should be. If the church is here to serve you, then how can you complain?
You must know clearly that the church, God and the Messiah are mobilized for your sake. Now you clearly know who God is and who you are. Did you forget? You are the dwelling place of God.
Then your eyes shall become whose eyes? Once your eyes becomes God's eyes and your ears are God's and so forth, God would feel they are working for Him. Then once you hear something, you know immediately if it is a satanic sound or a heavenly sound.
If a European was here for the workshop, he may want to go back to Britain where he thinks the job is easier. On the contrary, they must think that the job is not hard enough.
What place would be the hardest work for God's will?
Africa, or South America?
Even though a person and his family may not welcome the idea of moving to Africa, it does not matter. They will go anyway. Is this wrong?
Now you understand that suffering creates a larger shopping bag for you to hold the love of God.
That fragrance of that love is so wonderful that black, white, and yellow people will feel heaven in it. Through your God-centered suffering, that kind of container is created, and you want to give that package of love to the world.
If people reject you, you do not lose. That package of love is then passed down to your own children. You do not lose anything. One way or another, you are a winner.
Be thankful as you live this way of life. Digest everything so there is nothing stuck in your stomach.
Is there anything harder than a marriage of two people from enemy nations or other countries who do not speak the same language?
If you are able to unite these two extremes in marriage, you can digest anything.
When you can serve a strange husband or wife, you know that you are just sampling the difficulty that is ahead of us as we travel this pathway toward world peace.
When you serve in your home, you should be principled, public minded and sacrificial. That way of life will grow like a snowball rolling down the hill and will cover the world. That world will become the dwelling place of the infinite love of God. Amen.
Return for Tomorrow's Post: Life of Faith Toughest School
This post was rewritten and derived from the speech given by Rev. Sun Myung Moon Who is God and Who Am I?
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