Children who leave the house in the morning, school is their goal. Even though many students go to the same school, they can be learning entirely different subjects.
Modern science is divided into many fields with each scholar focusing on something different. Before there was modern technology that is highly developed, people basically worked in factories for a living and were involved in the whole manufacturing process.
Today's factories, workers may feel they are a small part of the whole and do not know what the rest of the factory is involved in and many feel that they play a significant role.
Those who go for their doctorate are often focused on a very narrow, specialized area.
Once they are able to accomplish their goal in that certain field and have considerable knowledge about it, they can be awarded with a degree.
They can be compared to residents of the large cities such as New York, who go to the countryside for the week and search the streams for a certain pebble or insect. For that person, he thinks it is important to study such things, but the realm of the big city cannot fit inside a tiny bug.
Somehow, such research should connect to the realities of New York.
People are blinded by their focused outlook, that they lose sight of the whole. They lack the perspective of the world, nation, society, or even the family.
As people go about their daily lives, they do not want to think about ideology, or how to better themselves or the world.
This is why the traditional value systems are crumbling.
Americans and people of the free world are suffering, simply because they do not see the bigger picture of what is taking place in the universe.
Thus, they lack any vision and do not know what to expect for the future.
Once one obtains their Ph.D, which direction should he move: toward the universe, or down?
If he goes down, he declines.
The further you descend, the less you will be able to see on a larger scale until everything turns pitch black. Then you become more and more confused.
When you are living in this way, your path is blocked and you see only people's misery and suffering. This is the direction many intellectual people are headed.
Many learned people may brag about their accomplishments, but they really have closed minds.
Thus, universities and institutions are headed in that direction because of the people who are leading and running them.
Once a people live in an animalistic way only wanting to have fun and stimulate their body, they do not see the reason for ideology or even morality. They wonder why follow a disciplined life?
People live for such lowly goals.
Reality shows have taken number one positions in the television arena with young people wishing to become like the people on the shows. They perpetrate animalistic lifestyles as rewarding, glamorous and the best way of life.
Where are the shows that show the side effects of living such an selfish, external life without any morals and thinking about others?
Without any foundation, individuals can't relate to something greater than themselves, some higher cause.
People don't even want to think about a higher purpose in life.
Majority of citizens only see themselves as individuals not seeing them as part of the whole. They do understand that the world is full of wrongs, but they just want to have fun anyway forgetting all the problems.
They do not worry about the direction or history because they think that somebody else is running it.
Such people are not worried about their community and they do not have strong patriotic feelings toward their nation. This is the situation America has found itself.
Majority of people do not have any real goals and they do not make an effort to go beyond their situations. They could at least pursue the well-being of their country as one goal. Even if they cared about their home town, they would have a place to return in the future.
When people look at the past, they conclude that God cannot exist because they cannot find any trace of Him. Then because of this belief, they do not see the need in religion.
In any school, the student who is a little better than the rest of the students will be the winner.
People see someone who has a Ph.D and they want to follow him, but someone who has a doctorate's degree that keeps hitting stonewalls in life will only cause the people that follow him disaster.
We all must go somewhere, but where?
God created the human mind where there is a corner of the brain which simply cannot accept a totally animalistic way of life. Even portions of the body will rebel such a lifestyle saying that life should not be like that.
We can hear this voice whispering from within. People's carnal desires tries to push them in a certain direction, but then another part will place on the brakes saying, "No, that is not right".
What if someone was to eat at a different Chines restaurant for every meal for one week? Afterward, he wouldn't even want to look at Chinese food that he once coveted just a short time ago when he was very hungry.
We are living int he age where free sex is rampant.
People meet and have relations without even getting to know each others first or last names. These kinds of people are able to satisfy their bodily desires, but then what? Can they live happily ever after or even affect the world with such behavior?
What if there was a man who was having sex with several women a week? He along with several others would believe that he was living a satisfactory lifestyle envied by others.
But once he is alone back at home, he truly know that he feel empty inside.
Then he may reminisce about the time that he dated a simple, country girl who was only mildly pretty. She may have not worn make-up, but she had a pure heart.
He will remember the days when he was in love with her and he now realizes that those times were better times than he is enjoying now.
Even though externally it looks as though he has everything he needs to enjoy life, it does not satisfy him. He feels empty once he looks back upon how he was living a pure life and had pure love for someone.
Some people may quarrel once with their spouse and accuse them saying that they do not care about them and leave.
On the other hand a true husband and a true wife will disagree at times, but their relationship has a cohesiveness which nothing can destroy.
Even though they may fight, they do not want to break up. Which of the above examples do you want for a spouse? Of course you wouldn't want the first kind, but why?
Anybody with a conscience will say no to this.
Everyone comes to this same conclusion. How can one talk about the ideal way of life when they are living in such volatile situations constantly? Where can you find true love in that situation?
Can we find any righteousness in a society that is filled with selfish individuals?
People will feel that this world is evil, bleak, dark and sinful and they would not want to have anything to do with it.
To follow the path of the world brings only calamity and disaster.
Would anyone disagree that living a life only for oneself leads to destruction?
Since that is the path to ruin and death, what way should we go?
