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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Can a Selfish Person Change?

You are smart. Others might say you are foolish for investing yourself in the home church providence. They wonder why you are working so hard to witness to others. Maybe someone would prefer you to do only a little so the central figure won't be able to compare you. If you do very well, the central figure will come after someone else and chew him out for doing so poorly!

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Do you welcome a person with great accomplishments?  Do you see yourself moving forward by taking the tough route?

Maybe you would prefer standing still.  Maybe you need to be forced to move forward.

Should we vote on it democratically in the resolution?

A true, real central figure of the universe is exerting mental and spiritual force to move everybody forward. 

There is no way you can drop out.

You must continue to move forward and reach the goal.  You are already inspired, right?

We all enjoy the most beautiful sunny days, don't we?  What if you went to witness your home church area only on sunny days taking time off when it was stormy or cloudy weather.

What would your area think of you?  They will accuse you and tell you that they waited all day for you to show up.  Why do you only come when the weather is nice?

What if you showed up on only rainy days?

What would God think?

If it was raining, if there was a hurricane, God would be concerned for the people suffering in home church and want to go and help them.  This is how a saint thinks.

You may not be trying to reach sainthood, but you should be able to become a good person.  This is the way of a great person.

Whose way would you rather follow: the path of a normal person, a great person, or a saint?

Am I walking a normal or abnormal way? Mother tries to bring me closer to a normal way of life. "Father, you aren't a young man anymore," she says. "Please don't act like a 20 year old!" Mother also has another good piece of advice: "You shouldn't give sermons longer than two hours. It's bad for your heart!" When I go beyond two hours, Mother always gives some warning signal. Indeed, I am surely living an abnormal way!

Normally, we expect to eat three meals a day.  We do not have this concept when we are working hard pushing forward for the restoration of the world.

Is there a law that states we have to eat three meals a day?  One meal a day is sufficient.  Even no meal is okay.

Sometime the Reverend gives his speech all day long and at the dinner table he says that this is his breakfast. That is the kind of schedule he kept.

He is always hungry when he eats and enjoy every meal, no matter the content.  This is how he stays healthy.

Food wants to be eaten by someone who is living for others.  

What does one benefit from living like this?

This abnormal way of life is far better than the normal way of life.  We are doing this not for selfish reasons, but for the sake of the generations to come.  Those who follow you will also be able to benefit from your abnormal way of life.

Also, history will never be able to forget those who live that way today.  Posterity shall always honor and revere them.

In our world, there are two basic groups:  Those who act altruistically for the sake of others, and those who act primarily for just their bodily pleasure.

The latter group doesn't want to have anything to do with thinking deeply, because that would inquire one forgetting oneself for once.  Once a person's thinking is self-centered, he will act accordingly.

We constantly speak about those who live sacrificially for something greater than themselves, and those who want to live for only themselves.

People who are unselfish revere patriots, saints and religious role models.  They try to apply this to their contemporary way of life.

On the other hand, the other type of person would not care how the saints felt, what religion teaches or what philosophers write.  They do not want to hear that kind of speak.

All their cares are for the carnal way of life, or more closely resembling the animal life.  They only live for physical gain and seek only their own satisfaction not caring about other viewpoints outside themselves.

Which type are you?  Are you selfish or unselfish?

The main problem is we know the correct way is the altruistic,  righteous way, but we know we can't always follow that way.  As fallen people with sin, we are already wired to automatically think of ourselves first and follow our physical desires no matter how harmful the effects.

We know that there are many people who have a 'I don't care' attitude in the world.

Students say that nobody is going to tell them what to do.  They know that having a good time is fun and do not want to be bothered by no one else.

What about you.  Which type of person are you?  What would your original godly mind tell you?

Because we descended from the first parents that did not follow God's words, we inherited a selfish mind.  The human species was not originally born into sin.  They passed on the self-centered attitude to all their offspring leading to our generation.

When something is not right in society, we see many protests and revolutions that have brought about change throughout history. How is it possible to revolutionize the selfish, external way of thinking?

Is it even possible for such people to be able to change their direction?

