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Friday, August 9, 2013

Does God Exist Part III

Every morning when I get up, I wash my face, looking in the mirror. Every morning I am totally intoxicated by my own face, not because it is anything special but because of Who designed this face. It must have been a genius! How could He put the eyes like that, the nose, the mouth, the ears? Is there any better way of making the combination? I cannot think of any improvement.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What if you were to place your eyes in the center where the nose is or place the nose on the forehead?  What if you bring the eyes where the mouth is and place the mouth a little bit higher?

When you think of your facial design, you see that there is no better placement that makes sense in regard to the rest of the elements.

The position of the eyes, the nose and the mouth all have Divine Principle meaning.

First, of all the eyes which are in the highest position represent God.  The nose represents Adam and Eve.  One nostril represents man and the other the woman which unites in the center.  The forehead represents God's ideal which extends down to the eyes and the nose.

The mouth is horizontal and represents all things and all creatures in the creation.

The bridge of the nose reaches to the highest point.  Thus our face is symbolic of the whole universe.  How can we say that this came about by accident?

Adam and Eve, as the first parents, are in the center standing at the highest position of Creation reaching up to God.  God has the deeper position where you have to look deeply into the eyes.

You will find God hiding behind deeper things. 

The mouth represents all the things of creation, so you have 32 teeth, the product of 4 times 8, significant numbers of creation.

Ears represent the four directions.  You have a body with two legs and two arms.  The foot has three joints and your fingers have three joints as well. The thumb has two, however the thumb represents God.

You have the four fingers that are closer together so when the fist is clenched, the thumb is hidden inside.  This is because God is hidden within the universe.

Altogether we have twenty-four joints in the two hands, with God hiding in the center.

In all the universe and all creation God's central masterpiece is man. 

This is how God feels about man; man is the most precious piece of His whole creation.

Upon careful, deeper observation, you can see the similarities between all the animals and man, because there was a certain basic process of which they were all a part.

When you look at creation's beginnings you see that God used the previous experiences in successive creations.  But when you look at man's internal nature, you will see that he is the only one who is totally different because he is a new creation from the rest.

God created a variety of nuclei that cannot come together without the universal force to bring everything together and bind them into oneness.

By now we know that God exists and we certainly need Him.

This is a fundamental awareness.

Once it is revealed, more theories and principles can be derived from it. This is the understanding we are bringing and sharing with the world in order to correct our fallen path that was created when we turned away from God.

This thought embraces all the phenomena of the universe and all historical phenomena to fulfill the ideal of unification through the way of restoration.

We create the basis for God's love through our witnessing of home church in our 360 homes in our area.

We must talk about the origin of the fall from the first parents, True Parents, their heart and God's heart.

You will not be able to understand the true content of Divine Principle until you witness to hundreds.
We must achieve individual perfection through experiences in the home church area before we can talk about perfection and restoration of the whole.

We must have individual restoration before world restoration can happen.

One you have many experiences witnessing this truth and serving your 360 home church area, you will come to understand this completely.

Home church is our altar and where you will meet God.

Now that you know God, you know you need God and where to meet Him.  Once you truly know God with your heart and serve Him you would not do anything to hurt Him.

What if everyone knew God in his own heart?

No one would be able to commit any crimes, and no one could hurt anybody.  Your own eyes would be the watchdog of God.

Just by having an evil thought within you, when you look in the mirror, your own eyes would judge you and force you to repent for your behavior.

Have you ever considered that every time you look in the mirror that the person in the mirror is God watching over you?

If you were to live for yourself or commit any crimes, how would you be able to command your leg to work for you?

How can you order your hand to feed your mouth if all you are doing is evil acts?  Your mouth would not have the right to open to receive the food.

If a criminal had spiritual sense, he would be able to see that the food protests going into his mouth screaming out, "No".  Food does not want to go into a thief's mouth, or go into the stomach because it would become his nourishment to do more evil.

On the other hand, food would want to nourish a good, God-centered person working for the sake of your fellow man.

All things of creation, food included wants to become a part of God.

When you are godly, food wants to be eaten by you and be inside you because then they can become a part of God and a higher call.  There are two types of human beings: one is the animal-type and the other is the noble, God centered human being.

You are making a determined effort to become the original, perfect being God wanted from the beginning of creation.  Do you do this only out of duty or do you take the initiative?

Through this process of linking to the eternal God is the center of eternal love, we are immortalizing ourselves.  Just like Jesus, we become immortal beings by uniting ourselves with the immortal center.