We do not see the solution anywhere in America, Europe or in the great Western world. In fact, all of the Western society is walking that path toward disaster.
We can conclude that God exists.
God must be hastening the decline of the Western world by letting it crumble in order for it to rebirth into a new world. It is the same as killing a germ that is trying to infect the rest of the world.
Wouldn't this be the logical conclusion?
If God exists, would He just sit back and watch as the rest of the world crumbles or would He take action?
God would want to exterminate the evil germs quickly, like a diseased person, in order to keep the healthy parts of the world from becoming infected.
Those whose thinking is parallel to God's thinking would be also concerned about reversing the trend in which the Western civilization is headed and turn it toward a new and good direction.
Some Western people have decided that they rather live somewhere else and end up denying their home country. Americans were once revered by other nations, but now when they visit other countries, they are rejected. This is the reality today.
America's greatest need today is finding hope in the midst of despair.
Because God exists, He must have placed a beacon of hope somewhere. He has made a way to stem the tide.
Anyone who wants to have a part in accomplishing this change is taking up the most critical challenge in America.
When you really think about it, has there ever been a religion or a philosophy that has been able to save America? So, far we have witnessed none that have been able to completely eradicate this nations's problem.
There has not been any political, religious or social ideology to liquidate the problems of its citizens. In fact, when we compare the situation of America to just 30 years ago, we see that the country is in an emergency situation. Even the religious powers in this day are being eradicated.
People may even judge that God is not concerned with the problems of this society.
Do you think it is possible to find a solution?
Of course man has tried all throughout history to find pragmatic compromises to attempt to justify people's fallen way of life. Many people today claim that God is dead.
So, where can the solution be found?
Through the almighty God.
God is of love, so He must somehow devise a solution for this nation. Therefore, something new and great should come about so the change can come to the United States spreading throughout the world.
The Communists have claimed that God does not exists; He is just made up to comfort the poor.
The Marxist ideology, based on material, has been on the offensive in the world and many Westerners have been heavily influenced by those ideals.
If you follow the communistic way of life, you will decline. Even if you follow the Western way of life which looks glamorous, you will decline. When we look at this situation, there seems to be no hope.
Communist denies God and on the other side, the free world recognizes God, but have abandoned Him.
Everybody is headed some place, but where?
We can make an analogy of the situation humanity faces right now.
Imagine a boat full of blind people. Now, they are approaching Niagara Falls.
Everyone knows that they are going somewhere, but they are not aware of the imminent danger ahead where they will plunge thousands of feet to their death.
How will we stop this movement toward destruction?
This is not just one person's theory. This is a very real problem.
Would we be able to escape this disaster by making a magical leap? Do we have enough energy to do that?
Why are we even here?
First, we proclaim that God exists and that He is here and not dead.
Next, we have a steadfast philosophy of hope, not despair. Our philosophy is based on the living God, not on fixing things quickly.
Furthermore, we have a genuine solution to the world's problem which no one else has been able to solve. This solution is capable of bringing all the people of the world into unity.
Communism is the archenemy of God and religion; thus communists also hate the Messiah.
To follow this true way of life, we were pulled out of the secular way of living in order to become a new breed of people who can go out to the world and bring new life everywhere.
Many from both camps have tried to destroy this work, but what if everyone trying to better America disappeared? Would America automatically improve?
Right now, as we go on our missions in other countries, Africans may say for us to go home. But if we were to make a change in the nation, we can quickly influence the world and turn it in the right direction.
If people of America were to demonstrate a true way of life, the rest of the world, especially the less-developed nations will follow. This is why God placed His focus on such a nation as America built on religious freedom. Our purpose is for world salvation.
The Western way is now based on selfishness, not caring about others.
Many people want to take advantage of other poorer nations, but we are working to transform the American way into an unselfish and sacrificial way of life.
The only way the United States will truly survive and prosper will be to have its white people and youth give out their sweat blood and tears for the sake of other nations, creating a true revolution which no one can stop.
Do you think that Harvard University professors or deans are up to the task?
Only one person proclaims that Americans should do this work of restoring the world and make it a reality. Yet, he has been opposed by the U.S. and the entire world.
Once people see him living in this way and continuing to move forward as an immovable rock, they are repentful at how they have criticize him in their heart and misunderstood his direction.
You think, "Of course, Father is trying to do some good, but he is doing it in his Oriental way. He is just forcing the Korean direction on us." But let's think together this morning. Does America need my direction and the solutions I offer? How much does America need a solution?
If your parents oppose you and if the government or the entire nation came against you, would you still be convinced that this is the right way of life? But what would you do if nobody helped you? If you were all alone, would you give up? We must not give up. Our devotion will continue as long as we have breath.
How can you say after only doing this work with less enthusiasm that you are tired of witnessing and walking this path?
Father came to this land from another country. America is not even his native land, but he came as a fireman to put out the immoral flames waiting to consume her. So, if anybody gets tired, or needs to retreat it should be the one who does the most.
March forward without faltering. We should be able to say, "Let's go farther" or "Let's take a rest".
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Return for Tomorrow's Post: Are You Moving Forward or Backward?
Everyone is Headed Somewhere
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