Is it right or selfish to even try to prohibit such a direction?

We see that there are all kinds of perverted activities around the world.  People are able to indulge in these fallen acts without any remorse or guilt.

In one family, the father may sleep with his daughter, or the grandfather sleep with the granddaughter.  Some people's reason is that the animal world lives that way, why should they be tied down by such rules?

They will say that they, too, are a part of nature and this is only normal behavior.  They are only acting out human nature's desires.

The sacrificial way of life is weird and abnormal from the perspective of the world.  

Some of you have been engaged for two years, yet you rarely talk to each other or write very many letters as you walk this path of restoration.

Isn't this kind of discipline going against nature?

Why should we do this?

There is not a teacher who is giving a clear direction of what is wrong with the free, and fun way of doing things.  Thus, there is such great confusion right now in the United States of what is right.  Particularly among the young people, who are not being raised with a definite clear direction.

Do you think first and then act, or do you just do something and then think about it later?

Only those living this full path for God's will would answer they think before acting from that godly point of view.  Do you wish to go back to the other way?

People take the easy route by just acting on their physical urges.  They get carried away by their emotions just so they can have fun and then they think about the consequences later.

But a confrontation is occurring between the new age and the old. 

There are two schools of thought clashing: the carnal way of life, versus the thinking way of  life; the selfish way of life versus the unselfish way of life.

In order for you to go in the right direction, you need to have a clear basic standard of what is right or wrong, good and evil.

If there are six self-centered people who make up a family, then there are six different way of life within that family.  Can such a family maintain unity easily?

What if the daughter was to demand that the parents were to follow her way because she thought it was the most fun or cool way so it was the best?

Then the son would say that his parents are old-fashioned and do not understand how hard it is to be a kid in this day and age, so he wants a new, fun-filled way of life.  He would demand that his way was best and that his parents should listen to his direction.

If we were to see into such a home, we would see daily arguments and fights.  Sadly, after each battle, the family's morale would drop until a disaster resulted.

Has anyone become a great person through fighting?

Fighting causes division and weakness.

Democracy is based on the consensus of the majority.

Therefore, their unity on a decision is meant to be a safeguard for the whole nation.  In a democracy, each individual does not just proclaim his own way of life.  The people should reach a consensus of what is the best to benefit everybody.

When we speak of benefiting everybody, would our direction be moving up or down?

We would be moving upward.  As individuals move upward in consensus, they will eventually reach the level of society.

Then as society moves upward, it will reach the level of nation.  Then the level of nation reaches the world.  This is how it works.

If America was to head in the right direction, then the whole world would follow that direction, thus bringing about the new world.

Unfortunately, this formula has been seen to work in the wrong direction.  As America abandons God for their selfish way of life, we see the world being led in the wrong direction.

If there is something beyond the world, we want to transcend the world to reach it.

Nobody can deny the truth of that theory.

In your heart, you have an appreciation for what is popular, don't you?  You also want society and the nation to recognize you.  You want to become a world champion in something.

Isn't it human nature to want to go higher and God to recognize you and the spirit world on an eternal basis?

Would Westerners think that way?

Then we are all the same people aren't we?

We have the same course, the same original mind that desires good and of course the same origin. This is why there is a potential for world peace.

There must be a unified way to raise everybody up where it will benefit them.

If we plan to survive and move forward, we have to come up with a course, not just for the present, but the principle should apply in the past as well as the future.

There should be one principle that will enable everyone to unite and move forward.  It would have to be something a Korean would want, America and all of mankind would desire.

Do you think only people desire world peace, or is this something God would want, too?

We should all move upward together.

Are you able to solve the problem by yourself, or is this a joint effort?  Would we be able to do this by following the selfish way or unselfish way living for others?

Only by following an unselfish way can people be united.

The selfish person says, "I want to benefit from you.  Work and sacrifice yourself for me."

No one would respond to such a person's request.

To reach the goal, the basic principle is to live for the sake of goodness.  The credo of history is to live sacrificially.

Return for Tomorrow's Post: The Public Way and Private Way

This post was rewritten and derived from the speech Everyone is Headed Somewhere

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