Perfection must come while we are engaged in life here on earth.

If the first parents had followed God's word instead of another, everyone would have reached perfection in their relationships within their lifetime on earth .

Then they would have entered heaven automatically after entering spirit world.

This was God's blueprint of creation.  Fortunately, we are living in the age where we have a golden opportunity to reach perfection in our lifetime through the work of restoration.

If you miss this opportunity, you will lose this position forever.

When you understand the seriousness of this situation, you see that nothing else matters.  You will want to invest all your energy during this lifetime to reach perfection of yourself and your relationship with God.

This is the most essential and all encompassing aspiration of life.

You must think that you can become the person which God takes absolute delight because you will perfect your love and become inseparable from Him.

You will be so joyful when you are in this position.

This work of restoration is not easy, but once we understand how precious a chance we have to return to our original state before the fall, we can have a grateful heart to do this work.

Even to become the President of the entire world is not as important as this position.  People of all history could not imagine that it was possible to be able to become perfected in our love.

Jesus was able to reach perfection and reach the true standard of God, but he left his mission incomplete because he was not able to have people to follow him completely in his lifetime.

He suffered the way of the cross as a second choice to bring only spiritual salvation to the earth. Thus, Jesus himself lost his own body leaving Satan to attack the physical self.  Even the most devout Christian bears children with sin.

This is why the Messiah brings the message to our time that will liberate humanity physically from the fall.

We should realize how poignant, gratifying the ideal of God is real.  He is searching after each of us to reach His standard.  He does not happily sit by and watch the world fall apart from His throne, but

He comes down and reaches out for us.  Just as much as we need God, God needs us.

We can enjoy many great relationships within our family lives, but a tragedy may take a spouse away.  We do not have to worry if he or she lived for the sake of God.

If you both pursued the one, central universal way of life, you will never be separated from your husband, wife or loved one.

The reason you are pushed out to do fundraising activities is because through those experiences, you can shorten your path to reach God.

When you work all day long, you don't want to just spend the money on yourself, but to continue on, you must find something to eat.  You may go to McDonald's and get a burger for a dollar and thank Heavenly Father for the renewed energy.

Even if you were dressed poorly, the food would be delighted to come into your body because you are a person of God.

When everything you do represents God's world, that hamburger will love you and want to be part of you.  The hamburger won't complain that you gobbled it up in one bite.

Compare yourself today to the person you were before doing your mission work for others.  Isn't there a world of difference? You have gone through a priceless transformation in your goals and your spiritual state.

You could never buy those experiences with money.  You may seem like your position is poor, but your position is precious when you see the overall effect.

You could never buy this with money. The position you are in is precious.

If you really know and love the nucleus, then you love everything about it.

We aspire and desire to meet God, to live with Him and have Him dwell with us joyfully.

Once you connect with the eternal love of God, you become inseparable beings for eternity.  When you are connected with God's love, your hand radiates spiritual light.

Thus, your whole body becomes like a light bulb when you are truly becoming the embodiment of God.

Every cell of yours is totally satisfied when the love of God surrounds you.

This is how the love of God is:  when you are dancing, you want to dance forever; when you are enjoying sleeping, you want to sleep forever.  You don't want to be separated from the source of joy.

While you are on earth, you must have this experience of ecstatic joy of love.  This is really perfection.

Then once you lose your physical body in that state, then you automatically are pulled up, as if by a big magnet, to God in heaven.  You become like a piece of metal flying directly into the magnet of God's bosom.

This is a eternal magnetic field of love of which you are a part.

For eternity, you cannot separate from this origin of love.  We must know that every single element of creation is headed this way.  Creation longs to become  part of this field of love.  They will come to you and want to stay with you.

This is considered the ideal world.

The ideal world is a reality and within our reach.

To reach this level, we should apply ourselves 24 hours a day to live in this way.  There is no way you can get tired, even death would not be able to stop you from obtaining this standard.

If death was to come, you will be liberated into absolute freedom and be able to move wherever you want once you fulfill your purpose in life.

We should prepare a package of love and go and meet God.

Home church is the launching pad we can call a "Love Apollo".  Through this large launching pad, you must create lots of love.  Through your acts in home church providence, you make a lot of journeys of love.

Living this way, you make your life dramatic, ultimately exciting.  Thus, persecution is not necessarily bad.

If you want to create this package and want to meet God in your area, then raise your hand.  Amen.  God Bless you.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: Family Members Should Not Live For Self

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech God and Us.

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